Chapter 16: Paintings and Dedicated Love
Two weeks later, Dream's POV
I smile as I jog up a park trail. Today is just a day to exercise for fun and help get stronger for fun instead of for a mission or training. I also think it would be best to get used to natural surroundings and get used to traveling without teleportation or any of my powers. I never know when I may have to adapt. I get to the top of the trail and smile, admiring the view.
This looks beautiful...A wonderful view...
Then my phone rings and I see that it's Nightmare.
"Hello! How are you, Brother?"
"Hey...So I already called Obscuro and Palette, but they're both busy. I'm sick of seeing the old picture...too many bad memories associated with it and Corruption won't stop talking shit about it to remind me...Can you come over so that we can make a new one?"
I know exactly what he is talking about. The old picture of us...before that apple was eaten...I have my copy of the picture and it also brings up some tough memories so I can understand where he is coming from. But I am also excited to hear the suggestion of making a new one.
"Sure thing, Nightmare! I'll be over in a few minutes!"
"Thank you."He says, hanging up.
I teleport to the castle, and he is already opening the door. He lets me step through, and I grin, seeing that he has everything set up. He wears his ring, and a painter enters, making me smirk. Traditional as usual. Instead of something quick with technology like a camera to take a photo, he is making this new one in a sophisticated, traditional art form. I step closer to Nightmare, getting into position as the painter guides us on how to be positioned. Nightmare glances at me, seeming a bit puzzled.
"You're not wearing your crown."He says
"I was on a jog and didn't want to lose it. I also wouldn't wear it for this since it's going to be a fresh start. I don't want anything to link back to those harmful memories or give Corruption anything to use. I'd rather wear the necklace you gave me."I say, feeling it around my neck as he feels his matching ring.
He smiles at me, seeming to like that. I hug his arm gently and we chat a bit, staying as still as possible for the painter.
"I hope you're paying him. He seems really scared."I say
"I am, trust me."He says
"How are you doing? Are there any issues with Corruption lately? I hope
it isn't bothering you too much."
"It has gotten a lot quieter lately...I'm glad you don't have to deal with something like this in your head. How are the scars?"He asks
"They've been feeling fine. I'm taking care of them. Some have gone away completely."I say, noticing how relived he seems hearing that.
"That's good to hear. Any plans later?"
"Just checking some old places out. Will have me extended lists of who to watch out for."
"Any luck with that?"
"I've seen a few but they run away whenever they see me. Haven't seen any of the corrupt scientists but I can say that the creeps are intimidated by me."
He chuckles, seeming proud of me.
"Good. It seems your little visit to the show got across to more people."He says
"Glad that everyone else is starting to catch up."
A few hours later, the painting was done and copied onto different canvases. Nightmare pays the painter and hands me one of the canvases. I look at it to see the completed portrait and instantly loved it.
(Author's note: Help, this is the first time in a bit that I drew again and it's so weird drawing Dream without his crown lol.)
I smile, admiring it for a few minutes. There's something so validating just with it existing. It's real. This is real. Over 500 years, and we're brothers again...we're together with a good bond...I'd never imagine while fighting him years ago that I'd ever get a picture like this again...where we're happy...
Then, of course, there are some noises and yelling that demand his attention. Nightmare groans, shaking his head.
"I swear Killer does these things on purpose whenever there's a good moment. Really kills the good mood."He says
"He needs attention, I guess."
"I'll go deal with him, and we'll plan another time to meet. See you again soon, Brother."He says, marching out of the room.
I teleport away, letting the painting dry in my house and smiling. I get it in a frame once dry and hang it up in my room with a picture of Obscuro and me beside it. A few days later, Nightmare arranged for Obscuro, Palette, and I to be painted in a portrait. That painting now hangs in a frame in my living room. I smile wider, liking how everything is coming together. Having a family...a family that's safe. My gaze focuses on Obscuro in the painting, remembering the tips I have received.
I will keep it that way.
I go to the old meeting place of all those Chameleos and creeps...the same one that I went to a meeting in while disguised...It looks mostly abandoned, even the machines that released Nightmare's reborn and mutated bullies. Yet I see banners newly hanging near the ceiling, declaring the space as the meeting area for the groups seeking to get Error for one reason or another. I see some banners say that they're anti-Blip, anti-Nightmare, anti-Obscuro, anti-Dream groups, and essentially anti-anyone who is close to Error groups. I frown, shaking my head. I see a computer installed against the wall that is still flashing with new messages and indicating that it's still active. I approach it, checking the new messages and recognizing that woman...Obscuro's "mother" sending various emails asking if she can work with them to eliminate the rest of us if it means she gets Obscuro and they get Error...They're still negotiating the terms of this alliance...The sight of it makes me frown.
Then I see a folder open on the side of the screen with a list of files titled HOW TO ELIMINATE/WEAKEN TARGETS. I open it and see a list of plans and weaknesses, including code that's waiting to be activated at any moment. Luckily, I've been learning from Error about code and from Sci about computers, so I know how to eliminate this. I take out a flash drive and plug it into the computer, downloading all the files it has kept on anyone I know, disgusted when I see the coding tricks E!Gaster had. I erase any trace of it from the computer so that they can't ever get it back, copying all the emails as well so that there's evidence on the drive of their communications to read through later. Then I check the last email as it downloads everything onto the drive, seeing that the last email was from that stupid woman, saying that she will host a meeting for them here, hanging up banners and everything. The account that the computer is logged into right now is hers and a meeting is planned to be within the next few hours...
Shit. Gotta get out of here. They'll definitely notice that their files are gone...As soon as it completes downloading everything onto the flash drive, I exit out of everything and take my flash drive before teleporting away. I land in my house and quickly start to plan. If she had any common sense, she'd have some form of security in that place and not just leave that open so easily without some protections...I might've been detected there so I have to make sure they can't get this back...Giving it to someone is too dangerous and risks them...It's better that I'm the only one who knows where it is...somewhere she wouldn't think to look or any strangers...
My gaze trails to the painting of my family, Obscuro smiling back at me as he hovers between Nightmare and his hands resting on Palette's shoulders. She doesn't consider us Obscuro's family...hasn't wanted anything to do with him until now...Maybe protecting him means hiding it with him in a sense...I know a few tricks to use if she tries to intrude and search for it herself here...I'll have fun with this game of risk if she insists on starting this mess. The matching jewels glimmering in the portrait give me a good idea.
The next day, it was hidden successfully, and I finished writing a note full of trickery for her and clues only my loved ones could figure out. I didn't say a word of it to Obscuro or Palette, not wanting to scare them. Palette went out for his date, and Obscuro wanted to spend time with Blip, so I was the only one in the house. I have the note slipped between two books on the shelf in the living room, but it is obviously noticeable for any search. It's close to the painting, so it could be easy to connect if anyone really knows this home or me. I called Nightmare to discuss this with him, but he didn't answer. That didn't really shock me since he is handling his gang again and has had to scold Killer's behavior frequently or clean the messes he makes.
"Hey, Nightmare. It's your brother. I just am calling since I found a lot of information that you'd like to see. Ya know those tips I've been getting? Well, I explored them and it puts a lot more context to the situation. The threats are overlapping, even the less credible ones, if you get what I mean. It will be safer to show you and discuss what to do about it since I've only delayed it. I left clues if something happens before we meet soon. Anyways, call me back when you can. Love ya."I say for the voicemail.
I set my phone aside and took off my necklace and earring, setting them beside my crown. I try to polish my jewelry, wiping each one. I happened to be cleaning the pointy edges of my earring when I felt an arm wrap around my neck and yank me back. I turn my head, seeing the woman behind me, and defensively swing She quickly charges at me again and I my arm behind her until she releases me. I quickly step away from her, seeing that I cut her with the sharp edges of the earring and that her face has the wounds to prove it. Then it sinks in that she intruded on this place which would be impossible to do given the barriers that Error and others have placed on it. Many of the people I trust have added barriers to make this house as safe as possible so she had to have help to get in here...
She quickly charges at me, trying to attack again but I knock her away again with the earring in hand and an extra punch. I set the now-bloody earring aside and clenched my fists. Then something jabs into my neck, and I feel something get injected into me. This must be her helper, the real threat if they can get past all these barriers. I shout in pain, feeling strings wrap around my neck in an attempt to choke me...wait...strings?
Two hands slip around my neck from behind, tying it tighter to do some serious damage and trying to cover my mouth. I bite the hand near my mouth, stomping back and hitting a foot. I hear a glitched shout of pain and the strings loosen. I rip it off of me and turn around quickly, seeing a different Error in front of me and severely glitching out. That's a clear indication that he's not my Erry who is used to my touch by now. I see that he has a large scar around his left eye like it was branding burnt onto him. It's like a hot iron pressed against his face until a golden apple was burned into his skull. The scary part is that I recognize's the reminder Shattered left on his Error after they parted ways with such cruel words spoken. This is his Error...Helping her...come after me, another Dream that didn't follow the script....Oh no...
She tries to charge at me again but I grab the nearest object to knock her away, this time, she got hit by my crown. I see the curves that would rest on my forehead now imprint her cheek, definitely leaving a mark. I get knocked into a wall anyway and she glares me down as strings once again try to restrain me.
"Where is it?"She growls
"I don't know what you mean."I say, tossing my crown at the other Error and hitting his head.
His broken focus freed me from the strings. I tried to summon a spear or arrow but my attempts fizzled out....I can't teleport powers are blocked...I'll have to improvise...
I fought them both, easily knocking her away for the most part and taking advantage of this Error's phobia. I never wanted to do so, but since he isn't my Erry and he's working with her, I feel like I have to if I have any chance of getting out of here. I used whatever I could grab near me as I got knocked around, including my phone at one point. But as soon as the strings got to my soul, it was over. They were both pretty beaten up, which I'm proud of. My hands and feet get tied up and she approaches me.
"Where is it? Where are the files?"
"Hmm, let me think on that. I left them in the area matching what you left Obscuro with. What would that be? Oh, right, nothing."I say
She frowns, and then strings get tied around my mouth before watching them rip the home apart searching for clues. I smile wider watching them fail, even when they found the clue.
"ThIs oNe iS hArDeR tHaN yOu sAiD iT wOuLd b3."
"Well, I gave you him. You got him as promised and now you can share him with those groups and test him as you see fit. He is one less issue for me."
"HmMm...SiNcE hE wOn'T tAlK, mAyBe hE cAn dRiNk uP."
I frown as my jaw is forced open, tensing up as I see an unknown beverage get lifted into my sight. It's black mixed with strawberry pink liquids, seeming like a gross milkshake.
"Drink up.~"
I get forced to drink it and immediately start gagging and coughing, trying to force it back out but failing. Then my phone rang and they froze up before all of it was forced down my throat. They listen to it ring and then I shut my eyes, listening to the voicemail as Swap's voice echoes out.
"Hey, Dream! Are you there? It's not normal for you to not answer the phone! Are you doing alright? You told me that you wouldn't be busy today, so I wanted to invite you out. I'm going to call Error to see if he knows anything. Call me back, please!"
The voicemail ends and I glance between them, feeling sick to my stomach from what they fed me. It feels like I can't breathe and something is crushing my soul.
"I aM nOt dEaLinG wItH aNoThEr vErSiOn oF mE iF hE sHowS Up hErE. ThEy'Re GoInG tO cAtCh On aNd tHiS iS mOrE tRoUbLe tHaN yOu sAiD iT'D bE."
"Let's just go. He's yours and the mad scientists now."She says before I lose consciousness.
"YeS, tHeY'D wAnT t0 seE wHaT iS iN hIs cOdE t0 mAkE hIm bEtTeR tHaN tHeM...HiS aUrA aNd m3m0riEs wiLl giVe clUeS f0r tHaT...I wAnT mOrE cReAtiVe tEsTs t0 sTudY hIm aNd h0w hIs bEtrAyAl oF fAtE cHaNgEs h1m....WhAt t0oLs f0r uS r3sT bUrIED iN hIs cOD3..."
I would later consider this a gift of mercy before the agony those scientists were going to put me through.
Meanwhile, NO POV
Nightmare was fixing some furniture that Killer's recklessness broke, his phone upstairs in his room. He finally finished the work and handled the punishment for Killer and had to pause, feeling something unsettle him. Corruption was unusually quiet today, not saying a word to him. That was unsettling on its own, but he felt the sudden need to hold his ring tighter on his finger. He has noticed that whenever he is nervous, he becomes comfortable after fiddling with it. He decided to return to his room, and something made him glance at the paintings he hung up. His gaze traveled from each face slowly, the unsettling feeling only growing as he went from Palette's laughing face to Obscuro's bright smile radiating back to him as both were positioned in the portrait between him and Dream. Dream....His gaze finally met Dream's gaze as he stared back with a gentle smile in the painting...forever smiling with those faint scars being the only mark on his pearly white bones.
That's when it struck him. An overwhelming feeling as if something just snapped, as if something broke somewhere and released an aura so strong and negative that he stumbled back from the force of it as it hit him like a ton of bricks. It was so heavy yet so clear as if he could hear the screams of pain that it contained...screams of his brother...
He snapped out of it when his phone rang. He immediately picked up without checking who it was or any previous notifications, which he would later regret.
"Nightmare...? Will is here looking for you and I...He says he needs our help...He can't find Dream and something is wrong with Mom..."Obscuro's voice says, clearly unsettled.
"Where's Error?"
"On the phone with Swap...He sounds worried...I-I left Dream to relax at home while I went to see Blip...Where are you?"
"And Palette?"
"He's on a date..."
Nightmare frowns, realizing Dream is alone at home when threats are lurking...Threats he told Dream not to focus too much on or that would ruin his happiness...He shouldn't have dismissed the concerns...
"I'm at my home."
Within seconds, Obscuro is beside him, and a bright light disguising Will appears. Will leads them to the other realm, where they find Nim trembling and being tended to as if she's suffering from a heart attack. The pair are quickly by her side as Will goes to check something. Nightmare is horrified at the sight of her in this state but she seems...glad, which he doesn't get. How can she be in pain and glad to see him?
"Nightmare...Thank the stars, you're okay...I haven't felt this sort of pain least 500 years ago...."
Nightmare knows what that means. But that can't be possible. Dream would never do...he wouldn't even be able to locate one!
"It wasn't as strong so it wasn't an entire apple...just a few slices...But it's twisting him...He's being twisted..."
A few minutes later, the other deities got Nim stable and Destiny looked at the two boys worried about her.
"I can take care of Nim. You have to locate Dream before it gets worse."Destiny says
"I detect that Gaster near Dream's home."Will says
Nightmare's eye shrinks.
"Like I said, before it gets worse. You should go quickly."
They get sent back and Nightmare grabs a few things, including his phone. He goes with Obscuro to the house, finding the front door hanging off its hinges.
"What are you doing in there?"Obscuro snaps as E!Gaster peeks out the open doorway.
"Th3 d0or wAs 0p3n aNd iT s3eMeD uNuSuAl. I wAnTeD t0 uPdAtE y0uR aBoUt mY f0rm3r sTuDeNtS bUt f0uNd tHiS...It'S wReCkEd aNd i s3e tHe baRriErS wErE hAcKeD."
"That's impossible! We each put barriers on it and the overlap is too strong for anyone to break through!"Obscuro says
"NoT iF y0u'r3 skiLleD wiTh c0d3. NoBoDy eLsE iS hErE bUt tHeRe aRe siGnS oF a fiGhT aNd aN iNjeCtiOn aT s0me p0iNt...It's liKe tHeY wErE sEaRchIng f0r s0meThiNg."
They hear a portal shut and turn to see that Error has arrived. Nightmare frowns, feeling his head get worse with the painful aura weighing down on him more. Each of them know that Error would be the perfect person to hack the barriers but he would never do that to his Dreamy. He focuses on E!Gaster again.
"Did they seem to find anything?"
"NoThInG thAt THEy wAnTeD. A l0t oF bRoKen thInGs bUt nOtHiNg aPpEaRs sToLen. He sEeMeD t0 bE clEaNiNg hIs acCeSsOriEs wHeN hE gOt aTtAcKeD. HiS cRoWn, nEckLaCe, anD eArRiNg aRe cOvErEd iN bLooD bUt iT iSn'T hIs. THeY lEfT t0o mAnY vAlUABLeS bEhInd t0 iNdiCaTe tHaT tHey fOuNd aNyThInG 0f vAluE. ThErE wErE dEfIniTeLy tw0 iNtRudErS aNd i ThiNk tHe tArGet wAs yOuR yOunGeR br0tHeR."
"What makes you say that?"
"ThE fAmiLy pOrtRaIt wAs vAnDaLizEd. AnD i cHeCkEd tHe cOde 0f thE dAMAgEs aNd iT iNdiCaTeS hIs bioLogiCaL bIrtHgiVeR wAs woUnDeD hErE."
They enter with Error following and they see that the place was wrecked. Walls were busted with holes or dents in them, tables broken, shelves or cases overturned and cabinets were ripped from the walls. Drawers hung open and the couch was missing cushions. A mess with various signs of a struggle. An empty syringe rested on the fireplace with the cap to a vial beside it. The family portrait Nightmare had done for them hangs crookedly in the living room. Dream's copy of it to be exact. Dream's face is marked out with a red X and Nightmare's eye is crossed out in it while there's a circle around Obscuro's smiling face depicted in it. Error frowns, seeing the damage and glaring at E!Gaster.
"AnD hOw dO wE kNoW yOu wErEn'T pArT oF tHiS?"
"YoU CaN cHeCk tHe cOde, ErRoR. ThE cOdE hAs EvErYtHiNg rEcOrdEd iN a tImEliNe fr0m thE dAmAgES t0 wHeN iT eNdEd. ThEy sEeMeD t0 bE sPoOkEd wHeN SwAp cAlLeD dReAm bEcAuSe aLl mOvEmENT eNdEd aT ThAT pOINt. I cAmE aN hOuR afTerWaRd aNd yOu cAn c0nf1rM iT. AnD iF I wAs An iNtRuDeR, d0n't y0u tHiNk i woUlD'Ve bEeN m0re w0uNdEd? I kNoW HE caN bEaT mE aNd i aM nOt a foOl to eNtEr hIs tErRiToRY."
Error starts checking it anyway, though he does grumble that it would be dumb of him to intrude here, but says that he has proven to be VERY dumb. Obscuro clenches his fists, realizing that his "mother" is part of this if not responsible for this completely. She wants him back and that's what put Dream in danger...He put Dream in danger because Dream protected him..Then he gets smacked on the head by a tentacle and sees Nightmare gazing at him sternly. It wasn't one of hatred like part of him expected or one that would be given to the reason that his brother got hurt. No, the look that Nightmare is giving him as he senses Obscuro's feeling is more of a parent scolding their kid to stop doing something. Gentle understanding yet a stern order.
"Stop thinking that. You're not at fault for this. Her motives are on her. Just because that vermin's motives are fixed on you or can't accept the consequences of her actions doesn't mean that you're at fault. She abandoned you, she lost you, and she chose to play that role in it. You should not hold any guilt for that, especially when she won't feel any guilt for her actions."Nightmare says
Error confirms E!Gaster's point that he wasn't here when it happened. The timeline indicates exactly what he said. There was a pattern of damage around the house, tracking everything down to the very last step taken in the struggle across the room until it stopped at Swap's phone call to Dream. They seemed to flee out the door after the phone stopped buzzing. But there was more..
"A fEw mInUtEs bEfOre tHe fiGhT stArTeD, ThE coDe dEtEcTs Dr3aM's pHoNe leaViNg a v0iceMaiL...ThEn thE baRrIeRs wErE hAcKeD tHrOuGh..."
Nightmare checks his phone and tenses up, seeing that there's a voicemail from Dream.
"Everyone keep quiet, I think Dream called me..."He says, his tentacles twisting as his mind is full of questions.
If he answered this call, what would've happened? Was Dream just checking in or was it important? Was he being invited over and if he picked up, could he have gotten over here and prevented it, or would they both be taken, leaving Obscuro vulnerable to this scumbag?
He hits play on the voicemail.
"Hey, Nightmare. It's your brother. I just am calling since I found a lot of information that you'd like to see. Ya know those tips I've been getting? Well, I explored them and it puts a lot more context to the situation. The threats are overlapping, even the less credible ones, if you get what I mean. It will be safer to show you and discuss what to do about it since I've only delayed it. I left clues if something happens before we meet soon. Anyways, call me back when you can. Love ya."
It's quiet for a few moments after hearing Dream's voice from the phone. He sounded so calm in it, with only hints of concern. Each word had implications of more that were so calculating as if he thought each bit through. And it was like he was predicting the trouble that would come for him minutes later. Nightmare snaps out of his thoughts and frowns, glancing around.
"He knew trouble would be coming for him and wanted to talk to me about it so it had to be important. He must've kept his knowledge somewhere else. He is implying that a less credible threat aka that woman is connecting with the credible threats...Those creeps after Error could be working with her or who knows who else...He keeps things written down or kept elsewhere....He has to have such information kept somewhere, just in case...We have to find it..."He says, scanning the room.
What would be a less obvious place to hide it? Where would there be clues? Could he have recorded something on his phone? He picks Dream's phone up, trying to unlock it but instead swiping into the photos and seeing pictures that must've been taken during the struggle. The phone is cracked but the image is clear enough for them to see.
"I know who hacked through the barriers...How did she get him on her side?"
"Who?"Obscuro asks
"The version of Error that betrayed Shattered. You see the mark around his eye? That's the reminder Shattered left on him. Shattered showed me a picture proudly while Error was playing Ares."He says, showing a picture that captured part of Error's face up close with a golden apple mark burned around it.
Error freezes up, feeling his soul stop beating for a moment. Another version of him...that doesn't care for has him...What would he do? E!Gaster taps his shoulder and tries to give him a reassuring smile.
"YoUr lOvE gAvE hIm a FigHtInG cHaNcE. THE sYrInGe'S cOdE tELls tHaT iT coNtAiNeD a CoDe bLoCkiNg flUiD. It proBabLy blOcKed HiM fRoM sUmMoNiNg aNyThInG."
"I'M nOt hEaRiNg anYtHiNg g0oD fROm tHaT."
"Do y0u sEe tHe sTaTe oF hIs eArRiNg? ThE ONe yOu gAvE hIM? It dEfINiTeLy Did sOme dAmAgE aNd hElPed hIm dEfEND hImsElF. I dOuBt tHeY lEfT wiThOuT a LiMp oR oPeN wOuNDs. He pUt uP a gOoD fiGhT."He says, pointing to the earring that is covered in bone chips and blood, especially at the pointy edges.
Somehow, that made Error feel better. Without even thinking of it, he made Dream a weapon of self-defense.
"None of the electronics were touched. Well, the only electronic he'd use is his phone and since it was left behind, we can assume it gave them nothing useful. He has to have it hidden somewhere that they couldn't ransack...It could be in the walls!"Obscuro says
"Let's not go that far."Nightmare says, shaking his head
"Dream was doing a lot work on the living room yesterday!"
E!Gaster steps over to the books that fell from a broken shelf, seeing something hidden between two books. He picks it up, reading a note.
"I tHiNK i FoUnd sOmEThInG. It'S sIgNeD bY dReAm bUt mOsT oF iT iS In wInGdINGs aNd tRaNslAtEs t0 spAniSh..."
"LeT mE tRaNslATe iT."Error says, opening a screen attached to the note.
The words get translated from Wingdings symbols and Error puts his glasses on, reading the message carefully. Then he chuckles.
"ObScuRo wHaT hAvE y0u b3eN teAcHiNg h1m?"
"Why are you asking me?"
"YoU'Re tHe liTtl3 tRoLl he'D lEaRn tRiCkS fr0m!"
"What does it say?"
"It iS tHe lyRiCs t0 tHat tAc0 rAiN s0nG aNd sAyS iF w3 waNt a rEaL clUe, cHeCk n0rTh! iF wE cAn eVeN b3 sMaRt eNoUgH t0 r3aD tHiS, tHaT iS!"
"North...the bedrooms!"Obscuro says, zipping to the bedrooms.
"...That's east."Nightmare says
E!Gaster looks up, seeing something sticking to the ceiling light. He grabs it and checks it.
"ThiS oNe iS alr3aDy trAnslAtEd. He sAyS aNyThiNg oF imp0rtAnCe iS iN a sAfE hiDdEn wHeRe tHe fAmiLy jEwElS sHiNe."
"A riDdl3....JeWelS cAn'T sHiNe iN a dArK sAfE, wHiCh i d0uBt hE hAs hiDdEn hErE...iF thErE wAs a r3aL sAfE, tHaT w0uld'v3 b3en st0l3n. MaYbE...tHe jeWelS hiNt t0 wHeRe tHeY aRe aNd iT iSn't cHaNcE tHaT h3 wAs cl3aNiNg tHeM n0w..."
Error glances at the crooked painting, fixing it and seeing that the light outside makes the jewels in the portrait shine. He carefully moves it off the wall and sees a loose brick. He removes it, finding a box behind it.
"I tHiNk hE wAs riGhT aBoUt tHe wAlLs..."
Error opens the box and finds a flash drive inside. He snaps his fingers, having a laptop drop into his hands through a portal. He plugs the flash drive in, uploading its contents. He finds two folders on the flash drive, opening each one. One folder is full of copied emails showing the communication between the threats and the other folder was full of files listing plans and code.
"ThiS...ThiS c0ulD hArm aLl oF uS...uSiNg c0d3 s0m30nE tAuGhT tHeM!"He says, glaring at E!Gaster with anger at the huge amount that they plan to use.
"This...has to be what he was keeping...what they wanted back...Wait, where is Obscuro?"Nightmare says
They hear a whistle outside. Nightmare steps out, seeing Obscuro holding his "mother" dangling from his fingertip.
"Look who I found! She couldn't run that far and I saw her outside the bedroom window! Look, she has the mark of his crown with one of her bruises, and I bit the cuts are from his earring! What do we do with her?"
Nightmare frowns, sensing the anger pouring off of Obscuro. He's too close to this, too hurt by this to be logical.
"Set her down and get Blip. We have to be reasonable about this and we can let emotions get in the way of it. We need info from her if we want Dream back."
"Then I can make her pay?"
"If she proves to continue to be a threat, yes. You can make her pay then."He says while fully aware that he's essentially signing her death warrant.
A warrant that Obscuro is way too happy to have despite the delay. He sets her down to get Blip and Nightmare quickly snatches her in a tentacle. He smirks, seeing her fear and laughs a bit.
"Wow, he really got some good hits on you! With his crown no less! And here I was thinking you learned your lesson the first time he kicked your ass! But hey, now you've harmed my family and given me a chance to have a turn with you. And trust me, I know how to make a warning or lesson very damn clear. After this, you may not remember your name or be able to stand, but you will know to never hurt my family again. "He says
Blip takes her trembling body from him a few minutes later and Obscuro starts trying to search for Dream. Nightmare gets an idea considering that they're dealing with another Error, so he takes out his phone and finds Shattered's social media. He takes a picture of the picture on Dream's phone and DMs it to Shattered.
Shattered: WTH?!?
NM:This yours?
Shattered: Who the fuck are you?
NM: Tea time and Nyx costume ring any bells?
Shattered: You're that Nightmare? Didn't know you knew social media.
NM: My question still stands. Is that yours?
Shattered: How and why did you send me a pic of HIM?
NM:Dream caught that glimpse in a fight. He took his powers and is likely corrupting my brother. Just wanted to check before I kick his ass for it since I'd assume you'd want a turn.
NM: ?
Shattered:I'll be over in 5. Send location.
NM: Wonderful. ^v^
Error hesitantly steps closer to Nightmare.
"So tHaT fOol iNsIdE sAiD tHaT fAtE mAy hAvE a rOlE iN tHiS wHiCh iS jUsT loVeLy...The cHemiCaL iN tHe sYriNgE iS fRoM tHe oThEr rEaLm...mAdE bY fAtE...To sTriP sOuLs oF tHeiR poWeR aNd rOlEs....I swEaR iF tHeY rEpLaCe dReaM...HuRt hIm..."
Nightmare frowns as Error fiddles with his scarf.
"Do we have any knowledge of Fate doing that and what follows? What happens once they're replaced?"
"I cAn oNlY iMaGiNe...GoT tHreAtS fOr tHe mOsT pArT bUt nEvEr sAw aNy cAseS...DoEsN'T mEaN iT diDn'T hApPeN...Do I eVeN wAnnA kNoW wHaTeVeR yOu cAn sEnSe fRoM hIm?"
"Lots of pain...Mom is in pain too because of it...It's nearly as severe as when I had the apple but she guessed he was forced to take a few slices at most...Maybe I can connect with him through it."
Nightmare tries to focus and connect through it, able to hear Dream and his pain clearer. For a brief moment he can see Dream and his trembling soul. But then a darkness consumed him and an almost peach-colored eye takes shape to gaze coldly back at him.
Then something snaps and he gets shut out, his connection to Dream being cut. He opens his eye and finds his soul pounding. He knows what this means...
"I'm sorry, Error. But when we find him, he won't be the same anymore."He says
Error gives him a cold glare at those words. But the response he got shocked him.
"I d0n'T cArE. He hElD hIs lOvE oUt tO yOu fOr 500 yEaRs aNd I wiLl bE tHe sAmE fOr him iF tHaT iS wHaT iT tAkEs. It's wHaT hE deSeRvEs."
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