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Chapter 13: Error and Corruption

Dream's POV

Lust stops the recording and grins. He walks over to me, returning my stuff to me. Then a portal opens as I put my necklace and earring back on. Lust notices the portal and quickly backs away, turning his attention to the editors that sneaked in with him. I see Error charge through the portal, pulling me close to him once I was within arms reach. His face is consumed by a bright blue glow and his soul is beating out of his chest.

"DreAmY..."He says softly with his scarf lifted to hide his face.

"Are you alright, Error? Did something happen? I know you said you were busy today..."I ask

His face burns brighter.

"PaPs hEaRd AbOuT tHe sHoW aNd We...tUnEd iN..."He says, glancing to the side.

"Oh! Oh....When did you tune in?"I ask, wondering how much he watched.

"NeAr tHe sTaRt....YoU lo0k amAziNg bUt wHy diD yOu hAvE tO sAy aLl tHaT?"He tells me, his face burning brighter

I tilt my head, trying to understand the issue.

"All that? All of what? What I said? It's only the truth, Erry. It's only fair for the truth to be given when they're giving only lies."I say

His face burns brighter and he grumbles to himself quietly.

"I'm n0t sTuBbOrN aNd I dOn'T hAvE isSuEs rEcoGniZiNg wHaT I aM. I dO nOt gO dOwN aNy rAbBiT hOlEs."

"Says the one who overthinks things to the point of nearly crashing. You want things to be perfect but you rarely recognize that things are perfect. Aren't you the one who spent weeks wearing uncomfortable suits thinking that'd impress me? You were the one thinking that you had to impress me or be good enough when you already are, remember? Your mind goes through so many calculations that sometimes it refuses the simple answer or overlooks it. And if you're not stubborn then my eyes aren't yellow."I say

"I...I sEe yOuR pOiNt..."

I chuckle, gently kissing him on his forehead.

"I love you all the same Erry.~"

"Did y0u hAvE t0 cAlL mE sExY aND cUTe?"

"What? Are those the forbidden facts that cannot be spoken?"I ask teasingly

His face burns brighter and he glances away.

"DoN'T gEt wHy yOu'd liSt aLl tHoSe qUaLitiEs tO tHe mUlTivErSe...TeLl aNy oF tHaT..."

I pause, thinking about all the qualities I listed for him that draw me to him or any of my answers to their questions. He heard all of that and his face burning tells me that it got to him yet his refusal to let go of me tells me that it isn't bad. I grin, catching onto this. He likes it.

"They asked and I answered honestly. I see nothing wrong with that. I'm not ashamed of my love for you or our relationship, Erry. I'd gladly tell the world what makes you so special if asked. Especially if it keeps you from getting called those hurtful names like glitch or mistake. You aren't that and I'll keep saying that as long as I have to. Is something wrong? Did you not like what I said? I could name other qualities if you don't like me saying those."

His face burns brighter hearing that.

"Th-ThErE's mOrE iN tHaT hEaD oF yOuRs? WhAt aBoUt yOuR rEpuTaTiOn? I dOn'T wAnT tHoSe aNomAliEs tUrNiNg aGaInSt yOu oVeR tHiS..."

I grin wider, noticing that he didn't deny liking what I said. I gently pull one of his arms off of me so I can intertwine our hands.

"Of course there's more in this skull. Erry, if me declaring my love or beating up those idiots on the show wasn't evidence enough, let me tell you the truth. I don't care if this hurts my reputation. I'm still going to maintain my role of helping others but if this fact upsets people, then so be it. If the fact that I found happiness and fell in love with you isn't good enough or okay to others and changes how they see me, then that's that. Maybe that needed to happen instead of whatever image of perfection they might've had of me or any entitlement they felt toward me. I think I made it very clear that anyone who has a problem with us can see themselves out. If this is what crosses the line for them, maybe they should seek help elsewhere. I'm not going to let anyone decide what we are or should be, Error. I don't owe them anything and I'm here to stay as long as you'll have me."I tell him

His face cannot burn any brighter than it is right now. He squeezes my hand tightly, keeping quiet.

"You didn't exactly deny liking what I said either. So what's really upsetting you? Are you upset that this is how you learn that I love hearing you ramble? You get so excited and focused on the constellations, puppets, or UnderNovela that you don't always notice me going quiet and enjoying your explanations. If you saw the gaze I was giving you when you do that, I think you'd crash."

I chuckle as he grumbles quietly again. He glances at me as he squeezes my hand firmly.

"It'S...a lOt tO hEaR aLl aT oNcE...sO mUcH iNfoRmAtIOn aNd yOu'rE sAyInG tHaT tHeRe iS mOrE? YoU hAvE a WaY wiTh YoUr wOrDs iS aLl I Am sAyInG."

I chuckle.

"And that's a bad thing?"

"YoU tRy hAndLiNg a sOuL raCiNg aS fAsT aS mInE wAs aNd tElL mE tHeN!"

I chuckle as he tries to glare at me.

"It's NoT fUnNy!"

I shake my head as he pouts.

"Oh come on, Erry. It's a little funny. The one who wants to find a way in my head cannot handle a few compliments in it? If you ever found a way in here, you probably wouldn't last."I say teasingly.

He hides his face in my chest, mumbling for me to shut up. He is quiet for a few moments. Then he looks up at me, his face still burning a bright blue.

"I'm r3aLizInG hOw muCh i lOvE yOuR pr0t3ct1ve siDe...LiKe wHeN yOu g0t jEaLoUs oR rIgHt nOw..."He says

I grin, seeing that his face only burns brighter with this little confession.

"Do yOu ReAlLy ThInK I aM cHaRmInG...?"He asks

I smirk, nodding.

"I wasn't lying with a single word I said about you. And if you're still concerned about reactions to us, let me assure you that it'll be okay. You may be surprised to learn that there are people who actually support us or think we're good for each other out there. Want an example?"

He nods.

"You see who Lust is talking to over there?"

He glances over, nodding. I lean closer to him with a grin.

"Those are some of the people that I met at the pride festival while wearing the necklace you gave me. They're the ones who ranted about how we'd be a good pair and given how they cheered off-camera, I'd say they're happy for us."

His eyes widen upon hearing this, looking shocked.

"Hey, Dream! We should probably go return these clothes!"Lust says

"Alright, I'm coming!"I say as Error crosses his arms, his mind considering everything.

I follow Lust out, tugging Error to come with me so that he isn't left with those fools when they regain consciousness. Evelyn's editors come over to me and I smile at them, finally getting their names. Cosmo and Artemis are very nice, even as they rapidly fire questions. I answer a few and they write it down, saying that they want to make sure Evelyn keeps these points in her blog.  They made sure to congratulate us on the relationship and tell me how happy they are for us. I chuckle, thanking them.

"Thank you, that's really sweet. I appreciate your support. You both seem to be very observant so you may want to consider providing matchmaking services of some sort if you were this good at telling what's a good pair. Now I hope it pleases you that we're not acting like a couple in everything but name as you once said."I say, hints of teasing in my voice.

"Wait...I never said or posted that where you'd see...We only discussed it at Pride Month...You were there?!"Cosmo says, his face burning up.

"How much did you hear?"

"It was my first time being at such an event and I heard a few comments from a group that included you. The things I heard gave me plenty to consider, but it was all very nice and I appreciate the guidance I got there to explore my identity. So thank you for making that event such a welcoming place."I say

They look at each other and smile, seeming to lose their sense of embarrassment.

"We're happy that we could help and we're even happier that we made that even good enough and welcoming enough for you! I guess we didn't see you in the crowd, which is shocking!"Cosmo says

"Although we have been told that we can become unaware when we get on a rant...Let's go see what Leo says about our notes."

The two quickly walk over to the writers and Error takes the chance to hug my arm.

"I sEe tHaT eVeLyN iS hErE..."He whispers to me, seeming a bit bitter.

I nod.

"She has been exploring different jobs for her to live and is enjoying herself. She makes designs and runs a blog so far. That group is some of her writers and editors. She also is supportive of us and told me that I'm lucky to have you."I say

"MmMmm...WhY d0eS ShE sAy tHaT?"

"Let's just say that she found some fanbases through her blog and has learned a few things...There are certain groups that may have interest in you for various reasons...She was basically implying that they might've tried to get you if I didn't..."I say, stepping into a changing room to get my normal clothes on.

"WhAt KiNd oF gRoUpS?"He asks after I shut the curtain.

"She didn't specify but I get the feeling that you have a fanbase out there. Her blog is about popular figures in the multiverse and she uses it to keep fanbases in check. It's quite popular so she interacts with a lot of people. While I'm sure that there are many that admire you, her need to warn me and her tone suggests that there are some fools who admire you too much like the creeps I used to deal with. She says that she is keeping those idiots in check as well since they forget your strength or who they're messing with. A few videos were sent and they seem to back off after either mentioning you or your brother from what she says."I say as I get changed.

Maybe I should ask her for the name of the blog...

"I se3..."

I step out and he seems to be lost in thought and taking a seat. I start walking over to Evelyn to ask about the blog when I feel a strong tug on my sleeve, making me turn to see who grabbed me. Error quickly leans in to kiss me and my face burns up. I hear gasps and cameras clicking. Error pulls back with a grin.

"Unf0rtunAt3lY f0r tHeM, y0u'r3 mY dr3aMy aNd y0u'r3 tHe 0nlY 0n3 wH0 cAn g3t n3aR m3. N0boDy cAn r3pLaCe tHaT."He says with that sweet smile of his.

My face burns up and I can't find any words to say. My mind shut down it seems and he chuckles, gently holding my cheek. Then he grabs my arm, helping me walk while I recollect my thoughts. He glances at me and chuckles, then notices other people staring and hides in his scarf.

Then my phone rings and I answer.


"Thank you for proving my calculations and observations correct about you. Cipher sent me a clip and seeing you fight those fools was greatly satisfying."404 says

I smile a bit.

"O-Oh! Good to hear I guess? You're welcome."I say

"I trust that you'll take good care of Error. I'll let you go. I'm sure that you're very busy."

"Of course. Have a good day."

He hangs up and Error glances at me curiously.

"404 seemed to like the show. Cipher is sending clips apparently."I say

Then I feel a strange feeling run down my spine and shudder. I shake my head, recognizing what this means.

"Is s0m3tHiNg wr0nG?"He asks

"Nightmare is feeling conflicted."

"HoW cAn y0u teLl?"

"His aura just got stronger and weaker at the same time. Usually shifts in auras from him cause a weird feeling to run down my spine as my aura detects it. It's just something I have caught onto."I say, deciding to call him.

Only to get his voicemail. I call again and someone else picks up.


"Oh, hey Dream! Nightmare can't really answer right now, I think his mind shut down."Horror says


"Yeah, he kind of zoned out when you said that he inadvertently helped you connect with Error but then Killer made a joke that he was an accidental wingman for Error and he became unresponsive. Trust me, Killer and Obscuro are trying so many tricks and he isn't even reacting. Not even his tentacles are reacting."

"Oooh, that does sound bad. Maybe I can get him to snap out of it?"

"Maybe. Hey Nightmare! Dream wants to speak with yoooo---and now there are tears."

I feel a stronger ripple down my spine and shudder. There's definitely a conflict building in him.

"I'm coming."

He hangs up.

I glance at Error curiously as I try to consider what could be wrong. Then I frown, realizing that the comments of those idiots might've opened old wounds. I even remember some of the old bullies' words.

"Why do you care for that freak? Why do you call him your brother? He doesn't even deserve to exist."

That's too close to the comments made on the show...what happened to speaking with Killer? How did he end up watching this show of all things? Doesn't matter. It's done. Time to fix what it caused him.

"EvErYThInG oKaY?"

"It seems that the show opened old wounds for him. They did make similar comments can guess."

He nods, opening a portal. We walk through and I find Nightmare sitting in a chair made of his tentacles beside the couch, just staring emptily ahead of him as tears run down from his eye. Killer is hanging from the ceiling and Obscuro is nudging Nightmare to get his attention yet getting no response. Horror points to Nightmare with a confused look that says ya-see-what-I-mean? Dust is still on the couch, his face hidden beneath his hood and he just shakes his head at the current situation.

I step closer to Nightmare and gently place my hand on his. That's when he seems to snap back into control, glancing at me and seeing everyone around.

"Are you okay, Brother? I can sense that you're confli-Oh! Okay!"I say, a bit surprised when he pulls me into a hug

I feel tears hit my shoulder and sigh, carefully rubbing his back.

"Was it the insults made? The comments said?"


"I'm sorry that you he-"

"Thanks for kicking their asses..."He mutters quietly

I look at him and see that he is serious. Then I sense how deep down, he's happy. And why? Because my words in his defense deeply touched him. It meant a lot to him to hear me saying that I love him and fight those lies. Then it makes more sense why there's conflict. It's a corruption vs him issue since he's feeling something his corrupted aura can't feed on. I grin.

"It is becoming quite a gratifying activity if I'm being honest."I say

"Even if it hurts your reputation?"

"What reputation?"

"Your good reputation."

"Hmmm, would I rather have a reputation of being the positive guardian made to please everyone while having a strained relationship with his brother, OR would I rather have a reputation of a strong guardian living a happy life with his brother at the displeasure of some strangers? I don't really care for my reputation, Nightmare. If it gets ruined because I chose to fact-check some lies and defend you, my family, then it's not the reputation I wanted to keep anyway. Something that delicate would just be trapping me in a box, in a role again. I'd rather make my reputation based on the life I live, not the expectations. And the life I desire to live has you with me in it, Brother. So if I have to handle some idiots causing trouble and people get upset, that will be what happens. The only opinions that really matter are sitting in this room...well, some of them but you know what I mean."

He smiles at me as he wipes his tears, nodding. He quickly recollects himself, seemingly desiring to compose himself as stern as always after becoming so emotional in front of everyone. I can sense the conflicting feelings settle in him.

"Feeling better now?"I ask

He nods and I smile wider, feeling relieved.

"I sEe KiLlEr laNdEd oN tHe cEiLiNg aGaIn."Error says with a shake of his head.

"Someone gave him candy and he threw himself around as if trying to climb the walls. I'll give you a hint, his name starts with C."

"Of cOuRsE iT wAs cIpHeR."

Nightmare tenses up again and gives me this horrified look as his eye thins out to a sliver. I can sense his conflicting emotions spike again but they were different ones than before.

"Nightmare...? What's wrong?"

He glances around slightly before shutting his mouth, giving me an empty look and subtly nodding his head to hint at the others. He doesn't want to speak it in front of everyone. He doesn't like being emotional around others nor does he like feeling vulnerable so I can understand.

"Alright, you can tell me in private. Want me to try it?"I ask

He knows what I'm referring to and nods. I press a hand to his forehead and shut my eyes, focusing. I open my eyes, finding that it worked again. He let me into his mind. And the first thing I hear is a loud screech.

"How could you fail us this miserably? You caused our own downfall and undoing and made them stronger! Made HIM stronger with more resources? How could you be so stupid?!"Corruption screeches as I glance around

I see Nightmare curled up in a ball, rocking back and forth as Corruption looms like a shadow behind him, screeching and yelling about how he is a failure.

"Brother? What's on your mind?"I ask

He looks at me with an empty stare of someone who is going through traumatic shock.

"Did I really cause your connection with Error?"He asks

"Ummm, possibly? You certainly kick-started it or caused it to start. You hit me really good in the ribs and blocked my escape in any other direction during a battle after you sent Error away at some point. That injury caused me to flee in the only direction I could to avoid your pursuit of me and that led me to the same area Error was in and being closer to him than any other point prior to that, although I fell unconscious before I really processed that he was there. Your attack factored into the random chances of us even interacting and put me in the position to be noticed by the voices. From there we actually talked and the dominos started to fall from there that led us to now. If that battle never happened or went the way it did, I don't think I would've had the chance to connect with Error. His guard would've been up too much and we'd still be battling to this day if I had to guess."I say

It's quiet as they both stare at me, seeming speechless.

"You pathetic fool! How could you make such a mistake and set that off? All those plans and meetings wasted because of you! You've always weakened us and this is your worst failure!"Corruption screeches at him

"Hmmm, I wouldn't be so sure about that."I say

"Huh?"They both say

"Technically, it wasn't my brother in control at that point. He wasn't the one desiring to kill me or feeding on such negative abilities. That has always been your goal, Corruption. Your attempt to kill me was the attempt that sent me running near Error. So let's give credit where it's due. You screwed yourself over and it was you who failed. If it wasn't for that one attack, who knows how things would've gone. Maybe things would've been different when Obscuro came along and my brother here may have never reconnected with me or gotten the chance to overpower you. So I guess we should thank you for all that you've caused."I say

I see Nightmare smile as Corruption shrinks quite small, unable to answer and now seeming upset with itself now that the failure is not credited to Nightmare.

"It's still horrible! It's still his actions in the eyes of anyone else! He ruined everything!"Corruption says, making Nightmare frown

Nightmare nods, agreeing with it and rocking back and forth again.

"Error hardly cared for you back then....With Fate in his ear saying that everyone is replaceable, including him...and those unpredictable voices...I really screwed up...Not only did I hurt you, but I exposed you to those voices...creators...whatever they're called...He could've easily killed you if they demanded it to get rid of the headache..."

"I will admit that there was a lot of risk with that situation...He once said that they were more concerned about me hurting him, which is kind of funny. They were concerned that my aura made him sick. But they wanted me to be healed so I guess I got lucky...I will admit, it hasn't been all good results but the chain reaction hasn't been the worst either. You technically helped protect Error and changed things from getting worse. If that connection didn't get started, I wouldn't have been close to him to have discussions with him and get pushed to be more independent by him. The Owl Demon situation could've gotten a lot worse since I doubt a sleep-deprived, overworked version of myself would've even had the energy to search or lock in on him. And without that connection with him, I probably wouldn't have spoken with Blip or felt like I could or should be the one searching for him, Ink's enemy. I would've liked to but wouldn't have much of a reason to explain it and if I didn't locate him, he could've gotten hurt or found by someone worse. So in a roundabout way, you saved Error's life and led to our lives being improved. And you set off a chain reaction that led to us reconnecting, to our truce, to us being brothers again. That one mistake if you see it as that led to a lot of good."I explain

Corruption looks disgusted yet I sense more relief from Nightmare. Corruption starts sliding side to side, clearly trying to think of something else. I see Corruption grow bigger with a creepy grin as if it got an idea.

"You still are a fool, Nightmare. If not considering the failure of feeding me and the plans you technically did, then consider how you failed him as a brother with this action. You made Killer of all people right about you. Think about his comment and remember your promise."

"What? The wingman comment?"I ask


"Uggghhhhh, Killer was right....It's bad when he's right about something...."Nightmare says

I chuckle.

"It can't be that bad."I say

"If the issue of causing them happiness when your very purpose is to ruin happiness does not concern you, please remember your promise and consider how you failed as a brother. Not just physically, but emotionally and socially. You failed him again and served him up on a silver platter, causing the very events that you despised and swore to never allow. You let Error of all people take him and that role. You should've known or done better for the promise to him given that you did NOTHING but be a clueless piece of garbage."

"I do not appreciate that attitude towards my brother."I say, stepping between the two

Corruption hisses, quickly backing away from me.

"He knows I'm right. All about rules and procedure and organization yet completely screws that up. He's lucky that it ended well but he easily left you exposed to dangers that he hated. Left you vulnerable to groups and broke the promise he keeps in the back of his head. For someone so organized, he sucks at maintaining his commitments and deals. He can't satisfy anyone. He's a FAILURE and he knows it."

"What promise?"

A door opens to the left as Corruption grins wider. I glance through the doorway, seeing an old memory that I hardly remember but clearly he does. It was a day before those villagers ruined everything and I was with him at the tree as he read a story.

"Ugh! This is so dumb!"Little Nightmare says

"What is it?"Little me asks

"This story has the prince do one favor and suddenly they're married! So he bandages the princess one time and doesn't slice her while fighting in the forest! So what? That's just common decency and awareness! If he can't keep the princess safe then maybe he shouldn't be recklessly swinging a sword! He's the one who started a fight with the forest ogres! So he saved her from the ogres and then they fall in love? He's just cleaning up the mess he started! It's stupid! He's stupid! Rescuing someone once doesn't mean anything and certainly doesn't owe someone their soul!"Past him complains

"Hmm...I guess that's true. Do they know each other?"

"Hardly! Yet two days later they're married!"

"Can't imagine marrying a stranger...Sounds scary..."

"Mhm. Love takes time and shouldn't be so instant to make such big decisions. Protecting someone doesn't automatically mean marrying material since their motives can be different and the bond could be different than that sort of love."

"Yeah, I'd want to know their motives and why they're interested in me...if at all...See me as a tool or person..."

"Agreed. How about we do this? I promise that I'll never let some hero take you away and claim your soul as theirs just for a few rescues or fixed messes. I'll test them and when they pass, if they pass, you'll know that you're safe and I'll guarantee it."Past Nightmare says with a disgusted eye-roll mentioning "hero".

Little me's eyes turned starry and excitement was obvious on my face.

"Really? I'll do the same for you!"

"Hah, don't get your hopes up on returning the favor. But yes, I will do that. Promise."

We linked pinkies and he continued reading to me. Then the door to the memory shut. I glance at Nightmare and Corruption.

"Really? You're using a childhood pinkie promise against him?"

"Did he fulfill this pinkie promise?"

"No, but he-"

"Then he is still a failure! A failed brother who can't keep his promises! If he can't keep his promises specifically about keeping his brother safe, then what can he do?"

Nightmare bows his head with a frown.

"Nightmare, don't listen to it! Brother you aren't a failure!"

"This can be fixed, though. YOU can be fixed. You don't have to be a failure. All you have to do is hear me out."

Then it looks at me and grins.

"Privately of course."

Then in an instant I get shut out of his mind and wake up, jolting as I nearly lose my balance.

"Oookaaay, so it still has some power...Nightmare's in control and it doesn't like that..."

"Is Big Brother okay?"Obscuro asks

"Ummm, that's a bit complicated. The corruption has gone from controlling him to being a corrupt advisor constantly trying to manipulate him or make him doubt himself. He's currently processing everything from a different perspective, hindsight being in overdrive as well as guilt or regrets, and having a corrupt voice whispering insults with access to his memories to match its points as evidence certainly doesn't help. He is in control but this will be something to chip away at for a bit so that he doesn't believe that side so easily."

"What is it saying?"Horror asks

"The usual insults and just yelling at him for ruining things for it, causing a domino effect and he's personally upset that he did things that proved Killer right. He hates it when Killer is right about something apparently. Then it started bringing up old memories and the brother card....really sensitive stuff so he might snap out of this in protective brother mode. That being said, where is Error?"


"Killer, you know that isn't shocking."

"I know but still...."Killer says, pouting.

"GrAbBiNg ch0c0lAtE!"Error says from the kitchen.

He walks in with a few bars, clearly about to eat one before pausing. He walks over to me and I see a tentacle start twitching, then slip closer to him.

"Erry, we sho-mm!"I begin but then he puts a piece of chocolate in my mouth.

"Y0u l0s3 en3rgY wHeN d0iNg tHaT s0 eAt uP."

"Wooow, Error gave up chocolate! It is love!"Killer says

Dust lifts his head to seemingly glare at Killer beneath the hood.

"How fucking dumb are you to realize that now?"

"Shut up!"

I munch on the chocolate as he has his bar, ignoring the unfolding argument around us. Horror sighs and decides to return to Farmer as Obscuro decides to go home.

"Erry, we really should get you out of here before he snaps out of it."


"I don't know what it is scheming or what state his mind will be in. He's currently rethinking everything that led to now and his brotherly memories and instincts are being triggered by the side that feeds off of negativity. It used a memory of a promise we made ages ago when we hardly grasped what any relationships were outside of the villagers or each other...It's twisting that memory against him and planning something...Regret, corruption, and brotherly instincts are not a good mix right now. I don't want anything to go wrong based on his impulses so I think we should go. Now."

He looks confused but agrees. He swiftly makes a portal that takes us to his antivoid and glances at me.

"WhY eXaCtLy w3r3 y0u w0rRiEd aBoUt m3?"

"It was a promise that he'd test anybody and protect me before I fell in love. And well..."

"YoU'r3 j0kiNg. IsN't iT a b1t lAt3 t0 b3 aGaInSt uS dAtiNg?"

"We were kids, Error! He was annoyed because the story he was reading was stupid in his eyes with how the hero gets a lover just for rescuing them! He thought that there should be more to that before a soul is given over! And we weren't exactly trusting of the villagers or anyone genuinely wanting us for us and not to use us...we made a pinkie promise and that memory stuck with him...He regrets hurting me and that corruption is taking full advantage of it to say that he failed as a brother...failed in anything..."

"AnD tHaT mAk3s m3 h1s eNeMy 0r s0m3tHiNg n0w? I'v3 b3eN tAkiNg g0oD cArE oF y0u aNd h3 kn0wS iT!"

"Yes, he does, but he is also kicking himself for every mistake as well as what could've gone wrong. He's been trying to make up for things but that part keeps pointing more out. I'm sure I can talk him down from that and reassure him somehow but it'll take time to loosen its hold and lessen its influence on him. The best thing to do is give less material for it to work with. He doesn't exactly like the situation that he caused all the way back to that battle when we connected and doesn't like the circumstances one of the scars he gave me led to. Technically this injury led me to meet you, talking as I recovered, and all that built to this....Wasn't the only factor for us but set things up for something to be set off..."

"0oo0h y3a...GuEsS tHaT d0eS iNadverTeNtlY hElp uS...0ur cHaNcEs 0f c0nNeCtiNg..iT diD gEt uS t0 cHaT..."

"Yet in his worried mind, he sees all the risks that moment had since we obviously weren't that close. Our relationship basically started because I was hurt, he sent you away to the same area as me, and you had voices to please. He knows how unpredictable they are and doesn't like that his actions left me exposed to such a risk of their ideas like trading my life for you to be rid of their headache. He's aware you wouldn't do that now but he isn't willing to bet that you wouldn't have done it when I was a stranger to you. He doesn't blame you but blames himself. I'm sure that thing is commenting about how instead of making sure I got a prince, he handed me over to dragons or hyenas or something. You know how he likes control and organizing facts. He's trying to remedy it and prove that he isn't dangerous or unreliable. That he's a brother that can protect. I'm just getting you out of there so that he can think it over instead of impulsively doing something. You'll probably get tested a bit and see more of his brotherly side, but I doubt he will do much since he already trusts and cares for you a lot. He doesn't want to ruin your bond either. I'll talk to Mom for advice on how to help boost his confidence or something so that thing won't twist his mind but let's just give him time to think things over."I explain

He takes a moment to think, then nods. He offers me more chocolate and we sit together on his beanbag seat. He pulls a blanket over us and grins.

"It hAs bEeN a l0nG dAy aNyWaY. ReST aNd tAlK t0moRr0w?"

I nod and we rest together peacefully.


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