"Shadowhunters died in your assault on this institute, along with hundreds of Downworlders that you massacred with the Soul Sword." Inquisitor Herondale said to Valentine as Jace and I stood outside the cell he was in, "Justice will be served."
Valentine screamed when she activated his agony rune, before leaving him alone in the cell.
I speak the moment she walks over to us, "How long can you keep torturing him?-"
She replied, "As long as it takes."
"If you want the truth, why not just use the soul sword?" Jace questioned, crossing his arms.
Inquisitor Herondale looked at him, "You're telling me how to do my job?"
"No, but- you said you retrieved the sword right after the attack." Jace mentioned, "I just don't understand why you wouldn't-"
"The rune your sister drew to deactivate the sword ended up damaging it in the process." Inquisitor Herondale mentioned Clary, "It's been sent to the Iron Sisters to be purified."
She then stood in front of us both and looked between us, "You're Valentine's children- tell me what you know."
"Nothing." I blinked and crossed my arms, "I mean- we fought him- Jace brought him in."
"At what cost?" She questions, "By taking matters into your own hands, you've planted the seeds of rebellion in the Downworld- the Accords will be near impossible to maintain now."
She then headed towards the elevator, "Fall in line, or you'll end up like Aldertree and Idris facing reprimand."
"What's this sand on the floor?" Alec thought out loud as him, Luke, Jace, Clary and I were at a demon attack scene.
Clary stares, "This looks like a demon attack."
"I've never seen a demon cause this kind of hemorrhaging." Jace told us.
I looked up, "Is there any security footage?"
"Nothing in the bar." Luke shook his head, "Maybe CCTV caught something outside on the street."
Alec stood up, "We should get them back to the Institute-"
Luke nods, "Yeah, that's a good idea-"
"Detective Garroway?" A woman came up to us, but could only see Luke due to us being glamoured, "Who are you talking to?"
"Just dictating some notes while they're still fresh." Luke held up his phone, "Something you should start doing."
"That's a great idea!" She chirped, "They didn't mention it in training, but it makes perfect sense- is there some special app for that?"
"Uh- can you pull the car up?" Luke doesn't reply to her question, "I'll meet you out front."
She simply nods and leaves us, my head snapping towards Luke, "She seems- nice."
Jace looked at him as well, "New partner?"
Luke groans lightly, "She's driving me crazy."
"Luke took care of it." I told Jace as I walked with him through the Ops Center, "He made it look like a tragic gas leak."
Jace held his tablet, "According to the autopsy, the victims died of massive brain hemorrhaging."
"A demon can do that?" I purposefully asked.
Jace corrects me, "A Greater Demon can-"
"Remind me again- what's exactly is the difference?" I asked purposefully once more, watching him as we came to a stop at a table.
"Lesser Demons are a dime a dozen in New York. Greater Demons are a whole different story." Jace began to ramble as if I had no idea what he was talking about already, "They have names, personalities- they're much more powerful and they're harder to stop, they're also incredibly rare. When they do show their face, there's a reason-"
Jace's eyes fell onto me watching him, setting down his tablet, "But- you already knew that."
"Yeah, I did." I softly smiled, just looking at him, "Just wanted to hear you ramble on about pointless things-"
Jace doesn't reply, his eyes just glued to me.
"What? I was just kidding with you-" I blinked a few times, then looked between his eyes, "Jace, are you alright?"
Jace clears his throat, "Yeah, why wouldn't I be?"
"I mean- I don't know." I hugged myself, "You've barely spoken about what happened with the Soul Sword- I mean- I want to know the details- I was unconscious for the rest of it."
Jace shook his head at my words, swallowing hard, "Yeah, well, there's not much to talk about."
"Whatever you say." I shrugged at him, "But, if you do feel like talking, I'm here for you. I'm always here for you-"
"It should mean a lot more now because we're-" I swallowed hard and looked down, "Family."
"Like I said, there's nothing to talk about." Jace then walked away without another word.
"I thought Izzy had the flu-" Clary said when we had found out that Azazel had Isabelle, "Why would she leave the institute?"
Alec began, "I don't know, but if he's hurt her-"
"She could have escaped." Jace tried to remain positive, "We don't even know if he has her."
"She hasn't called, and she's not answering her phone- there's a huge possibility he does, Jace." I had my hand over my parabatai rune, "But- she's still alive- I know it."
Clary questions, "What does he want?"
Jace was honest, "I don't know, but- we should inform the Inquisitor, okay?"
"Can't." I shook my head lightly, "She's in a meeting with the Alicante Council."
"I don't understand." Alec was worried out of his mind, "Why Izzy- what does a Greater Demon want with her?"
"I'm not sure." Jace said, then his eyes fell onto me, "I think I know who we could ask."
"I have no idea what you're talking about." Valentine said when we confronted him in his cell, "But, it's so nice to see the both of you."
"Azazel wouldn't leave Duduael on his own." I said. "It's clear someone broke him out- someone with access to the Mortal Cup."
"Circle Members." Jace followed up, "They released the Greater Demon to break you out of here."
I took a step, "Everything's leading back to you."
"I thought I raised you to have common sense." Valentine shot at us, "If the Greater Demon wanted to free me, how would I still be here having this inane conversation with you two?"
Valentine sat back in his chair that he was locked to, "I want to banish demon filth from our realm."
"Well then, if that's the case- hand over the Cup." I cross my arms, "That way- we can force Azazel to give us Izzy."
Valentine stares at us, "I don't know where the Mortal Cup is."
Jace walked up to him, his teeth grit, "If you're lying, so help the Angel-"
"If you were smart, Jace, you'd use me as bait." Valentine remarked, "The only way to control a Greater Demon is with the Mortal Cup- Azazel would do anything to destroy it."
"So- summon him with your warlock friend and tell him I have the Cup." Valentine shrugs, "Offer him a trade- me for Isabelle."
"That could work." I looked at Jace, "It's a risk- but, once we have Izzy, I can take him out with my sunlight rune."
"This is a trap." Jace denied the idea, "What could possibly make you think that we could trust him?"
"I'm not sure I would trust me either if I were you, but the longer Azazel has Isabelle, the greater the chance she dies." Valentine's words scared me.
I swallow hard, "Jace, I think we should do it-"
"Are you serious?-" Jace looked at me with disbelief.
"It's the best we've got." My head turned toward Valentine, "If this is a trap- so help me god, I will kill you-"
"Zee, I would never do anything to hurt you." Valentine looked up at me, "You're my daughter."
"You wanted to kill me- how did you say it- you were wiping out competition?" I recalled, "And on top of that- Jace is your son, you've hurt him plenty."
Valentine started to smirk and looked past me, his eyes landing on Jace, "You didn't tell her."
I don't move, "Tell me what?"
"You must still have feelings for her, huh?" Valentine taunted him, a wide grin on his lips, "Now, isn't that a pickle? Considering you were both raised by me- you know that to love is to destroy and to be love is to be the one destroyed- and you just won't take that chance with her, will you?"
Jace points at him, "Not another word."
"Jace." I turned to look at him, "What the hell is going on? Tell me what he's talking about-"
Valentine doesn't listen to Jace and continues, "You wanna do the honours or shall I?"
"I said shut up!" Jace shouted, his fist coming in contact with Valentine's jaw before I could do anything about it.
Valentine spit out blood, looking up at him, "It's rude to keep a girl waiting, Jace."
My jaw clenched, "Jace."
Jace looked at me, staying silent for a few moments.
"Valentine's not my father." Jace sighed out, his eyes locking with mine, "I'm not your brother, Zee."
Jace's sigh sounded from behind me, along with his rushes footsteps after me when I left the cell and went right upstairs to my bedroom, "Zee-"
"Seriously, Jace?" I abruptly stop when I was in my room and spun to face him, "How long have you known?"
Jace stopped, "Just a few days-"
"Why didn't you say anything? Why didn't you tell me about it-" I ran my hands through my hair, feeling an overwhelming wave of emotions rush through me, "How could you not tell me-"
"I was- I was just looking out for you-" Jace covered his face for a second, then uncovered it, "When I was about to touch the Sword, you begged me not to because you couldn't lose someone else because you just lost your mother- I didn't know how to come to you saying that you lost another person- in whatever way- I don't know if it makes sense- I just-"
I was frustrated, "You should've told me!"
"That says a lot coming from you." Jace looked at me, "At least I kept this for a few days trying to figure out how to tell you- you had demon blood for weeks and the only person who knew was Alec-"
"He wasn't going to find out if he didn't notice." I snip at him, "You can't use that against me-"
"How could you just- not tell me about it?" Jace questioned, "You were the only person I could've talked to about it- someone who understood it- and you didn't tell me-"
I took a step closer to him, my voice slightly raising, "You never had demon blood-"
"I thought I did!" Jace raised his voice back at me lightly, "I was alone- being neglected- and you didn't even- tell me-"
"God damn it, Jace-" I snapped at him, covering my face for a second, then looking at him in the eyes, "I didn't tell you for that exact reason- because I was afraid of getting too close with you-"
Jace didn't get it, "Why?-"
"Do you have any idea how difficult it's been for me?" I stepped closer to him as if we weren't already close enough due to how frustrated I was, "You being around me all the time- having to pretend that I'm over everything from before- and I've moved on from that-"
Jace argues back, "You don't think it's been difficult for me? God, Zee- you weren't the only one falling-"
"Jace, you heard him-" I gestured behind him, implying what Valentine said downstairs, "This- is- so wrong- for so many reasons- and I'm trying to move on from it, and but you've made it so difficult-"
"Then stop trying." Jace doesn't let this argument go on further, grabbing my face and pressing his lips into mine, something that was long overdue.
My heart leaped at his touch, my hands gripping onto his jacket, the kiss being lustful and aggressive.
I couldn't think straight.
And once I pulled off his jacket, there was no going back from what had begun.
Jace lifted me off the ground by my thighs and pushed me into the door, shutting it, my legs hooking around his waist, one hand buried in his hair, the other reaching to lock the door.
Jace kisses my jaw, starting to trial kisses down my neck, gripping my thigh, having me pressed tight against the door, as I gripped his hair.
Jace took off my jacket and tossed it on the ground, moving one hand up my shirt and resting it on my waist, trailing his kisses down to where the V neck opening to my shirt ended.
I reconnected our lips again in the same aggressive pace we held before, until Jace was breathing heavily against my skin, "Wait- are you sure you want to do this?-"
"More than anything-" I ended the conversation right there and connected our lips again, as he brought his hand further up my shirt, carrying me to the bed.
"Hey, is the courtyard glamoured?-" I questioned, walking out by everyone, repeatedly running my hands from my hair to fix it.
Alec's eyes went wide the moment he saw me, then grabbed my arm and pulled me to the side as Magnus and Clary situated Valentine, his hands immediately going to my shirt, buttoning it up quickly.
"What?-" I began, then looked down at his hands, my eyes widening, "I- oh my god-"
"You're a mess-" Alec's eyes scanned my face, noticing how my simple makeup had practically melted off, "Wait-"
Before I could say anything, Jace walked out into the courtyard, his hand running through his messy hair, immediately looking at me, but then looking away to try and not make it obvious, "Security cameras in the cell are down- we've got a half hour until the Inquisitor's done with her meeting."
Alec already knew, his eyes glued to Jace, "No way-"
"You know?" Alec looked at me when I purse my lips, "And the first thing you do is sleep with him?-"
I shot him a look, "Not another word-"
Before Alec could say anything, Jace walks over to us and puts a hand on my shoulder, "Hey- are you ready?"
"I- yeah-" I purse my lips again, my expression not changing, before slipping away from him and walking to my spot, "Let's do this-"
"I call upon the power of the Pentagram." Magnus began, "Azazel, I summon thee- from within our realm, into this mystical confinement, I summon thee."
"You seek the Mortal Cup- we seek the return of our friend." Magnus continued, "For this exchange, I summon thee-"
"Well- if it isn't Magnus Bane." Azazel said when he was summoned, "Brave move."
"Return Isabelle Lightwood and we'll hand over Valentine." Magnus told him, "He can lead you to the Mortal Cup."
"Valentine Morgenstern- the man who dares to dream big." Azazel notices him, "It is a tempting offer, but I don't have your friend Isabelle."
Alec denied, "He's lying."
"I'm not so sure." Jace was honest.
"There's no time for debate." Magnus was struggling to keep Azazel in, "The barrier's weakening."
"We can still find Isabelle, but- we can't let Azazel get away." Jace calls for me, "Zee, now!"
I walked in, drawing my sun rune on my palm, holding it toward Azazel, only for nothing to happen.
"What the-" I tried again, but no many how many times I tried the rune wouldn't stick, "Jace- it's nothing working-
Jace looks at me, "What are you talking about?"
"Jace, nothing's happening!" I looked up at him, "The rune won't take!"
Before any of us could do anything, Azazel sent us all flying off our feet, "You thought you could contain me?"
An unbearable pain emerged in my head as my body hit the ground, our screams filling the entire courtyard.
"Magnus!" Alec shouted in agony, "Stop him!-"
I clutched my head, habitually calling out, "Jace!-"
I always went to him for comfort.
Whether it was emotional or physical.
Jace's eyes were glued to me, before they started to glow bright gold, as he pushed himself onto his feet, pulling out his seraph blade and swung for Azazel, who sensed this and disappeared before he could hurt him.
When the pain went away, Alec questioned as we slowly sat up, "How did you do that?-"
"I have no idea." Jace was shocked with himself, but shook it for, "Doesn't matter- he got away."
"Hey-" Jace walked over to me when I put my phone in my back pocket, "You headed out?"
"Oh- I- yeah," I nodded lightly at him, pursing my lips, "I need a drink- you know- to calm the embarrassment I feel-"
Jace's eyes stay locked with mine for a few moments, before he nods lightly and began walking away, "Alright- I'll catch you later."
I watched him for a few seconds, but then called out, "Uh- Jace, wait-"
Jace stopped and came back over, looking at me, as I swallowed hard, "Uhm- I'm sorry-"
Jace's eyes furrowed, "For?-"
"For- lashing out on you when I found out-" I crossed my arms, "And- for not telling you about my demon blood."
"No, uh- you were right." Jace lightly shook his head at me, "I shouldn't have used that argument against you- and I should've told you."
I stare at him for a few seconds, then clear my throat, changing the subject, "Uh- hey, how did you do it? You activated a rune without your stele."
"I don't know." Jace admits, "I saw you lying there- in pain- calling out to me- and it just kind of ignited on its own."
I try to lighten the mood, "You're a total badass now."
Jace shoots back, "Wasn't I already?"
"No, not at all- you were sorely lacking in that department." My response made the both of us laugh, my heart beat starting to race.
When the laughter died down, Jace looked up at me, "Hey- we should talk."
I purse my lips, and took a few steps back, folding my hands together, "Goodnight, Jace."
Jace doesn't say another word, just watching me as I walked away from him, avoiding the conversation that was bound to happen.
authors note:
it just felt right when i was writing lolol
and alec putting it together so quick sksksks
but, thank you for 19k !
vote and comment loadsss
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