Chapter 1: A Birthday Wish and Surprises
Nightmare's POV a week later
I frown, gently holding Dream's crown as I sit on the throne again. There has been no sign of him and his throne remains empty. Obscuro is so disappointed by this that he won't leave his room anymore. Blip is staying close to Error, who has been working with his strings and focusing only on that for the last few days. The reality of our situation has been really stressing him out and I haven't dared to try to stop him and face the breakdown that I know will follow. I can sense it in him and how upset he is. I know the chances are slim, but I hope Dream returns soon. Wherever he was sent, he has to return. We cannot lose him...And I don't want him to lose anyone before he returns. I don't want him to return to find our little brother or his boyfriend falling apart...Yet I sit alone on the throne, four other seats empty around me. On top of that, it's my birthday...I used to enjoy having it without sharing it with Dream, but now that sentiment has been reversed. I hate today without him. I glance up at the star carved into the ceiling and sigh.
"I wish you were here, Brother."I say, resting my head in my hand on the armrest of the throne.
The curtains get pulled open, making the star seem to shine for a moment when the sunlight hit it. I smile slightly at the sight, humming to myself. Then a guard runs in a few moments later, looking alarmed.
"Your Highness, there's a situation! A boy just fell from the sky! We caught him but he speaks utter nonsense about eyes everywhere!"
WHAT? Has Dream gone crazy and returned NOW? Why?
I glance up at the star and shake my head.
Last time I made a birthday wish, that's for sure.
"Your Majesty!"
"Lead the way."I say, getting up.
The guard leads me outside and I tense up at the sight. Twitching and pacing is the exact image of my brother...only 500 years younger...before everything fell apart...before I ate the apple and before he became a guardian for the multiverse...No, now he is just a scared little kid in an unknown environment. Perhaps deep down, this is what he always was yet could never admit or be allowed to be...with all the weight on his shoulders, he never could crack under the pressure and be scared without it being someone's problem which wasn't allowed since the expectation was for him to be problem-solver...Thinking about it just makes me even more upset.
Then he spots me and all his fears just...slip away. I can sense them disappear as he leaps into my arms, hugging me close. Our size difference makes it seem like I'd typically be a parent hugging their kid since he's so small, yet I can feel the powerful strength in him when he squeezes onto me tighter.
"I missed you, Brother..."He sighs happily
"Are you alright?"
"You're yes..."He says, curling up in my arms.
He stops shaking, seeming relaxed now.
"What happened to you?"
"We saw you alone and wanted to make you happy. Things are too complicated for the easy they went with a smaller one to work with later on..."
"What do you mean we?"
"Eyes are everywhere, Brother. There always are. Mine were in the ceiling's star and I couldn't fail your birthday wish, now could I? But don't worry, you'll get a proper gift soon and you'll be kept'll all be safe just as Destiny promised..."He says
I check his soul and clutch onto him tighter, pulling him close protectively when seeing only half his soul hover in his chest. He calmly places a hand on my cheek, redirecting my attention to him.
"Don't look so scared, Brother! I'm fine. The other half of me is fine too and still connected to me...just very busy handling things..."He says, then yawns.
Before I could ask anything else, he dozed off in my arms. I carry him back to the castle and sit back on the throne, trying to process what this means. We're being watched? He said he was watching from the star...Along with others...Destiny made a promise to him? Wait, did he "ascend" or get moved to their realm when that blast went out from him? That would explain his comments about eyes everywhere. I glance up at the ceiling where the star is, wondering what Dream or any of them thought as they watched us from there the last few days...
Then I hear footsteps coming closer and glance over, seeing Error and Blip walk in. Error's hands still anxiously work with his strings and his gaze is fixed on it.
"NiGhTmArE, hE sToPpEd hEaRiNg vOiCeS...ThIs hAs nEvEr hAppEnEd oR sTaYed ThaT wAy fOr lOnG bEfOre FaTe cAuSeD trOuBle...He nEvEr gOt pEaCe oF mInD bEfOre."Blip says, then freezes up seeing my position.
He didn't say a word but his look asked if he was really seeing this. I nod to confirm it.
"Fate certainly wouldn't be so nice but I think we both know someone who would do that for him."I say
"Oh come on, Error. We both know someone who has stated that he'd like to remove the burdensome voices if he could."
Error's hands freeze up and his gaze finds the floor suddenly interesting. He and I both know Dream would like to do that. Then I feel Dream moving in my arms.
"Is tHaT..h1m?"
"Part of him as far as I can tell. Don't ask me to explain, I hardly know the answers. It just happened after a wish...Can you bring him to Obscuro? I think his company will help Obscuro..."
Blip nods, taking him from my arms and swiftly leaving the room. I sit on my throne and Error sits in his.
"YoU r3aLlY eXpEcT m3 t0 beliEvE tHAt? Y0u maDe a wiSh aNd h3 dr0ps iN?"
"My birthdays have never been normal, Error. This gets to the top of the list. Watch what you say, he said we're being watched."
"....Do y0u tHiNk i cAn gEt cuDdlEs lAtEr? Or wiLl iT be too s0oN t0 g3t h1m fr0m oBscuRo?"
"I'm sure my brother can understand."I say, then hear the doors slam open.
I glance ahead, seeing a glitching Gaster marching in. He looks furious.
"WHaT tHe hElL iS tHiS? Err0r, h0w dAr3 y0u alL0w tHiS diStrAct y0u! The oNlY tHiNg w0rSe woUlD b3 tHAt dUmB aRcHeR! WhAt'S hiS nAmE eXaCtLy? d0eSn'T maTTeR!"
Error gets up, fists clenched and tears stinging his eyes already. I get up and block him with an arm. I narrow my eyes at E!Gaster.
"I see you must be E!Gaster. It's disappointing that our paths had to cross with such a pathetic fool."I say, stepping down from the thrones to approach him.
"ExCuSe mE?"
"You're excused and free to leave at any point, I can assure you. Absence is your specialty after all. But you're not going to march in here and snap your pathetic insults and demands as if you're the one in charge. You don't know half of the facts and you have no right telling the sons you weren't around for how to live their lives. You certainly can't tell him that his first chances at freedom and happiness are distractions from a role that he was suffering in. Please tell me that you at least know who I am and my importance."
"YoU'rE niGhtmArE, eNf0rcEr oF nEgAtiviTy. YoU'r3 a bAlAnCe kEepEr juSt liKe mY s0n tHeRe."
"Ah, so you are familiar with me. How come you know that I'm a balance keeper yet called my brother useless? Hmm? He is my equal and it's quite insulting to hear such words thrown at him. His soul and aura are worth more than yours ever will be. It's our birthday today by the way so you chose the wrong day to come in spewing bullshit. You don't know a thing about my brother so shut your mouth."
He stares at me in shock, physically shrinking in fear away from me.
"That's right, he told me about your little chat with him and how you blocked contact between him and Error. That part really upset your son so if you're really so caring for him, I'm sure you'd regret causing that pain for him. Caring parents usually don't want to upset and isolate their kids. You said that my brother isn't good enough for Error over there, correct? That's a lot of talk coming from someone who wasn't good enough to be around and mentor their sons. No, someone else took that on and did quite well at it too. Do you want to know what you missed about my brother?"I say sternly
He shakily nods.
"Have you seen what Owl Demons are?"
He nods again.
"Well let me tell you something. Error once got attacked by one of those things and was probably saved by his reboot. Still, I hear that he suffered greatly and was in horrible condition with hardly anyone able to find him. But you know what happened? I made the mistake of not being there for him but Dream didn't fail him. Dream searched for him, found him, and took him to safety as well as helping him recover. All while respecting his boundaries and not making him crash, mind you. He stepped up and kept your son safe, even got Blip back to him. He supported Error at his weakest and protected him. And for your information, this whole elaborately fancy castle or peaceful land you intruded on is my brother's making. He made a place where we'd be safe based on the world he dreams of. It took shape when he released his powers in a battle trying to keep us safe. One of the main goals of this land is for everyone to be happy. He wants Error, someone he thinks of as highly enough to become a respected king here, to be happy. He knows Error's worth more than you can even begin to consider. If having someone who respects your so-called son and only seeks to maintain his safety and happiness isn't good enough for you or doesn't have any worth to you, then I don't think you're a parent at all. Not any good type of parent I'd know about. Parents usually want someone who loves their kid safe and happy. And that someone is Dream."I explain
I pause, letting my words sink in.
"If you still want to share your unwanted opinions about worth and all that crap, you can leave. You certainly won't help your sons talking like that and that kind of attitude about my brother isn't allowed here."I say
He takes a moment to process it before quickly fleeing. I calmly walk back over to Error with a grin. He looks shocked and I grin wider.
"T...ThAnK y0u...."He says
"I guessed that if Dream got rid of those negative voices for you, it'd be best to keep you from having another one walk in the door to bother you. Besides, only a blind fool can look at you two together and pull the not-good-enough argument. Hell, only a blind fool would look at you miserable without him and think you're better off without him."I say
He smiles at me and we sit on the thrones together. Then something hits me on the head and I see a puppet land in my lap resembling Dream. A similar doll of Dream lands in Error's lap. I pick it up and we share a confused look that says what-the-fuck? I squeeze the puppet in my hand and tense up hearing Dream's familiar voice from it.
"I love you!"
Error squeezes his new puppet a few times, finding the same response as the doll's eyes light up.
"I love you! I love you! I love you!"
I glance at Error, seeing them brighten up a bit. I check the tag and it says: Squeeze whenever you need to hear the truth. Don't want to hear either of you believe that you're not enough. Happy birthday, Brother! -Dream
"He really does hear everything..."I mumble, glancing at the ceiling.
Then I sense a heavier presence and see Error frown.
"You both are horrible influences on Positivity. He is making my life a living hell."Fate says
"My apologies but I don't know what you mean."I say with a shake of my head.
"The more he got connected to you, the less he was himself. The closer he was to Destruction, the more rebellious he got against the future laid out for him. Now he defies his role and is nothing but trouble."
"Well technically now it would be the reverse, Fate. He influences THEM to rebel against their roles and live how they choose. Now you know the rules, Fate. You aren't supposed to be near them, nor am I. Don't try touching souls that don't belong to you. Shouldn't you be recovering from Dream kicking your ass?"
I chuckle hearing the two argue, then see a hand reach toward Error. Yet the hand gets knocked back and a golden field forms from the crown around Error's head, protecting him. He glances at me, his hands shaking as Fate and Destiny shout at each other. Then Destiny sends Fate away and the tension in the room eases up.
"Nice place he set up for you both. Sure, it was an indirect result of the plan, but he was the one that stabilized it. He has kept everything stable to protect you. He has joined our ranks safely instead of the death Fate planned. As you can expect, Fate isn't pleased and has gotten quite wounded by the new arrangement."Destiny says
"He...j0in3d y0ur rAnKs?"Error says
"We saw it as the best solution for the time being. I can see his connection to you both keeping you safe as clearly as Nim's connection to Chaos."
"What do you mean connections?"
"Every deity can claim two souls to influence. We had to make this rule when Fate claimed too many. Fate's red strings aren't tied to you anymore and I'm sure Destruction has noticed the lack of voices bothering him. Positivity has quickly made an impact here by making the tapestries of souls intact and unchangeable, specifically repelling Fate's power. Fate keeps trying to cause trouble or undo his efforts but he fights fiercely to keep the changes he made and every wound Fate gets slowly increases the exposure to his aura. We may be seeing a new version of Fate take shape if they don't stay away from Positivity."
There's yelling heard in the distance and then I hear a groan.
"There they go again...Unfortunately..."
"Is DrEaM oKaY?"
"Yes, I can assure you that he is alright. He has some slight changes but he has adjusted. Now he seems set on breaking any connections Fate had and eliminating Fate's miserable influence on the multiverse....And I hear that he just left. That has to be one of the shorter fights with Fate....Do you want to see what I mean?"
Error and I glance at each other as I sense his relief, yet also fear at the suggestion of going with Destiny. After everything he suffered under Fate's influence, it's quite understandable that he wouldn't want to go to that realm.
"Erroooor! Come see my tiny brother!"Obscuro cheers from down the hall.
He quickly takes the chance to leave Destiny's presence. I glance toward Destiny's presence.
"Think of it as a birthday gift."
"I'd gladly see what you mean. You've got my curiosity."I say
"Then come on through."
I nod, stepping through a portal, and grin.
I'd gladly see what has happened to Dream since that fight...that prophecy...
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