--Chapter 13--
Scott didn't know what to do. His head was full of curses aimed towards himself. Why hadn't he been there for Stiles? Why had he thrown him out? And at the time Stiles needed him the most.
Scott was sitting in the waiting room at the vet. clinic with Corey as Deaton tried everything he could to help Mason and Derek. Derek started having a raspy breath and Corey could no longer speak. The rest of the pack had left.
It was about midnight when Deaton sent Corey home. Scott, however, wouldn't budge.
"Scott, you need to get some rest. We will find him I promise." Deaton tells him.
Scott shakes his head.
Deaton sighs and walks back into the room where Mason and Derek were sleeping with air tubes hooked up to their necks, allowing them to breath. He pulls out his phone and dials a number that he wouldn't have thought he would have to dial ever again.
Stiles' dives in and out of consciousness. When he's awake it's painful and his vision plays games with him, placing black dots and swirls where they aren't supposed to be.
His bright orange-red fur is unrecognizable, covered in his own black blood. The dark green grass underneath him had turned into a lake of black that smelled of something worse than death.
Stiles could no longer wimped to express his pain, so he was left writhing on the ground. Coughing up more black blood. The last thing he remembers thinking about before passing out once again was Mason and Derek.
Scott had refused to leave the clinic, and he sat silently watching Derek and Mason sleep on the metal tables in the vet clinic.
"Scott why are you still here? I asked you to go home." Deaton asks, looking up from the paperwork in his hands and at the worried alpha sitting in front of him.
Scott fiddles with his fingers, breathing heavily, "I-i just don't know. I don't know anything. It's all going too fast and I can't fix any of it."
Deaton sets the papers down and gives his full attention to Scott. "Like what?"
Scott looks up at Deaton, "Well for starters, what's Stiles? When did he become supernatural and how come I didn't know? What is a mate and why did Peter mention it? Is Stiles really going to die? Are Derek and Mason going to die?" He suppresses a sob and tears, and instead he takes his own claws and presses them against his palm.
"Well I will be able to tell you all of that. Once someone gets here." Explains Deaton.
"Who? Who's coming? Can they help?" Asks Scott, his claws slowly receding into his hand and leaving only faint blood stains.
"Someone that can help, and knows more about this than I do."
Mason's POV
I can faintly here Deaton and Scott talking in a room besides Derek and I. My head is full of ringing though so it's hard to concentrate on anything.
All I can really think about at the moment is how I'm probably going to die on this table and if this 'person' doesn't get here fast Stiles might die too.
Breathing is getting harder by the minute. I can feel the black goo wrapping around my vocal cords. It's driving my gag reflexes insane, but since I'm unconscious I can't do much about it.
That's another thing I'm confused about. If I'm unconscious, how am I aware about what's going on? Is Derek thinking to? These are all things I will just have to ask when I wake up. If I wake up.
I'm just about to go mentally insane by talking to myself when I here the bell on the entrance ring and some shuffling of feet.
"Nice to see you again, Deaton," says a young man's voice.
Within a second more I can't think anymore and my brain shuts down.
3rd P.O.V
Scott looks at the man with interest. The tall brunette looks back at him with just as much, both trying to make sense of each other.
"Scott, this is Kade." Deaton looks between them, "Kade this is Scott."
Kade didn't offer a hand, instead he stood stone still. Staring into Scotts eyes as if he were looking straight into his soul.
"So this is Scott McCall." Kade hums, "The True Alpha I hear?"
Scott looks at Deaton, who doesn't seem surprised that Kade either found out, or knew so soon.
"Um, yeah." Says Scott with a small nod.
Deaton speaks up and Kade breaks his stare with the Alpha. "Scott, Kade is a Black Dog."
Kade gives him a dull smile before slightly explaining himself, "Basically I'm a 'hound from hell', and no. Not a hell hound, but close I guess." He states.
Scott slowly nods, "So why are you here?"
"He knows a lot about the wooded areas in the US." Explains Deaton.
"How do we even know if Stiles is in the US? What if he's all the way in Mexico?!" Asks Scott, raising his voice slightly.
"Well, before Derek got here, he said Stiles was thinking about going up to Washington." Deaton says, looking at the immobile werewolf.
"Why, how would he know that?" Asks Scott.
"Derek knew about Stiles being supernatural before all of us." Deaton crosses his arms and purses his lips.
Scott now looks to Derek. "I should have been there for Stiles. I should have helped him."
Kade clasps his hands together, "Well now is your chance pup."
Scott holds back a growl and looks at Kade, who has a smirk plastered to his lips. "Because you are going to be the one to bring him back." Kade looks at the clock, "Well, that is if he's still alive."
Scotts heart quickens slightly.
Deaton fiddles his fingers slightly, "Okay Kade, enough with the jib gab. Do you know where Stiles is?"
"Northern Oregon. Coast side." His brown eyes shimmer with a fiery glow. "Off the side of a highway, in a preserved part of the forest."
"How can I trust you." Asks Scott.
"You can't. " States Kade, "but if you really want your beloved fox back I recommend you follow my instructions."
Scott bites his tongue nervously.
"Kade," Deaton pauses, "You are going with him."
"What? Oh you have got to be kidding me." Kade breaths out.
"You owe me. And if you are so keen on keeping this promise you will help Scott find Stiles and bring him back." Deaton says as he lightly flares at the Black Dog.
Kade furrows his brows in annoyance and Scott speaks up, "Why does he owe you?"
"Hunters." Kade mumbles. "Shot me with a damn crossbow and next thing you know this man is pulling it out of me."
Deaton nods, "So unless you want me to insert that bolt back into your body I recommend you go and help Scott here." Deaton pauses, "Then you can go on your merry way, and go back to doing whatever the hell you were doing."
Kade huffs, "Fine. Wonderful. Great. Grab a snack it's a long run, and we are not stopping."
Scotts eyes widen at his obedience towards Deaton. Scott smirks a little but quickly frowns at the fact that Stiles was dying, and it was all his fault.
Scott needed to fix it. And he needed to fix it now.
Scott looks at Kade, "Let's go now."
"Wow, this pup's got eagerness. Okay then, let's go." He states.
Scott lets a growl make its way past his lips and he follows Kade out into the parking lot of the clinic. He watches Kade shift into a giant black dog with blazing red eyes.
'Let's go.'
Says Kade through a 'mind link' towards Scott.
Scott nods and they both run off into the preserve, Scott desperately hoping he laid his trust with someone who deserved it.
A/N: This is Kade in human and 'shifted' forms.
Played by: Theo James
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