Chapter 2
"2 minutes," Marcus told his children.
Casey was laying on the couch scared while Angie just sighed.
"I just hope these next 12 hours go by fast," she mumbled.
Marcus couldn't blame her for how she was acting; nobody wanted REDD Night to happen, but there was nothing humans could do to stop them completely.
Suddenly, the TV turned a bright red.
The Conrads turned to the screen and it revealed the leader of the REDDs staring evilly back at them.
"Hello, humans," The evil robot told them. "This is your 60-second warning before our annual visit to Earth."
Casey whimpered and Angie shook her head. Marcus just stared at the TV with his heart pumping loudly.
"As you should know by now, when the sirens sound, all Robotically Engineered Destruction Devices will be allowed access onto the Earth for 12 consecutive hours. In this time, we may destroy any thing, or one, we please."
"To avoid completely destroying the planet, we are only allowed to use weapons of Class 3 and lower. Also, we are not to attack any Government Safe Houses. When the sirens sound again in 12 hours, we will have 60 seconds to leave Earth. Failure to follow any of these rules will result in the guilty REDD's execution."
"Thank God for those rules," Angie scoffed.
"But to be equally fair, you must suspend all emergency services. You, as civilians, are allowed to fight back, but it is not highly recommended. That is, unless you have a death wish."
The Device was kind enough to smirk at that last statement.
"On behalf of all the REDDs, I'd like to thank you all for your cooperation. Without you, our lives would not be as well as they are now."
"BULL CRAP!" Angie shouted.
"Angie!" Marcus told her with a glare. She just rolled her eyes.
"Good luck, and may the next 12 hours be successful for everyone."
The TV screen then went black while the Leader kept speaking. A large number 10 was shown in the middle of the screen.
"The Annual Attack will commence in 10...9...8..."
The number on the screen decreased as the Leader counted down.
Casey squeezed onto Marcus's hand tightly in fear.
Marcus held his breath tightly. Angie deeply sighed.
The TV then went completely black. There was total silence for just half a second. It was then replaced by a loud siren.
It was a long-lasting, low-pitched blare with its origin unknown. Some say it came from various places on Earth, while some say it comes from the REDDs' spaceships. Either way, it was a noise most humans feared with their lives.
After the siren blared for a few seconds, the TV lit up again, revealing a live scene of the night sky. A second later, a huge wave of red rushed towards the ground at a remarkable speed.
A few seconds later, the wave hit the ground, causing a mass vibration that nearly knocked everything in the Conrads' home to the ground.
The live footage then showed hundreds, if not thousands, of REDDs in the streets. Not surprisingly, they instantly went to work destroying everything around them! Whether it was a light pole, a car irresponsibly left on the curb, or a café on Main Street, the robotic aliens trashed it with their high tech weapons and super strong appendages.
After a few seconds, Marcus turned the TV off and deeply exhaled. The sounds of explosions and crashes still could be heard in the distance.
"They don't sound close," Marcus told his children. "We should be fine."
None of them said anything for a while. Finally, he decided to distract them from the Night the best he could.
"How about we watch a movie from my collection?" he asked. "There's some good ones from 2014 I think you'd like."
"But Dad, those are 100 years old!" Angie complained.
"Would you rather sit here and listen to people die?!" Marcus snapped. Angie then kept her mouth shut.
"Just... Stay in here while I get them, OK?" he continued calmly.
He then got up and headed towards the basement. Once down there, he searched for his movie collection.
After what seemed like forever, he returned with a film in his hand.
"The LEGO Movie?" Casey asked. "What's LEGO?"
"You'll see," Marcus replied and put it in.
'Okay,' he thought to himself, 'this will kill about 2 hours of our night... Now I just need to kill the other 10...'
With that, they all watched the movie, totally unaware of what was yet to come.
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