"I know where the Cup is." Clary walks into the living room later that night, catching me completely off guard.
"Hold on, I've been drinking and I'm half asleep-" I pulled out my stele and ran it over my Iratze and Stamina rune, slouched on the couch next to Magnus, "Okay, now go."
Jace walks in as well, "Come again?"
"The tarot cards." Clary went in depth, as Magnus and I sat up, "My mom, she must have painted them years ago, but the Mortal Cup has to be hidden inside the Ace of Cups- the card looks exactly like it."
"That makes sense." I trail off, then look between Magnus and Jace who were sharing the same look I had on my face.
Clary notices the looks, "Wait, why aren't you guys happy about this? All we have to do is find- Dot."
"If Dot had the cards when she was taken, we don't have much time." Jace inhales sharply, "If Valentine gets his hands on the Cup-"
"We know." Magnus got up, "If Valentine started creating Shadowhunters or gained control of demons, it'd be like Beyonce riding on a dinosaur through Times Square- people would notice."
"But- he can control demons." Clary mentions, "I've seen it."
Magnus hums, "Mmm, paying off a few demons is easy, especially since they rarely survive long enough to collect."
I got up, fixing my glove, "Still waiting on Valentine's thank-you card."
Jace softly smiles at my joke, as Magnus ran a hand through his hair, "Opening the gates of hell that's a little more tricky."
"Valentine doesn't have the cards." Luke joins us in the living room, "I do."
I looked at him, "You do?"
"Yeah, they're in my desk back at the precinct." Luke told us, "When Clary went missing, I went to the loft and I cleared everything out, 'cause I didn't want the Circle to track her."
"That's great." Clary broke out into a relived smile, "This should be easy."
Magnus sat back down, "Hmm, that's what General Custer said."
"Magnus is right." Luke agreed, "Valentine has spies everywhere, even in the NYPD, we have to be discreet."
"Discreet?" Clary repeats, "You look like something out of The Mummy movie."
"We'll go in the morning." Luke suggested, "Werewolf healing, remember? This is nothing a couple of hours of beauty sleep can't fix."
"All right, cards are on my desk." Luke instructs in the morning as Jace and I followed him, "It shouldn't take long."
It was the next morning and we decided it was best for Luke, Jace and I to go and for Clary to return back to the Institute just to be safe.
I was dressed in a green thermal shirt, the first two buttons being undone, as it was tucked into my black jeans, a black leather jacket, and black combat boots.
"All right." I began walking past him when we came to a stop, "Grab em, in and out, let's go-"
"Whoa, whoa, whoa." Luke stops me, "It'll be easier to avoid unnecessary attention if I do this alone."
I shot him a look, "Are you kidding?"
Luke shot me a look and walked away, Jace crossing his arms and lightly rolling his eyes, "It sounded boring anyway."
"Right?" I agree with him only because Luke wouldn't let us go inside, "I mean, who wants to go grab cards that hold the most important object in the Shadow World anyway?"
Jace softly smiled at me when I played along, as we stood on the side, our backs leaning against the brick wall.
Throughout the moments we waited together, I could feel him stealing glances at me, my eyes squinting in the sunlight.
"Hey, what's taking him so long?" I broke the silence after a few minutes of waiting, "Grabbing a deck of cards shouldn't be taking that long."
"I know a way we could find out." Jace shrugs lightly, "Just go in and see for ourselves."
"I'm completely up for that suggestion." I looked around, then notice Luke being escorted by a few officers in the hall above us, "Jace-"
"Just so I'm clear, he did mention something about trying to avoid attention, right?" Jace follows my gaze, "From the looks of it, he's doing a terrible job."
"Mundanes." I activated my Vision rune and focused on their badges, "Internal affairs officers."
"Luke had his chance." Jace pulls me along, "Let's go-"
"Garroway." The man repeated when Jace and I walked into the interrogation room where Luke was being held, glamoured, "Coffee?"
"No." Luke shook his head, his eyes following us, "No, I'm good."
"Suit yourself." The man shrugged and closed the door behind him.
I opened my mouth to speak but Luke grabbed and tissue and pretended to sneeze, "Camera."
I looked at Jace, as he nods at me and walks over, disconnecting the camera from the wire.
"So- did the plan change?" I looked at Luke, "Are we just gonna be indiscreet instead of discreet? Maybe I'll throw a tantrum in the precinct until someone hands over the tarot cards."
Luke shot me a look but I knew he wasn't mad at me for being sarcastic, "I bet it, kiddo."
Jace stood next to me, "Wanna tell us what's going on?"
Luke inhales sharply, "I think I'm about to be the prime suspect in a murder investigation."
I nod slowly, "Okay, where are the tarot cards?"
"In my desk, bottom drawer." Luke told us, as Jace and I nod, heading towards the door, "Whoa, whoa, whoa."
I stop, Jace running into me, his chest ramming against my back, almost making me lose my balance.
I looked back at Luke, "What?"
"You can't glamour yourselves." Luke added in, "I'm not the only Downworlder on the force, and we don't know who's working for Valentine. If anybody spots you-"
"We'd be leading them right to the Mortal Cup." Jace sighs deeply, running a hand through his hair.
"Exactly." Luke nods, "Better to assume that everybody has the Sight, than gamble that they don't."
"Got it." I nod, as Jace and I left the room when the man from before entered the room, asking about the camera.
"Really?" Jace looked around in the closet we were in, "In here?"
I pulled out my stele, "Yeah."
Jace looked like he could burst out laughing right there, "There's got to be a better place."
"Stop, this is adequate." I deglamour, looking up at him.
Jace stumbles into a few boxes, "Ow!-"
"Stop moving!" I grabbed him and pulled him into me, my only intention for him to not be hitting boxes so we wouldn't get caught, "The mundanes are gonna think we're a teen couple screwing in here!"
I didn't realize how hard I jerked him forward, because he falls onto me, but quickly grabs my waist so I don't fall into the boxes.
My hand was grasping his bicep, my other hand holding my stele, his hands on my waist, my back slightly arched as he was leaning forward, our faces inches apart.
This movement made my heart beat accelerate out of my chest and I didn't know why.
Jace looks between my eyes, his voice falling low due to how close we were, "Mundanes do that?"
"Yes, they do." I snap back into reality and let go of his arm, pushing him away from me and pulling up his shirt lightly, deglamouring him, dropping my hand, shoving my stele back into my pocket, "Let's get this over with, okay?"
"How exactly are we gonna get the cards?" Jace questions, "I doubt we can make it out of this closet without drawing attention, let alone Luke's desk and we are covered in runes."
"I've got a plan." I fixed my glove.
Jace smirks at me, "A good plan this time?"
"Just for that, I'm adding something extra." I swung the door open and left the closet, Jace following after me.
When I walked towards Luke's desk, I notice all the officers staring at me.
Impulsively, I spun around and slapped Jace across the face, "You son of a bitch!"
Jace's face snaps to the side, his eyes wide, "Wow!-"
"Didn't I tell you to stop following me?" I raised my voice, "I told you I was this close to calling the cops!"
Jace grabbed my wrist and pulled me into him, whispering, "Hey, what happened to being discreet?"
"You cheated on me, again?" I let out a cry, pulling my wrist from his hold, "I can't believe you!"
"I- huh?" Jace was completely caught off guard as he tried to follow me when I made my way to Luke's desk, but two cops stopped him, "I did not-"
"You will never see me at your crappy apartment again." I pretended to wipe away tears, walking over to Luke's desk, opening the cabinets to see there was nothing in them.
"That girl means nothing to me." Jace decided to play along when he finally understood where I was getting at, "Nothing."
"Zee." Captain Vargas walked behind me, her eyes glued to Jace, "Boy trouble?"
"Trouble free." I stood straight and looking at her, closing the cabinets, "I'm dumping him, uhm- where is all of Luke's stuff?"
"IA took everything." She told me, "What are you looking for?"
I came up with a lie, "I lost a house key and Luke normally keeps a spare in his desk, so is there any way I can get it?"
Captain Vargas shook her head, "Uh, not till he's cleared."
"Cleared?" I repeat, "Of what?"
"Oh, don't worry about it." Captain Vargas waves it off not to worry me, "We'll get it handled."
"Zee, I'm sorry." Jace's voice makes my head snap towards him, "I apologize. I just want you to know it only happened, like two or- it just happened a couple of times, and I am totally-"
I bit down on my bottom lip, "Shut up."
"Baby, come on." Jace's voice was filled with humor, but the name made my heart leap for some reason.
"Okay, that's it- take him out." Captain Vargas ordered, as the two officers obeyed.
"I have rights!" Jace yelps as the two officers drag him out of the precinct.
"Perhaps it's for the best?" Captain Vargas looks at me, "Oh, matching tattoos- that's- big red flag."
"Oh-" My hand touched my uncovered rune, "It's nothing."
"I get it." Captain Vargas inhales sharply, "You always fall for the bad boys, right?"
"Sure." I wanted to laugh, but didn't, "Uh- I really need that key."
"I'm sorry, Zee, but IA has all of Luke's things in the evidence vault upstairs." Captain Vargas told me, "Maybe- I can help you find the one you lost."
"Actually, I think it's in my ex's car." I inhale sharply, turning away and began running away from her, "I'll go look, keep you updated!"
"You know what?" Jace walks with me outside, "I'm gonna bring Alec with me next time, I don't think he's ever slapped me in the face."
"It wasn't even hard!" I argued, trying to keep up with him.
"Oh yeah?" Jace remarks, "Tell that to the mark that was just on my face."
Isabelle's voice filled our ears when we walked over to her, Alec and Clary, "Someone call for backup?"
"Yeah." Jace looks between them, "What took you guys so long?"
Alec looks between Jace and I, "Funny, I was gonna ask you the same thing."
Jace barely smiled at him, "It's complicated."
"We found the Cup." I ran a hand through my hair, "Except, we lost it, but then- it's in a different room and now we have to sneak back in to get it."
Alec sighs, "This is a disaster."
"Hey, demon pox is a disaster, this is an inconvenience." Jace remained optimistic, "We just need a plan."
Isabelle speaks up, "What about a glamour?"
"We tried that." I placed my hands on my hips, "Anyone working with Valentine will see right through it."
Clary questions, "Can we ask Magnus Bane to portal us inside?"
"That'd be awkward." Isabelle blurts out, then realizes what she had said, clearing her throat, "Magnus can only portal us to places he's been to before."
"You know what, I've got a great plan." Jace speaks up, running a hand through his hair.
I cross my arms, "Oh, there's a first."
"Just follow my lead." To Alec's dismay, Jace winks at me, "Oh, and don't worry, in my plan, no one gets slapped."
"So, I was promised a great plan." I followed Jace back into the precinct, "Are you sure no one's getting slapped this time?"
"We'll head up towards the vault." Jace began, pressing the button for the elevator, "Alec and Izzy are handling the rest, and Clary's tagging along with them. All we have to do is wait for their signal and grab the Cup."
I hum, "Simple."
Then, the elevator doors open to Alaric, Jace grabbing me, pulling me to the side before he could see us.
"Ow." I hit his arm, "That hurt-"
Jace shot me a look, then pulled me into the elevator when Alaric walked out, pressing the stop button.
"What now?" I questioned, "We're supposed to climb the elevator shaft and waltz in the vault unnoticed?"
Jace pushes up the tile, then smiles at me, "Now, why didn't I think of that?"
"See, another amazing plan- off the top of my head." I lean against the wall, relaxed, "This is why I come up with the plans."
"Just activate your Nyx rune." Jace playfully nudges me, pulling out his stele and pulling up his shirt, activating his.
I grabbed mine out and went to activate it, except it was on the back of my shoulder and I couldn't activate it properly.
I pulled off my jacket, dropping it to the ground and tried again, except I couldn't.
Jace watched me in amusement, "Feel free to ask for help."
I shot him a look and held up my stele for him, as he slowly took it from my hands.
He stood behind me, one hand grabbing my waist, the other running the stele over my rune, activating it.
I could feel his hot breath on my neck.
And it took my own breath away.
"you know, the rune's been activated." I quietly mentioned, "You can step back now."
Jace looked at me when I turned my head to look at him, our faces inches apart, "Where's the fun in that?"
Then, the lights shut off and the alarms began blaring, except I could still see Jace due to the Nyx rune.
Jace stepped back, "That's the signal."
"Is that right?" I picked up my jacket and slipped it back on.
Jace smirks and pushes up the tile, "Going up."
"What is all this crap?" Jace questions when we entered the vault, looking at the boxes, "Lunch receipts?"
I shot him a look, "Evidence."
Then, a flashlight shined in the room, making me grab my stele and glamour us both quickly in one swift movement, my back pressing against the cardboard boxes.
The officer walked between us, searching the room before leaving, closing the door behind him.
"Well, at least we know he's not a Downworlder." I flipped my stele in my hand and shoved it back in my pocket.
"Lucky for us." Jace remarks, "Give me a heads up next time you're gonna do that."
I looked through the boxes until I see Luke's name, grabbing it, opening it up, "In here-"
Jace notices all the things in the box, "This will take all day-"
I looked at him with a straight up, tossing all the things the surface.
Jace shrugs lightly, not complaining, "Or you could just do that."
I rummaged through all the things and found the cards, tossing every one onto the table until I found the Ace of Cups.
I paused, staring at it, Jace following my gaze, "That looks exactly like the Mortal Cup."
"This is it- come on, we have to get it to Clary-" I shoved it into the inside pocket of my jacket, rushing towards the door.
"Did you get it?" Alec questions when Jace, Clary and I walked over to him and Isabelle.
"Theoretically." I inhale sharply.
Alec repeats, "Theoretically?"
"Yes, theoretically." I looked at him, "I found the card, but Clary still needs to figure out how she reached into her notebook like she did before."
Alec looks at her, "Can't you just pull the Cup out?"
"I can, theoretically." Clary got defensive, "I just- it's not as easy as it looks, Alec."
"Listen, you two can discuss theories as much as you want when we get back to the Institute." Jace looks between Alec and I, "But right now, considering we just stole from the cops, I suggest we get home."
Isabelle's necklace was pulsing, making her speak up, "Guys- I think the mundanes might be the least of our worries."
Alec exhales deeply, "Well, at least we know the demon necklace works."
"Never a dull day." Jace said, "Let's go-"
"Guys, slow down!" Clary called after us when we began walking, a gasp leaving her lips.
I spun around and pulled out my kindjals, killing the demon that had caught her off guard.
"How did it find us?" Alec was at my side when I put away my kindjals, Jace and Isabelle joining us.
"I don't know- but she brought friends." I shot them all a look, as we all began walking again.
Clary remained at my side, "How can you tell?"
"It's like seeing through a glamour." I explained, "You just got to pay attention to the details."
"But- I can't see anything." Clary spun around, trying to look for the demons.
Isabelle points out, "Behind us."
"I- I still can't see them." Clary calls out, as we came to a stop, "Okay, there's too many people."
"I don't say this often, but I agree with Clary." Alec spoke up, "We gotta get out of here."
"Hey, this way!" Clary calls out, leading us down the steps and toward the Electric room, holding the stele up, "What's the Unlock rune again?"
"We don't have time for that!" I kicked open the door, Jace smirking at me from where he stood as we ran inside.
Jace calls back to Alec when we all notice him stop, "Hey, what are you doing?"
"Holding them off." Alec pulled an arrow out of his quiver, "Take Clary back to the Institute."
"No, if you're staying, I'm staying." Jace argued, stepping over to him, "We fight together."
"Don't be stupid." Alec held his bow, "If the demons get the Cup, we're dead anyways."
I wasn't happy about this either, "I'm not leaving anyone behind- especially you."
Alec's eyes lock with mine, "You don't have a choice."
"I know you guys are having a moment, okay?" Clary interjects, "But, we really have to go."
"Don't worry." Isabelle sighs, "It's not like this is the first time Alec has saved your life, I doubt it'd be the last."
"Go." Alec said, as we all ran into the hall, leaving him to fight off the demons.
"Jace, slow down." I grabbed his arm when he was moving too fast for me to keep up, breathing heavily, "I- I'm sorry-"
Jace notices my breathing rate, and slows down, "It's okay, we can take a breather-"
"No, it's not that-" I shook my head, staring at him, "I'm just- I'm sorry about everything."
"Clary and I will uhm- scout ahead." Isabelle announces, her and Clary turning the corner and leaving us alone in the hall.
"I am so sorry for everything I've put you through since Clary showed up." I blurt out, putting my kindjals away, running my hand through my hair, "I've had some time to think and I- I mean you've all done so much and everyone's had their doubts but you? You've trusted me throughout this entire journey and stayed by my side, not doubting me once- and I'm so sorry-"
"You don't have to apologize to me, Zee." Jace put away his seraph blade, the light disappearing, only leaving the small lights on the ceiling that flickered every now and then, "I'm always gonna have your back- through everything."
"I know- and I know it's always been- wherever I go, you're bound to follow but- I haven't stopped to realize that you've done so much for me, and you haven't stopped- not even for a second." I put my hair behind my ear, "I mean when it comes to family- I'm even more reckless than I usually am and, Alec and even Izzy had their doubts but you-you've haven't left my side, so thank you-"
I inhale sharply when I finally got all that, looking away, "I guess that was a- thank you apology in some way-"
"Zee, you're the more reckless and impulsive person I know." Jace grabs my arms, "It's kinda my job now to make sure you don't get killed in the process."
This makes me look at him, "Oh yeah?"
"Yeah." Jace's eyes scan my face slowly, "I don't want to see you get hurt."
Before I could reply, Isabelle's voice interrupts, "Guys? It's pulsing!"
"Getting close." Isabelle told us when Jace and I ran over to her and Clary, "Let's spread out."
Clary held her dagger in her hand, as I looked around, "Izzy, where is it?"
"I don't know." Isabelle turned at a sound, but the demons were lurking, "It's like they're right here, but I don't see them."
Then, a Shax demon catches us all off guard and lands on Jace, as he grunts, trying to pry it off.
I take action and turn, piercing my blades into the demon, killing it on spot, looking at Jace, "You hurt?"
Jace exhales deeply, "I'll live."
"What are those things?" Clary looked around.
"Shax demons." I filled her in, "They're like the bloodhounds of the Shadow World."
"They've been tracking us." Isabelle walks over to us.
Clary questions, "So- what do we do?"
"The Institute's only a couple of blocks from here." I thought out loud, looking between them, "We can't lose them, but they won't be able to track us if we split up."
Clary's eyes widen, "But, I don't- I don't-"
"Clary, you'll be fine." I began, hearing snarling and stepping away from them, "I'll try to draw them away best on this end- Clary, no matter what happens, just keep running the hell."
"Zee, I'm staying with you-" Jace began.
"No, they're coming-" I raise my voice, killing a Shax demon when it launches itself at me, "Go!"
When they ran off, I realize that I still had the Mortal Cup and had forgotten to give it to Clary in the heat of things.
Soon enough after fighting them off for so long, I was cornered by the Shax Demons in a dark hall.
My kindjals were on the ground and out of reach, my back hitting the wall, in a dead end.
They snarled and inched closer to me, and I did the only thing I could think of.
I pulled out the card that held the Mortal Cup in it and pressed my palm against it.
With Clary, nothing changed.
But, when I touched it, what looked like a small portal opened up, my arm slowly reaching into the opening and grabbing out what was inside of it.
When I pulled my arm out completely, my hand held the Mortal Cup.
My eyes were wide with shock, but I held the Cup in front of me, raising my voice at the demons, "Get back!"
"I said, get back!" I shouted again, the demons snarling and backing away, running off.
I backed up slowly, holding my kindjals tightly, hearing quick footsteps behind me.
I spun around to see Jace, my eyes widening, "Jace, I told you to leave-"
"I couldn't leave you." Jace's voice seemed off and odd, standing in front of me.
"You should've listened to me-" I reached and touched the cut on his eyebrow, "You're hurt-"
"I'll be all right." Jace unusually steps away from my touch, "You okay?"
"I'm fine." I stared at him in suspicion, "A few Shax demons cornered me, but I got the Cup."
"Zee, you're amazing." Jace stares down at me, "I always knew you could do it."
This was never meant for me to do.
"Now- give me the Cup and let's go." Jace's tone changed, catching me completely off guard.
Jace wouldn't say that.
If anything, this entire conversation felt off.
It didn't feel right.
My eyes squint, "Give you the Cup?"
"Yes- only until we get back to the Institute." Jace's voice was monotone, "It's the only way I can keep you safe- I'll die before I let anything happen to you."
I didn't buy it.
I pulled my kindjals out and pierced them into him, Jace's voice croaking out my name, "Zee."
I didn't react, because I knew it wasn't him.
He snarls at me, his eyes turning blue, revealing that he was demon, as he disappeared into nothingness.
Then, more footsteps approaching me filled my ears as I immediately got into position, "Get back!"
Alec and Luke ran over to me, as I stepped back, "How do I know you're you?"
Alec lets his guard down, "I brought you pancakes and fruits to bed when you slept through breakfast because I know it's your favorite."
I slowly brought my hands to my side, "All right-"
"What happened?" Luke questions.
"Uh, demons, I took care of them-" I put my kindjals away, "Have you guys seen Clary- Jace or Iz?"
"They're back at the Institute." Alec's words made me exhale in relief, "We should getting going."
"These tunnels are swarming with Shax demons." Jace's voice sounded the room as I walked through the halls of the Institute with Alec, Isabelle and Clary, "If she's down there, it's only a matter of time before they find her, we need to make sure that doesn't happen."
"All right, listen up." Jace raises his voice to get everyone's attention as I stopped, watching him form the higher platform, "I want this entire Institute on high alert- I don't care what anybody else says, I'll take full responsibility."
Jace's voice lowered in seriousness, taking lead, "Right now, Zee is the only thing that matters."
My heart began to beat faster.
"Jace." I called out softly, walking down the steps, as he spun immediately at my voice.
The minute I reached him, I was engulfed in his warm embrace, "Zee-"
I held onto him tightly, "I got the Cup. I don't know what happened- I was cornered and I reached into the card and grabbed it-"
"I don't care about the Cup." Jace grabs my arms and holds me in front of him, "When I came out of the tunnels, I didn't see you. I was worried that something might have happened to you."
"Something did happen, actually." My eyes lingered with him, "There was a shapeshifter- it looked just like you."
Jace squeezes my arms lightly in comfort, "You all right?"
I nod, "Yeah, I'm fine-"
Jace softly smiled down at me, "And the demon?"
I inhale sharply, "I took care of it."
Jace looks between my eyes, "How'd you know it wasn't me?"
"I know you, Jace." I swallowed hard, "I guess- I just knew."
"Really?" Jace looked at me in amusement, "Kind of a risk, wasn't it?"
"Well, reckless is my middle name." I softly smile but then stare into his eyes, my smile fading.
I suddenly was serious, my voice getting quieter, "No, but really- I knew it wasn't you. I just- I get this feeling when I'm with you, and I didn't feel that when I was with that demon."
Jace's eyes poured into mine, his voice quiet, "I get a feeling too."
That's when it felt like we were the only two people in the world.
There was a connection between us, a strong one.
My entire life here, I never thought that it would be Jace that made my heart leap on sight.
I never thought it'd be Jace that I'd do anything to kiss right now.
And as much as I was taught to love was to destroy and to be loved is to be the one destroyed, I couldn't think about that right now.
All I could think about was Jace.
Then, in unison, I pushed myself onto my tippy toes and Jace leaned down, our lips connecting in euphoria.
I was lost in him.
My chest erupted with an overwhelming feeling, but I liked it. I wanted this so badly, more than I had ever realized.
My arms wrap around his neck, his hand on the back of my head, the other pulling me closer.
I knew he felt it too.
I also knew that he would be the death of me.
authors note:
or storm by ruelle, that fits too
they're so cute tho awhhh
vote and comment loadsss
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