Chapter 12: A Doomed Interview
Meanwhile, No POV
"Killer it's back on!"Horror shouts into the other room.
"Coming!"Killer says with a bucket of popcorn.
Dust looks to his right where Cipher is hovering above the armrest of the couch as if he's sitting with them.
"Who let him in?"
"404 refuses to watch this show so I came where it is viewed. Killer doesn't hide it in his posts. I get the feeling that this is going to be especially entertaining."
Killer sits between Dust and Horror with the popcorn in his lap and a big grin. Nightmare curiously walks into the room, glancing at them curiously.
"What are you watching?"He asks as his tentacles work through paperwork and schedules.
"Ya know that talk show that I told you I love to watch as it pretends to be a news show? The one with bullshit artists?"
"That miserable show? Yes, I remember you telling me about your strange interest in trash TV."He says
"Hey! Killer! You said you'd save me a seat!"Obscuro says as he appears in the room with a pout.
Horror scoots over to give him a seat and Obscuro thanks him.
"Obscuro? You've come to watch this? Killer, what did you lure him into? Why are you having him watch such a poor-quality show?"Nightmare asks
"They got their first guest on it!"Horror says as Obscuro nods.
"What poor soul could they possibly drag onto that show? I feel sorry for them."Nightmare says
"Dream's their guest!"Obscuro says
"What?"Nightmare asks, his eye shrinking.
"Yeah! They went to a commercial break but it's getting good! He is really making them squirm! I think he said something before the episode started because they were in stunned silence for a few minutes before they shakily did their introduction and opening words! It seems that his presence unsettles them, which is a first! Are you sure you didn't switch auras with him?"Killer says jokingly
"How did you learn of this episode?"
"Lust texted me that the show was filming in a studio next to his gig and that Dream learned about their reputation. He told me to tune in and get ready for any clips to record. This show doesn't have a script so it can easily change depending on how they speak."
"Why would Dream want to go on such a bad show?"
"Do you know what the show does?"Cipher asks
Nightmare shakes his head.
"Well, their show's history would easily make Dream want to see them for multiple issues he'd have with their topics. He is probably on there as a guest out of spite to them, forcing them to quit being cowards and say their comments to his face. He probably wants to intimidate them or see how they act when the people they gossip about are around and if they'll be bold enough to make the same comments near him. The reason that I can't watch this with 404 is because they dedicated five episodes to spreading lies about Error and insulting him in any way possible. They spent three tearing down any evidence that he has connections to anyone, making him seem like he has no friends and hardly recognizing Blip as his brother. Even the obvious signs of a bond between him and Dream was torn down with their lies and nonsense. It's a show of cowards spreading lies, misinformation, and insults with a false report of events in the multiverse. They dedicated a handful of episodes to rant their thoughts about you and Obscuro. It's well-known that they try to rewrite what the truth is and they've targeted many people in Dream's life. He's probably on it to test them and prove them wrong."Cipher explains
"He's certainly going to provide them a challenge at the very least. The viewers will finally get educated for once."Horror says
Killer chuckles with a grin.
"He's going to expose their show's nonsense on live camera. It's perfect."He says
"It's back!"Obscuro says, pointing at the screen.
Nightmare glances at the screen as it shows the title of the show briefly before revealing a group seated at the table. Only one of them seems happy to be there as he can tell that the rest are visibly shaking in their seats. The one happy person is his brother, sitting with a smile in a different outfit with the necklace he gave him hours ago shining in all its glory around his neck. Error's earring for him also twinkles as it hangs from his head. Two symbols disproving their lies worn proudly on camera by Dream. For once, even for a brief moment, Dream looks smugly proud of himself before putting on an innocent look.
"That was so interesting! I didn't realize this show had a weather forecast segment but your record of the different AUs was so engaging! And you didn't even use any data or demonstrations with visuals! I'm already learning so much on this lovely show of yours!"Dream says sweetly
As sweet as it sounds, everyone in the room watching knows better and that this isn't genuine. This is an act. Obscuro knows that this is an act that has fooled many across the multiverse and was used whenever he was working. Nightmare knows that's not his genuine tone when he is happy. Within that sweetness is a bitterness that's poking daggers at them. It's almost sarcastic as he praises them, hiding the sharp truth under his sweetness. The sweet innocent act that Dream seems too skilled at using as despite his well-portrayed image of sweet cluelessness, he is intimidating them. Everyone knows it's only a matter of time until they have to do their usual segments of "information" yet his presence makes them unsettled and he seems perfectly aware. He is even inviting them to go ahead and do it, challenging them. As he asks them about their show and praises them, Nightmare can see that he's really prodding them to see who will crack first. He's letting them dig their own graves, luring them into a trap as he listens intently.
He chuckles, remembering how Dream once told him that he grew skilled using this innocent act after he realized that some AUs have people who refuse to recognize his age. If they want to view him as a clueless, innocent, and "pure" guardian that they can treat like a child instead of recognizing his 500 years of age, then he might as well play along. If they don't listen to him directly speaking to them to get his point across, he might as well twist their beliefs against them by making comments as he acts like the "innocent" image others have of him. He even told Nightmare that he has grown to like the reactions he gets while doing that act as they seemed stunned that "their precious little Dream" could ever say whatever he just said.
"What do you usually report next?"He asks, prompting them.
Anyone can tell that the tone is as mocking as a rhetorical question. Dream knew the answer and was just waiting for them to take the bait. That's when Nightmare decided to watch. His tentacles set papers aside and form a seat for himself. He also decides to call Error.
"Hey, Error. You busy?"
"No. I wAs g0iNg t0 sTaRt cRafTiNg aNd wAtChiNg s0m3tHiNg."
"You might want to tune into The Daily Verse Show."
"ThAt sHiT? WhY?"
"It looks like a good episode. They might get grilled in this one."
"ThEy nEvEr gEt gRiLlEd. JuSt aNoMalIeS wAsTiNg tHeiR tiMe fr0m wHaT 404 saYs."
"Well just see who is their guest speaker now and you'll see. Trust me."
"....PaPs! YoU'rE stiLl hErE, rIghT?"
"YeS! wHY? SwAp sAyS tHaT hE f0uNd DrEaM On sOmE daILy sHoW! d0 y0u kNoW aNyThInG aBoUt tHaT?"
"See? You should tune in, Error."Nightmare says, hanging up so he can watch.
Error glances between his phone and Blip, feeling very confused. He sits on his beanbag and opens a peekhole to watch the show, jolting when he sees Dream in fact sitting there at the table smiling at them as he waits for an answer. He takes in Dream's appearance and his face starts to burn a bit. He guesses that he will tune in to this one as Blip sits beside him to watch curiously.
Dream's POV
I smile as they glance at each other, seeming to speak with their eyes and silently argue through their gazes on who should say the answer. Who should be sacrificed for the group to answer me, knowing that they're in trouble from here on out?
"We usually talk about the popular figures in the multiverse by now and the latest events."
"Ooo! That's interesting!"
"Aaand...Since you are here, I guess we could interview you...if that's alright of course."
"Oh, that sounds fun!"I say
They look at each other and grin.
"Let's do that then."One says
"You look much different than when you were last seen."
"I was with a friend next door so that may explain it. I was very happy to see him enjoying himself with a new fashion opportunity."
"Your tattoos look lovely. Where'd you get them?"
"Oh, these aren't tattoos. These are my scars and they've just been colored yellow. Usually, they're grey and hidden under my gloves or something."
"You've really suffered a lot, haven't you?"
"It's getting better lately. I'd consider now a brighter chapter of my life than the past few hundred years considering all that has happened."
"How is the truce talk going?"
"What do you mean?"
"Nightmare seems to have gotten quite hostile with you during them. And then there's that glitch that gets the fancy private places for your discussions. I can't imagine how hard it is for you to try to negotiate with them."
They slide pictures over to me and I see one is of Error and I on our first date before Nightmare dropped in and the other is of me talking with Nightmare on a stroll as he vents to me, visibly irritated. I shake my head, laughing at their perceptions.
"Oh no no no! The truce talks have been over for months! These pictures are of us spending quality time together! I would be usually creeped out by strangers keeping pictures of me going through my day yet at this point I'm hardly surprised. And honestly, if you think a frown and a hand raised is hostile, you have hardly seen Nightmare mad at all. And please, mind your words. Error has a name and it isn't that glitch."I say, narrowing my eyes at them and shooing away that disgusting name for Error.
"Quality time?"
"Yes, it's a lovely thing to have with loved ones. My brother is lovely company and it feels wonderful to catch up after the years apart. And now we have sweet Obscuro to add to the fun and he can get very creative. I'm sure he'd love to run a show like this and his livestream is proof of that. I understand that running a show must take a lot of time and work so it may be hard to squeeze in activities that a normal life includes like quality time. It's alright, I can relate to once being unfamiliar with that just like you seem to be."I tell them, folding my hands and smiling at them.
They were silent for a moment, seeming stunned as I took a dig at them with my words. Yes, normal people wouldn't waste their time putting together false stories and staying in a small room for hours just to complain and lie about people they never spoke a word to. Trying to tell false stories about the lives of others for hours and finding nothing better to do than that just doesn't seem healthy along with all the stalking and pictures from a distance.
"That's a nice necklace you have there. What is it?"One of them says after clearing their throat.
"Oh! Thank you! Nightmare gave it to me and you can consider it a sign that the truce isn't ending nor is the bond with my brothers. Anything else you need to know?"
"You seriously consider those your brothers? One is some kind of demon disguised as a bratty kid and the other is some black lump of waste. Neither of them deserves to exist or the pedestal you give them. That title of brother is something they don't deserve."
My fake smile drops and I glare each of them down.
"Oh, and you're suddenly the expert of life? Of my life? What degree did you earn from Fantasy University to say who should or shouldn't exist? Last I checked, folks like Reaper are the ones in charge of deciding lives and collecting them in the multiverse but even he isn't sitting around commenting about other's lives. He has an entire family and life of his own so I think you should take some notes from him."
"I wasn't finished. My love and trust aren't something I toss around, I can assure you of that. And this title of brother or family you speak of is even more delicate to me. But it's my life and my love to give so it's my requirements they must meet to be a loved one. And trust me, they passed. Who would you suggest to replace them? Who can you name that is fit for that if you're so certain? I can assure you that they'd fail nine times out of ten within the first few questions. I doubt they could support me like my brothers have. Where were your candidates when I was falling apart or breaking down? When I was being taken advantage of and used or overworked for my role? Hmm? Obscuro was there for me and there's hardly a soul out there that doesn't know that or do you need him to do another livestream to remind you that he had my back? He was there for me and made me feel safe. He has been a wonderful member of the family and I hope I am being a good example for him. Then before you try to argue about Nightmare, I don't see you making a labyrinth to trap anyone or anything that seeks to harm me or being the one to check in and protect me when I need help. He may have taken some time but our remade bond is something good that you cannot deny. I am happy to have him in whatever form he tries to strengthen our bond whether it be quality time, protective acts, lending some advice, or just chatting again. They've been there and faced more with me than anyone you could probably suggest. I doubt anyone you suggest would last through half of it, including yourselves. They're irreplaceable and that's the truth."
They're silent for a few moments. I grin, seeing that they can't name anyone.
"Although I will admit that there is an exception. Swap has been there for me through it all and we're very close but I think he's a friend I don't ever want to lose and can't stop appreciating. Got any more questions that I doubt you'd utter in my brothers' presence?"I say with a grin
I hear a laugh and glance over, seeing that Lust made his way inside and is leaning against a wall with two of Evelyn's editors next to him as he holds my crown. He smiles at me with a wink and I wink back.
"Ahem, on another topic...We all know that you're a very desirable figure out there and that you have plenty of people who'd like to date you. What would you say to a suitor seeking to fall in love with you?"
"Wow, that's some bold wording. I'd say sorry to them since I don't fall for strangers or catch feelings easily. Especially when this aura of mine makes me more of a target than anything you know about me. And I simply don't have the time to give any of that a chance."
"Why not?"
"Well for one, I am demiromantic so it won't be love at first sight for me or easy for feelings to be caught. I have to build an emotional connection first before a date is even an option. Between my job and busy life, not much time is left for that. And second, anyone who can see the earring I'm wearing will know why I'm not interested in dating. Well, not dating anyone else."I say with a shrug.
I hear a squeal and glance over, seeing the editors giggling to themselves excitedly. One of them has an aromantic flag sticker on their notepad and seems happy to hear what I said. Perhaps it's some recognition or representation that she's happy about or she's happy to be right about a theory that she might've had of me or the earring. Regardless, I smile back at her with a real smile and nod of acknowledgment.
"Well then describe your ideal relationship for us in a few minutes. We'll be right back."
They cut to a commercial break and Lust checks his phone for the time. The editors are quickly writing stuff down, probably for Evelyn's next blog post. If they're this excited now, I can't imagine their reaction when these fools bring the topic back to Error. I haven't said it yet since I want to see how far these fools will go before they realize or how they'd react when they realize they've been badmouthing my boyfriend and my brothers to my face as well as the anger boiling up at them within me. One of them opens a computer and frowns.
"We're getting so much backlash already! The viewers are angry with us and calling us liars and names for misinforming them! We were wrong and now they're pissed at us!"
"It was only a matter of time until someone fact-checked you. These are just consequences. I didn't realize that your wonderful show was supposed to be immune to that natural occurrence. I'm learning so much here and I must thank you for this informative experience so far."I say, smiling at them innocently
"Do you know how many souls you broke with that last comment? How could you say that?"
"Very easily by now. I do not owe any soul, stranger or not, anything. Nobody is owed what is mine to give. They aren't entitled to me or my relationships. So if a few strangers who have fallen for an image of me that they've only seen on a screen are upset, then I'm sorry but that's not my problem to fix. They can claim to know me all they want, but they don't. I'm not going to feed whatever parasocial relationship they feel they have with me or whatever they imagine being perfect with me. I had dozens try to cross that line when they didn't get their way and I'm not going to endure that again for their benefit. Good, reasonable people will realize that and respect that I have a life that doesn't rely on their wants or needs alone. Just because I don't feel like going to to dinner with them doesn't mean I'll stop protecting and helping their AUs so they should respect my decisions as they are."I say
I see the anger fade from them after I spoke and grin, glad that I shot down any entitlement they could've had. I see them quickly trying to write down any questions they can think of for when the break ends. They go through greeting the viewers back, acting like everything is fine. I smile at them, watching them pass a notepad around to each other and trying to act like they aren't subtly fighting to avoid being the person who will be asking the questions that will expose themselves. One poor fool finally accepts the position placed on him. He sighs in defeat and glances at me.
"What would be the best thing about being in a relationship with your partner?"
"Hmm, I think the security and authenticity of my relationship with my partner would be the best. Knowing that I'm getting to see the real him and not some image or act put on. Knowing that he loves me and lets me be myself instead of whatever image or role I'm given is wonderful. Being able to be real with each other and accepting it feels great. Having someone who accepts me with all my scars or faults and supports each other....That is something that I rarely find but I'm not giving it up. I can name other things but that really sticks out to me. Having all sides of us shown to each other and not losing respect or love for each other is very special and I know it takes a special kind of trust."I say
"Okay, so you're definitely into guys. Sorry to any ladies watching hehe...How would you balance your roles while keeping a strong relationship?"
"Well, I'd say good communication and prioritization. We both can get very busy but we understand that and make sure to make time for each other, even if it is in the simplest of activities. And my partner is a brilliant planner who can sometimes think his way down a rabbit hole."I say, laughing a bit.
"What would be your favorite thing to do together when not working?"
"Oh, that's a good question...Hmm...Definitely spending time with him. We craft, read books, watch UnderNovela or stargazing together but my fave thing is sometimes much simpler than that. Just listening to him and seeing how happy he is...knowing that it's real and not from my aura...Ahem, he can get very passionate when talking about his interests and I love those moments when we're not burdened by work."I say
"How would you meet and connect? What brought you to them?"
"Hmmm...I'm pretty sure it was OuterTale with Ink when I first met him if that could really be considered a meeting..."
"Wait you have someone in mind?"
"No duh. Should I elaborate?"
I chuckle, shaking my head.
"Well, our first meeting was definitely a mess...We didn't exactly introduce ourselves and it was years before we actually spoke to each other. I think what brought me to him was strings, then a rock dropped on my head, then I think some chocolates, and then plenty of books dropped on my head and a home...Wait, there was something before those blue strings....I got struck by tentacles and that made me flee and that led to...Wait, did my brother inadvertently cause our connection? Hah!"I say, laughing at the realization as I thought back on things.
"No no, what drew you to your ideal partner? What would draw you in? What attracts you or what do you see in them?"
"Hmm, what initially drew me to him? What did I see that attracted me to my ideal partner? Oh, I'm sure he remembers me telling him this even if he was confused when I did...I grew to respect him after seeing how he handles impossible expectations to meet and the burden of responsibility that his job gave him. It's a very hard job that doesn't really get much appreciation and that's not even factoring in dealing with Ink's annoying tricks. That grew into admiring his strength to endure it with a confidence that I wished I could have without it causing issues at the time. His enjoyment of his independence and going against what others wanted or expected was something I could never imagine doing and took a lot of strength in my eyes so I admired him for that...I guess you could say that his strength, confidence, and independence were what attracted me at first. But there's plenty that's attractive about him and draws me in. He's charming, passionate, sweet even in the little ways, caring, intelligent, cute even if he denies it, fashionable, very dedicated, crafty, hmmm what else...very honest, bold, and brave...He has a wonderful understanding and considerate...His determination is unstoppable...I may be repeating myself but he's very loyal, not just to me but to anyone he cares about as he makes sure nobody close to him gets treated wrong...He is just so talented that I can't help but admire him for any reason I can find...He is so calculating and desires perfection but he's already that..."I explain
"When did you or would you start catching feelings?"
"Hmmm, I think it was definitely after Obscuro dropped in that I started noticing the signs, and while my brother was trying to redeem himself...It wasn't until I met Reaper and chatted with him that I recognized the signs of catching feelings and well, it took a confrontation with his brother to accept them and know what to do with them. I never had a crush before or knew how to deal with it...didn't know that I could trust these feelings or would be good for anything other than my aura and role. And I was concerned about causing harm to others by taking the risk or proving some liars right...His brother snapped me out of my doubts and kept our discussion secret, although he was supportive of it. He's probably making a scrapbook right now and I'd say thanks if he's listening."
"How intimate would you get in the bedroom?"
I pause for a moment to process the question.
"Wow, that's a sharp turn. I assume you're trying to ask about sexual aspects...nope. The only intimacy in the bedroom he'd get from me is cuddles. I'm not really interested in that aspect but he is definitely sexy and I've seen an entire online poll that agrees with me posted somewhere. I'm just...not interested in that honestly. My partner isn't that comfortable with touch and he doesn't seem interested in it either. I wouldn't be surprised if we're both asexual honestly...So the most intimacy in bed for us is usually cuddles and that's fine by me. I enjoy that enough."I say
"What's one thing you've learned from your partner? What would you say your partner would learn?"
"He basically drilled into my head the lesson to prioritize self-care and helped push me to be more independent...He made me recognize that my aura isn't the only thing that gives me value....Perhaps someday I can confidently say that I taught him to recognize how cute he is or at least that he is good enough as well. We um, really show each other to recognize our self-worth now that I think about it heh...He's so calculating and precise, trying to make things perfect but he's already that to me...he doesn't have to be normal or whatever he believes is expected. All I want or expect is him as he is. It's funny, he will give the middle finger to expectations in any other aspect of his life and tell most people to screw off if they try to change him to some definition of normal, yet he tries so hard at times to be normal or perfect in this aspect...It's odd but I'll get it into his stubborn head that he doesn't have to change eventually."I say
"What is one misconception people might have about your relationship?"
"That it doesn't exist, isn't meant to happen, is just a phase, hmmm, yeah those all kinda fall under the same category of misconception for our relationship. People just seem to try to decide for us what we're fit or unfit for or what we deserve. They see us and get an idea in their head and it's never right even when the answer is very obvious. I'm talking staring you in the face kind of obvious. Like, oh I dunno, a private date together or matching earrings?"I say, pointing to my earring and lifting up the picture they had of my date with Error.
The only one that wasn't looking was the one asking me questions. Too focused on the notepad. The other people's jaws dropped and the looks on their faces were priceless.
"I KNEW IT!"The pair of Evelyn's editors squeal happily.
"How do you handle negative press or rumors about your relationship?"
"You're looking at it. Well, you're living the answer right now."
I watch as the group's faces go pale. Then the one holding the notepad finally lifts his head to look me in the eyes.
"Okay, I have to know. Who is your partner?"He asks
I grin wider, clapping my hands happily.
"Alright! For anyone either listening to this show or those who haven't connected the dots yet, listen very closely as I make this very clear. I already have a boyfriend and his name is Error, you all should know it. Not the glitch or destroyer, his name is Error. He is my boyfriend, we're dating, and I love him! This soul in my chest isn't available and I'm not sorry for it! This earring's match is his! He is the one who makes me fall and feel the happiest I've ever been. There's nothing that will change that and nothing that can be said here that will ruin that or anyone that can replace him. It's not a phase, it's not a truce of roles, it's not fake or whatever excuse you can create. It's real and that's all you need to know. This show was doing such a poor job informing viewers about the truth or what really happens, especially when it comes to my loved ones, so I came to fix that! You all deserve to be properly informed with facts! You all can have opinions but please try to avoid spreading lies about the lives we're living, please? Thank you!~"I say with a wink as I point between my chest and earring.
I see Lust leaning against the wall past the cameras smiling at me. Evelyn's editors are rapidly writing with massive grins on their faces. I recall how they told my past disguised self how Error and I were a good match and grin wider, knowing they must be glad they were proven right.
"Seems that your body isn't the only thing scarred and broken if that's the standards you have for loved ones...weak, worthless, and mistake..."One of the fools at the table mutters under their breath.
I snap my head to look at them and they each jolt, the guilty one hiding his face behind a notepad. I clench my fists.
"Weak you say? Well, at least they aren't cowardly fools hiding in a studio when badmouthing others and spreading lies. When they have issues with someone, they say it to the person's face and handle it unlike you. That's your mistake. Just look at you shaking this entire time when you had to face me with your lies. Just imagine if they were here! I doubt you'd be able to say a word in their direction without getting a soul attack so you're definitely not the one who should be talking about quality or standards. Anything else you'd like to comment on?"
"How can you value souls never meant to exist?"
"How can you love someone whose name even admits by definition that he's a mistake?"
"How can you see anything good in some chaotic demon like Obscuro?"
"Is Nightmare really worth protecting or defending, even if it's just the truce you are trying to protect?"
I glared at them as these idiots each took my sarcastic question seriously and gave a question. I could feel my eye twitch in irritation.
"The idea that I'm only protecting a truce and not our bond is insulting. I think this entire episode where I spoke to you about them should answer your ridiculous questions. They're the ones who care about me and are there for me regardless of the circumstances. They love me and make me happy so it's quite easy to love them. You don't know Obscuro so I can see why your biased mind cannot comprehend my brotherly love for him. Don't call him a demon again, don't question my love for Nightmare, and don't call Error a mistake or any of them. I dare you to be the fools that speak another insult again."I say, obviously irritated.
There's a pause. I grin, thinking that they're done. Then they look at each other. They each nod and one opens their mouth.
"You didn't completely deny the weak comment!"
"That's it!"I snap, rising to my feet.
"Wait!"Lust says
He marches over to me, quickly removing my necklace and earring. Then he grins.
"Give 'em hell, darling."He says, stepping back behind the cameras.
I grin, then turn to the group with fists clenched.
"I'll show you weak!"I say, lunging at them.
I knock them down and they yell in shock, struggling to fight back.
"Go to commercial! Go to the commercial! Go to the commercial! Stop recording!"One shouts as I pin them down
"Oh it's not going to commercial. It's just getting good. You're doing great darling!"Lust says
I don't really acknowledge any of their shouts, just that I'm releasing my anger as I teach them a lesson. I tried to do it peacefully but they didn't know when to shut up.
The next thing I know, they're knocked out on the floor and I'm standing up with my soul pounding in my chest. I glance at the cameras and tiredly smile.
"My apologies...that probably wasn't the most appealing sight or expected for this show. I hope everyone has a wonderful day! I...need to sit down..."I say, feeling a bit exhausted as I shakily sit again.
I just did a 1v5 and won...they're fools...not even the gang...heh, guess I should start training again if they're the ones tiring me out. Or is it tiring after unloading anger? Eh...I certainly proved who is weak here...And not to spread lies...Yaaay....
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