"Any word from the Clave?" Isabelle questioned Lydia as we walked next to her through the Ops Center with Alec and Magnus.
"Not yet, and we've been trying for the past four hours." Lydia shook her head in denial, "Something's up."
"Mm, the Clave being unhelpful?" Magnus held one of Jace's sweatshirts, "Who's shocked? Show of hands?"
"I'm worried." Alec expressed his concern, "I can't sense Jace through our parabatai bond."
Magnus assures him, "We'll find him, Alexander."
"When we arrested Hodge, he said Valentine was on a ship." Isabelle inhales, "They must still be over water."
"Pull up the waterways around New York." Lydia instructs when we surrounded the table.
Isabelle obeys, "The ship couldn't have gone too far."
Alec looked at Magnus, "Anything?"
Magnus exhales when he wasn't getting anything from tracking Jace, "Sorry-"
Alec's tone was filled with more worry and panic "There's got to be something!"
Magnus looked at him, "I don't see him-"
"Alec, hey-" I stepped closer to my best friend, "Calm down- we'll find him."
"All right, listen up!" Alec stepped away and raised his voice for everyone in the Institute to hear, "I want 24/7 monitoring of the Hudson and East Rivers, if you see anything unusual, you come to me first."
Lydia stops him, "I've got this, Alec."
Alec faces her with complete accusation in his tone, "Then why haven't you found Jace yet?"
"Don't forget who you're talking to." Lydia reminded him calmly, "I am still the Head of this Institute."
"And my brother is still missing!" Alec raised his voice at Lydia, catching us all off guard.
"Alec!" I placed a hand on his arm gently after his outburst, "Why don't you just take a break? You need a minute-"
Alec wasn't as firm and aggressive with me, facing me, his voice lowering, "Not now, Zee."
"Zee's right, and it's not a request." Lydia was firm with him, "You're dismissed."
Alec pulled away from me, "Fine!"
Magnus reaches for him when Alec's upset expression only worsened, "Hey-"
"Everybody, just- back off!" Alec shouted at us all, walking away from us.
"We are at war." Maryse stood in front of everyone at the briefing in the Ops Center, "Valentine now has the Mortal Cup, with which he is, no doubt, raising a new army, and one of our own has joined him."
Isabelle remarks to me when Clary, Simon, Luke and Jocelyn join us, "Looks like the queen's taking back her kingdom."
"As a result, the Clave has declared a state of emergency at the Institute." Maryse continued, "Their first priority is to replace the current leadership, who they have deemed wholly ineffectual."
"It is an honor to introduce the newly appointed head of the New York Institute, Clave representative, Victor Aldertree." Maryse gestured to the man behind her and stepped back as he came forward.
Alec's leaned closer to Isabelle and I, as confused as both were, his voice low, "Did you know about this?"
I shook my head, "No-"
Isabelle crosses her arms, "Maybe this is why Dad went back to Idris."
Lydia scoffs, "Maryse went behind my back."
"My fellow Shadowhunters." Aldertree began, "It's an honor to be here with you all."
"We have to find Jace Wayland, he's a Shadowhunter, and we don't leave our people behind." Aldertree continued, "The answer to his location may very well lie in this room- so, I wanna speak with everyone who went on a mission where Jace disappeared."
"One last thing." Aldertree added in, "Effective immediately, the Institute is on lockdown, but- it's only temporary."
"Let's turn this institute around." Aldertree smiles brightly, then dismissed everyone as we all faded into conversations.
"Iz-" My voice was quiet, "Wait, if we're on lockdown, who's out there looking for Jace?"
"We'll think of something." Isabelle told me, then noticed the look on my face, "Don't worry."
"You and I both know how tough Jace is." Isabelle places her hands on my arms, "Valentine will never break him."
I walked into what was now Victor Aldertree's office, "You wanted to see me?"
"Yes, Zee." Aldertree nodded and gestures toward the couch, "Take a seat."
I slowly walked over and sat down, noticing the camera pointed right at me.
"Sorry about the camera." Aldertree apologized and sat down across from me, "Like I told your friends when they came in, this is official business, so- I have to be official."
I fold my hands, staring at him, "I understand."
"Let's talk about Jace." Aldertree adjusted his position and looked at me, "You had the impression he was saving your lives by leaving with Valentine?"
"It wasn't just an impression, it's what actually happened." My eyes squinted in confusion at him, "If he had tried anything at all in that situation, the rest of us would have been killed."
Aldertree stares at me, "Was he within striking distance of Valentine?"
"Barely-" I had barely begun, "I told you, he-"
Aldertree cut me off within seconds, "Could he have taken the man out?"
"It was an impossible situation." I said without realizing, "Jace tried to warn us, he told us Valentine was on the way."
"So- Jace knew ahead of time that Valentine was setting a trap." Aldertree pulled out a notepad, "How do you suppose he knew that?"
"I don't know how he would've known- but, he told us to get out of there." I told him, "Next thing I knew, I had a seraph blade to my throat."
"Oh." Aldertree clicked his pen and wrote in his notepad, glancing at me.
"What, was that worth a write down?" I sat up, resting my elbows on my knees, "Look, Jace saved our lives- we have to find him."
Aldertree mimicked my position and stares into my eyes, "That's exactly what I'm gonna do."
"Who sounded the alarm?" Alec questions as he and I walked into the Ops Center due to the flashing red lights and blaring alarms.
"What's going on?" I questioned as well as we joined Isabelle and Clary, my eyes landing on the hologram of Jace that was displayed, wanted written in red, "What the hell-"
Isabelle stares at the hologram, "What's going on?"
Clary was just as confused, "Aldertree said he wanted to rescue Jace."
"Actually, Clary, I said I wanted to find him." Aldertree walks over to us, correcting her, "And your sister gave me the clue I needed to do just that."
Alec looked at me, as I quickly shrugged in defense, looking at Aldertree, "What the hell's that supposed to mean?"
Alec was quietly speaking to me, glancing at Aldertree, "What did you tell him?"
"Whatever I told him, I didn't think it'd be twisted in his favor and against Jace." I was defensive, my voice just as quiet.
Aldertree came to the center, "Is this everyone? Fantastic."
"First up, all Downworlders are forbidden from entering the Institute without my prior approval." Aldertree began, "For those still present, good day."
Aldertree looks at Luke, "Mr. Graymark."
"I'm not leaving Jocelyn." Luke protested, grabbing her hand, "Besides, my badge gives access to resources that you don't have. I can help you find Jace."
"That's generous of you, but- I'm going to have to insist." Aldertree insisted toward him.
Luke huffs at Aldertree, nodding towards Jocelyn, "Call me when you can."
"You, too- Simon." Aldertree looks at Simon, "Simon, right?"
"It's almost dawn." Simon reminded him, "I don't have anywhere to go."
"Hey, you're a smart guy." Aldertree paid no mind, "I'm sure you'll figure something out."
"Simon, come on." Luke signals for him to come along and obey.
Simon sighs, following him out of the room.
"Now- let's get to it." Aldertree claps, "I've reviewed your statements, along with the reports of your unsanctioned missions."
Aldertree came to conclusion, "And I can come to no other conclusion that Jace Wayland is a traitor to the Clave."
Alec immediately was clear, "Jace is not a traitor."
"Point of fact." Aldertree points, gesturing to me, "Zee said Jace called to warn you about Valentine's trap, which got me thinking Jace had multiple chances to kill Valentine, but- chose to let him leave."
"Now, Valentine, Jace, and the Cup are missing." Aldertree thought out loud, "Do the math."
"Your thoughts are wrong." I stepped closer, defending Jace, "How could be have killed him after finding out that he raised him? Don't you understand the toll that puts on someone?-"
Aldertree looks at me, "Shadowhunters understand that emotions cloud your judgement."
Clary shook her head, "There is no way we're going to help you hunt Jace."
"And I'd never ask you to." Aldertree chuckles deeply at her words, "You and your friends are prohibited from any further involvement for the hunt for Jace Wayland."
"What?" Isabelle's eyes slightly widen.
"The rest of you, back to work." Aldertree orders, "I'm lifting the lockdown on the Institute, except for Clary, Zee and Jocelyn. Given your relationship to Valentine and Jace, I want to keep a close eye on you."
"This is ridiculous." I spoke when everyone started to fade away, Aldertree walking past me, "Jace is one of our own, I'm not going to just sit here on my ass and let you kill Jace-"
Aldertree faced me, raising his voice, "Dismissed!"
"Come on, let's do this." Isabelle lead me into the training room, whipping her whip into a staff.
"Do what?" I followed her, noticing her grabbing a staff and throwing it at me, as I caught it, "You seriously want to train right now?"
"Training's important." Isabelle moves her staff in her hands, "So, pay attention to what I'm about to show you."
I could feel someone's stare on us.
When I looked where I felt the glare, I saw Aldertree looking us from the Ops Center.
A sound of wind filled my ears with the staff as Isabelle hit here against mine, catching me off guard, my head snapping towards her, blocking it.
I grunt, my staff hitting against hers, as I went to kick her, but she ducks, hitting her staff against my calves, knocking me to the ground.
Isabelle crouched next to me, as a groan left my lips when I hit the ground, "You need to watch your footwork."
Isabelle grabbed my hand and pulled me up into a sitting position, her voice low, "Aldertree threatened to de-rune me if I tried to find Jace."
My teeth grit, my tone matching hers, "That son of a bitch did what?"
Isabelle exhales as she pulls me up, my voice remaining quietly, "So, how do we get to him?"
"Let's go again." Isabelle said loudly for Aldertree to hear, and stepped back, "Have you studied The Art of War?"
"No, not really-" I held position, flipping my staff, "Wasn't on my reading list."
"You should learn it." Isabelle held her staff tight, "Sun Tzu gives excellent advice."
"Oh yeah?" I grunted when our staffs hit against each other, "Like what?"
"Move swift as the Wind and closely-formed as the Wood- Attack like Fire." Isabelle began telling me, knocking me off my feet again, "But my favorite-"
"To know your enemy, you must become your enemy." Isabelle had her staff to my chest, glancing at Aldertree, making sure I understood what she meant.
I grabbed my staff and knocked her next to me, getting into a one kneel position, smirking at my parabatai, "I'm a quick study."
"Luke!" I called out his name, walking over to him, towards the Jade Wolf, "I need your help."
"What, we on a first name basis now?" Luke waved me off, "Man, get off my docks."
"Huh?" I was confused until I realized I had still looked like Victor Aldertree, "Oh- right, sorry-"
I grabbed out my stele, deactivating the shapeshifting rune, "In order to know my enemy, I had to become my enemy."
"I had to get out of the Institute." I told him honestly when he chuckled, "Aldertree forbid me to leave."
Luke sighs and crosses his arms at my words, "What's with that guy?"
"I don't know, but he's a real dick." I huffed, putting my hair behind my ears, "I tried to track Jace with one of his gloves even despite him being over water- I've got nothing- can you see if the police know anything?"
"Yeah, I'll contact the Coast Guard- see what they know." Luke nods in agreement, "By the way, Simon's in the supply room."
"Simon's here?" I question.
"Yeah." He points, "I'll let you know what I find."
"Thanks-" I inhaled sharply, looking at the supply room, before jogging over to it.
"So, what're you doing here?" Simon stood next to me, his arms crossed as he watched me.
"Thought you could use a friend- you know, since you got kicked out of the Institute." I threw Jace's glove in the air filled with boredom, after trying to trying him multiple times, my phone in my other hand.
Simon nods once, "You think there'd be some sort of handbook for the Shadow World, like Shadowhunting for Dummies."
I looked at him, as he was implying to me not being able to track Jace, "I learned everything I needed to know-"
"Well, yeah, I know-" Simon agreed, "But, for times like these, you know?"
The door of the supply room suddenly opened to reveal Jocelyn, "Zee!"
"What're you doing here?" I gaped at her, "You're not supposed to leave either."
Jocelyn stepped inside, "I went to Aldertree and asked him to let me bring you back."
"You told him that I snuck out?" My teeth gritted in anger, "Like hell will I go back-"
"I know- I just said that so he would let me out." Jocelyn exhales deeply, "I want to help you- I'm here for you."
"What, is this some opportunity for you to- make it as my step mother?" I stepped back, "Because I-"
"Jace is my son too." Jocelyn gave a valid argument, "I want to help find your brother- let's find him together."
Simon looks at me, "We need to find Jace, right?"
I looked between them, reluctantly agreeing, "They're over water- we can't track them."
"Let me show you something." Jocelyn held her hand out, "Give me your phone, stele and the glove."
"What?" I blinked, stopping when I pulled my stele out, suspicious, "Why?"
"Some basics of Shadowhunting." Jocelyn kept her hand held out, "Come on- this is from back in the day."
I stare at her, "I know the basics."
Jocelyn sighs, "I'm sorry-"
I was confused, "What?-"
Jocelyn knocks me off my feet and grabs the three items from my hands, making a run for it.
"Jocelyn!" I grunted, stumbling to my feet, "Simon!"
Simon got as close as it could, stopping when the sunlight shone in, Jocelyn slamming the door close and locking us in here.
"Jocelyn!" I shouted, running to the door as Simon and I both hit our fists against it, "Let us out!"
"Simon, your phone gets no cell service down here." I huffed and tossed his phone to the side.
"That's okay." Simon ran, hitting the door with all his might using his super speed, "I think I'm making progress."
"Simon, just stop-" I sigh and sat down, placing my hands on my knees as I looked at him, "We're evidently stuck down here."
Simon stops and slowly makes his way over, sitting next to me, the both of us in silence.
Simon then looked at me, with a small smile on his lips, "I'm enjoying our together time."
I looked at him, "You're enjoying how we're locked in the supply room?"
"Yeah, it's nice having another woman besides Clary to talk to." Simon shrugs considering he only ever spoke to Clary about anything and everything.
I softly smiled, "Well, the apple didn't go that far form the tree considering you're talking to her older sister."
"Which is kinda crazy-" Simon points out, "You're so- independent and resilient- if I didn't know you had two siblings, I would've thought you were an only child."
"Thank you for that- I think." I laughed lightly, as my confusion made Simon laugh as well.
"It's ridiculous-" Simon looked ahead, "How crazy my life has gotten in the last few weeks."
I folded my hands, "Yeah?"
"Yeah- I met my best friend's older sister I didn't know she had." Simon began, "Who- kills demons on a daily basis, and has powers by drawing symbols on her body."
"Yeah-" I agreed, softly laughing, "Crazy, right?"
"I got kidnapped, twice- then died, and I drink blood now." Simon continued to list, "I mean- everything was just so- bland and plain before all of this."
I smirked, "Yeah- we have all kinds of fun."
Before Simon could speak, there was a loud creak from the door, as it fell and landed on the ground, Simon's crashing into it actually doing good.
"Holy crap-" I got up, "You did it-"
"I did it-" Simon got up as well, just as surprised.
"I don't have any way of knowing where Jocelyn is-" I looked around, grabbing his phone and handing it to him, "Track her with your phone-"
Simon nods, taking it from me, "Okay-"
"Hurry-" I urged, "We don't have much time."
"Jocelyn's close-" Simon told me, holding his phone as he and I ran through the streets.
I looked at him, picking up my speed as best I could, "Then run faster!"
"I'm a vampire." Simon remarked back at me, "I'm running slow for you."
"Damn it-" I stopped, as he stopped because I had, my hands gripping his shoulders and jumping onto his back, "Use your vamp speed-"
Simon obliged and grabbed my legs, running right towards the tracking using his vamp speed.
Simon stops and lets me down when we're a block away from her location, my movements freezing when I saw Jace.
The stake in his hand piercing into a vampire, as she disintegrated into nothing right in front of her.
Valentine was pleased, "Ah, that's my boy."
Then, Jocelyn came into sight, holding a crossbow.
My eyes widen, along with Simon's when Jocelyn shot an arrow at Jace, as we began running towards her, a loud shriek leaving my lips, "No!"
Valentine took the arrow for Jace, holding his shoulder, "Run, Jonathan!"
"Jace!" I shouted his name, running towards him.
Jace's eyes were locked with mine, stood completely still, as if he was tuning out Valentine.
"They want you dead!" Valentine shouted at him, as Jocelyn readied another arrow.
"Jocelyn, stop!" I yelled at her, turning my focus to her, rushing towards her to stop her.
Jace grabs Valentine and runs through the portal as it closed behind him, the arrow she shot missing.
I panted, stepping back, Simon by my side, staring at Jocelyn in horror, "What have you done?"
authors note:
merry christmas !
ok, simon and zee are a ship, no cap
and if they're not a ship, they the brotp
you know, besides zalec
at least this chapter gave y'all some content, predestined's chapter is regrettably short
vote and comment loadsss
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