- 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐤𝐞𝐭 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐬
Casket Girls
New Orleans was abuzz with mills of people in town for the annual Casket Girls Festival.
A horse and carriage was seen driving down the street while people dressed up in old fashioned costumes and wedding dresses drinking on the sidewalks. Rebekah walked down the street with a smile on her face as she took in the party atmosphere.
"The Casket Girls legend lives on, now celebrated in typical New Orleans fashion with stylish costumes and supernatural flair. It's a yearly reminder of how woman can be oppressed by selfish men and how they can triumph when brave enough to fight for themselves."
Hayley was standing in front of a mirror, trying to fasten the zipper on the vintage wedding dress she's found. Elijah appeared at the door behind her.
"Would you like some help?" as Hayley smiled and said "You might need to use all your vampire strength." as Elijah said "Allow me." as he helped her button her dress.
"Thanks. Not too many pregnant Casket Girls, I guess." as Elijah said I think you look lovely. Only I would..."
He touches the birthmark on her shoulder, and she covered it with her hand. "I know, keep the freaky werewolf birthmark covered."
"Well, I don't suspect any of the riff-raff here would dare lay a hand on you, knowing you're under the protection of my family. Still, you shouldn't take any chances."
Hayley looked at herself in the mirror sighed and said "All knocked up and nowhere to go."
"You know... if you wanted the attend the festivities tonight, I would be more than willing to take you." as Hayley said "Hmm... you and Klaus are barely on speaking terms. Let's not rock the boat, okay?"
Elijah disappointed said "Of course." as he turned to leave but she stopped him before he could reach the door. "Elijah, do you mind?"
Hayley gestures at her zipper, so Elijah walked over to her and undoing the buttons and zipper for her before he took off.
Meanwhile, Ava was going over her dress design for the festival tonight. She put one of her needles on her pin holder.
She moved her hair from her face as she grabbed the white floral lace fabric. She heard a knock at her door. She turned to see Klaus.
He looked at her.
"Hi." Ava said as she started to sew the neckbands. "You're sewing your dress for tonight's festival."
"Yep. It would be nice not having any of my dresses be covered in blood, and me having to get rid of it." as Klaus told her with a slit smirk, "You'll make it work."
Ava said "Don't I always ?" as she put another pin on the bottom. Klaus then asked "Why do you sew ?"
Ava looked at him. "Same reason why you paint. Creative. Control. I like making a piece of string into something I can rock." as Ava chuckled to herself.
"I don't only sew you know, I have more hobbies than that." as Klaus looked to the side to notice a easel and panting supplies.
"I see." he said as he said "Enjoy yourself." as he went to walk out before Ava said "Glad to see where my love of art came from."
He turned to her as Ava fixed her blazer and continued. Klaus sighed before closing the door behind him.
Klaus and Marcel were in the living room discussing their current predicament. "You don't have to be Sherlock Holmes to know the obvious. Our secret weapon has escaped."
"She wouldn't just leave. She knows the witches want her back."
Elijah appears from around the corner, and Marcel turned towards him.
"Her violin is missing. She may have left of her own volition."
"What did you say to her in the attic? She lied to my face so she could stay up there, thinking that you'd help her control her magic. How do we know you didn't take her?"
"I have no idea where Davina is, or why she ran away. Can I suggest you take a step back?"
Marcel eyed him for a moment before turning away. "I can assure you I have absolutely no desire to see that child come into harm's way. She's suffered enough with this Harvest ritual nonsense."
"That child, to whom you refer to so affectionately, is the most powerful witch in New Orleans. If she's fled, what's to stop her from destroying us? In fact, destroying all we've worked for? No, if she's not a friend to this family, then she is our enemy."
"She is a friend, Klaus."
"Well, let's hope so. Lucky for you, I know how to get her back. Follow my lead." Klaus left as Marcel was about to follow when Elijah stopped him.
"You know how Niklaus operates. If he perceives a threat, he can become quite ruthless. This would not bode well for Davina."
"I'm not going to let anybody lay a finger on her."
"Nor will I."
In the courtyard, Hayley and Rebekah are rifling through several old chests of clothes while they search for a Casket Girls Festival outfit to wear.
"So the witch is missing, huh?"
"Walked right out of the front door, apparently. Know anything about it?"
"No, although I did tell her that the witch Elders were dead."
"Well, why would she care, when the witches tried to kill her in their ritual?"
"I think it was more that Marcel didn't tell her that the one thing preventing her from being free had been eliminated."
"So you are the reason she's run off."
"Hey, I was just telling her the truth. She's the one who realized they were just using her to keep their control over the witches."
"Yeah well, I've never been a fan of the boys club. Just wait, Elijah will join them and the three of them will be impossible."
They watch Marcel and Klaus on the balcony as they mutter quietly to each other. "Used by the witches, lied to by Marcel, manipulated by Elijah, threatened by Klaus. Just like a modern-day Casket Girl."
"Are you talking about Davina or yourself?"
"Does it matter? Either way, us girls have got to stick together."
Davina poured water into a glass and sets it on the kitchen table in front of Cami. Josh stood next to them.
"Keep drinking. You need the vervain in your system so you can't be compelled again."
"Hey Cami, you don't have any like... human blood in your fridge, do you?"
"For crying out loud, here." Davina said with a sigh to Josh.
Davina held her arm up in front of Josh's face. He hesitates a moment before taking a hold of her wrist. She then stops and spaces out as she's overwhelmed by a vision of Sabine and Sophie doing a spell. Cami stands up and looks at her, clearly concerned.
"Someone's practicing magic. They're trying to find me."
"Then we have to run."
Camille rushed to her room to grab some clothes and starts to shove them into a duffle bag. Still, Davina looked worried.
"There is no way to sneak me out of the Quarter. By now, everyone's looking for me– the witches, Marcel, Klaus."
"My uncle will know what to do."
"Cami--" Davina said as she sighed sympathetically as Cami stopped her and said "I mean, he has to know some of what's going on in this town, right?"
"Unless he's been compelled-"
"He knowns." as Cami looked confused and said "What are you talking about?"
"He knows. He works with Marcel. They're practically friends. I hear them talk. He knows everything."
Cami was shocked, and she looked up to see Josh entering from the other room.
"No. He would've told me if he knew the witches put a hex on my brother." Davina said nothing and looked to Josh who was silent to.
"He knows?" she asked hurt as Davina said "Cami ?"
"Oh, my god. He knows." as Cami went to sit down and Davina rushed to comfort her.
"Hey, you guys seriously need to go, like, now. Plane, train, automobile, whatever." Josh said urgent as he handed them his keys.
"Take my car, it's parked down at the docks. I'll text you the where."
"Put your number in Cami's phone. Most of the Quarter is shut down right now, we'll have to walk."
"And the sun is taking forever to go down"
"Hey, no tears." Josh said comfortingly as Davina and Josh hugged.
"Promise you'll met us as soon as it gets dark out?"
"Yeah, don't worry about me. Just don't let them find you." as Davina smiled before they left.
Hayley was walking through the courtyard with two of Klaus' vampire guards behind her. She turns back to them, looking annoyed.
"I know Klaus told you to follow me, but does that really mean you have to follow me to the bathroom?"
The two guards cross their arms over their chests as Hayley's phone rang. She lifted her phone and saw that Sophie was calling her.
"Give me two minutes. It's my gynecologist." Hayley said with a smirk.
Hayley headed into the garage and shut the door before answering her phone.
"What the hell do you want?"
"I know you don't trust me, but you need to listen. Everything is about to change. Davina's on the loose." as Hayley said " Figured that out on your own, huh? Remind me again why I should give a damn?"
"I need something from you so that the witches can complete the Harvest."
"On what planet would I help you witches get more power? All you've done is hex me left and right."
"You'll help me because if we don't complete the Harvest, our access to magic will fade for good, which doesn't bode well for your family."
"What do you know about my family?"
"You're from the Crescent Wolf bloodline. Marcel forced a witch to curse them so they'd be trapped in wolf form."
"And I should keep listening to you because...?"
"Because my bloodline executed that curse. Help me complete the Harvest, and I'll undo the curse for you."
"But what can I do?"
"I need to consecrate the remains of a powerful witch so I can absorb their magic. I know of one whose body was never found. Her name is Celeste DuBois. I believe you and she have a friend in common?"
"Elijah." Hayley said with a sigh.
"Story goes that when she died, he buried her in a secret spot at her request. All you have to do is find out where."
Hayley hanged up and sighed again, looking conflicted.
The Casket Girls Festival is in full swing, with marching bands and people in costumes dancing around the streets. Davina is wearing a masquerade mask and an antique wedding dress to disguise herself as she walks hurriedly down the main street with Cami in tow
"There's people everywhere."
"Just keep walking, no one knows it's you."
Davina stopped and pointed into the crowd, alerting Cami to the fact that Klaus is searching for her nearby.
"We have to get off this street." Cami said in a panic.
Camille and Davina rush off down a side street. Meanwhile, Marcel and Elijah are in the middle of the street talking quietly to another.
Klaus approached them.
"Ah, you two look rather cozy."
"Hardly. I was just telling Elijah how we're wasting time." Marcel said with a scoff.
"You don't like festivals?" as Rebekah showed up with Ava.
"I don't see why not. Who doesn't love a street fair?" as Ava said "I like them for the food."
"Sister, Tiniest wolf come to help us find our stray?" Ava did a double take as she asked "Stray ?"
"Davina, darling." as Ava took in shaky breathes. "Y-You didn't tell me she was ever here." Ava told Klaus as Klaus said "I didn't think I had to. She got away and we need her back."
Ava lips went into a faint line. Her tray that held her beignet went down to the ground.
She needed to find Davina and warn her. She needed to slip away.
"We can't let your secret weapon get in the wrong hands, can we?"
"For the record, we're moments away from retrieving her." "I recognize that tone of voice, Niklaus. Clearly you have some diabolical machination. What is it?" Elijah asked Klaus.
Klaus smirked before he left. Ava took that as her mark to, she slipped away from the others in the crowd.
Klaus followed an at first unidentified person walked toward a car parked nearby. It was Timothy, Davina's friend and crush.
"Timothy." as he put a hand on his shoulder and compelled him. "Might I have a word?"
Back at Cami's place, Josh was pacing around her living room. The sun has just gone down, and he was leaving another voicemail.
"Cami! It's me. Again. Stalking you. Look, just really need to know where you guys are so I can meet you before the sun comes up. Again."
His phone beeped and he looked at his phone to see who was calling him. It's an unknown number.
"Uh, hello?" he answered nervous as Klaus said who was in the French Quarter with Timothy "Joshua, my most disappointing minion. I suspected you wouldn't answer the call were it from me."
"Klaus. Hey. What up? Guess what, I just moved to Turkey. Weirdly, they don't eat turkey here. Go figure."
"You're lying. In fact, Marcel and I were just chatting about your failed double agent status, and we've surmised that you're likely still in town and in the company of a friend, a young, angry witch."
"Nope. Nope. No witches here. Totally digging Turkey, though."
"Are you really going to leave Davina's fiddler soulmate, Timothy, alone with me? Oh, Josh. What would she think of that? I assure you, I just wanna talk to her. Tim and I will be at the compound. I really do hope she comes home soon."
Klaus then hanged up.
Davina and Cami have ducked inside the church to hide out from Klaus and his search party.
"We should keep moving. How long do we have to wait?" Davina asked as Cami said "Give it a few minutes, then I'll check to see if the coast is clear."
That's when Davina heard footsteps. She sshed Cami. She held her hands out about to strike when she saw Ava.
Davina put her hand down as Ava took in a relief breathe. "Davina." Ava said with a smile as Davina said "Ava." with a bright smile. Ava went to hug Davina tightly.
Davina hugged back. Ava then asked frantically "God are you ok ?! I was so worried, you have no idea how much it hurts to run in this heels, I had to make sure you were ok." as Davina said "I'm ok, I'm ok."
"Cami." Ava said to her as Cami said "Ava what are you doing here ?" as Davina asked "Right ? What are you doing here ?" as Ava said "You're in danger. Klaus. He's coming ok, we need to get you out of here."
Cami's phone vibrated. She picked it up when she saw it was Josh.
"Josh, sorry I missed your calls." as she paused to listen to what he had to say.
"Look, I didn't want to tell you, but I know Klaus. If Davina doesn't show up, he'll kill Tim."
"We'll think of something. Make your way to the Quarter. Stay hidden. We'll text you when we have a plan." as they hanged up.
"I have to go." Davina said letting go of Ava's hands. "Where are you going ? It's not safe out there Davina." Ava said agreeing with Cami.
"I can't let Tim die." that's when she sensed another wave of magic.
"What's wrong?"
"The witches."
Suddenly, the front doors of the church burst open as three witches dressed all in black and led by Sabine storm into the church.
They chant the incantation to a spell as they march toward Davina. Their spell was so powerful it telekinetically threw Cami backward, knocking her out
"Gadyen nan balans. Gadyen nan la foi. Se pou nou fe sa yo dwe fe."
Davina cut them off and yelled "NO !" it freaked Ava out to.
Davina threw her arms out in front of her, and the church's foundation begins to shake. Davina levitated the witches high into the air, and Sabine looked at Davina in fear before Davina violently flicks both of her wrists, snapping the necks of all three of the witches.
As soon as Davina drops them to the ground, she rushes over to Cami, who was lying unconscious behind her.
"Omg, you just killed." Ava said as she said to herself shaky "Why doesn't that freak me, yeah it's probably because you've seen people killed before Ava." as she grumbled "You moron."
"Cami?" Davina asked. "She's not waking up is she ?" Ava asked.
Cami remained motionless. "Hey, it's ok to be scared ok. You'll figure this out." Ava said grabbing Davina's hands as Davina looked at Ava. "We'll figure this out."
"No. I've put to many people in danger. Not anymore." as Davina held her hand out. Ava knew she was about to do a spell.
"Davina-" as Davina said "I'm sorry Ava." as Ava said "Davina wait-" as Davina said "Phasmatos Somnus" as Ava fell to the ground asleep.
"I'll make it up to you." Davina told her.
Davina, fed up and furious, stomps out of the church.
Hayley has returned to the former Mikaelson Mansion with her two vampire bodyguards in tow. Once they enter the foyer, Hayley turned to them as she headed up the stairs.
"I'm just grabbing some clothes. Give me two minutes, please?"
The guards go to stand guard outside the front door, and once they're gone,
Hayley went into the study where Ellijah's trunk full of journals and personal effects are kept. She pulled out his journal from the 1820s and skims the pages for anything pertaining Celeste.
"Celeste entrances me... She is perfection... She is dead. Even as the sun rises, I see only night. But for the promise I made to her, that in death, I would bury her far from the mayhem of witches, vampires, and men..."
"I am so sorry, Elijah." Hayley said guilty.
Davina hurried through the still-full streets of the Quarter when Josh found her and pulled her into an alley.
"Hey, it's just me. Don't, like, melt me."
"What are you doing? You're supposed to be hidden."
"Yeah. So are you, remember, but you're kind of working that whole "girl on a mission" look that makes me nervous. Are you sure that you really want to mess with, like, the baddest dude in all of history?"
"He messed with me when he took Tim. I'll kill him, all of them."
"Davina, Originals can't be killed."
"Maybe they can. I have so much power, I've never felt anything like it before. It's growing, gathering inside me. I'm strong, Josh."
"If you kill them, then-" Josh said with a pause knowing the he is unable to tell her the truth about Original bloodlines.
"What ?"
"If you're gonna do it, don't hold back. You hit them with all you got." as Davina nodded and then left.
Rebekah startled Josh by appearing suddenly beside him.
"That was very sweet, not telling Davina that if she kills Klaus, you die, too. Very noble. Problem is, she goes after my brother, she'll be the one who ends up dead. A very unnecessary end to an already tragic story. Perhaps you'd like to help me help her?"
Klaus and Elijah have reconvened at the compound's courtyard.
"Where's Rebekah gotten off to?" as Elijah said " It's not Rebekah that I'm concerned about. And how can you be so certain that Davina will come?"
"One might think you've forgotten what it's like to be in the grip of an all-consuming infatuation. She'll come."
Elijah looked up at Timothy, who was sitting in the rafters, compelled to play his violin from above.
"Are the maudlin theatrics absolutely necessary, Niklaus?"
"Ha! It's a fair point." as he looked up at the young boy. "Timothy, play something a little more upbeat, please. That's a good lad." as Timothy did as he was told.
Marcel returned to the compound and joined them.
"Took you long enough to spread the word." Klaus said to him. "Have you met his nightwalkers? Not the brightest assortment."
"All that matters is I got it covered. When Davina gets here, you two need to let me do the talking."
Klaus then sensed Davina's presence nearby. "Well, I'm sure you'll have your chance." as he turned to Davina.
"Hello, love." as he looked up at Timothy. "Silence is golden, Timothy. Thank you."
"Davina ?" Timothy asked confused. "You got me here. Now let him down." Davina said to Klaus.
"Well, first, we have to have a little chat about you returning to the fold."
"What did I say, Klaus? I got this." Marcel said turning to Klaus. Marcel then turned back to Davina.
"D, what happened? Why'd you run? Talk to me. Hey, I can make it right."
"How, by threatening my friend?"
"Actually, that was my idea. Apologies. I've been known to go too far to make a point, But I do always get results." Klaus said.
"You pretend to be so confident, but I know the truth. You're afraid everyone can see what you really are, an animal." as she casted a pain infliction spell that brought him to his knees, and he he groaned in pain.
"A beast. Why don't you show us your real face?" as she magically forced Klaus to partially transform into a werewolf before telekinetically snapping his neck.
"That's enough of you."
"Davina, you don't have to do this."
"You! You looked me in the eyes and lied to my face. Pretended you wanted to help me." as Elijah nervous said "Listen to me-" as Davina cut him off and said "ou call yourself the noble one, but you're a killer just like your brother. For 1,000 years, you've fed on innocent blood. Why don't you choke on it?"
He casted a spell on Elijah that causes him to regurgitate all of the blood he's consumed before he falls unconscious. She then turned to Marcel, who looks frightened.
"And you! I trusted you. I loved you, but you were just using me to stay in power. You don't care about me."
"You're wrong." Marcel said with a plead. "When you lost to Klaus, you handed me over like some trophy. Maybe I should boil you in bronze."
"I care. I took you in like you were my own blood."
Rebekah suddenly appeared and stabs Marcel through the chest with a wrought-iron poker. He choked for a moment before he, too, fell unconscious onto the ground.
"Come on now, love. Don't tell me you were falling for that. Isn't it time for us girls to have a chat?" as she looked around at at the neutralized bodies of Klaus, Elijah, and Marcel.
"Now, that is impressive. And well-deserved, in my opinion." as Davina looked around her suspicious.
"Now, before you turn on me, I have a surprise for you." as Josh entered the courtyard.
"Josh, what are you doing? Get out of here." as Rebekah grabbed Josh by his throat.
"What are you doing?" he asked as Rebekah said "Now, if I were Klaus, I would rip Josh's head from his neck, feed it to a nightwalker, and that would be the end of your friend, But hurting people is such a boyish thing to do, like how Klaus compelled your fiddler on the roof. And, while I am many things, I'm certainly not my brother.
"It's okay, Timothy. You can come down. No one is gonna hurt you."
"He told me I couldn't climb down off this beam."
"Then don't climb, silly! Am I the only smart one in the room? Jump."
Tim jumped down and Rebekah catched him before gently setting him onto the floor. Tim rushed over to Davina
"Davina, how did you do all that? How did I even get here?"
"I'll explain everything, I promise." as she turned to Rebekah.
"Why are you doing this?"
"Seems to me that you're the one holding all the cards, but you don't know who to trust. I've just proven that you can trust me. Now I'd like to show you one more thing. Won't take long. You can bring your friends."
Rebekah took Davina, Tim and Josh down into the Garden.
"Oh, don't worry. They're not really dead, just really hungry... and I'm not helping."
"You think my brother Nik is awful? Marcel learned from the best. This is how he treats his so-called friends who betray him. Most of what these poor souls did is no worse than what Josh did. Take Thierry, for example. He was Marcel's most trusted friend. Klaus tricked him into breaking one of Marcel's rules. Marcel knows this, and yet he keeps Thierry locked in here day after day, suffering."
"This is insane." as Davina asked "Why are you telling me this ?"
"Because you need to know who you're dealing with, who you can trust."
Tim then said to Davina "Hey, hey, it's gonna be okay. I mean, you're gonna be all right. Here. Drink something."
Tim handed her a bottle of water, and Davina drank from it. "Davina, both you and I have been lied to and taken advantage of by Marcel and Klaus. Maybe together, we can get a little payback." Rebekah said.
Tim started coughing and then fell to his knees. "Tim?" she said worried.
"It was Klaus. He made me do it. I didn't even know what I was doing until I made you-"
"Made her what ?"
"Tim ?"
"Klaus poisoned the water." Rebekah said horrified.
Suddenly, Davina started to get dizzy too, and she fell to the floor in a coughing fit.
"Davina? Oh, no."
Elijah, Marcel and Klaus have just awoken on the floor of the courtyard after their wounds have begun to heal. Elijah still had blood crusted all over his face, and Marcel's shirt is soaked in blood as well.
"Well, isn't this monumentally awkward." Elijah said with a sigh as they all heard "Hello boys." before looking to see Ava drinking out a bottle of Bourbon.
"Come to laugh at us ?" Klaus asked as Ava said "Yeah, because what you three did was pure idiotic, even for you Klaus." as she threw the bottle to the side as it shattered.
She got up from the stairs. "You all had it coming. Be happy it's now than later." as she gave a smirk.
"I just wish I could have been here to watch it all play out."
Klaus then pulled out his phone and called Rebekah. "Rebekah, where are you?"
"I'm with Davina, and she's dying because of your treachery."
"Well, I tried to talk to her, out of respect for Marcel, but she made it quite clear she is not our friend. My apologies if you thought she was yours."
"Just tell me how to cure her. Vampire blood isn't working."
"No. It wouldn't. You see, the poison I compelled Timothy to feed her is quite potent. It's just a matter of time for her."
"For both of them, you diabolical bastard. They're children. We could've dealt with her fairly."
"There is no dealing with those who threaten us. Davina sealed her fate when she stood against me. This was her choice, not mine."
He hangs up. Elijah, Marcel and Ava stared at him, angry and horrified.
"Oh, come on. The stench of your judgment is overwhelming. Need I remind you that Davina just bested the lot of us? I did what had to be done. Don't worry, Elijah. I remain as redeemable as ever."
"What is wrong with you ?!?!" Ava said pulling at her hair frustrated.
"So you compelled that boy to poison Davina without consulting Marcel or myself."
"You know what the worst part is? It's that you're so predictable, I had to make an alliance with your brother, who I don't even like."
"Judging by your expression, you have something you'd like to share." Klaus said not amused.
"Ok, I can just say something. None of you can be trusted. None of you." Ava said throwing her hands up.
"Damn straight, I do. I got a call from Kieran earlier, right after Sabine and some witches almost got their hands on Davina first."
Kieran has called Marcel after having found Cami and the dead bodies of the three witches in the church. Marcel arrived to check them out, only to find Sabine awakening. She sat up and looked around at her fellow witches' bodies.
"Oh, hello. Let me guess, protection spell?" he told Sabine
"You think I'd let a day where witches can do magic pass by without one?" Sabine said sadly as she looks at her fallen witch sister.
"They all should've done the same."
"You broke one of my rules, Sabine, and I'm guessing that spell of yours is probably a one-time deal. I'll give you two choices, an immediate reunion with your dearly departed friends, OR, you can do that same spell for a young witch friend of mine." as Sabine gave him a look before Marcel said.
"Yeah, you probably know which one I'm talking about."
"So, when you slipped away to allegedly check on your nightwalkers, you were, in fact, colluding with a witch. That's very clever. I suppose I should be proud."
"Eh, I just wanted to make sure I had a fail-safe just in case, as Elijah expected, you started acting like you."
"Except that now you've involved the witches, who, last time I checked, were enemy to us all, to everything we have, and to our family." Klaus said.
"Davina is Marcel's family, Niklaus, or did that somehow slip your mind as you tried to take her life? You will call Rebekah. You'll tell her that Davina will recover. I do wish the same could be said for that boy."
Davina revived, gasping. She turned to find Tim's body laying next to her as Rebekah and Josh looked at her sadly.
"Tim? Tim? Tim, Tim, wake up. Tim, please wake up. Open your eyes. No, no. Please wake up. Please don't leave me alone." she said shaking Tim's body.
Rebekah returns to the compound with a sleeping Davina in her arms.
When Marcel saw her return along with Ava who hadn't rested in hours. She was in her pj's.
They both rushed to her.
"Is she okay?"
"She's devastated and exhausted. Where's her room?" as Marcel said shaked his head and held out his arms for her.
"No. I got her. I got her."
Ava held her finger out in a motherly way. "No, you've done enough today. I've got her." as Ava scooped Davina into her arms and took her upstairs before he could argue with her.
Rebekah glared at Klaus before walking away with Marcel following.
"It is said that this is a man's world, and sometimes it is. For every Casket Girl that was saved, countless others were not."
Ava had placed Davina into her bed. She moved her hair from her face. She took in a deep breathe. She sighed. "I'm so happy your ok." Ava told her.
Ava went to her room to grab a pillow and some blankets she was going to spend the night watching Davina to make sure she would be ok.
She came into the room only for Davina to croak out. "Klaus ?" as Ava said "Hey, don't. It's ok. Don't say anything, you need to rest." as Davina looked at Ava in her eyes before asking "Who is he to you ?"
Ava titled her head at her. "D ? What are you talking about ?"
"W-Who is he really to you." as Ava eyes fell as she played with her thumbs for adding, "Y-You wouldn't trust me anymore." her voice breaking between anymore.
Davina looked at her, wanting the truth and nothing but it. "He's my d-a-d." as Ava looked up to Davina who looked shocked.
Ava swallowed past a lump in her throat. "I was going to tell you, but-" as Davina cut her off and said "Go."
"D-" as Davina said "You're just as worse as him. You lied." as Ava had tears in her eyes as she fell down her cheeks. "Go Ava. Leave me alone."
Ava took in a deep breathe as she sniffled rising up from her seat. She looked to Davina one last time before seeing that she was asleep.
Ava then quickly went to her room only to shut the door, slid down and start to sob her eyes out. Her hands trembled.
Marcel had come to see Davina at her bedside, Elijah had joined him.
"She'll never trust me again."
"Perhaps. You must never surrender the fight to reclaim that trust."
"But women are more resilient than given credit for."
Elijah saw some of Davina's artwork nearby and started to look through it. He came upon a stack of charcoal sketches and started to examine them more closely.
"These drawings, what are they?" he asked Marcel.
"She drew those the whole time she was in the attic. Said they're different than what she draws when she senses magic. These ones, she called them evil."
"And some women, well... let's just say their oppressors had better watch out."
In the compound's bar room, Hayley walked in to find Elijah still poring over Davina's sketches. He started sorting the various sketches out and begins arranging them in a pattern on the coffeetable.
"You okay?" as Elijah smiled and said "I'm better now. How was your day?"
"Killer. What's with the artwork?" Hayley said with a sigh.
"Davina's sketches. I wonder if they represent some kind of premonition. They seem to suggest something is coming. Something sinister."
Elijah finally finishes arranging the sketches, revealing that they are one big sketch of a very familiar looking woman's face. It's was Celeste Elijah's former lover.
Hayley and Elijah both recognized her.
"Oh, my god. Isn't that..."
In the woods, Sophie had just finished digging up Celeste's grave to uncover a coffin with a painted photo of Celeste on the lid. Sophie smiles happily.
"Hello, Celeste."
Back at the compound, Hayley, realizing that Davina's sketches could become a problem for them, she tried to call Sophie to update her. However, it went to voicemail.
"Come on, Sophie. Pick up. Pick up." Hayley said worried expression on her face.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
𝓣𝓸 𝓫𝓮 𝓬𝓸𝓷𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓾𝓮𝓭...
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