Chapter 4
Richie POV
After 10 mins of walking we were about half way there. It's the one thing that sucks when you catch a ride from Mike. If we ever go home early we have to walk. But in this moment I didn't mind.
Me and Eddie were non-stop talking. About everything. We talked about our friends, the school, summer plans. Everything. It was amazing.
"Do you want me to hold the pizza box? I feel bad." Eddie asked as we continued to walk.
"Actually, would you care if I smoke? I will grab it back right after." Eddie stop and grabbed the box from me.
"No problem. Smoke away." Eddie said cutely. I smiled at him and grabbed the pack from my front pocket along with my purple lighter. I grabbed one and put it between my lips and lit the end, taking a big swig. Instant relaxation came over me and i felt lighter than I did before.
"What does it taste like?" Eddie asked looking up at me as I put the pack away and we started walking again.
"Like shit. But it's a good shit. It's more about the feeling it gives honestly." I answered honestly. Eddie looked up at me with a confused brow. "As soon as I take a hit my whole body relaxes. Sure it taste like crap but honestly, it's worth it." I say taking another swig.
"Could I try?" Stopped and coughed out the smoke that was in my lungs. Eddie stopped panicked. "Oh Jesus whats wrong!?" He asked worried.
"No, I'm fine. *cough,cough* I just wasn't expecting that." I replied getting the last of the caught smoke out of my lungs. I stood up straight and wiped away my tears.
"Oh well, How you explained it, it kind of sounds nice. My mother smothers me with so much stress I could fill a house." He answered and it made complete sense.
"Alright but here. What you do is huff it to get it into your lungs." I said doing a small demonstration with another hit. I held in the smoke for a few seconds and puffed out. I then grabbed the pizza box from him and he grabbed the cigarette with his thumb and pointer finger.
"So like, my inhaler?" He asked looking at the lit part of the cigarette. I nodded and he returned it in a nervous manner. He licked his lips and put it to his lips.
He took a small hit, but inhaled the smoke down to his lungs. He closed his eyes and waited for a cough and he never did. He let out the small about of smoke he inhaled. The muscles in his face relaxed and a smile came to his face.
"Holy shit I wasn't expecting that." He said with a smile.
"That's the power of nicotine. Small burst of relaxation." I said as we continued to walk. He held the cigarette debating another hit. "Just wait till you try weed."
His eyes bulged out and looked at me. Clearly he was uneasy about that idea.
"You have weed!?" He asked with big eyes turned towards me. At this point I couldn't tell if he was scared or excited.
"Yeeess?" I asked softly getting a little scared. "I don't smoke much, but when I get really stressed or just want to really clear my head I smoke it."
"Shhh, you had me at weed." He said with a small smile. "I always wanted to try it! Don't get me wrong it scared the shit out of me and if my mom found out she would kill me, but live while your young right?"
I was in true shock. Eddie. Out of anyone. Was okay with weed. And not just that, he wanted to try it! I just stared at him for a moment. I felt my face get a stupid look on it but I was frozen.
"Re-ally?" I asked my voice squeaking as I talked. "I mean weed is great, but you? No offense, but I really wouldn't expect this from you." I said after a long moment of silence.
"Yeah you have a point. I maybe uptight but I've don't some research and it really doesn't seem too bad. And there's nothing wrong with trying it once. You can't judge something you don't understand." He said matter factly. Still I was surprised. Eddie then took another swig if the cigarette. "Your right this really is calming." He said puffing the smoke out.
That's it, I'm in love. This boy. Yeah he stole my heart. I took a moment and regained my thoughts.
"Well, hey wanna try some when we get to my place? Reading is always funnier that way." I said taking the cig and handing Ed's the pizza box. "Plus we got munchies!" I added sweetening the deal.
"Yes please! Now come on, we are around the corner." I smiled at his excitement and we quicken our pace. I, Richie was about to corrupt Eddie. And It was exciting. As soon as we got to the door I grabbed my keys and finished my cigarette. Giving Eddie the last swig.
He put it out as I opened the door. I felt a small ounce of embarrassment as we walked in. The down stairs was a mess and smelt like booze and rotten smoke. but I just ignored it and rushed up stairs as Eddie followed behind me quickly.
I opened the door to my room and relaxed. I hoped it smelled better in here. I drowned this part of the house with gallons of air freshener. I shut the door and took off my shoes.
"I'm nervous, should I be nervous?" Eddie asked as he took his shoes off and put the pizza box on the bed. He sat on top of the bed on the other side and grabbed one of my pillows to hold. 'Oh god your so cute' I though as I went to the book shelf and reached behind some old books.
There was my stash box. It was wooden with a smiley face sticker on the top. I walked it to the bed and sat next to Eddie on the bed. His eyes were big as he stared at it.
"Nah your good. I was scared my first time too." I said as I slowly opens the box. Inside was 2 bags of the good stuff and a glass bowl I got last summer.
"Wow." He said softly at he eyed the box. I laughed softly and grabbed a bag and opened it up. I smelled it and melted.
"Here, smell it." I said as I handed him the bag. He grabbed the bag softly and smelled it. A big smile came to his face, that dropped as a though came to his head.
"Oh my god this smells like my math teacher." Eddie said dumb founded. I smiled at this.
"Mr.Miller? Yeah he's my dealer." I laughed. I saw his face twist into a confused and terrified expression.
"What!?" He said horrified. I just smiled as I grabbed the bowl and filled it.
"Yeah he's stoned pretty much all the time. It's a miracle he's still teaching." I said as I watched his face morph from horrified to understanding.
"You know what, high schoolers are devils. I'm not that surprised." He said nodding his head to almost convince himself.
I finished packing the bowl and put the rest of the weed in the bag. I picked up the bowl and showed Eddie the finished product. I could see his excitement.
"Would you like the first hit? The first is always the best." I said reaching into my pocket to grab my lighter. Eddie stared and shook his head. I went to hand him the bowl when a though came to my head. "Wait, you should grab your inhaler, this stuff is much stronger than the cigarette."
He shock his head and leaned down from the bed to his back pack and grabbed his inhaler from inside. He sat straight up and closed his eyes. I was confused but let him take his moment.
"Okay, I'm ready." He said and grabbed the bowl from me. "Can you light it for me?" He asked with big doughy eyes.
"Mhmm." I hummed as I leaned over and lit the flame. Eddies eyes closed as he put his lips around the mouth piece and inhaled. His hit was much bigger than I was expecting and I waited for him to cough. "Okay, blow out slowly." I said softly keeping an eye on him.
He held the smoke in for no more than 5 seconds and coughed the smoke out. His voice got horse and I began to panic.
"Shit." I said as I reached for his inhaler and started to move closer to him. I put my hand behind his head and moved the inhaler towards him.
He grabbed it from me and took a big breath in as the Medicine went into his lungs. He stopped coughing and just smiled.
"That was great." He said looking off into the distance. I laughed and backed away.
"Just wait till it kicks in. Here I have an idea, if you want another hit." He shook his head excitedly. "Okay, this is called shot gunning. It won't be as hard on your lungs." He raised a brow but was open to it.
"Okay well, I'm going to smoke it and blow it in your mouth. That way the smoke won't be as strong but you will still feel the high." I said as I grabbed the bowl and the lighter getting ready. Eddies face gained a blush on his cheeks but got ready himself.
I took a big hit and inhaled a bit for myself but then I grabbed both side of his face, bringing his lips closed to mine. He opened his mouth slightly and I blow into his mouth. He inhaled as much as he could but some smoke escaped.
After a moment he blow the smoke out and looked from my eyes to my lips. I could feel a blush run across my face. I still hadn't move and I really didn't want to. But before I could think, he leaned in closer looking me dead in the eyes.
I was so Mesmerize that I didn't move. Eddie closed his eyes and leaned in all the way, closing the space between us.
Eddie was now kissing me.
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