Chapter 15: Anniversary
Dream's POV
"Turn the stream off now!"I snap at him.
"OkAY OkAY! I wiLl!"
With a snap of his fingers the screens disappear and I lower the blade from his neck.
"What the hell are you doing?"
"MoViNg oNtO a fReSh cHaPtEr aNd iMpRoviNg! TeAcHiNg a cOdInG cLaSs tO sHaRe mY skiLlS!"
"Oh so just anyone has the chance to hack others? Anyone gets the lovely experience you gave me after your students start applying your lessons? Should I expect living statues in my travels?"
"I'm noT tEaChInG tHaT!"He insists.
"That doesn't mean it isn't dangerous. I walked in on you teaching them how to make a soul stop beating and paralyze them like a blue attack without needing to waste energy holding them still since it will freeze their code. Do you realize how dangerous that is? And of all people to use as an example, you use Error?"
"ThInK oF aLl tHe cRiMeS iT cAn sToP! CaN'T aSsAuLt wHaT yOu cAnNoT tOuCh!"
"Think about all the crimes it can cause instead! You are essentially giving strangers the chance to expose targets to threats and leave them helplessly vulnerable to whatever the attacker wants to do! This can really harm people and their souls! Monster or not, this is bad! Anyone that sees your lessons can learn it and use it to get away with their sinister plans, all while they're paralyzed yet awake to see it all happen! Do you know how terrible that would be to endure? The traumatizing experience that you're enabling to happen? Are you paying for those victims' trauma when they have to go to therapy because of what you neglected to consider? And of all examples, why pick Error? Why mention him when you know that he hates touch and that there are weirdos out there? With this trick you can even freeze the soul of the destroyer you all fear! That's what you said! What are you going to say when someone decides to try that and Error gets abused because of you? Huh? Thought of that yet? I swear to Asgoro if that day ever comes...I will smack you if you try to excuse it as a mistake if it ever happens to Error or Blip..."
"Wow...Y0u rEaLlY tHouGht aBoUt tHiS..."
I pinch the space between my eyes, groaning. How can two geniuses be related to this fool?
"And you didn't before starting this?! You don't have to think that hard to see the issues! Hmmm, maybe the person who can't use their coding abilities without harming others shouldn't livestream classes to teach how to follow his dumb example! Maybe he shouldn't share such a dangerous ability and how it can cause the most harm! And maybe he shouldn't measure the limits of this coding by mentioning his so-called son and how it would affect him! Maybe that isn't smart! But here you are! Choosing to be stupid instead of being smart and finding a hobby or something peaceful like, oh I dunno, anything that doesn't involve your harmful coding? Now there's an idea!"I snap
"I didN'T tHiNk oF tHaT...Oh dEaR..."
"Ya don't say?"I say sarcastically.
He glances away.
"That was just a lesson that I walked in on. Who knows what shitty examples you could've given that would place larger targets on my loved ones or the ones you're supposed to care about during other lessons. It just takes one lunatic to apply your lessons or examples for some real damage to be done. So what are you going to do about it?"
"I haVe rEcOrDs oF aLl tHe pEoPle i gAvE aCcEsS t0 thE vIrtUaL cLaSs. I wiLl fiNd tHeM aNd dElEtE mY lEsSoNs fRoM tHeM....MaY i Go dO tHaT?"
I nod, crossing my arms. He turns to leave but then pauses and turns to me again.
"CaN i AsK sOmEtHinG?"
"What is it?"
"WhEn cAn wE hAvE sOmE fuTURe iN-LaW bOnDInG tiMe?"
I laugh, shaking my head.
"Now you seek that? You go from wanting me dead and gone since I was a distraction to this? Who says that I want to do any bonding with you after what you did to me? All the pain your code put me through and nearly made me relive my worst experience? And after what you risked enabling to be done to Error? Nearly getting both of us hurt or worse is not the kind of in-law I'd like to get close to. Blip is much better to bond with if anyone is. How about when you stop putting us in danger with your hacking code and find a real hobby will be when I consider it. How does that sound? Good? Good. Now, you should go check on your students."
He bows his head, seeming ashamed and saddened.
"Yeah, you kind of burned the bridge with me to pieces before I even knew who you were. You burned it to pieces, and I imagine it must suck when you realize you want to be better or want a relationship. But it's consequences of what you did, and now, you should go before you face the consequences of your classes causing real damage."I say, pointing my spear at him.
He leaves and I sigh with relief. Then a few papers land in my hands and I see that it's two lists with names and pictures of various people. One list was titled: CREEPS and the other was titled: Twisted Scientists. I grin, knowing this was Will intervening to help stop this. I go over to the screens E!Gaster was using, turning them on and checking with the lists if anyone was taking his classes that are a concern. It only takes one name from these lists for it to all go downhill....
Five. There are five people from the lists that were at this lesson alone. Three creeps and two scientists. I scroll through the records he kept of all his classes and see that there was a total of 16 names from the lists that attended classes at some point. Nine of them were twisted scientists, and seven were creeps. This means nine random people have the ability and knowledge of code and how to paralyze Error's code if they apply it correctly...and if they do, they could try to examine or experiment on him to see how he "works." Much like the lunatics who wanted to see what makes me "tick" if they ever caught me...I don't even want to think of what those seven creeps would do if they used these lessons to get their hands on him. Sixteen people who should be nowhere near Error now have the ability to get him for the worst reasons. E!Gaster didn't even take a list or device to check these records, so he could be hunting the students down by memory...what if his code to erase these memories doesn't work? What if he doesn't find them all, or they already taught this to others? This is a serious threat to Error, but what about everyone else? Nightmare, Obscuro, Blip, Swap...anyone? Any of them could be hacked and hurt!
I shake my head, trying to calm down. What's important is that I stopped it before it could get worse. I tuck the lists away and return home, finding Error waiting with my brothers.
"How bad did you beat his ass?"Nightmare asks
I glance at him, surprised that's the first thing he asked.
"BrO sAiD tHaT GaStEr tRiEd t0 cAlL hIm AnD hE sAw tHaT y0u wErE beAtInG GaStEr In fRoNt oF hiS cLaSs."Error says
"Oh...Well he was still able to walk and talk so I didn't hurt him that badly."I say
"Awww, he deserved way worse for what he did to you!"Obscuro whines
"Trust me, I think living with the consequences is worse than any punch I could've swung at him. He asked when we could have some bonding time and looked upset when I declined the offer and cited what he did as the reason."
"Did he make any other offers? Like ways to compensate for that?"Nightmare asks
"Not really but after our little chat I think he will find other hobbies to pass the time instead of those ridiculous classes. He's trying to do damage control now but we will have to be careful if he fails that."I say
"WhY?"Error asks
"Do you know what he was teaching?"
"We d0n't rEalLy tAlK."
"He was teaching his coding skills to people online, specifically the hacking parts. The lesson I walked in on was the lesson for how to code ways to freeze a soul, and paralyze someone without knocking them unconscious or using blue attack magic. He was about to mention how to make the soul stop beating before I punched him. He didn't think of any of the risks giving random people that knowledge would cause and admitted that as well. It's so frustrating hearing his reasons...You were his favorite example in lessons, Error."
"I aM qUitE sKiLlEd wiTh c0d3 s0 aT lEaSt hE iSn'T blInD aNd sTup1d."He says, rolling his eyes.
I sigh, shaking my head.
"Not that kind of example. I walked on him teaching and not thinking of what he was saying. He said With this trick you can even freeze the soul of the destroyer you all fear! Openly inviting them to try to use it on you and didn't consider what that could lead to. Oh, and then he tries to teach them how to make a soul stop beating! Give them more ammunition! When I pointed it out to him, he looked horrified at his words and lessons but admitted he didn't think of the risks."
Error frowns, shaking his head.
"So what sent you from napping to beating some common sense into him?"
"That nap was really just a way for Will to chat with me. He seemed concerned and was looking for help. He wanted to know what to do when he saw trouble brewing that could harm a balance keeper. Nobody else really gave him an answer, but with all their rules, he knows he can't intervene too much. He warned me about each threat he was aware of. Some are more severe than others like fools not heeding their warnings or the damage his lessons can cause. I woke up after he informed me about the lessons to handle it before it got worse. The damage might already be done though and much worse than E!Gaster considered."I say
"What do you mean?"Obscuro asks
I sit down on the couch and frown. Error sits beside me, holding my hand carefully.
"Ya know all those groups of creeps that united to try to get me? Each for different reasons? Well..."
"Don't tell me that they're back or returning..."Obscuro says
"No, but similar groups are forming with a new target...Same motives as the last group but they're divided still...The entitled ones don't like the scientific ones that want to test their target you could say...Will has watchlist of every member sorted by their motives...Sixteen of them took the coding lessons up until today and they could've easily passed it on to more people...."
"Who is the new target?"Nightmare asks, wrapping his tentacles protectively around Obscuro.
I rest my head on Error's shoulder, glancing at him and Nightmare seems to catch on. He looks shocked.
"Him? Ooh! No wonder you were so pissed and went to handle that fool!"
Obscuro catches on and grins.
"You and Blip are going to have some fun, huh?"
Then it seems to click for Error.
"I'm tHe tArGeT?"
"Well, not the only targeted balance keeper but definitely the one with more credible threats."
"Wh0 aRe tHe oThEr tArGeTs?"
"Technically Nightmare and I but Will says that the desperate efforts are getting nothing done. He gave a warning of caution at most for us. He was more concerned about the weirdos organizing with an obsession fixed on you."I say
"Have they made any moves that aren't detected just by an all-seeing higher being like Will?"Nightmare asks
"Evelyn also voiced her concerns to me about Error. She has mostly seen online activity, but now they're trying to meet at certain servers or places...At least now they can't learn more coding..."I say
Error squeezes my hand. It is quiet for a few moments.
"So...what I'm hearing is to be careful but also that I can start designing new games?"Obscuro asks
"Really? Games?"Nightmare says
"The moment any weirdos reveal themselves, they're essentially signing their terms and conditions to play and volunteering themselves. Not my fault if they didn't want to play with me or get hurt in the process. Causing trouble essentially signs themselves up for it."
"Oh, you mean those games."
"Yep! I should start brainstorming and designing them now! I'll be upstairs!"He says, floating out of the room.
I smile, feeling a bit relieved hearing that. Nightmare glances at me, glancing at Error as well before grinning.
"I think now that we know the threats, it is over already. It will be handled, and I doubt anyone will escape his games. It is not worth worrying over too much when their efforts are already being ruined. Don't you two have an anniversary coming up? We shouldn't let this ruin that."He says
"Yes, letting such disgusting weaklings ruin something like that makes no sense. They're unorganized and will be fighting each other before they even get close to an actual threat. I doubt any of them are intelligent or sophisticated enough to even understand his lessons. They are ants in comparison, and their experience with code is nowhere near your mastery of it. So don't let such jokes get in your way."
I grin, seeing his point and that it's getting Error to stop before he worries and overthinks a lot. Error grins, and I smile at him.
A week or two later, I was fighting some groups trying to cause trouble. Since Nightmare and I have a truce, there haven't been many fights or attacks from the gang in AUs. They still have meetings, but we have our own lives now, finding better things to do than only fighting. Nightmare warns me if they ever need to cause more negativity to keep the balance, and I do the same if I'm going to fix things or cause more positivity. Now, the group that I'm fighting seems to be a group trying to be like the gang or replace them, but they're obviously rookies. Very disorganized and not close to the powerful threat that the gang would be. Still, I duck behind a rock to avoid getting blasted and hear my phone start ringing. I tap my phone, then tap a device Sci gave me to rest on the side of my skull like an earbud so that I can hear calls while working.
"Hello?"I say
"Hello, is this Dream?"A voice says
"Yes, this is him."I say, firing a few arrows.
"Oh good! I just want to confirm your reservation for today. Table for two still?"
Right! That's today! I have to get this done so that I can get ready!
"Yes, that's still the plan!"
"Okay, we'll have it ready for you in two hours."
"Thank you!"
Then after that voice hung up, another call came in and I connected the earbud to it.
"Hello? This is Dream, who is calling?"
"H-Hi, Mr. Dream...It's Goth..."A quiet voice says
I grin, recognizing it easily and having a feeling this was coming. His gift to Palette stuck out among the rest that filled my front porch not only because it was consisting of things he actually liked but I could sense the amount of care taken into making the gift and the time taken to know these personal details. The gift radiated with genuine love and care instead of just an interest that the other gifts indicated. His gift radiated a deeper love for someone they care about, not just someone the sender thinks they see or admire. Palette certainly liked his gift more than all the rest as I've noticed that it's one of the few he kept and the only gift that gets to rest on his nightstand beside his bed where he rests his hat and scarf. A gift made of intimate pieces of knowledge being kept in such an intimate place so close to him and his valuables. That certainly indicates how he feels about Goth or his gift. And of course, then there are the feelings I can sense from both of them towards each other that mostly go unspoken.
"I was wondering when I'd get this call. What can I do for you, Goth? Please don't mind me or any noises...I'm just fixing something."I say, firing some arrows.
"Can...Can I ask Palette out?"
"Why are you asking me?"I ask
"I see how many gifts he gets, but he doesn't say anything about it. I wasn't sure if he was with anyone..."
"Nope, he isn't dating. Go for it."
"I have one warning though."
"I'll take good care of him and make sure he is happy! I'll make sure he is back by whatever curfew you set a-and-"
"Goth, I trust you. Can I give my warning?"
"It's okay. When you ask him, try not to lose your balance when he gives you his response."I say, knowing how Palette may react.
"You'll see what I mean. Have fun, Goth."
"T-Thank you!"He says before hanging up.
Within minutes, I had this group tied up for local authorities to handle. There were a few rips in my clothes, so I went home to clean myself up, then went to a flower shop and got some blue flowers for Error. Then I checked the time, seeing that it was close to the reservation time. Time to surprise him.
I teleport to Error, finding him surrounded by coding screens that he is swiping and sorting through, mumbling to himself. I see a bouquet of roses hanging from some strings.
"Hey, Erry.~ What are you up to?"
He glances at me, and his cheeks burn up already. He pushes the screens away, making them fade away. He lowers the roses into his hands so that he can extend them to me.
"TrYiNg t0 maKe pLaNs f0r uS t0dAy."
We exchange roses, and I grin wider, feeling my face burn a bit.
"I already got that handled, Erry! I wanted to surprise you, and I think you'll like it! Shall we go?"
He grins wider after processing what I said. He links arms with me, and I teleport us to the place. We go inside the restaurant and quickly get seated at the reserved table. For privacy, the table has blue curtains that surround the seats, and they shut once we got seated. Error glances around, taking in the space, and soon, we're chatting happily and giving our orders. I grin wider, keeping an eye on the time while listening to him laugh at something I said. That precious laugh...
The food came to us at just the right moment, and I heard the ceiling start to crank open, letting the moonlight in. Error glances up to see what's happening as the space opens up to see the stars above. Then, it falls quiet, and the sky comes to life. Dozens of shooting stars soar across the stars, putting on a dazzling show around two moons that are visible in the sky. Then a different part of the sky starts to shine and a new constellation reveals itself. I admire it for a few moments before glancing at Error, seeing him stare up in awe at the sight. I smile, taking in and appreciating the sight of him. He certainly has a love for the stars. It still amazes me how deep this appreciation of the stars goes with him. He has so much power and so many skills at his fingertips, going through dozens of different AUs within a week, and yet something as simple as the stars amazes him. It's sweet seeing this. He seems strangely yet wonderfully at peace as he takes in the view.
He notices, and then I see his face glow brightly. He tries to hide his face and I hold back my laugh as he tries.
"How long are you going to hide your face from me or try to hide from me? Hmm? Every time you catch me looking at you with love, you try to hide. How many years is it going to take before you accept it?"I ask
"HoW l0nG iS t0o l0nG f0r y0u?"
"Oh, I am not complaining about this. Your reactions are adorable, Erry. I'm just asking so that I know what to expect...I'll keep this up as long as it takes for you not to feel the need to hide from the love you deserve. And I'll gladly enjoy all your reactions until that day comes.~"I say, winking at him as I cut my food up.
His face burns up brighter hearing my words. He eats some of his food, seeming to stall and give himself time to think. I notice he tries to keep the use of his tongues to a minimum to stall more, using small bites and utensils unlike how he'd devour entire chocolate bars without hesitation. Then he glances at me, a thought seeming to be
"So y0u'rE sAyInG y0u'lL sTaY wItH m3 f0r3veR f0r tHiS goAL?"He asks, his face becoming a blushing mess as the words leave his mouth.
"If that's what it takes for you, Erry. If that's the amount of time you need, then I'd gladly stay. If whatever you define as forever is what it's going to take to see you smile and accept my love, then I'll stay. I was in stone for 500 years so I can't tell what forever means. I'll be with you as long as you'll have me. And it's not for a goal, Erry. It's for you."I say with no hesitation.
His eyes shrink, seeming stunned speechless by what I said. His fingers twitch and then he pulls me closer to him suddenly, right into a kiss as he presses his eyes shut tightly. After a moment of shock, I lean into the kiss, cupping his cheek gently. He pulls away, hiding his face in his scarf.
"YoU aRe gEtTiNg wAy t0o sMoOtH wiTh tHoSe w0rDs oF yOuRs."
I smile warmly at him.
"Translation: You still can't handle my honesty.~"
Then my phone rings before he can try to deny it. I see that it's Palette and answer the phone.
"Hello? Everything okay?"
"I assume that's good."I say, laughing at his excitement.
"Did you say that to him?"
"I'm allowed to?"He asks
"Of course you can. Go have fun. I trust that you'll be responsible."
"Okay! I'll go find him!"
"You left him with no answer to call me?"
Poor Goth...
"I didn't think but I'll fix it now. Bye!"
"Don't crush him in a tackle hug!"
I laugh as he hangs up, obviously in a rush.
"WhaT wAs tHaT?"
"Palette got asked out by Goth and given how hyper he sounds or excited he is, I told him not to tackle the poor guy when he says yes."
"AwWw..."He says, smiling.
We continue eating and chatting from that point, having a good time. He places his hand on mine and doesn't let go for the rest of the date. I smile, just watching the stars with him after we finish eating the meal and chocolate desserts. After a while, we went back to my house and we simply relax together.
I know there's trouble out there that's demanding attention or threats that are trying to interrupt good times like these. That's obvious. But I'm looking forward to more sweet moments like this. If I can keep seeing him smile like he is right now, I'll easily fight those threats until they're gone so that they don't disrupt the peace we have right now...the happiness we have right now...
And I think that there are plenty of good times ahead....And I am content with that. I'm finally feeling a place where I'm happy and surrounded by happiness with loved ones...I cannot desire anything more than want more time with them.
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