Chapter 17: Agape and Trouble
A week later, Dream's POV
"Agh! Owww....."
I weakly lift my head after being thrown into a cell, seeing a barrier get lifted again.
"We'll be back when we get past that firewall in your code."
"Fun testing your limits again! Every test gets us closer to seeing what makes you tick! Soon we will get the rocky part of it and it will be perfect!"
"You can enjoy being with the scraps!"
The three fools walk away and I drop my head, exhausted from the experiments run on me.
"If you let me take over, I can protect you."
Ugh, and then there's this result from the experiments.
"I...don't know...what you are..."
"I was born from your scars, Dream. All those marks from your sacrifices and love for others...for your brother and those strangers...You gave so much as part of your role and your beliefs...Gave so much love and care for others...Now, I am embedded in those symbols of your selflessness....those are the things that give me life, and it is your turn to be protected. Let me protect you from these ingrates."
I turn my head, seeing a broken and wounded version of Error. I frown, seeing him every day that I've been stuck here. He claims that he's the real version that knew Shattered, and the one that attacked me is a fraud placed there by Fate. He also gets experimented and torn apart, but he has been here longer than me and tries to take care of me.
"WhAt diD tHeY d0 t0 y0u n0w? WhAt aRe tHeY aFtEr?"He asks, pushing himself over to me.
He can't walk since he is missing a lower leg, so he tries to move however he can. He carefully moves my head into my lap, checking my wounds.
"Some want to get into my memories through code to see how I got close to my Erry...What they could copy or learn to see how I got him instead of them...Others want me to suffer for being near their destroyer, as they say...Some want to get into my soul's code to see what turned me into stone so they could weaponize it...They're failing so far..."
"ThAt go0p iS spr3ad1nG oVeR y0ur b0dy...Is tHaT pAiNfUl?"
"No...But it resulted from the tests, and it wants control now that it is embedded in protect me...It does knock other test tools away so it isn't lying...Did you ever see your Dream transform like this?"I ask
"NeVeR g0t tHe cHaNcE t0. I hEaRd tHe ruMoRs aNd c0ulD sEnSe a cHaNgE bUt i g0t tAkEn aWaY aNd repLaC3d bEfOrE i cOuLd s3e h1m..."
"Were you disgusted by the news?"
"HeLl nO! I wAs hApPy fOr HiM! NoW hE cOuLd bE fReE, hApPy, oR jUst bE hImsElF iNsTeAd oF a fIguReHeAd uNdEr fAtE'S cOntRoL! He cOuLd fEeL hOw hE wAnTs eVeN iF iT bOtHeReEd oThErs! I hAd No pRoBlEm wItH iT! It wAs s0 eMpoWerInG aNd i aDmiReD iT. He'S hElLa aTtRaCtiVe wHeN hE iS mAd...AnD It GaVe mE hOpE. MaYbE iT wAs pOsSibL3 t0 brEaK fReE fRoM fAt3...Be fRe3 wiTh hIm...BuT tHeN fAtE gOt mE aNd rEpLaCEd mE t0o fAsT tO bE nOtIcEd...FaTe uSeD mE fOr sCrApS t0 fiX oThEr vErSiOnS oF mE uNtiL FaTe wAs goNe aNd tHeSe foOlS gOt mE iNsTeAd...He g0eS bY shAtTeReD nOw, r1gHt?"
I nod, smiling a bit.
"Why is it that there's a pattern of my anger being attractive? Well, Dreams' anger, I should say. My Error also likes that...He does go by Shattered, and he was really hurt by what the replacement did...He didn't even realize Fate's trick, and your brother didn't either from what he said...or that's just what he knew...I can see Blip trying to handle the fraud issue in private and trying to find you...Shattered cut ties with who he thought was you and burned a reminder into his skull to remind that person of the betrayal...I think the events in my timeline caused Fate to be unable to continue hurting you...Fate was removed from being in control, but I'm sorry for what you suffered..."I say
"I hOpE tHaT i cAn fIx tHiS bOnD wiTh hIm iF wE gEt oUt oF hErE."
"We will, Error, trust me. There will be a way. It's already shaping soon."
"YoU tHiNk eScApE iS pOsSiBlE?"
"It has to be. I am not staying here forever and you certainly aren't either. I am not letting them use me..."I say
"So I'll get to take control to protect you?"
I nod.
"I just need more energy. Soon..."
He nods, and I shut my eyes, falling into a dream occupied only by the embodiment of the corruption that's become part of me. It looks black and goopy but has more of a peachy tint like an orange-ish and near-pink color.
"Good to see you again! So I get control and get us out of here tomorrow?"
"Yes, but you're working with me, not controlling me."
"Of course! We want the same things, and now I'll be your first defense, especially since your powers are lost! We can get through this together! Let's face it: they will be looking for you once we escape, but nobody will be looking for me. You could be safer if I take control and hide you until we're safe. Trust me, I can help and refer to you for the right decisions."
"And what should I call you?"I ask, feeling reassured yet concerned a bit by the eager determination.
"Hmmm...I was made from your selfless acts and will be a more aggressive form of, Ag...for aggressive...p for positive...Agape...Agape sounds good. Yeah, call me Agape!"
We discussed the exact plan until I woke up the next morning, still in Error's lap. I sit up, hearing the barrier drop. That's when Agape spread down my body, forming goop as a protective layer. Then, a tentacle pushes the creeps entering away from me. I grab Error and quickly charge ahead, forcing our way out until we're outside a building that we were kept in...dangerously close to a cliff. Voices shout behind us so the cliff became our only route. Before I knew it, we were leaping off the edge and dive deep under, finding any area to hide. The tentacle guides me to a hidden cavern that shallows out to give breathing room out of the water. I pull Error with me, quickly hiding behind some rocks.
It falls dead quiet. Then I hear a device buzz as it rises from the water, scanning the space. I stay completely still and so does Error, hoping the rocks hide us well enough. I hear the scan complete itself and say no life detected.
I sigh with relief but wait until it leaves and some more time before getting up to see if it's gone. I glance around, seeing different tunnels. I don't see any threats and glance at Error.
"Sorry for the sudden rush. I saw that chance and took it..."
"We'rE fReE n0w?"
"Yes, now we have to get as far away as possible. You okay getting moved?"
He nods, and I help him up as we move through the tunnels. I am careful not to trigger his phobia, and the goop covering my body hides the wounds and keeps them from hindering my efforts to move quickly. Slowly, Agape extends his form until I can only see out a single eye and that's the only part I can control. It felt like my body was moving on its own when he took over, simply watching us get away from the hell we were kept in and exiting the tunnel somewhere far from the cliff we leaped from. We reached a village and quickly got a room at an inn for the time being. Then Error was set down as we both collapsed onto the beds in the room, feeling relief and safe for now.
"SoRrY iF i aM sl0wiNg y0u d0wn bUt i cAn't rUn wItH oNe f0oT. YoU cAn cUt ti3s wItH mE iF i'M t0o muCh oF a bUrDeN. I d0n't wAnT y0u gEtTiNg cAuGhT bEcAuSe oF mE."
"No, you're staying with us, er, me. Gotta get used to saying that to lower suspicions...I'm Agape and I'll be the cover for Dream. We are sticking together and you are not going to be left exposed or taken back to be used as scraps."
He seems a bit relieved hearing that.
"Besides, we can have a creative solution."
I watch as one of the tentacles extends from my back to rest beside Error's remaining foot. It shifts and transforms to mirror his foot's shape as well as his lower leg, matching each detail for the bones. Then, a second tentacle cuts it off, and with a few minutes of smoothing it out, the goop solidified almost as strongly as bones and it was attached to his knee. After a few minutes, I saw it adjust to his body, connecting to him properly, and he gained control of it, able to bend his toes or kick his leg up. He smiles, seeming happy to have more ability back as glitches travel down his leg as if to mark it as part of his body.
"I sUgGeSt wE k3ep a l0w pr0filE aNd tRy t0 rEgrouP h3r3. y0u sh0ulD rEsT f0r n0w wHiLe i r3leArN h0w t0 wAlK."
Agape nods, gladly taking the chance to relax as the tentacles regenerate and I can feel the form of the goop change, making more comfortable clothes take shape like long, loose pants and a sweater. We definitely have to plan but there are too many unknowns right now. And there are definitely searches being done so the best option is to stay here until it settles down.
Before we knew it, weeks had passed and we were in an apartment instead, keeping a low profile working while Error stayed at the apartment regaining his strength. His appearance was too recognizable while Agape easily could change our form with clothes to hide our identity or be less suspicious, hiding the tentacles we have. Error sewed clothes and managed the apartment while we handled outside stuff like shopping, getting info, or work. We tried to appear unthreatening unless Agape sensed trouble, which a hiss usually scared off. Agape had more control in this form but would run things by me often. Each night, we'd talk and discuss the next steps or possibilities. There were a lot of concerns to consider as time went on.
Were the searches over, or have they only grown? Is the Error that attacked me aware of our escape? What happens then? Is he searching for us and going to eliminate us? Did they end up getting anything from my code? Will we be able to regain our powers and the positions connected to them? Will we be able to remove any replacements for us? Error definitely deserves his life back, and Shattered deserves to know that he wasn't really betrayed by choice. Have I been replaced? Does anyone know that I'm missing, or have I been replaced, and is that fraud tearing my life apart? Ruining the truce, hurting my brothers, or hurting Erry? I'd hate for him to feel the same betrayal Shattered experienced...especially after a year together with a promise of more...Do we have any chance of reclaiming our lives or will we be stuck making simple lives here and constantly looking over our shoulders? We have no way of contacting anyone or crossing AUs. Where do we go from here?
A lot to consider and talk about, then wake up and discuss with Error. As days passed, we adjusted and grew closer. Sometimes, Agape would shrink down the amount of goop on my body to give me control again, but that was usually only in the apartment. Anywhere outside, he took over, eventually covering both eyes, but I still can sense vaguely what's happening. I can hear what's happening. I can feel what's happening but cannot see or control what's around me.
Then, one day, on a trip to get food, Agape forms a tentacle, which he only does when he senses a possible threat. He has our size shrink quite a bit as well, almost defensively trying to seem smaller and unthreatening. Then he kept us moving, mumbling about the next items on the list. Error needs more food besides chocolate that will help him recover. Then I hear a voice that I quickly recognized.
"Wait a minute...I recognize that eye...You little pest!"
I feel a tentacle yank my arm yet can't see anything. Agape rips us away and I can sense overwhelming amount of negativity in front of us. Nightmare...
"I do not know how you know of me. I know of you, Corruption, but we've never met. I have nothing of value for you and I pose no threat to you. I'm smaller than you and not a threat....Unless you're upset that I took the last batch of dino nuggets on the shelf."
"What? No! Listen here you little pest, I tracked a strong aura here, and I know what you are hiding! I demand my brother back now! Give Dream back now!"
"There is no Dream here. Only Agape. And Agape is no threat to you. Please lower the tentacle from my head. It's unsettling."Agape says, curling a tentacle around us defensively.
"Bullshit! Give Dream back or I'll find a way to get him back by force!"
"I wish you good luck with that Corruption. That will get you nowhere since Dream is not here for you to use or take. And as far as I've heard, nobody has found ways to turn you into Nightmare just because they think that's you. Can you leave me be and search elsewhere? You're making a scene and threatening the wrong person."
"Why do you have both eyes? Did you take that much control over Dream? Did you hurt him that much after you cut our connection?"
"My eyes have always been like this. I don't know what connection you are talking about. I have never hurt Dream, and he is safe. Hurting him goes against my desires and life. Again, I've never met you. I can't cut you off if I've never seen you. I only cut off possible threats so if you were cut off and you're certain that I shut you out, then you're just admitting that you're a threat. I am not a threat. You are a threat to me, Corruption. So I'd like to leave peacefully and finish the list."
"Agape...I think that's my brother..."I say, only heard in his head
He takes a few steps away, shaking his head.
"Him or a replacement?"He says quietly
I frowned, knowing that was a possibility that we had to consider. What if he got taken next, and this is just a replacement wanting to get me? Like the version of Error that attacked me? We had to consider that. He's keeping us safe. Keeping me safe.
"Don't you dare walk away from me!"
I sense something rapidly charging to us from behind but then Agape snaps a tentacle to it. I can hear choking sounds yet can't tell who it is. It just isn't me being choked.
"I said that I'm not a threat to you Corruption. That doesn't mean I won't defend myself. Now will you be a threat I have to remove?"
It felt like my soul stopped beating. I left a voicemail for him...left my necklace behind...The replacement wouldn't call me his brother or even plea while being choked...It would fight and hiss....Nightmare...
"Agape let him go! That's my brother! Please!"
"Even now you are so selfless...putting him first...Corruption...Fine..."
I hear Nightmare take a gasp for air, sounding freed as he hits the ground. But Agape doesn't take us to him. Instead, I can hear and feel us fleeing from Nightmare. We quickly get to a check-out, buying what we have. But we didn't get far because once stepping outside, a hand grabs us.
"WhAt's tHe RuSH? WhErE yOu RuNnInG t0 oR wHaT aRe yOu rUnNiNg fRoM?"
"Let me go! I'm not going anywhere with you! I have groceries to bring home! I'm not a threat to anyone, and I don't want any trouble!"
"I'Ll wAlK y0u h0m3 tHeN."
"I can walk myself, thanks."
"YoU sEeM sCaReD aNd vErY sTrEsSeD. LeT mE rEliEvE sOmE oF iT."
"What are you putting on me?"
"A wEiGhTeD bLaNkEt. It sHoUlD hElP yOu cAlM dOwn f0r noW."
I can sense the fear that washed over Agape, knowing exactly why. Sometimes we would get blankets wrapped around us between tests to give a false sense of comfort right before a really bad group of tests were done...We were only given comfort before they had worse ideas to harm us so this is really setting off red flags.
"For now? What happens later? I don't want to go anywhere with you! I don't want more! This is enough!"
"WhAt hApPeNs iS wHaTevEr yOu wAnT tO hApPeN. HeRe, lEt mE aDjuSt iT. I hAvE pLeNty mOrE tHaT i CaN gIvE yOu."
I feel two wrists gripped tightly by mine, the groceries hitting the floor.
"What is that supposed to mean? Stop! Don't get any closer! Stop giving me that weird look!"
"I d0n'T m3aN aNy haRm. WhAt iS y0ur nAMe?"
"Agape and I highly doubt that!"
"Ah, s0 tHaT's tHe n3w nAmE. A n1c3 nAmE..."
"Dream, I am scared! I don't know what he wants, and he isn't listening to anything! I don't know what trick he is trying! I have no chance of fighting off a destroyer! He'll overpower us!"Agape says in our head.
"What does he look like? Any interesting details that stand out?"
"He has an earring on and has a weird look on his face! It...It's gentle and I don't trust it!"
An earring...?
"YoU d0n't hAvE t0 b3 scArEd. I g0t y0u."
"What do you want with me?"
"I wAnT y0u sAfE."
"Agape, let me see him."I say
The goop uncovers an eye, shrinking away so that I can see. I glance around as my vision adjusts, and then I see Error in front of us...His wrists are held still in my hands, and the earring shining as it hangs from his skull. He's smiling, and that look in his gentle, caring, and full of genuine love...It made me realize quickly that my Erry is here. He's here and trying to help me...caring for me even if I change...He's actually okay...All those facts hit me hard. I can feel some of the goop shrinking away and revealing my mouth and neck. Agape can feel what I'm feeling and is giving me more control.
He seems too preoccupied muttering to himself some plans, his face burning brighter the more he does.
"NoW hE hAs tHe bLaNkEt On...He iS sAfE...soOn I cAn g3t hIm soMeWhErE sAfE...feEd hIm hiS fAvoRItEs...h0t coc0...suRrOuNd hIm iN piLloWs...MaKe hIm f3eL sAfEr tHAn eVeR...I wiLl chEcK hIm aNd hIs cOde...bAndaGe aNyThIng...wHaT eLsE cAn i mAkE f0r h1m...? h3 iS sO..."
His eyes meet mine, and he smiles wider.
"ThErE y0u aRe drEaMy..."
"Y-You're okay...?"
He nods.
"I sHoUlD bE aSkiNg y0u tHaT..."
"They were trying to weaponize my code...specifically the part that turns me to stone...if they succeeded, then they can turn others to stone...And I wasn't sure if I got replaced, and that replacement hurt you...Or if you were hurt and replaced...A lot of concerns in my head...I...I..."
I can feel the goop shrink away from my body, only covering my back, a bit of my chest, and my legs. I let go of his wrists but he wraps his arms around me, pulling me closer.
"WhAt d0 y0u m3aN rEpLaCeD? NoBoDy cAn rEpLaCe y0u."He says
"I learned that in addition to losing my powers, that was meant to remove me from my role...That's what often happened when Fate used it to regain control...Shattered's version of you got that treatment and was replaced before anyone could notice...The Error that betrayed Shattered is a fraud so I wasn't sure if Fate would take the chance to take back control, replace me, and ruin the lives we've made for ourselves...I've had a lot to consider."
"AnD y0u g0 bY aGaPE n0w?"
"Part of me aura got twisted and changed, gaining consciousness...I was forced to drink a mixed drink that tasted as bitter as rotten apples... a slight peach taste but still disgusting...It specifically is embedded through further tests into my scars, and that's the name, chose to go by...And it has protected me..."
"I'm tired, Dream. I'll protect you but we need to recharge. That defense took a lot out of me."Agape says as Error wipes my tears softly.
"I aM s0 gLaD tHaT y0u'rE oKaY...I hAvE m0r3 quEstiOnS aBoUt y0ur c0ndit1oN oR wHaT hApPeNeD...BuT y0u s3eM tiReD...We eLiMiNaTeD tHe vErsi0n tHaT aTtAcKeD y0u s0 i guEsS iT's a rel1eF tHaT iT wAsn'T tHe r3aL oNe...I wAsn'T tHiNkiNg oF tHe bAlAnCe aT tHaT p0iNt...y0uR n0t3 wAs a fUnNy tAc0 clUe..."
I smile slightly, knowing what note he is referring to. I lean into his touch and his glitching picks up when the goopy parts brush up against him. I quickly back away, getting out of his grip when I notice that. I pick up the groceries and he seems saddened that I'm out of his hold.
"I don't want you to crash. Don't push yourself when you clearly can't handle it. I know I'm not in the best state either right now..."
"BuT i wAnT y0u, DrEamY...I wAnT t0 h0ld y0u aNd pr0t3ct y0u..."
"Even if I'm broken? Covered in goop with Agape taking control at times?"
"I wAnT t0 aCcePt eVeRy pArT oF y0u aNd l0v3 aLl oF y0u, DrEaMy. YoU cErtAiNlY d0 pLeNtY oF tHaT wiTh m3 aNd mY fAuLtS. I h0p3 y0ur n3w auRa...aGaPe cAn lEaRn t0 aCcEPt m3 aS weLl...It d0eS rEalize tHaT iT cHoSe tHe nAmE f0r a f0rM oF l0v3, riGhT?"
I chuckle, shaking my head.
"It tried to make a name for aggressive positivity...That still fits, in my opinion...It is a bit tired since it exerted some defenses in the store..."I say as the tentacles take the bags from my hands.
"Dream..."I hear a weak voice say
I glance over, seeing Nightmare stare at me, still rubbing his neck and flinching from pain. It could've snapped if Agape pushed too much or felt too threatened...he didn't even try to fight back...I nearly lost him to a What If in my mind and Agape's fear of Corruption...the part that it knows can take over Nightmare...I see tears in his eye.
"Nightmare, I am so sorry about that! I wasn't in control a-and couldn't even see! It was just trying to keep threats away, and it wasn't sure what version of you was coming so close! But still, I am so-!"
Before I could finish, he hugged me close to him, and I felt tears hitting my shoulder.
"I'm sorry I didn't answer the phone and prevent look at you...who knows how injured you are under that goop...I could've stopped this..."
I carefully wrap my arms around him, feeling relief wash over me.
"I am just happy to see that you're safe...That you're okay....Even with the slim chance of those files being found, I was concerned what harm you would feel if they did..."
"For once, just consider the risk you were facing...we could've lost you..."
Hearing those words unlocks all the fear I was feeling yet shut away over the weeks, overwhelming me with emotion. He gently rubs my back as I cry into his shoulder, letting it all out. Once I calm down, he speaks again.
"If I did something more or did something different, you wouldn't be corrupted..."He says
"I w0ulDn't bE s0 sUrE. iT cAlLs iTsElF aGaPe wHiCh sh0ulD tElL y0u en0uGh."
"Isn't that the selfless love?"
"Greeaaat, now you're never going to put yourself first or break those selfless habits."
"Well, it says its main goal was to keep me safe so I'm not sure about that. And it thought of Agape for aggressive positivity...don't ask me where those e's came from cuz I dunno either...And it has gotten tired after being in control the past few weeks so I wouldn't be so sure about that."
"So yours has a consciousness?"I hear a voice say
I glance over to see Shattered walking over and smile at him.
"I want to sleep, Dream. Can we go somewhere secure? Shattered also has a reunion to have."Agape says in my head.
I nod, knowing what he means.
"Can we all talk somewhere else? I'm getting tired, and I really have to bring these healing ointments back."
"WhErE's tHe vErsi0n oF mE tHaT y0u meNti0n3d?"
"What version?"Shattered asks
"ApPaReNtLy tHe vErSiOn wE kiLlEd wAs a FrAuD fAtE pUt In pLaCe. He kNowS thE rEaL vErSioN."
"Wait...So I still have my Error...?"
"Right this way."I say, leading them back to what has become my home.
I unlock the door, my tentacles still carrying the groceries once we get there. They follow right behind me and I see Error sitting in his chair, working with his yarn. He glances up and grins.
"AgApE gOt tIrEd?"
I nod.
"WeRe yOu fOlLoWeD?"
"Only by good people."I say, letting the three of them in.
Nightmare and Erry look shocked to see his condition but shirt shock cannot match the look on Shattered's face. I cannot imagine what storm of emotions must be running through him as he processes this and what it means.
"I mUsT bE sEeInG dOubLe bEcAuSe iT lOoKs lIkE aGaPe iS bEhINd yOuR bRoThEr."Error says as he feels his eyepatch.
"That's not Agape, Error. And you're not seeing double."
"StOp lYiNg. I hAvE tO bE...I hate miSSiNg aN eYe..."
"I'm not lying."
"ArE yOu sUrE hAvInG them hErE iS sAfE? IT aTtRaCtS aTtEnTiOn..."
"I'm sure any troublemakers can be handled. Now did you just say that you're missing an eye?"Nightmare says
Error huffs, removing his eyepatch and narrowing his eye at Nightmare.
"YeS, yOu hEaRd c0rReCtLy. I wAs t0sSeD aSiDe, RePlAcEd aNd uSeD fOr sCrApS. ThIs iS tHe ReSuLt oF tHaT aNd ThE oNly ReAsOn I hAvE bOtH lEGS iS bEcAuSe DrEaM hAd a cReAtiVe sOluTiOn. I doUbt y0u cAn gEt eVeRy THrEaT."
Shattered pushes past Nightmare and quickly grabs Error, making him tense up. Everyone can see that his glitching didn't increase when Shattered grabbed him, quickly indicating how close their bond was.
"Who did that to you? Who dared to hurt you? I'll kill them!"
Error's eye shrinks in shock.
"Dr-ShaTtErEd? YoU...y0u kNoW iT iS mE? DrEaM tOlD mE aBoUt hOw mY rePlaCeMeNt hUrT yOu aNd-"
"Forget all that! Give me names now!"
"Nobody lays a hand on you and gets away with it!"
I see Error's face burn up hearing that and then feel Erry grab my hand.
Shattered looks at me for information.
"Things changed in Fate's realm, so he wasn't being used for scraps anymore. We ended up in the same cell with the weirdos his replacement was temporarily working with."I say, sorting the groceries into the fridge.
I pass the healing ointment to him, and Shattered holds it in his tentacles. Shattered starts taking care of him and I feel two arms wrap around my waist. Erry slips his head over my shoulder.
"SiT d0wn, DrEaMy. y0ur lEgS aRe sHak1nG....y0u'r3 tiReD..."
"I still sense threats, but I have no energy left...You sure they can keep us safe?"
I sit down and Erry sits beside me. Nightmare cautiously checks the windows as Shattered tries to heal his Error, giving me a grateful glance and nod for helping. For once, Error looks safe and they both seem happy to be reunited. The goop finally shrinks away, hiding in my scars.
"Have someone check your back...There's something there and now that I am not covering that, it poses a risk. You need it OFF."
I nod, not hesitating to get up but Erry stops me.
"WhAt pArT oF yOuR lEgS aRe SHaKiNg wAsn'T cLeAr t0 y0u?"
"I have to use the bathroom. My back hurts."
"I wiLl j0iN y0u t0 mAkE sUrE y0u arE oK."
He scoops me up, carrying me into the bathroom. He carefully checks my back and frowns.
"TheRe iS a BlOcK oN yOuR bAcK...MeTaL...A liGhT iS sTaRtInG t0 cOmE On...HoLd sTiLl..."
He grips it carefully, but then I tense up, feeling an electric shock go through me. I groan, feeling my energy slip away from me and a hand on my cheek as I struggle to stay awake. I see Error's blurry face as he holds my head before it goes dark.
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