"Zee, we can't panic." Jace tried to calm me as I paced back and forth, my arms crossed, "It's gonna be fine-"
"Jace, stop it-" I quickly said, continuing to pace, "We both know him, Valentine is capable of- anything- he's going to use Simon as bait to bring me back to the Institute to activate his damn sword-"
"Hey- all the prisoners are either dead or gone." Luke joined us, "No sign of Cleophas."
I stopped, staring at him, slight panic striking on my features, making Jace immediately pull me into his chest and hold me tight, "Hey, it's gonna be okay."
My heart jumped at the movement as much as I resented myself for it, slowly hugging his middle, relaxing in his touch.
That was until my phone began to ring in my back pocket, making me slowly pulled away and look at the caller id, it being from Simon.
Luke looks at me, "Answer it, Zee-"
I sigh through my nose and accept the call, Simon aggressively pulling on his restraints, his mouth taped shut, Valentine crouching in front of the screen, "Hello, Zee- wish we were chatting under more civilized circumstances, but I'm afraid I've run out of options."
"I'm warning you, now-" I began, "Let Simon go."
"Absolutely." Valentine nodded once, "Just as soon as you come back to the Institute- I need you to activate the sword for me."
I scoff, "Like hell will I do that-"
"Oh, but I think you will." Valentine shot back at me, "Because if you don't show up within the hour- your vampire boyfriend here is gonna die a death I wouldn't wish upon anyone."
When the phone call ends, I'm already walking past Jace, Luke grabbing me and stopping me, "Stop- this is what Valentine wants- you know that if you touch that sword, he can destroy the entire Downworld, including Simon."
"And if I don't show up, he's going to kill him." I pulled myself from his grasp, "Simon doesn't deserve this-"
"Alec's not picking up." Jace joined us, shoving his phone in his back pocket, "Let's move-0
My jaw was clenched, beginning to walk away once again, "Valentine is gonna wish he never laid a hand on Simon, I'll make sure of it-"
"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Luke stopped me again, "You're not going anywhere near that Institute- we're taking you to Magnus, he can protect you!"
I pulled from his hold again, "Are you kidding me? I don't need to be protected, I can handle myself just fine- but Simon? He can't. I need to save Simon-"
"The Downworld knows that you're the key to activating that sword." Luke shot at me, "They want you dead-"
Jace grabs my arm, "I can save Simon."
"Doesn't work that way." I snip, "If I'm not the one who shows up, Valentine is gonna kill him-"
"Wait-" A weak voice came from a few feet away, making us all jog towards the sound, revealing Dot, "There's another way to destroy the sword."
"There you go." Magnus treated Dot, "You'll start feeling better in no time-"
Dot breathed out, "Thank you."
"Alright." I cross my arms, "Now that you're well nurtured- tell us everything you know."
"I heard Valentine briefing his men." Dot explained, "If Jace touches the sword, his grip would destroy it."
Jace interrupts, "Me?"
"Why should we believe a word she says?" Luke questions, "It's probably just another trap."
Dot tried, "Luke, Zee, you know me-"
I look at her, "You've lied to me before."
"Because of the injections." Dot defended herself, "But now that he has the warlock girl, he's cast me aside. I'm myself again."
Luke scoffs "Good story, but I've heard better."
Jace cuts in, "Wait, in the vision from Ithuriel, the demon that destroyed the sword had a clawed hand."
"Exactly." I side, "I was there- their palms don't have any sort of resemblance."
"Perhaps I can lend some insight." Magnus turned to look at us both, "Show me this vision-"
Jace and I stood straight in front of him, as he reached out and placed his hands on our temples, using his magic to watch the vision that Jace and I had seen.
"The star in the sky." Magnus exhales when he stepped back, "Angels are higher beings- they communicate through metaphors."
"Morgenstern means Morning Star, as in, How are thou fallen from heaven, O, Lucifer, son of the morning." Magnus explained, "The vision seems to be speaking of a- Demonic Morgenstern."
"Me." Jace knew, "That's why Valentine wanted me under his control- I- I can derail his plan- I can destroy the Soul-Sword."
Magnus sighs, "And destroy yourself in the process."
"No-" I immediately said.
Jace began, "Zee-"
"I said no." I point at him, my voice stern, "Touching that sword would be a suicide mission- I'm not letting you do it-"
Jace remarks, "Oh, says the girl who was willing to die for the Downworld, what, yesterday?"
"Jace, I'm serious." I took a step closer to him, my voice lowering, staring right into his eyes, "I'm not losing anymore people- not you-"
This made Jace shut up, staring right into my eyes, Luke's voice making the trance break, "She's right, Jace- it's too dangerous."
"I'm not gonna touch the sword." Jace said, "I'll just get to it before it's activated, and bring the Mortal Instrument back to the Clave, where it belongs."
I looked hesitant, Jace grabbing my arm and squeezing it lightly in comfort, "Trust me."
"Hey-" My voice was low, slowly walking out by Magnus on the balcony, hugging myself, "Are you alright?"
Magnus breathed, staring out at the city, "I'm not used to feeling so- powerless."
Before I could speak, my phone rang once more, with the same caller id, my heart stopping.
I answered it, my eyes falling onto a Simon and Valentine, but this time there was no tape on Simon's mouth, "Simon- hey, are you okay?-"
"Simon's fine." Valentine answered for him, "We've just been having a nice talk-"
I repeat, "A talk?"
"You know, he told me that- he couldn't fathom the thought that you were my daughter- because of how different we are- but, quite frankly- I think we're quite alike, don't you think?" Valentine thought out loud, "Zee, I'm losing my patience."
Valentine took his blade and slit Simon's throat right there, making me gasp, my eyes wide, and Magnus to cover his mouth.
"The vampire has a half-hour, maybe minutes before he turns to dust." said Valentine as Simon bled out, "Come quick, Zee- he needs blood to survive."
When the call ended, I was already speaking, "Magnus- portal me to the Institute-"
Magnus began, "Zee, we can't-"
"Now!" I demanded.
"Well, here we are-" Magnus said when we came out the other side of the portal he had made.
I nod once and began walking, "Nice- thanks, go back to your apartment, I can take it from here-"
"Biscuit-" Magnus grabbed my arm and stopped me, "I'm coming with you-"
"What? No-" I argued, "You go in there and you're risking your life- you could get hurt-"
"So could you-" Magnus argued back, "I'm not leaving you alone- especially if we're here without Luke and Jace knowing-"
I grimace, "I don't give a damn if Jace-"
My sentence was cut off when a gust of wind came by me, Raphael grabbing me, having my back against his chest, his arms around me tight to keep me trapped.
Magnus grunts when two of his men had grabbed his arms, "Let go of my hands!-"
"So- you can use your magic against us?" Raphael held onto me tight, "I'm sorry, Magnus- none of us wanted it to come to this-"
"Let go of me-" I grunted, trying to pull from his grip, "Come on, at least make this a fair fight-"
Raphael shook his head once, "Tight on time-"
"Stop this." Magnus shouts, "Stop it now!"
"If I don't do it, more Downworlders are on their way to do it for me." Raphael shot back at him, "You're too close to her, Magnus."
I began, "Raphael, you do this and I swear to god-"
Raphael shushes me, "Quick and painless-"
"Raphael!" I start to shout, but I no longer felt him, his grunts and snarls sounding.
This made me whip around, to see Jace, having his blade towards him, "This ends now!"
"Listen up!" Luke grabbed the two men off Magnus.
Maia slowly joined, standing next to him, "You better be right about this, Luke."
"Zee may be able to activate the sword, but I can destroy it." Jace exposed, "The angel Ithuriel confirmed that in a vision."
"Angel?" Raphael hissed, "Impossible."
"I saw it, too." I looked right at Jace, not even glancing at Raphael, "He's telling the truth."
"You kill Zee, Valentine still has the damn sword- over time, no doubt, he'll find a way to activate it." Luke said, "Now is our chance to destroy that sword for good- why not let Jace try?"
Maia questioned almost right away, "Why would a Shadowhunter risk his life for us?"
"Because you and Raphael are gonna tell your Downworld buddies not to lay a hand on Zee- that's the deal." Jace's words make my chest fill with slight warmth, "You lay a finger on her and the deal's off."
Raphael remarks, "And they'll listen to me?"
"Maybe." Jace took a step, "You're the leader of the most powerful vampire clan in all of New York- they respect you."
Raphael huffs, "What exactly is your plan?"
Jace's plan was simple for the most part.
He would pose as me to distract Valentine from Magnus and I sneaking into the Institute.
That's as far as he told me.
Magnus and I had parted ways, so he could help Madzie, who was standing alone in the hall.
And I had been taking out any Circle member that came my way to head for Aldertree's office.
That was until someone hit the back of my head, then my kindjals were knocked out of my hands, two arms grabbing me from each side, starting to drag me along.
"No!-" I fought in their grip, grunting and groaning at the pain in my head, until they had brought me into the Ops Center and thrown me onto the ground.
Then, two other hands grabbed me.
"Stop!-" I shouted, trying to pull back as he dragged me toward the equipped sword, "You can't make me do this- I won't do it!"
"Unfortunately, you don't get to decide that." Valentine pulled me, "I am doing this for you, for your sister- your brother, and for the rest of humanity."
"For me?-" I repeated, "You're going to kill me!"
"Zee, this planet is under siege by demon-blooded creatures, intent on death and destruction- I need to do this." Valentine held tighter, "Once I wield that sword, the Downworld will no longer be part of our world-"
"No!-" I tried to fight his grip, but he was inching my palm closer and closer to the sword, my heart beginning to race, "Please, don't- I'm begging you!-"
My scream was cut off when someone shoved us both to the ground, knocking Valentine out.
My head snapped up, watching Simon take out the two guards, before rushing over to me, grabbing my hands, "Zee, you all right?-"
"Hi- I'm fine- I'm okay-" I stumbled to my feet, "Are you okay? You're alive-"
"I'm fine- come on, let's get out of there-" Simon started to pull me along with him, but my footsteps slowly came to a stop when Jace walked past the both of us and toward the sword.
"Wait-" I jerked to a stop and turned, "Jace, wait- what're you doing?"
Jace stood in front of the sword, his eyes glued to his, slowly dropping his blade, swallowing hard.
"Jace!" I raise my voice to catch his attention, "Jace, we talked about this- you said you wouldn't-"
Jace looked back at me, but doesn't say anything.
When he turned to look at the sword, I yell again, "Jace, I just lost my mom- I can't lose you too!"
Jace looked back once more at those words, his voice low, "I'm so sorry, Zee-"
"Jace, don't do it!-" I tried to pull out of Simon's grip when Jace made a move to grab the sword, a sharp pain erupting in my heart, tears burning in my eyes, "No, Jace, please!-"
Jace didn't listen and grabbed the sword, a gasp leaving my lips the moment he does, but it doesn't do what we expected it to.
Jace grunted and dropped the sword, falling onto the ground, groaning in pain, the Sword still intact.
"What- what was that-" I stopped trying to pull from Simon, "Why didn't that destroy the sword?-"
Simon stammers, "I don't know-"
Valentine got up, grabbing the sword before any of us could do anything, chuckling lightly at Jace on the ground, "You're nothing if not predictable, son-"
"What?-" I began to say, but my words were cut off when he lifted the sword in the air the moment multiple Downworlders stormed into the room, the bright light shining, as I immediately went to cover Simon.
But, I felt it too.
The moment the light dimmed, my eyes rolled to the back of my head as I collapsed to the ground, feeling farther and farther from reality.
"Zee?-" Simon's confused voice sounded, especially since he hadn't collapsed like every other Downworlder did, and how I did, a Shadowhunter.
"Zee!-" Alec's distant voice sounded, feeling his voice close but muffled, "Hey, hang on- okay? I got you- stay with me-"
"What the hell is going on-" Jace's voice sounded next to him, "Why is she on the ground- is she okay?-"
"The sword- who activated the sword?" Alec's voice was becoming distant, "She has demon blood- Valentine injected it into her weeks ago-"
"Stay with me, Zee-" was the last thing I heard before I completely blacked out.
A small whimper left my lips, my entire body sore and in pain when I finally came to, my eyes slowly opening to the bright light of my bedroom.
My head fell to the side to see Alec seated by my bed, his hands folded, looking toward me, a weak smile on his lips, "Hey-"
"Hi-" My voice was raspy, "Did we win?"
"We won." Alec reaches over and grabbed my hand lightly in comfort, "Almost lost you, though. I'm glad you're back-"
I stare at him, "Make it make sense?-"
"I honestly don't know the half of it, either." Alec exhaled slow, "The massacre wiped out your demonic side- it's like it was never there- that's all I took away from the medic-"
"We were worried you wouldn't come to-" Alec admits, "I decided to wait for you- I didn't think- you waking up to- everyone- would help-"
I lightly nodded, "Turns out- it was all part of Valentine's plan- the demon blood- if I touched the sword, I'd activate it- then die."
"But, Jace activated it." Alec nodded once, "Because he doesn't have demon blood-"
"Figured that much-" I exhale, laying my head back in my pillow, "I hope he's doing okay with that."
Alec pursed his lips as if he knew something, making me look at him again, "What? What is it-"
"Nothing-" Alec got up, letting go of my hand, "Look, you should get some rest- alright? You're completely worn out."
"Yeah, yeah- whatever-" I mumbled, nuzzling my face into my pillow as he gave me a soft smile, before leaving the room.
Right before I fell asleep, I caught a glimpse of Jace watching me from the door.
authors note:
this was a very shitty chapter, i so sorryyyy
but zee and jace are kinda cute in this, eh
also zee and alecccc, brotp
and thank you for 18k !!
vote and comment loadsss
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