Chapter 10: Conditions and Tricks
A few weeks later, NO POV
Soon enough, Ink was hanging helplessly in the antivoid under Blip's supervision. Obscuro is maintaining the home and taking care of Palette and Swap has been trying to help Sci where he can. Now Error and Nightmare are going to see Sci at his lab for possible visitation of Dream. They walk in, seeing Sci running some tests in some machines.
"How is my brother?"Nightmare says, getting right to the point and startling Science.
Science glances over at them and visibly tenses up, taking a step back.
"He remains stable but he's staying in the room I made for him to be safe. It is definitely his aura being overwhelmed and putting too much pressure on his soul. He is starting to regain his ability to move and I've been monitoring his condition carefully. His long history of wounds and scars don't exactly give his body the strength to deal with this issue. Being turned to stone at least once usually means death for many, yet surviving it also makes it hard for the body to recover as well as his spine once getting sliced apart or half of his injuries. Bones don't regenerate like your goop probably does, Nightmare. Based on my findings, it was only a matter of time before the build-up of scars, old or fresh wounds and the evidence that he never got the chance for proper treatment for half of them made his body start to break under the pressure. I checked around and found a lack of medical records for him at any hospitals unless Swap or someone else took him there. Whatever set his aura issue off seems to be the burden became too much for him. I know he is used to taking hits and pushing ahead, he had no real choice before Obscuro's intervention forced another option and shift in the multiverse's treatment of him. This may require him to be treated a lot more carefully in the future."Science tries to explain
Nightmare frowns, knowing that the weaker state of his body are the consequences of the past...wounds that he caused Dream or his gang did...He doubts that years ago he'd ever consider the possibility of regretting those attacks as much as he did right now.
"What will need to be done? What does careful exactly mean for him?"
"Well he can't be surrounded by crowds for a while at least without risking his condition reverting to a worse state. I know this may be hard, but if he ever travels across AUs, the residents there will have to learn what personal space is. Unless they want Dream to turn grey and choke up flowers around them, they must stay away."
"I'm sorry, did you just say turning grey?"
"Yes, it seems that stronger auras trigger a different form of shut-down for his body. It's almost like he's returning to his state as he was trapped in stone, even freezing up in the same position that he was likely in 500 years ago. This isn't something he can walk off so I plan to expose him to gradually increasing amounts of emotions or auras to see if he can readjust to the multiverse's auras again. To see what his body and soul can take."Science says
"Can I check on him?"Nightmare asks worriedly
"No, you are unable to get near him. It cannot happen under any circumstances. I am sorry but I can feel your negative aura fill this room and if I can feel it, then it will be much stronger for Dream. You're his equal, Nightmare. You both have powerful auras and just like his, yours is a double-edged sword that can either help or hurt you or him. If you enter that room or get near him, you could hurt him without even touching him. His condition worsens just feeling the aura emitted from objects to give you an idea of how sensitive his state is right now. Unless you want to risk that, you have to keep your distance."Science says
"Certain items can get linked to memories or certain emotions and trigger certain emotions. They become sentimental and very important. And according to my findings, they radiate with bits of an aura depending on the emotions it has been connected to. If positive, I get some radiation levels similar to his and if negative, I get bits of radiation levels similar to yours. I removed any radiating objects from the room."
Error glances over, seeing a small tray with Dream's crown and earring on it. Nightmare watches as Sci flips through notes, seeing detailed notes of each wound or any findings he has with Dream's scars. As Sci flips through them, Nightmare recognizes many that he or his gang caused. Sci and Error can feel the atmosphere get heavier with his increased negativity and emotions as he seems lost in thought. Error pokes him with a string to get him to snap out of it.
"CaN i SeE hIm? I mAy bE aBlE t0 geT aNsWeRs y0ur lAb cAn'T."
"You both can technically see him on the cameras. This way."
He leads them into another room and they see a large screen with red letters in the corner of it indicating that it's a live recording. It records a small room with layers upon layers of buffers or materials on the walls to strengthen the isolation. Dream rests on the pillows on a cozy bed with blankets and some seats in the corner of the room. Not much is there but plenty to keep him busy. Dream is asleep and his feet twitch a bit along with his fingers, yet his neck down to his chest is solid stone. Anything lower than his chest is hidden under blankets with his feet sticking out from under the blankets. Nightmare frowns at the sight of the stone along with the flowers cutting through it and wrapped around his arms. His fingers are a faint grey. Error frowns, then marches out of the camera room. At least, he tries to before Sci shuts the door.
"This is as far as you can go to see him. It's too risky to do more."
"HoW iS iT rIsKY? NiGHtMaRe i UnDeRsTaNd bUt yOu cAn'T sToP mE!"
"Any living being with feelings is too much of a risk to go in there. Your emotions can be detected by him and absorbed by his aura, triggering his symptoms."
"I hAvE t0 chEcK On hIM! SoMeOnE hAs t0!"
"Fine...I made a suit that can block out any ways of detecting auras or emotions. I wore it and he didn't react or show any indications that he could sense me. I planned to burn it after this mess since a suit that makes someone unreadable is basically giving anyone the chance to be Ink and we don't need the possibility for chaos to double with two Inks around...Anyways, you can wear it but you must be careful with whatever you do in there. You must keep the suit on."
Error agrees and Sci has him put it on and Error shakes his head once it is fully on. It's the equivalent to a hazmat suit with a red face shield that makes it impossible to see his face. Still, he wears it and marches into the locked room. Nightmare watches everything on the cameras.
Error kneels down, gently feeling Dream to check his condition. Dream easily wakes up and glances over. Error feels his chin, tilting it up to examine him.
"Oh...Hey, Sci...Is there another scan needed? The meds you gave make me very drowsy for some reason..."Dream asks sleepily
"HoW d0 y0u f3eL?"
Dream instantly recognizes his voice and sits up a bit. Error can see a small lump wagging under the blanket behind Dream and grins, knowing it must be Dream's still shrinking tailbone. He finds it cute how quickly Dream wakes up and seems happier when he recognizes him. Dream always seems to perk up when seeing him and that makes Error feel strangely happy with a fuzzy feeling in his soul. Feels nice to be wanted...missed...noticed...special...He snaps out of his thoughts, focusing on Dream.
"HoW d0 y0u f3eL?"He repeats
"Tired...but I can move my arms again! Relieved that Ink hasn't returned...aaand like my head is out of sorts...or my soul...or both...don't know which is really in control of detecting auras...Could be worse though...I think..."
"I'm sure I can imagine something worse if my mind wasn't so messy right now...."
"MiNd iF i cHeCk y0ur c0d3?"
Error opens up Dream's code, looking for something, anything to explain what caused this. He scrolls through various parts of code until he finds something that doesn't belong. He frowns at the sight of it. He finally got his answer. There are parts that were placed in E!Gaster. This code is set off when it detects strong emotions getting absorbed by his aura, especially love and joy. Last time he checked, that's most of what Dream's aura absorbs. His eyes shrink as he reads that every time he gets to feel that, horrible events are set for him...turning to stone....weakening him...draining him of energy...growing flowers in the worst ways or forcing it out...any way to cause him pain from something good is coded into this...this virus set to plague him. And it won't stop until Dream is eliminated, only going to worsen over time.
"What is it?"Dream asks
"He...h3 haCk3d y0ur auRa...y0ur c0de...maDe iT iNt0 a wEap0n aGaiNsT y0u...It'S alL h3re...ThAt baRriEr-makiNg aSsHol3...wHeRe w0uld h3 3veN gEt The iDea t0...?"
Dream quickly caught onto who he meant.
"Last I saw E!Gaster, he said I'd be nothing without my pesky aura and thought as if I only existed to annoy him despite us never meeting...Guess he thought he handled it by getting what he considered my weak point...Getting rid of a distraction for you...Great...As if the barriers weren't enough..."Dream says with a sigh
Error wasn't so passive though. He was furious. His fists clenched tightly. E!Gaster is stupid enough to think that he can do this....To try to get rid of his Dreamy. He quickly marches out of the room. He calls Blip privately to inform him of the situation, then takes off the suit, opens a portal, and goes to grab Nightmare. He drags Nightmare through a portal to confront E!Gaster. Blip arrives in Dream's space and grins, opening multiple code screens.
"He st0rm3d oFf, diDn'T h3?"
"He iS pr0baBlY fac1nG th0s3 f0olS noW. Unf0rtunaTelY, iT iS a wAst3 oF t1m3 fAlLiNg oN d3af eArS. ForTuNaTeLy, I haVe a pLaN bUt iT hAs t0 b3 3x3cuTeD qu1ckLy."
" you have in mind?"
"Sh0wiNg h1m thAt wHaT h3 deSiReS, a w0rld witHoUt y0u, w0ulDn't...su1t h1m, l3t's sAy. He tHiNks he kn0ws wHaT's bEst anD wHaT wiLl l3aD eRr0r t0 greAtEr tHiNgs, miStAkiNg th3 id3a oF erRoR fiLliNg tHAt r0l3 aS a kEy t0 erRor's-aNd hiS-hApPiNeSs. Onc3 h3 iS sh0wn h0w unseTtliNg iT iS, w3 wiLl s3e a chAnGe iN hiM. I kn0w iT."
"How will you show him?"
"YoU d0n't hAvE t0 w0rRy aBoUt tHaT. JuSt rEsT aNd i wiLl cl3aN y0ur c0d3 oF hiS m3sS."
Dream hesitantly nods and closes his eyes to rest. Blip worked at the code screens for a bit, then grinned and carried Dream through another portal. He sets Dream in a hammock, then codes a barrier around him to make him hidden and undetected by anyone other than him. He returns to the lab and works on code to set up his plan. He knows he has to be fast before the confrontation goes too far elsewhere.
Speaking of which, Error and Nightmare are quickly closing in on E!Gaster, and when Error fills Nightmare in on the situation, E!Gaster had strings and sharp tentacles aiming for his head. Error quickly closed the distance and swings a punch at E!Gaster, a move that's quite out of character for him and surprising the other two. Nightmare quickly recognizes that he's so infuriated that his impulses are taking over. Error isn't calculating anything, he just wants someone to pay. This already says a lot and what does E!Gaster do? Offer a cup of what seems to be tea.
"So g0od tO sEe yOu. TaKe tHiS bEfOrE wE cHaT."
"I'd rAtHEr sHoVe iT uP yOuR aSs!"
E!Gaster rolls his eyes.
"WhAt hAs YoU sO cRaNkY?"
"YoU hAcKeD mY b0yfRi3nD's c0d3, tHaT's wHaT! TUrNinG alL tHe lOv3 aNd j0y h3 gAiNs iNt0 a p0is0n! He de$erv3s t0 fe3l iT w1th0ut iT kilL1nG h1m!"
"Dr1nK tHaT oR nOtHiNg wiLl pRocEeD, mY sOn."
"YoU dO nOt gEt tO cAlL mE tHaT aFtEr wHaT yOu'vE dOnE!"
"DrInK iT bEfORe I fInD sOmEtHiNg eLsE tO dO."
Error groans as it's shoved in his face, then sips it before coughing it out, disgusted by the taste.
"WoRsT dRiNk eVeR...."
"YoU aRe nOt oNe tO cOmMeNt aBoUt tAstEs aFtEr sEeiNg wHo yOu sUrRoUnD yOurSeLf wItH. YoU sErioUsLy cAlL tHaT bRoKeN fiGuRe yOuR bOyfrIeNd? YoU deSeRvE bEtTer tHaN sOmE uGlY frEaK cOvErEd iN sCaRs aNd-"
E!Gaster falls backward from the force of the punch swung at his face. Nightmare gained another pair of tentacles from the amount of anger he was absorbing from Error as he glared E!Gaster down.
"DoN'T yOu eVEr iNsuLt mY dReAmY! He wAs nEaRlY lOsT tO FaTe's sHiT aNd yOu'Ll d1e bEfoRe Y0u bEcOmE tHe fOoL tHAt wE lOsE him tO! YoU aRe nOt eLimiNaTiNg h1m!"
"Hmm, sEeMs hE sTiLl dIsTrAcTs yOu...YoUr miNd iSn'T lOgiCaL nOw sO I mUsT enD tHe dIsRuPtiOn."
He waves his hand and a code screen appears with a bar loading slowly. He taps it and it speeds up rapidly until full. Then the words appear that say: TASK COMPLETE. ENTITY TURNED TO STONE. ENTITY MOBILITY ELIMINATED.
Error stares at those words for a few moments, then his eyes fade and his fists clench.
"You just signed your death certificate. Mind if I ask what that drink was?"Nightmare asks
"It wAs mY lAtEsT miX uSiNG viAlS his fOE lOsT. SuCh l0vElY tAsTe yet I'm iMmUnE tO tHe eFfEctS...GaVe hIm tHe rEd frUiT pUnCh tYpE."
"That's Ink's vial for anger...Oh, you're really burying yourself deep now."Nightmare says, slapping him with a tentacle and trying not to laugh at the circumstances.
Dream may have been hacked as far as he knows, but that code that just completed and Error falling under the influence of the red vial while already angry basically seals this idiot's fate. Doomed to fail. He doubts he needs to do anything here to make him pay, taking a few steps back to watch and let Error do as he wishes. He focuses on absorbing what he can from Error so his anger mixed with the vial doesn't overwhelm him or make him crash.
Least to say, E!Gaster found himself running for his life through different AUs as Error went on a rampage trying to kill him and threatening to make it the most torturously painful death he has ever caused. Every AU he went through was another one Error destroyed without a second thought, all with Nightmare trailing behind them more as an observer absorbing Error's anger and striking E!Gaster a few times. He knows Error isn't in a good state to talk or be stopped now so he's letting the vial and anger run its course, even if it threatens AUs.
This went on for days as E!Gaster was chased relentlessly, getting hurt but never caught as he somehow escaped the strings or tentacles grabbing him. Error had no thoughts of stopping and it was only Nightmare's presence that helped him avoid neglecting his needs while under the influence of the red vial. Nightmare got them meals and forced Error to eat, saying that Dream wouldn't want him to starve for any reason. The meal breaks were the only chances for E!Gaster to escape or gain some distance.
Then during one break he got the chance to flee to Sci's lab, finding a statue of Dream sitting outside. Exhausted and genuinely terrified of Error closing in at any moment, he drops down beside the statue and rambles as quick as he can. He admits that he was wrong and apologizes, desperately begging for Dream to return...begging for his life. He admits that Dream makes Error happy and that he was wrong to separate them, wrong to hurt him and try to eliminate him. He was wrong and he is sorry. Just please return. They're a good fit for each other just please come back to make Error happy again, he will do anything to make up for start over...He even swore on his soul.
That's when a glitched laugh starts to ring out.
"YoU g0t aLl tHaT, ObScuRO?"Blip says as he reveals himself
"From multiple angles! It's perfect! Honestly hilarious!"Obscuro says as E!Gaster lifts his head to look at them.
"Oh c0me oN, GasTeR. YoU diDn'T tHiNk tHaT s0me0ne eLsE wOuLd cAtCH ONTo yOuR aCtIoNs aNd tRy tO tAKE yOu dOwN a PeG?"
"More like multiple pegs! You got him to swear on his soul! All I did was record it! You got him to apologize, admit that he was wrong, and swear to do better! That's multiple hits to the ego and his pride!"Obscuro says
"The fAcT tHaT hE th0uGhT tHaT nOBoDy cOuLd f1x hiS cOdiNg 0r c0rReCt iT iS fUnNy 0n iTS 0wN. HaSn'T hE bEeN pAYINg AtTeNtIoN t0 oUr gr0uP?"
"The idea that he could hurt Dream and get away with it is the dumbest idea ever. Didn't he see my live stream making it clear nobody can do that? My brother is not someone to hurt. And what idiot looks at Nightmare and thinks let me do something to anger him? Killer thinks of ways to annoy him, but nobody actively seeks to be put on his kill list. I had a few ideas of how to make him pay but watching him face the consequences of his actions was certainly entertaining!"Obscuro says
Error starts marching over, glaring at E!Gaster with Nightmare following behind him. Blip laughs with his back to them, nodding in agreement as E!Gaster starts to tremble.
"BuT wE d0n'T nEeD tHiS nOw."He says, pushing the statue of Dream aside and letting it crumble apart.
Much to the horror of nearly everyone watching. Obscuro shakes his head as it fades away into 1's and 0's.
"What did you do?"Nightmare shouts, horrified at what he saw.
"Don't worry, that was a fake! Blip transferred the code E!Gaster used to corrupt Dream to a puppet. The puppet turns to stone instead! Then he made a statue to fool E!Gaster into thinking he won, and let him face the consequences! We got him on a recording too!"
"Err0r maY hAvE wAnTed hIm t0 pAy pHySiCaLlY oR hUrT Him pHySiCaLlY whiLe i g0t aN iDeA t0 mEnTaLlY hUrT hIm sInCe iT w0uLd rEaLlY hUrT hIm m0r3 p3rsOnaLlY tO aDmIt deFeAt aNd bEiNg wROnG. AnD wE aChIeVeD iT s0 n0w-"Blip says, pausing as he sees Error swing a few more punches at E!Gaster.
"He made Error drink a cup of the red vial and he's still on it right now..."Nightmare says
"Wow, he really screwed himself!"Obscuro laughs
Blip pulls Error off of beating E!Gaster, trying to calm him. He holds an earring in front of Error's eyes and Error quickly recognizes it as the one he gave Dream.
"DreAm iS FiNe, br0tHeR. y0u n3eD t0 cAlM dOwN."
"He tRiEd t0 kiLl dReAm! He iS pAyInG!"
"I wAs wr0ng! *BEEP* I wAs s0 s0 wRoNG! *BEEP* I wAs wr0ng! *BEEP* I wAs s0 s0 wRoNG! *BEEP* I sweaR oN mY s0uL t0 nEvEr d0 tHiS aGaIn! *BEEP* Let'S rEsTaRT! *BEEP* I'Ll bE a g0oD fUtUrE fAtHeR iN lAw! *BEEP* I wAs wr0ng! *BEEP* I wAs s0 s0 wRoNG! *BEEP*"
"What is that?"Nightmare asks
"My favorite parts of the recording. He really rambled when he feared consequences!"Obscuro says
Then Nim appears, glaring E!Gaster down.
"As another future in-law, I'd like to have a chat with him so this mess doesn't happen again."
Nim grabs him and leaves as quickly as she appears. Blip gets a buzz from his phone, checks it, and grins. He types on it, sending a quick message. Then Error tenses up.
"I f3el liKe I'm b3iNg p0k3d. Wh0 iS poKiNg m3?!"
"Nobody is poking you, Error. Nobody is touching you."Nightmare says
Then Error jolts and his face burns up. He quickly opens a portal and runs through it, not even bothering to keep it open behind him.
Dream rests on a hammock, admiring twisted strings nearby as Blip left him in the antivoid. He hugs the only puppet he can reach, one of Error, and kisses it on the head. Then he recalls what Blip told him to do now that his code was fixed. While Blip and Obscuro go to do their plan, he has to check his condition to see what has changed now that flowers can't choke him or grow on him. He doesn't know how much time has passed but he hopes Error is okay. He takes his shirt off, checks his scars, and grins. Where the flowers tore through his scarred, cracked, or chipped bones and were now different scar patterns. They seem to be decorated with marks of suns or petals as a reminder of what happened, yet making the scars look better in his opinion. Now they don't seem as disgusting to him. He gently feels his scars and his ribs, feeling how stable it is.
"DrEaMy! I feLt tHAt! WhErE aRe y0u?"Error shouts
Dream jolts hearing him yell and glances at the puppet, realizing that it was a voodoo doll. It must be the only voodoo puppet Error made. Error reaches up, feeling the barrier Blip made and quickly opens a code screen, getting rid of the obstacle and getting Dream in his sights. Dream's face burns under his intense stare. He lifts his shirt to try to hide himself, then loses sight of Error. Error leaps up behind him, hugging him close and startling him.
Error grins, pulling Dream into his lap to cuddle in the hammock, resting his head on Dream's shoulder from behind. He presses a few kisses to the side of Dream's skull, his fingers already getting busy while his arms prevent Dream from going anywhere.
"HaNds0m3...s0 gLaD y0u'r3 oKaY....DrEaMy...L0v3 y0u..."
"Are you okay? You seem out of it..."
"ReD viAl...y0u oKaY...?"
"Mhm, your brother fixed things after you left..."
"I s3e...I wAs cHaSInG GaSt3r...YoUr m0m hAs h1m..."
Error wraps him in a blanket he managed to quickly knit together in his hands. Then he covers Dream's head in kisses, and lays back in the hammock, humming softly. He peacefully dozes off with a firm grip on Dream.
Blip enters the antivoid with Dream's brothers following behind him. Blip glances up at the hammock and shakes his head. Obsciuro goes up to check and chuckles.
"He's here but I don't think we'll get near him anytime soon. Error fell asleep with him."
"Is it safe for Error to be up there? If I remember correctly, he crashed after he was on the pink vial so I'm guessing the red vial isn't so different."Nightmare says with a concerned look.
Then a grin forms as he realizes what will happen if anyone tries to get Dream away. Obscuro does just that but a very tired Error knocks his hand away and turns the hammock into a cocoon.
"I guess he will take that risk. Welp, I'll go check on the gang. Call me when I can see my brother. I suggest you let him be before he makes a pillow to throw at you."Nightmare says, taking his exit.
Dream decides to give in, seeing that he can't escape Error's grip or the cocoon they're in now. He's cozy here anyway and he isn't going to go near Nightmare with his scars exposed. He knows Nightmare doesn't like them so it'd be better if he avoids that. He presses a kiss to Error's skull, snuggling into the arms wrapped around him.
Somewhere distant from them in another realm, E!Gaster is getting scolded harshly by a very angry Nim.
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