"Isabelle, let's go." Alec calls for her, stood next to me as we walked down the hall and past her room.
"Hey there, big bro." Isabelle walked out of the room and followed us, "Little sis."
I looked at my parabatai in disbelief, "I'm 21."
"You're always little to me." Isabelle playfully winks, twirling the platinum wig in her hand.
Alec takes notice of it, "Really?"
"What can I say?" Isabelle sighs dramatically,
"Demons dig blondes."
Alec was holding back a laugh, pointing at it, "Of course they do, but that's white."
"Platinum." Isabelle corrects him, "And they don't exactly like Shakespeare, okay, Alec?"
I cross my arms, "I don't know, you're plenty distracting on your own."
"So, be yourself." Isabelle looks between Alec and I, "Is that what you're trying to say?"
"Never mind." Alec waves it off, "Looking good, let's go."
Isabelle held her wig as we walked into the Ops Center, "We're ready, Jace."
"Nice choice, Izzy." Jace compliments, "Demons dig blondes."
Isabelle looks at Alec, "Told you."
I looked at Jace, "Are you colorblind?"
"I can see colors just fine, Zee." Jace had a hint of a smile on his lips as his hand glides over the monitor.
Alec nods at me siding with him, "It's platinum."
Jace began to fill us in, walking towards the training room, "All right, guys, for some reason our demon friends are killing mundanes and draining their blood."
"Why do they want blood?" Alec asked as we followed him, "Isn't that vampire territory?"
"I don't know, Alec." Jace shrugs, "Lazy vampires, maybe?"
I took the seraph blade Jace handed me, "There must be something special about their blood."
Alec looked at me, "What could be special about mundane blood?"
"You get me a sample and I'll tell you exactly what they're looking for." Isabelle grabbed her blade.
Jace walks down the steps, "We'll have more answers when we figure out exactly who the demons are working for."
"So, you don't think they're acting on their own?" Isabelle asks Jace, as he shook his head.
I shrug, "They're not exactly creative thinkers, they're shapeshifters."
Jace walks over to the monitor and points at the picture, "This is what our target looks like."
Isabelle adds in, "For now."
"Great." Alec nods, "I'll get approval for the mission."
"Great, I'll go ahead." I purposely chirp, walking away from them and towards the entrance.
"I'm right behind you." Jace repeated what he said every time I told them I would go ahead, following me, "Come on, Alec, by the time you've sent that message, we'll have killed six demons."
Isabelle smiles as her and Alec followed us, "Besides, it's more fun to break the rules than to follow them."
I walked towards the entrance of the Pandemonium, chasing after Jace and Alec who were already in the club, my short legs deceiving me.
I ran a hand through my dark medium length hair, accidentally bumping into a girl on the way there.
"Hey, can you watch where you're going?" I heard he say, making me freeze.
I slowly turned to see the familiar red head stood slouched, her eyes glued to me.
I was glamoured, so I was caught off guard, "You can see me?"
"That's kind of the point, but you clearly didn't care enough to see me." Clary remarked, crossing her arms.
How could she see me?
Jocelyn raised her as a mundane, but, how did she have the Sight so early?
"I-" I couldn't stammer out any other words.
"Zee!" I heard Jace call my name, making me look back, noticing him staring at me from at entrance.
I backed away, spinning around and running into the club, deciding it was best if I stayed on mission.
My eyes fell onto the demon we were hunting, as she hands off some blood to someone I didn't know in the club, "More mundane blood for your boss."
Slowly, she made her way behind the curtains, where Isabelle already was, dancing on the higher platform.
I stood on stand by with Alec, as Jace came up behind that woman, "I hear you've been peddling mundane blood."
"Why?" She asked, "Are you looking to score?"
"I'm not." Jace chuckled, "But- you're gonna tell me who is."
"Well, you're outnumbered here." The woman shot back, making it known of all the demons surrounding Isabelle as she danced.
Jace was confident, "Oh, I like our odds."
I tapped my foot repeatedly, looking around, slightly out of it, as Alec notices this, "You okay?"
My head snaps towards him as I quickly blurt out, "I'm fine."
Jace pulled out his seraph blade, "Last chance."
"Watch out!" Clary's pierced scream filled all our ears as she pushed the woman out of the way.
My eyes instantly widen, Jace shoving her out the way as the woman fell onto the couch and roared, "Careful!"
Clary gasped and slid across the ground, as a fight broke loose.
Alec and I join in, as I pulled out my seraph blade, fighting off the demons that threw themselves at me.
I dodged a swing, piercing my blade into one of them, watching them vanish into nothingness.
I grunt as I was knocked to the ground from behind, my sword falling out of my hands. I turned, kicking my foot against the man's face as his eyes glowed blue, him grabbing my ankles and pulling me up.
I gasp as I hung from his hold, trying to fight out of it, or even reach for my seraph blade but it was no use.
Suddenly, I couldn't feel his hold on me anymore, as he disappeared from sight, as I began falling to the ground head first.
Someone else grabs my legs and pulls me up, my hands resting on that person's shoulders when I'm brought up, my eyes wide as ever as they fell onto Jace.
"I got you-" Jace exhales deeply, as we were in a position where he was holding my legs and I was looking down at him from how he propped me on his torso, his seraph blade in his hand.
"Zee, Jace- less flirting, more fighting!" Isabelle slayed a demon, but I could see the same smile on her face when she looked at us.
"Not flirting!" I jumped off Jace, looking for my seraph blade, only to see Clary stood up with my blade in her hands, and it was lit up.
I grabbed the demon that was charging towards me and pushed him into the blade, killing him, as Clary dropped the blade, her eyes wide as ever.
As Jace and Alec finished off the last demon, Clary ran out and through the curtains, leaving us all alone.
"I can't think!" I heard Clary cry out when I walked into Jocelyn's apartment, "Someone kidnapped my mother!"
"You know more than you think you do, Clary Fray."
Dot's voice filled my ears before a screeching, Clary letting out a scream.
I notice the trashed place, "Jocelyn?"
Sounds of things falling over and Clary's grunts and groans sounded the room along with screeches and growls.
"Clary?" I ran through the apartment, noticing Clary leaning against the pillar, a Ravener demon standing over her.
I pulled out my seraph blade and pierced it into it, it diminishing in front of our eyes, my eyes landing on Clary, who was a mess.
Clary stared at me, as I put my blade away, "I don't hear a thank you for saving your life?"
I then notice the sting in her neck, "Damn it- that demon got a piece of you."
Clary musters out, "Demons?"
"Yeah- what do you think it was?" I examined the sting, my eyes glued to it.
Clary stammers, "I, uh I thought it was Dot."
"No, it was a Ravener demon, in easier words- a shapeshifter." I looked at her, "I'm going to have to bring you back to the Institute."
"You're just saying words now." Clary began to pant, "Why- why is the room swirling?"
I let go of her, "Because of the demon venom."
Clary breathes heavily, blinking a few times, "Is that bad?"
"Yeah, listen you're gonna have to come with me-" I began to say, until I notice her eyes roll to the back of her head, as her body fall forward, "Don't fall on me- don't fall on me-"
I grunt when she falls right on top of me.
"A mundane shouldn't even be here." Alec said as he followed Jace and I into the infirmary where Clary was seated up and Isabelle sat in front of her.
Clary looks between us all, "Where is "here" exactly?"
I sigh, "She's not a mundane, Alec."
Alec looks at me, "How do you know that?"
"Because the seraph blade lit up when she touched it." I reasoned, "I drew an Iratze on her and she's fine."
Isabelle got up, and sat down in another chair as I sat in her place, "I'm Zee Young."
"That is Jace Wayland, Alec Lightwood and Isabelle Lightwood." I introduced my friends, placing my hands on my knees, "We're here to help you."
Clary stares at me, "I'm, uh-"
I finished her sentence for her, "Clary Fray, we know who you are."
Alec speaks up, "Am I the only one who finds this unusual?"
"You find everything unusual, Alec." Jace looked at me, "But, hey- if Zee says she's not a mundane, I trust her."
Alec gestures towards us, "I have to report this to the Clave-"
My head snaps toward him, "Alec!"
"You know what?" Jace speaks up quickly, "Dial it down a notch."
"My brother doesn't have a dial." Isabelle cuts in, smiling, "I love you, Alec, but you have a switch that's always on."
"I love you, too." Alec returned the gesture, "But this-"
"Alec- give me a minute with her." My eyes were glued to him, "Please?"
Alec stares at me and doesn't move.
I kept staring at him, "Isabelle- Jace, please for the love of the Angel-"
"Got it." Jace got up, patting Alec's back, "Come on, buddy."
"What is with you?" Alec questions out loud, "Really, no, what is with her?"
"Walk with us, big brother." Isabelle drags out, linking her arm with Alec, leaving me alone with Clary.
"Your wound, it's healed." I point out, crossing my arms.
"How is that even possible?" Clary asked me, curiously question, "So, what, I'm miraculously healed, and all of you stunning people have magical powers?"
"No, don't confuse me with a warlock." I shook my head, "Magical powers would be cool, though."
Clary blinks, "A what?"
"A warlock." I repeat, "It's one of the Downworlders."
Clary shook her head, "Okay, you're not making any sense."
I began listing, "Warlocks, vampires, seelies-"
Clary blurts out, "Literally my brain is about to explode."
"I see that Jocelyn really went for the full mundane life." I inhale sharply, "Well, I'll keep it simple for you- all the legends are true."
"We're Shadowhunters." I told her, "We protect the human world from the demon world. So, those people you saw murdered at the Pandemonium, they weren't people at all, they were shapeshifting demons."
Clary's eyes filled with small tears, "I'm not interested in being a part of your supernatural fight club."
I tilt my head to the side lightly, "I never asked you to be part of our supernatural fight club."
"I just wanna find my mom." Clary's voice broke, making me feel slightly guilty, "The rest of it, whatever it is, all I care about is finding my mother. Please- please help me find her."
I huff deeply and drop my arms, "I'm the best chance you've got."
Clary scoots back lightly, "I don't even know you."
"What?" I blink in disbelief, "You literally just asked me two seconds ago to help you find your mother."
Clary's phone rings on the table as she quickly grabs it, "Simon."
The mundane's voice filled the line, "How come you haven't answered your phone in two days?"
Clary got up, "Things are all ripped apart."
"Where are you?" Simon asked, "Find My Friends says your phone is in an abandoned church on Deighton. I'm outside."
Clary ran over to the window, "I see you."
"I don't see you." Simon replied to her.
"Give me five minutes." Clary told him, "I have to get dressed."
"Dressed?" He repeats, as I got up and walked over to the window and noticed him standing outside,
"What are you doing undressed in an abandoned church? Clary, is there a meth problem we have to talk about?"
"Simon, just give me five minutes, okay?" Clary hung up and looked at me, "Um, what, uh- what happened to my clothes?"
"Demon venom." I noticed someone behind the mundane, "Isabelle left you the clothes on the chair."
Clary walked over and grabbed them, "You're kidding, right?"
I looked back at her, "She's very comfortable with her body."
Clary leaves for a few minutes before returning with Isabelle's clothes on, noticing the Iratze on her neck, "How did that get there?"
"I drew that." I slip my hands into my pockets, walking over to her.
"Okay, listen." Clary began, "I still don't get everything that's going on here, but you do not tattoo my neck. That's creepy."
"Duly noted." I nodded, "I guess next time I'll just let you die."
"And it's not a tattoo." I correct her, "It's a rune and they have enormous power. Good for Shadowhunters. Lethal for humans."
Clary exhales deeply before heading to the entrance, as I followed behind her, holding my blade, "I saw something behind your friend, I'm coming with you."
Clary looks at me, "You're not gonna kill Simon, are you?"
"Protect the humans, kill the demons." I made it clear, "You'll get it eventually."
"So, why can't Simon see you?" Clary asked me, as I hopped down the steps with her.
I showed her the rune on my side, "This is a glamour, a rune that makes me invisible to mundanes."
"What do you have on, Clary?" Simon rushes over to her and put his jacket around her, "Let me take you home."
Clary sighs, "I don't think I have one anymore."
"Why?" Simon asked, "What do you mean?"
Konrod, a Circle member shouted from behind us, "Clary Fairchild!"
"Clary, what's going on?" Simon asked when Clary gasped as I instantly ran over and landed a punch to his face, "What are you looking at?"
After we traded a few punches, he had his seraph blade to my neck, my back against his chest, "If you give us the girl, I'll let you live."
"You're in no position to be making rules." Jace's voice filled my ears as he pierced his seraph blade into Konrad's back.
Konrad let go of me, as I moved away, spinning to face them, as he spoke, strained, "We'll never stop hunting her."
"This is for my father." Jace mutters, pushing his blade further and killing him, pulling it out as Konrad dropped dead.
I cross my arms, "I had that handled."
Jace pushes hair out of my face, "Sure you did.
"Zee!" Clary ran over to us, "Is he dead?"
I looked at her, "Uh, yeah? What kind of stupid question is that?"
"Is who dead?" Simon asked, following her, then notices Konrad's body deglamour, "What the-"
Clary huffs, "Could you guys deglamourize, or whatever, so my best friend doesn't think I'm losing my mind?"
I sigh, deactivating my glamour as did Jace, revealing ourselves to Simon.
"Um- what is happening?" Simon looked between us.
"Yeah, we don't have the luxury right now, kid." Jace moves up the steps, "Everyone back inside."
"Clary, who at they?" Simon questions, "Your meth dealers?"
"I've seen him before." Clary points at Konrad, "At the police station."
"He's a member of the Circle." I told her, "Clary, he's here for you."
Clary looks from him to me, "He's with the people who took my mother."
"Clary, Simon unintentionally led him right to you." I drop my arms to my side, "He's here to capture or kill you."
Simon stares at the body, "There's a dead body there, we have to call Luke."
"We can't trust Luke, Simon." Clary snaps, and I almost want to question why but I don't, "We can't."
"Clary, you're the safest inside the Institute, and I need to keep you safe." I stepped closer, "I promise you, I am gonna help you find your mother, but you need to come with me. You're a Shadowhunter and you need to be here."
"What are you talking about?" Simon cuts in, "Clary you don't know her, all right? Come with me- I can get us help."
"I saved her life." I cross my arms, "I'm pretty sure my intentions are pure and true."
Simon stepped closer as well, "Clary, please."
authors note:
omg first chapter what do y'all think
ikikik it's super bad, I'm scared this is gonna be a bad book-
omg oof it's 6 am
vote and comment loadsss
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