- 𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐜𝐢𝐭𝐲
At Lafayette Cemetery, a loud heartbeat was heard inside the Deveaux tomb. Monique Deveraux opened her eyes and started screaming for help when she realized that she was trapped in her grave, though her voice was raspy and quiet from disuse.
At St. Anne's Church, Father Kieran was holding the first mass since the massacre.
"Thank you all for coming. It means more than I can tell you. We gather today for the first public service of our newly reopened church. St. Anne's can finally once again be the heart of our community, where we can congregate as a people united. Here, this hour, we come together to praise God and give thanks. The events that took place at our church were tragic." Father Kieran said.
Kieran continues his sermon while Klaus, Ava and Marcel, who were sitting next to each other in the pew, started to talk quietly. Marcel saw a red-haired woman he recognized across the church, but he couldn't get a proper look at her.
"Problem ?" Klaus asked as Marcel said "No."
"Then pay attention. We're meant to seem like devoted parishioners." Klaus said as Ava rolled her eyes.
"And it is that hope in our hearts, and with the help of many benefactors, that allows us to be here today. So, we gather with renewed spirit, made stronger, committed to the ideals of peace and love. Amen." Kieran said.
While Kieran spoke, the newly-resurrected Bastianna entered the church and watched from the back.
"Amen." the church attendants said.
In the cemetery, Celeste (possessing Sabine's body) lead her tour guide through the rows of tombs.
"Each tomb is well cared for. Families honor their dead with display of affection and respect." Celeste said.
Still trapped inside her grave, Monique called out for help, but the group outside didn't hear her
"Is someone there?" Monique asked. "This place belongs to the Deveraux family, known throughout the Quarter for their strong connection to witchcraft."
"Please help me." Monique said.
"And, if you look close, these fresh bricks tell us someone in the family has recently fallen." Celeste said.
Desperate, Monique screamed. The tourists looked disturbed by the noise. Suddenly, Monique used her magic to blast the wall of bricks out of the way, causing her to tumble out of the tomb. The tourists were frightened, though some begin taking pictures with their cameras. Celeste seemed unperturbed by this revelation, though, and simply crouched down to smile at her
"Hello, Monique. Welcome back to the land of the living."
At Lafayette Church and a break from tourists taking pictures of Monique's empty grave. Sophie entered the cemetery, both confused and horrified when she saw the state of her family's tomb. However, when she ran inside the crypt, she found Celeste and Monique waiting for her.
"What is it? What's going on?" Sophie asked as Celeste said with a smile "It's a miracle."
When Sophie saw Monique, she gasped, unable to believe what she was seeing as Sophie said "Monique? You're alive!"
Sophie rushed over to her niece and gave her a big hug. Sophie was thrilled to see her, but Monique seemed less enthusiastic.
After the mass, the parishioners left the church. Kieran at the entrance meet with the attendees personally when Klaus, Ava and Marcel approached him.
"Lovely sermon this morning, Father. Quite inspirational." Klaus said as Kieran said "I wasn't expecting you to join us."
"What can we say, we love events like this." Ava told him with a smile.
"Oh, we were hoping for some word from your human sources on the recent Haitian invasion." Klaus told him as Father Kieran said "My guys have their ears on the ground, and no one has seen or heard any sign of whatever his name is."
"He is called Papa Tunde. And right now, he's wandering in the Quarter with the power he absorbed from every soul I had buried in the Garden, so you might wanna put your ear a little closer to the ground." Marcel said.
"Or I could steer clear of whatever war is brewing between your kind and his, before I find myself–" he said
He was cut off when Cami appeared and started to shake Kieran's hand, pretending as though they were strangers.
"I wanted to congratulate you on getting the church up running. I can see this is a bad time. Nice to see you, Marcel." Cami said before walking off.
She pointedly ignored Klaus before leaving. Kieran gave Klaus a hard look before following after Cami. "Cami !"
Klaus scoffed. "Well, don't look at me. I tried to send her away." as Ava joked "Maybe you should have tried alittle harder." as Klaus gave her a look.
Klaus phone rang and he walked off to answer it.
"Yes, Diego? What do you have for me?" as Diego said on the line "Uh, we got a special delivery." he sounded alarmed.
"Would you care to elaborate?"
Where Diego was, Papa Tunde's body was laying in the middle of a magical circle of salt with blood all over his white suit.
"Either our witch problems are over, or they're just get started."
Klaus hung up and turned to Marcel, Ava and Kieran.
"Marcel. Ava." He gestured for them to go, and the three of them left. Kieran turned back to his waiting parishioners to greet them.
"God be with you. Thank you. God be with you. God be with you." Kieran said to the parishioners.
He went to shake a woman's hand, not realizing until it was too late that it is Bastianna.
"Oh, I doubt that, but I do appreciate the thought." as Kieran shocked said "Bastianna."
Bastianna casted a hex and drew an "X" on the side of his hand with her thumb, which appeared as a black smudge.
"Toursion fou, mort de l'espirit! Give your nephew Sean my regards when you see him in hell."
At the Compound, Elijah crouched down to examine Papa Tunde's corpse, while Marcel, Ava and Klaus stood beside him and watched.
"Can I get you anything, brother? A magnifying glass? A pipe, perhaps?" Klaus asked sarcastic.
"You have a theory you'd like to share with us, Niklaus?" Elijah asked his brother.
"Back in the day, the witches wanted to send a threat, they'd just kill a chicken and leave it on your doorstep." Marcel said.
"It's rather a large and ominous chicken, wouldn't you say?" as Ava said "I'll say." her hair was clipped back in a side bang.
"Papa Tunde defeated Rebekah with ease, almost got the two of us as well. If he was supposed to be the prize fighter, why leave him for dead in our front yard?" Klaus said to the others.
Rebekah had just arrived to join them. "Aunt Rebekah." Ava said.
"Well, don't you look cheery. Listen to this-- A girl literally exploded from a grave today as Sabine was giving a tour of the city of the dead. It was Monique Deveraux."
"What ?" Klaus asked. "The tourists thought it was part of the show, but the witches are celebrating like it's some kind of bloody miracle."
"Maybe it is. They think that all hope is lost, but now suddenly a Harvest girl is resurrected. This is how we're gonna get Davina back, kill the witch who took her place." as Ava said "I'm all for it, minus the killing part of course."
"I have a theory about who one of them could be. Celeste. I mean, it's got to be. Davina was trying to tell us, she was drawing pictures of Celeste. She was warning us that a great evil is coming." Hayley said returning home.
"First, Papa Tunde returns to settle old scores, now your murdered lover is back. This isn't witches attacking vampires. They're declaring war on us."
In the study, Rebekah and Elijah were talking. Rebekah went to the bar and pours herself a drink.
"It's not too early for scotch, is it, with all the witchy shenanigans and subterfuge afoot?" as Elijah said "It is entirely too early if one intends to drive, yes."
"Funny, I don't have any plans to go anywhere." Rebekah said as Elijah said "There not safe here. You have to take Hayley and Ava to the plantation house until this is over."
"Are you worried about Hayley and Ava, or whether or not you can trust me?"
"It's precisely because I trust you that I'm asking you to do this." Elijah said.
"Here's a novel idea, why don't you let Hayley and Ava decide for themselves Why are you dictating her their fate ?"
"You know why." he said mainly about Hayley. "Then perhaps you should take her yourself."
"Well, then that would make me the very hypocrite you've accused me of being. Rebekah, I cannot legislate my feelings. My actions, however... So, would you kindly do this for me?"
"You know the mama wolf loves to be told what to do. She's not gonna like it. But I will do it for you, if only to end this silly quarrel between the two of us."
Rebekah left the room. As soon as she reached the hallway, Marcel grabbed her and pulled her into an alcove.
"What the hell do you think you are doing?" she asked startled. "Listen, everybody's running off looking for resurrected witches. Meanwhile, I think I saw one at the church, Genevieve." Marcel said.
"What ?" Rebekah asked.
"I can't be sure. I only caught her out of the corner of my eye. Been with Klaus since. But it looked like her. And you and I both know that she would have a reason to wanna be back. A lot of unfinished business, a lot of secrets that you and I don't want getting out." Marcel said.
"I have to take Hayley and Ava to the plantation. You need to find Genevieve and end this. End it like we did the last time." Rebekah said.
Marcel nodded in understatement.
At Rousseau's, Genevieve entered the restaurant and walked to the bar, where Cami was working as bartender.
"Tea, please." she said to Cami.
Kieran entered the restaurant, and when he saw Cami, he approached her while she poured Genevieve's tea. He sat down in the seat across from her while Genevieve pretended not to eavesdrop on them.
"I'm busy." she told him irritated.
"Cami, just hear me out." Kieran said.
"You know, I came to your reopening because I wanted to try and make amends. Then I see you talking with Klaus, out in the open, like it's business as usual in the Quarter."
"It is business as usual. For the past three centuries, the O'Connells have always tried to keep the peace." Kieran told her.
"Save me the family history. It's all lies on top of lies." Cami said.
"Cami, pour me a drink. I have to tell you something." he said.
Cami poured him a shot of whiskey. When he took it, his hands were shaking so badly he nearly spilled it as he drunk it.
"Uncle Kieran, what's wrong?" Cami asked worried.
"I'm in trouble. What happened to your brother Sean is about to start happening to me." Kieran told her.
He rubs at his hand nervously, and Cami saw the black "X" from the hex Bastianna cast.
"What ?"
"I've... I've been hexed. And I don't know how long I have." Kieran told her.
"Wait. I know some people. There has to be some sort of... I don't know, antidote or..." as Kieran told her "Cami, I need you to promise me one thing. When it gets bad, I need you to be as far away from me as possible."
"No. No! There has to be some sort of way."
Genevieve interrupted her and said "Of course there is. If you want to save your uncle's life, all you have to do is take this,-" as she pulled out Papa Tunde's blade and laid it on the bar.
"And make sure it ends up in Klaus Mikaelson's heart."
Rebekah and Hayley had just arrived at the former Mikaelson mansion, and were walking toward the front porch.
"I thought I was gonna have to drag you to the plantation kicking and screaming."
"Yeah, well, we all just wanna protect me, Ava and the baby, right?"
"Hey, I'm on your side, remember? So, what gives?" Rebekah said rising a eyebrow in disbelief.
"Tonight's a full moon, Rebekah." Hayley said with a sigh.
"So what? You're preggers, you can't turn." Rebekah told her as Hayley said "Yes, but I wanted to invite a few people over..."
"Of course. Every red-blooded American werewolf will be a bundle of fur and sharp teeth tonight, whilst your cursed Crescent Clan will be–"
"Human, but only for a few hours, and won't be again until the next full moon, so... I asked Josh to get a message out to Eve in the Bayou."
"Josh isn't dead yet? Well good on him. I love a nice survival story."
Rebekah noticed a man wheeling a dolly out of the house.
"Who the bloody hell is that?" Rebekah asked surprised.
"Kegs out back, alright?" Hayley told the man as the man told her "Yup"
Hayley cleared her throat awkwardly and turned back to Rebekah.
"Right. It appears you weren't gonna wait for me to grant you permission to throw a kegger."
"Listen, you all want me safe? Fine. I'll do as I'm told. I'll play damsel in the glass tower. But tonight's the one night a month that I can meet my family. Now, you could rat me out and send me to my room, or you could help me to throw one hell of a party."
Celeste/Sabine walked down a street, followed by Elijah. She turned around to face him.
"Elijah. To what do I owe the pleasure?"
"My family needs an ally among the witches, and you've helped us in the past. Perhaps together we can avoid an unnecessary conflict."
"They may be willing to make a deal, if it were with the noble Elijah. But there will never be any peace at long as it involves Klaus." she told him.
"Is that what all this is about? You want my brother out of town?" Elijah said.
"I'm just telling you how they feel. My people are scared, they're desperate, but they're not dumb. You have a niece and another on the way. It stands to reason you'd be willing to discuss how to run him out of the city."
"Let's walk together. You can take me on one of your famous tours." Elijah said.
Cami was sitting in the pews of the church, holding Papa Tunde's blade in her hands. Klaus and Ava walked through the entrance to join her, and when she saw them approaching, she hide the blade.
"I got your message. Where's Kieran now?" as Ava asked "Are you alright ?" putting a hand on her shoulder.
Klaus took a seat next to Cami in the pew.
"In the attic, resting. Praying. He's gonna go crazy and die, isn't he? Just like Sean. And we'll still be in this stupid fight because he lied to me about the witches. And vampires. And you." Cami said.
"Camille. I can see why you hate me. Truth be told, I have done some dreadful things. But the lies your uncle told were meant to protect you. He is a good man with a loyal heart, and he is your family. As for these witches, their attack on Kieran should be proof enough they are the enemy. In that, we are united."
"Good speech." Ava said arms folded.
Klaus stood up and headed for the sacristy. Cami followed him, holding the blade in her hand. Ava turned to look at the two.
"Klaus ?"
He turned around and saw her holding the blade. He looked at her, glances back at the blade, and then at her again when she handed it to him.
"This is Papa Tunde's blade."
"A witch gave it to me. Said it would cause untold pain and torment, even to an Original. She said if I stuck it in your heart, she'd heal Kieran."
"And yet, you chose to reject their offer." Klaus told her as Cami said "Maybe if I were more like you, I could do it, but I'm not-"
"A monster?" he said finishing her sentence.
"I'm not stupid. If there's a war going on, I wanna be on the winning side."
"Let's see what we can do about saving your uncle, shall we?" Klaus said happily.
"Always like to play Dr." Ava said with a smile before going upstairs.
Hayley hanged up some clothes for the Crescent werewolves to put on when they turn into humans with the full moon. As she was about to leave, the golden-eyed wolf who had been protecting Hayley appeared and stared at her
"Hello again."
"I'm looking forward to meeting you soon." she said with a smile.
Klaus bite into the palm of his hand and let his blood drip into a communion goblet while Father Kieran and Cami watch. Kieran just side-eyes him, clearly appalled.
Ava was use to it.
"You've gotta be kidding me." Kieran told them incredulous.
"A vampire is trying to reverse a witch's hex placed on you, and it's the cup you find sacrilegious?" as Ava put a hand on the father's shoulder before adding "Pretend it's a Bloody Mary." with a smile.
Kieran sliced open the palm of his hand and placed it in the basin of holy water at the sacristy. Cami looks skeptical.
"Are you sure this is going to work?" she asked Klaus.
"Not remotely. But, I can't attempt to use my compulsion to counter Bastianna's curse if the good Father has vervain in his system. Thus, we bleed him out. I never said this would be pleasant."
"Just do what you have to do." she said with a sigh.
The Crescent werewolves had just transformed back into humans, and pull clothing Hayley left for them off of the clothes line before they dress themselves for the party. At the plantation house, Rebekah was cooking crawfish in the kitchen while she left Marcel a voicemail.
"So help me God, Marcel, if you don't call me back with an update, I will kill you myself." she said on the phone with Rebekah.
Suddenly, a blonde, shirtless Crescent wolf showed up in the kitchen, and when Rebekah finally notices him, she was startled by his appearance.
"Oh. I beg your pardon. I was expecting someone... furrier." Rebekah said awkward.
"You're one of them, aren't you? An Original?" Oliver asked.
"Yes. You might want to say that with some more respect." as she paused before adding " I suppose you'll be wanting Hayley."
"Or I could just talk to you. I'm Oliver. I didn't catch your name." Oliver told her.
"I'm Rebekah." as she called out into the next room and said "Hayley, the party's here!"
Sophie, Monique, and Marcel were in the courtyard, where Sophie was preparing to do a locator spell. She poured black sand over a map, and Marcel looked at her skeptically.
"You got enough power left to find these witches?" Marcel asked.
"I know the Harvest was an epic fail, but I can still do a locator spell. Before I do that, we need to make a deal." Sophie said offended.
"What deal?" he asked.
"If I betray these witches, they're gonna come looking for me. And if I'm caught, I'm dead." Sophie asked.
"I said I'd protect you."
"If you could do that, you wouldn't need my help in first place. The Quarter isn't safe. Vampires on one side, witches on the other. No way am I letting Monique get in the middle of that. In order to get her out, I'm gonna need money. Do we have a deal?"
"Find the witches. I'll give you anything you could ever need."
Most of the party had moved into the backyard, which had been decorated by dozens of candles and strings of lights. Some werewolves were playing instruments while the others dance to the music. Off to the side, Oliver was trying to get Rebekah to dance with him.
"Come on, you can do better than that!"
"Sorry, I've got a burdened brain tonight." Rebekah said.
Olive took her hand and forced her to dance. "No, no, no, no, no, no. Tonight is not the night for burdens. It's to celebrate. It's to enjoy life for the few hours that we get to live it. It's to hug our friends, our family, and to dance our asses off."
Hayley had just walked back inside, where she was tidying up empty cups and beer cans in the living room. A Crescent werewolf with shaggy, curly brown hair comes up behind Hayley and joined her.
"I seriously doubt you invited us here to wait on us." as he paused for a beat before adding "You're Hayley. I'm Jackson. It's nice to see you again."
"You're the wolf who's been watching me."
"I gotta keep my eye on you. Precious cargo and all."
"Right. Gotta protect the miracle baby" Hayley told him.
"No, that's not what I meant. I don't care about the baby. Sorry, that came out wrong. I mean, of course I care. You're a Labonair. A baby, it's a big deal. But personally, my interest is in you." Jackson told her..
"You don't even know me." Hayley said to him.
"Our parents knew each other. They were of the same people, but not the same bloodline. Now, you know how pack hierarchy works, right? Everybody has their part to play, and... we had our part, too."
"What part was that?"
Jackson sighed before adding "You were supposed to be my wife."
Celeste/Sabine was continuing to take Elijah on a tour throughout the city.
"So, this next part of town is one of the few areas where any of the original French architecture remains. The most of the buildings were destroyed in the 1700s when the city burned for the first time" she noticed he hadn't said anything in a while.
"Am I putting you to sleep?"
"As surprising as you might find this, it's not every day that someone asks you to betray your own brother... Celeste."
Celeste impressed asked "How did you know?"
"As Davina was drawing your likeness, I dared to imagine that your presence was near. And when Sophie discovered that there was no magic in your remains, I wondered, could you have possibly cheated death by using your power to place your essence into the body of another? And if so, then who? And then, I recalled the lovely Sabine." Elijah told her.
Flashback, Always and Forever...
"Are you gonna continue following me, Eljiah, or do you wanna talk?" Celeste/Sabine asked.
"You know who I am."Elijah said to her.
"Original vampire, always wears a suit."
"Your visions of my brother's children precipitated the death of the last Elder within your coven..." Elijah told her
Flashback, Tangled Up Blue, Fruit of The Poisoned Tree...
In Tangled Up In Blue, Agnes, Celeste/Sabine and the rest of the coven meet in a crypt after Celeste had a "vision" about Hayley and Klaus' baby along with Ava.
"Tell them what you saw." Agnes said to her.
In Fruit of the Poisoned Tree, Elijah killed Agnes after she tried to kill the baby through Hayley.
"Ensuring that the Harvest ritual could not be completed, unless you were to control it. You have been playing a very long game, indeed. But to what end?" Elijah said to her.
Celeste stepped closer to Elijah and kissed him. When she pulled away, her lipstick was on his lips, and he quickly became dizzy and weakened.
"Oh, Elijah, my lost love... After all this time, don't you understand? I died because of Klaus. And even after all his vindictive lies about witches led to my death, you stood by him. All because of your vow, "always and forever.""
Elijah became even weaker and struggled to stay on his feet. When he started to speak, his speech was slurred.
"What have you done to me ?" he asked her.
"Oh, it's a simple enchantment. You needn't worry. I'm not here to kill you, Elijah, I'm here to teach you the error of your ways. "Always and forever" was the greatest mistake of your life."
Elijah suddenly passed out and fell unconscious to the ground.
Klaus handed Kieran the communion goblet full of his blood after he had drained the vervain from his system.
"Drink up. It will heal your wound."
Kieran reluctantly drank Klaus' blood.
"I think you've suffered enough." Klaus told him before he started to compel him.
"You will overcome what the witches did to you. You will resist the dark urges of their hex." Klaus said to him.
Kieran blinked as Klaus backs away from him, and they all waited a moment.
"Did it work?" Cami asked Ava and Klaus.
"How do I know if it worked? All I know is that the vervain is out, and I'm at the mercy of this murderous bastard. I bet you find that really funny, don't you, Cami? You little-" He cuts himself off, clearly shocked and embarrassed.
"I'm sorry. I don't know why I said that."
"Well we'll take that for a no." Ava said.
"Well, I guess that's our answer." Klaus said disappointed, as he turned to leave before Cami chased after him.
"Wait, Klaus! Where are you going? What are we going to do?"
"I'm gonna find the witch who did this, and then I'm gonna do what I do best." as Ava who was helping Kieran said "Have fun !" with a sarcastic smirk.
Sophie had begun the locator spell, and the black sand moved a small amount over the map on the table. Sophie looked flustered.
"I'm weaker than I thought." as Marcel said "You want the deal, Soph, you gotta hold up your end. I'm on a clock."
The sand started to move around. "Okay. It's working."
"That's one. I need all three." as Sophie told him "I'm giving you whatever I can pick up." as Marcel told her "Keep trying."
"Or don't. Who needs a locator spell when I have all the leverage I need right here?"
Klaus grabbed Monique and vamp-speeds away with her.
"No! Monique!" Sophie said.
Elijah had just awakened on the ground, and was breathing heavily, still weakened from the spell Celeste cast on him.
"You poisoned me with a kiss. At least you haven't lost your sense of irony." Elijah said.
"We may have time for more. But first, I'm going to cure you of your greatest flaw, this absurd devotion to your lunatic family."
"Your anger is with me. Now, if you have come here seeking revenge-" Elijah said.
"Oh, I'll have my revenge. Starting with Klaus. He is gonna know pain and torment like he's never felt before. Unless you choose to save him, of course. But then that leaves Rebekah, your tragic sister. She's about to find herself in quite the predicament. You could save her. But then that leaves Hayley and Ava in jeopardy..." Celeste said.
"No. No, no..." Eijah said with panic.
"Poor girl. She has no idea how dangerous it is to be loved by you. Oh well. With your body weakened by my spell, you won't be able to save them all. You'll recover with just enough time to choose one. Who will it be? I can't wait to find out." Celeste told him.
Klaus walked through the streets with Monique Deveraux in tow.
"Witches of the French Quarter! I have with me Monique Deveraux. What a shame it would be were I forced to sent her back to the death she's just escaped! Should you wish to prevent this, bring me the witch Bastianna!"
"The hell you think you're doing?" Marcel asked.
"I'm opening negotiations." Klaus said.
"You know my rules. We do not hurt kids." Marcel said to Klaus before Klaus said to him, "Spare me the hypocrisy of your moral code. It didn't stop you from killing Monique's mother."
He yelled toward the buildings. "Bastianna! I know you're close. The stench of witches hangs in the air. Mark my words! I will end this girl with the very blade you meant for me."
"I'm not saying it again. We do not kill kids."
Klaus held the blade near Monique's throat. Marcel vamp-speeds up to him.
They stared to fight. While they fight, Klaus lost hold of the blade and it fell to the ground. Klaus gained the upper hand and snapped Marcel's neck, dropping his body unceremoniously to the ground
"I decide who lives and dies here, Marcellus." Klaus said.
Suddenly, Sophie appeared, having picked up Papa Tunde's abandoned blade off the ground.
While Klaus was distracted, she stabbed Klaus in the heart with the blade, and he roars out in pain.
As he groaned, the blade embedded itself deep into his chest, and after a moment of screaming in agony, he fell to the ground.
Bastianna came out of the shadows and joined them
"I'll take it from here."
Jackson was sitting at the piano in the living room, playing quietly, while Hayley stood next to him.
"I know it's a lot to take in." Jackson told her as Hayley said "You think? I just wanted to meet my family. I never imagined I'd meet my husband from some weird-ass arranged marriage."
"I guess you don't know about any of this because there was never anyone around to teach you. The Crescents aren't just any pack of wolves. The bloodline goes back to the very beginning. Two families, yours and mine. I guess that makes us kind of a royalty."
"This is a joke, right? I mean, if you're royalty, where's the throne?"
"New Orleans used to be our town, and we lost it all because of some in-fighting. The vampires came after us, and if our families were united, we could've taken them. So, our parents decided to bring the two lines back together, and... you and I were betrothed."
"I'm sorry. This is ridiculous."
"Look, obviously things didn't work out the way anyone thought they would. Our pack made a huge misstep with the vampires when we refused to back down, and Marcel had us cursed by a witch. You are the last one of your bloodline, Andréa. Or Hayley, whatever you call yourself. These people will follow you. You can help them, you and what you represent."
"And what is that exactly?"
"A time when things were different. When our people fought back. And after everything you went through to find us... You're the one who's gonna break our curse."
"What are you talking about?"
"Your witch friend. She told Eve she was coming here tonight to set us free."
"Wait, what witch friend?"
Rebekah and Oliver were in the woods, making out against a tree. Suddenly, Oliver pulled away, looking guilty.
"I'm sorry. I really like you, but this is the deal we made." Olive said.
"What deal? With whom?"
Oliver backed away wordlessly. Rebekah looked at him in confusion as werewolves (in wolf form) surround her, growling ferociously. After a moment, they lunge at her and began to attack her.
Bastianna, Celeste and Genevieve were standing outside one of the tomb. Each of them holding a candle in their hands while they chanted a spell.
"Fumée chaleur vicieux enfermé les vitres la bas"
Elijah awakened once again on the ground. His phone started buzzing, and when he saw that it's Hayley, he answered it. He was still breathing heavily as he tried to recover from the spell.
"Hayley." Elijah said worried.
"Elijah, something's going on with the witches."
"Listen to me. You were right. Celeste is back. Niklaus, Rebekah, Ava you're all in danger."
At the plantation house, the door clapped shut by a gust of wind as Hayley, still on the phone with Elijah, returned to where Jackson was waiting in the living room.
"What's going on ?" he asked.
"It's a trap. I didn't make a deal with any witch."
"What ?"
"Hayley, you have to find Rebekah and Ava. You stay with them until I get there." Elijah told her on the phone.
A fire started around the perimeter of the plantation house. When Hayley and Jackson went to rush out the door, they found they couldn't because a boundary spell had been set over the threshold
"Elijah, it's a spell. They're trapping us inside."
At the cemetery, the three witches continued chanting outside a tomb
At the plantation, flames erupted all around the house as the doors and windows shut.
At the cemetery, the witches finally finished their spell.
Celeste smiling knowingly at Genevieve and Bastianna "You know what to do."
Bastianna and Genevieve nodded and left.
At the Plantation House, Hayley said to Jackson "We have to get out of here."
Jackson tried to break through the window with the piano stool, but it shattered upon impact, leaving the window intact.
The flames continued to grow inside the house, torching the curtains and carpet. Jackson grabbed a tablecloth from an end table and poured the water from a vase of flowers onto it before handing it to Hayley.
"Here. Breathe through this."
Hayley did what she was told, but continued to cough. The fire continued growing in size, burning its way up the walls toward the ceiling. Suddenly, the window shatters. It was Elijah, who has thrown himself through the wall from the outside to save Hayley. He grabbed her and vamp-speeds her outside to safety
"Where's Rebekah and Ava ?"
"I don't know. She went off with one of them. And Ava was with Klaus." as she looked urgent. "Elijah, my friend is still in there."
Elijah sighed and rushed back inside. Inside, Jackson fell to the floor, coughing as the fire raged on. Elijah made it inside and helped him up.
"On your feet."
He vamp-speeds Jackson outside and deposited him next to Hayley on the ground.
Rebekah was lying on the ground with numerous wolf bites all over her body. Dead wolves were lying around from where she killed them in self-defense. After a moment, she heared footsteps approaching her. It was Genevieve.
"Help me." Rebekah said weak. Genevieve smiled and said "It's been such a long time, Rebekah. I'm going to enjoy this."
Later, Elijah found the place where Rebekah was attacked in the woods. However, Rebekah was gone, the only evidence of their fight were the dead wolves lying around, and Rebekah's black leather jacket on the ground next to them. Suddenly, Celeste appeared behind him, followed by Bastianna and Genevieve.
"Missing something?" as Elijah glared at her threateningly, but she just laughed.
"You won't hurt me. I'm the only one alive who can break the curse on Hayley's family. And Genevieve knows where your sister is. Bastianna has Klaus and Ava, tucked away someplace safe. There suffering horribly, I might add. And all because you chose to save the little wolf instead of your own blood."
When Elijah lunged toward her, she used magic to bring him to his knees. He screamed in pain.
"What a horrific ending to your pathetic, diseased family. I guess "always" isn't forever, after all." Celeste said.
Hayley and Jackson were standing outside in front of the burning plantation house.
"I have to go. The moon." Jackson said with a sigh along with pointing at the sky.
"Listen, Jackson. I wanna thank you for protecting me. Not just tonight."
"I have been dreaming about this since I was a kid. I never thought it would go like this."
"Hey. I won't stop until I'll find a way to break this curse. I promise."
Jackson said nothing. He gave her a long look before he left.
Cami and Kieran left the church and stood outside while Cami called Klaus.
"Come on, come on, come on. Klaus, Ava where are you?" Cami said frusated.
Bastianna came out of the shadows to join them.
"Mr. Mikaelson along with his daughter is currently indisposed." Bastianna said.
"What happened? What did you do?" Cami asked angry.
"I did nothing. Someone completed your task for you."
Cami said " If you got what you wanted, then my uncle,"
"Will die soon and in great anguish. You see, dear, you failed to hold up your end of our bargain. You chose instead to side with evil as your uncle has done many times before you. But take heart. His punishment will atone for his attempts to prevent the Harvest."
"His suffering will purify him. You'd do well to heed his lesson, girl. To oppose us is to oppose the natural order. By choice or by force, the witches of the French Quarter will rise again."
Back at the Mikaelson Compound, Marcel had gathered his vampire army in the courtyard to organize a search party for Klaus, Ava and Rebekah.
"We've looked everywhere for him. Tore apart the Cauldron, the City of the Dead. Wherever they got them, they ain't in the French Quarter."
Elijah returned to the compound and furiously stormed toward Marcel.
"MARCEL! Where is my brother and Ava ?" Elijah asked.
"I got guys out looking for them right now."
Elijah, enraged, started throwing vampires against the walls.
"Elijah !" Hayley told him. Marcel frustrated said "Klaus threw one of his classic temper tantrums, snapped my neck, tried to take on a coven of witches by himself. He got dropped. I don't know where he is or how to find him or Ava."
"They also have Rebekah. Every one of you will help me to find them. I'm gonna kill them all."
A very anxious Sophie was trying to persuade Monique to leave New Orleans with her as they headed towards her Jeep.
"Come on. We have to go." Sophie said to he as Monique told her "I don't wanna go."
"Monique, this isn't a debate. I just stabbed an Original. He's gonna kill me as soon as he's recovered. Look, I'm sorry for everything. I should have come and got you before that stupid Harvest. But you can still have a normal life, one without all this crazy witch nonsense."
"But I am a witch. And I don't want to go."
Monique used her magic to give Sophie multiple aneurysms, and Sophie clutched at her head in agony.
"Monique?" Sophie said shocked and betrayed.
"The ancestors said you didn't have enough faith. I was hoping they were wrong. I should've known better."
Sophie's noses began to bleed. "Monique." she pleaded to her.
"You tried to stop the Harvest." as Monique said "Please don't do this."
"Now you wanna run when we need to stay and fight."
"Please, I'm begging you. Don't, don't–" as Monique interrupted her and said "The four of us, when we return... We'll have enough power to rid this city of vampires, and we'll kill anyone who doesn't keep the faith."
Sophie's eyes start bleeding, and she began coughing up blood.
"Monique... please..." she begged weak.
Monique unsympathetic said "You should have believed."
"Stop... please..." Sophie said.
Sophie died and fell to the ground. Monique turned around, where Celeste, Genevieve, and Bastianna were waiting for her.
The four of them walked back into the Quarter, leaving Sophie's dead body in the street near her car.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
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