Chase watched as Victoria entered the view of the security camera.
Minutes before, she expressed her desire to see her brother. She claimed she'd be able to get him to talk. Director Shaw was against it. However, she'd made too many good points for him to decline. He sent two other agents inside The Grid with her for protection. It wasn't like she needed it. There was a reason why Victoria was one of Atlas' best agents. And it wasn't because she was the director's daughter.
Chase watched as the girl approached Apex's cell.
''Open cell G-1,'' the director ordered.
''As you wish, Mr. Shaw,'' P.A.I replied. A panel underneath the security feeds blinked with red lights. One of them clicked, turning green upon the director's request. Inside The Grid, the glass door popped out a few inches from the wall. As Victoria entered inside, the two guards at her side aimed their rifles at the sitting Apex.
He opened one eye, intrigued.
Once Victoria was in the cell, Director Shaw had the door closed.
Chase observed Victoria as she carefully approached her brother.
''Was wondering when you'd come see me,'' he said. Both of his eyes were opened now and he'd gotten to his feet. Seeing the siblings in close proximity only made them look even more similar. Chase felt stupid for not figuring it out before.
''What a pleasant surprise.''
Victoria appeared to be unamused. In fact, she looked uncomfortable. She kept a hand on the pistol at her hip, her gaze steely as ever. ''How do you plan on contacting Kismet? We know that's why you're here.''
He laughed through his nose, the noise crackling through the speakers in the security room Chase and the others stood in. The blond watched on intently, awaiting the Prime's response.
''Straight to it, eh? It's been, what, a decade? No hi? No 'I missed you, big brother'?''
''I'm not playing your games.''
Apex seemed disappointed with her response. Nodding, he began pacing around the room. The guards outside the cell bristled. Victoria waved for them to stand down.
''I see he's turned you into one of his soldiers. How's dad been treating you? Hopefully he hasn't neglected you like he did to me.''
Victoria's lip twitched.
Chase turned to Director Shaw, who kept his face forward. Though, the look on his face suggested the last comment struck something within him. Before now, Chase never even thought about the Shaws' upbringing. From the sound of it, they'd been groomed into fighters at a young age. He scowled. That life was all too familiar to him.
It wasn't a glamorous life. He wouldn't wish it on anyone. While he loved his father, the man wasn't the best when it came to emotions. Or actual parenting. All he knew was war and battle. That's what he passed down onto his son. Not to mention the feelings of abandonment Chase felt whenever his father got deployed.
He hated it.
Chase rubbed his chin at the thought of Apex being an Atlas agent. Had he not been kidnapped by Kane, that would've been a reality. He couldn't imagine him being on the good side. It felt unnatural. Apex was built for the darkness; he embodied it. It was him.
Inside the cell, Victoria kept prodding him for an answer. With each question, he'd deflect it with one of his own. He kept prying into her life, seemingly trying to get a recap on their time a part. It was interesting to witness. He genuinely wanted to know how she'd been getting on while she got to grow up with her father while he was subjected to a life with Kane.
Chase found it quite tragic. He had his entire life stolen from him.
Apex walked up to his sister, his mouth stretched into smile. ''I missed you, baby sister.'' She turned her head away from him. Chase noticed her hand fall away from her holster. She was splitting at the seams right before their eyes. They needed to get her out of there before something bad happened.
Director Shaw noticed this as well, as he instructed P.A.I to have the sedative gas that lurked within the ceiling of each cell on standby. Chase hoped it wouldn't be needed. But now the man inside that unit, it very well might've been.
''I'm starting to get a bad feeling about this,'' Andre muttered.
He nodded. ''No kidding.''
''I'm not going to ask you again, Victor,'' Victoria said, glaring at her brother. ''How are you planning on contacting Kismet?''
The black-haired Prime stopped smiling. His blue eyes burned with hatred. ''Don't call me that.''
''What? Victor— ''
In an instant, his hand was wrapped around her throat. He held her a few inches off the floor, squeezing her neck. She clawed and kicked at his hand, but he was much stronger than she was. His features were as still as an undisturbed pond.
The agents outside the cell banged on the glass as they ordered him to drop her.
Chase turned to Director Shaw, his eyes wide. ''Do something!"
Stuttering, the man gulped. ''P.A.I, release the sedative.''
The AI did as told. Within seconds, a faint mint-colored gas infiltrated the cell. As soon as Victor started to cough, he released his sister. Victoria dropped to floor and pressed her back against the glass, covering her mouth and nose as the gas began to thicken around her. The cell doors opened, per the director's request, and the two guards outside pulled Victoria out before the were closed again.
Victor writhed on the ground, his fingers dragging across his neck as he struggled for air. The veins in his throat pushed against his skin as the sedative assaulted his body. Whatever the substance was, it was powerful. Even
Director Shaw pinched the bridge of his nose. ''I knew this was a terrible idea.'' He rushed out of the room with Chase right on his heels. The others followed them to the entrance of The Grid, where Victoria had been carried to. She could barely stand and a red mark marred her porcelain skin.
'' Are you alright?'' her father asked, kneeling at her side with a hand on her back.
Coughing, she nodded. ''I'm fine. He just...caught me off guard. That's all.''
''I told you that you shouldn't have gone in there.''
She rolled her eyes at him after returning to her feet. ''How else were we going to get anything from him? We had to try something.''
The man fell silent. She was right, to an extent. She might've been the only person Victor would've opened up to. After the events that occurred, though, that wasn't happening any time soon. His plans would remain a mystery for the time being.
Director Shaw sighed. He turned to Stella. ''Can you and the others take her to the infirmary.''
''I'm fine— ''
The look in his eyes cut her off immediately. She hung her head. Stella nodded at him and gently guided Victoria forward, the others following behind. As they walked off, the director called Chase back.
He stopped, as did Stella. They both peered at the man with curious faces.
''Yes, sir?''
The director cleared his throat. ''I...need your help with something.''
''Um, alright.'' He faced Stella and grabbed her hand. ''See you later?''
He noticed that the apprehensive look in her eyes. She didn't protest, though. She simply offered him a warm smile, squeezed his hand, and continued helping Victoria in the direction of the elevator.
With his heart fluttering, he joined Shaw and the two Atlas agents.
''What do you need me for, sir?''
Instead of answering, he scanned his keycard over the scanner to The Grid. Once the doors opened, he stepped inside. His men trailed behind him. As he moved forward, he glanced at the boy over his shoulder.
''Follow me.''
He knit his eyebrows together but did as he was told. Within seconds, they stood before Apex's cell. The gas inside of it had started to dissipate. Though, the man still found himself stuck on the ground recovering from the pain. Upon seeing Chase and his father, the Prime laughing maniacally and banging a fist against the glass wall.
''Well isn't this rich,'' he choked out. ''Daddy dearest has come to see me as well.''
Chase stood there in shock. Something, possible more than one, was broken inside of him. That much was apparent. In truth, he felt sorry for him. He didn't choose to become what he was; it was forced upon him.
Director Shaw approached the cell, sadness hidden behind his black-rimmed glasses. He placed a hand on the glass. ''I'm so sorry for what has happened to you, Victor.'' Apex stopped laughing at the mention of his name. He propped himself up, slowly but steadily regaining his bearings. Within seconds he was back to his feet.
He launched himself toward the man. Of course, he was stopped by the clear barrier between them. Chest heaving, he pressed his finger against the wall and snarled at the director. ''Stop calling me that. That's not my name.''
Even though he knew the man couldn't break the glass, Chase's went rigid. His hand flinched for his sword only for him to realize he didn't have it. He did have his holo-shield, though, as he always kept the device on.
Director Shaw managed to maintain his composure. He stared pitifully at his Apex, disappointment and sorrow present in his crystalline irises. ''Your mother and I named you Victor and that's what I intend to call you.''
That really must've set him off because he lunged at the glass again. Screaming, he banged his fists against it over and over again until he tired himself out. His body trembling, he slunk down to his knees and hung his head.
''Don't you dare mention her.'' He wiped his reddening eyes. ''Don't you dare!''
Chase already knew the man's mother was a touchy subject. After all, she'd been killed by Kane—the man he worked for. But, judging by his behavior and loyalty to the man, it seemed like he'd been brainwashed. The realization struck Chase like a ton of bricks. Apex had been manipulated for more than half his life; who knew what kind of information Kane fed him over the years.
The corners of his lips pulled down into a frown. He questioned why Stephen had brought him along. There had to have been a reason. Was it for protection? He shook his head. If that was the case, the two Atlas agents behind them would've sufficed. No...there was another explanation to why he'd been brought along for this.
''Mr. Shaw,'' Chase said. The man turned around. His own eyes were glossy and sadness plagued his features.
He scratched the back of his neck, suddenly feeling awkward about what he was about to ask. HIs face burned as he forced himself to look at the broken man before him. Even though Director Shaw appeared calm on the outside, it was clear to see he was a wreck inside.
''Why am I here?''
''I needed someone down here while I talked to him. Someone I trust,'' he explained, glancing at his son. He returned his gaze to the boy before him. ''And I trust you the most. You've been a leader since you got here.''
He stuttered, unable to form a response. He'd never get to, though, as Apex started laughing like a lunatic again.
''Why don't you just make him your new son?'' Apex asked. ''Seems like you care more about him than me anyway.'' His father pinched the bridge of his nose and turned his head away. Apex's fist pounded on the glass, jolting both the director and Chase. ''Look at me!''
Director Shaw clenched his jaw. Chase could only imagine what he was feeling. His son, who he had been stolen from him, was rapidly losing his mind. And there was nothing he could do but watch. It had to be one of the worst things a parent could go through.
Apex pressed his forehead against wall. ''Why didn't you look for me?''
''I me I did. I looked for years.''
''Don't lie to me!'' Tears were streaming down his face as he seethed at the man. ''You didn't try. You didn't. You let him take me. You abandoned me.''
Stephen simply smiled at his son. It wasn't a smile of joy or happiness. It was full of pain and regret.
As Chase studied Apex, he realized how much the man hated his father. He truly loathed the man. He'd been led to believe he was abandoned, left to fend for himself against the unhinged Kane.
He scowled at the thought of the silver-haired terrorist. This only fueled his motivations of defeating him. He had to be stopped so he couldn't hurt any more people. Even though they were enemies, his heart ached for Apex. He didn't deserve his fate. But the world could be cruel like that. Not everyone got what they deserved and not everyone deserved what they got.
Director Shaw's hands shook as he removed his glasses to wipe his tears away. ''I tried so hard. So hard. We just...we couldn't find you. Wherever Kane took you, we couldn't find it. He disappeared. It was impossible to find him.''
Apex shook his head, his eyes squeezed shut. ''Kane said you didn't. He told me you didn't care about me. That you never cared.''
''You know that's not true, son.''
The man broke down, burying his face into his knees as he sobbed. It was truly a heartbreaking sight. After a long period of silence, Director Shaw put his glasses back on. He was calm, which confused Chase to no end.
''P.A.I,'' he began, ''open cell, G-1.''
''Yes, sir,'' PAI replied.
Chase's swallowed hard as he watched part of the glass wall open for the second time that day. Before the man could enter, he reached out and grabbed his forearm. His heart beat like a jackhammer inside of his chest. He'd been brought along for protection and he was not about to let the man step inside of a cell with a psycho killer—even if it was his son.
''Pearce, I don't think this is a good idea,'' he said. He had never called the man by his first name, but he figured this situation warranted it.
The man turned around. ''You know, you remind me of myself sometimes.''
Chase's features twisted in confusion. ''Sir, don't do this.''
''Chase.'' His voice cracked. ''Please. Just let me talk to my son.'' The boy refused to let go, though. Director Shaw tensed. ''That's an order, Sentinel.'' Despite his stern expression, his eyes pleaded for the boy to release him.
''He could kill you.''
Shaw nodded solemnly. ''I'm fully aware of the consequences.''
Sighing, Chase let him go. Then the man stepped inside the cell.
''P.A.I, close cell G-1.''
''Yes, sir.''
''What?!'' the blond exclaimed. The glass wall began to shut. He tried stopping it, but he couldn't wrap his fingers around it. He'd been too slow. It closed in his face, leaving him defeated in its wake.
Inside, Director Shaw helped his son off the ground. ''Victor,'' he said, emotion seizing his voice. ''I never stopped caring.''
Apex lifted his head. The tears streaked down his pale cheeks like strikes of lightning. He moved toward his father, who allowed it to happen. Chase, on the other, hand feared the worse. There was no way the man would be able to fight off Apex. If he got hurt in there, he'd never forgive himself.
''P.A.I, open that cell right now!"
''Command disregarded.''
Chase felt sick. His stomach churned violently, and his throat felt like a boa constrictor had wrapped around it. Though, his fear quickly turned to bewilderment. Apex wasn't attacking his father. He was hugging him.
''You don't know the things he did to me,'' Apex whispered, his head buried in the crook of Director Shaw's neck. His tears dropped onto the metal floor of the cell, the sound echoing through the quiet that followed.
The director wrapped his arms around his son, lovingly rubbing his back. ''It's okay, son. You're safe now. I'm going to help you. We can make you better here.'' They embraced for a few more seconds before Apex broke away.
''I'm sorry about this.''
Shaw frowned, pulling back a step. His eyes widened. Outside, Chase and the two guards watched on in confusion.
''You don't have to do this, Victor.''
''I have to.'' Apex shut his eyes. His hands curled into fists at his sides. ''He'll hurt me again if I don't.''
Chase had no idea what was going on, but he knew it couldn't have been good. He also knew he needed to stop it. ''P.A.I, open the damn cell—''
His voice faltered upon seeing that Apex opened his eyes. They were no longer blue. A menacing shade of crimson had eclipsed his beady irises.
That shouldn't have been possible. His powers were negated so long as he was in that cell.
Before he could even process what was happening, tendrils of red and black energy—reminiscent of the particles that surrounded the man whenever he teleported—spiraled up his arms.
An explosion shook The Grid.
Chase activated his shield device on instinct. The force of the blast threw him to the other side of the room. Glass and rubble rained down upon him. His head connected with the wall and his vision cut out. The smoke-heavy air carried the scent of charred metal and blood to his nostrils. Pinches of pain assaulting his body, he felt his consciousness slipping away.
Smoke and broken glass. Those were the first things Chase saw when he came to.
He lifted his head. An avalanche of nausea swept over him. Turning to the side, he spotted Director Shaw's body face down on the floor just outside of Apex's cell. His suit jacket was riddled with holes of varying sizes while blood speckled his dress shirt. His glasses laid broken near his face.
Chase blanched. Director Shaw wasn't moving.
His mouth drier than sandpaper, he tried regaining his bearings. The ringing in his ears practically reduced his brain to mush. He eventually caught a glimpse of the inside of the two wrecked holding cells. Thick lines scorched the walls of the containment unit, the gray concrete looking more like volcanic basalt. Wires dangled from the ceiling, sparks jumping to the floor.
Apex was nowhere to be found.
Gritting his teeth, Chase forced himself to get up. He didn't have time to be hurt. His vision still hadn't stopped swimming and his body felt like he'd been beat up in his sleep. Had he not had his shield to take the brunt of the blast, he wasn't sure he would've survived.
He limped forward and looked around for the two Kismet mercenaries.
''Wow,'' someone said from behind him. ''You are strong.''
Grimacing, he faced Apex. He stood near the exit of The Grid, Alexei at his side. Besides a few small cuts, they both escaped the blast unscathed.
''I'm not letting you leave,'' Chase croaked. Smoke swirled in chest, suffocating him.
Apex tilted his head at his act of bravery. ''Or maybe you're just stupid.''
He couldn't let them escape. Director Shaw needed him. Atlas needed him. Everyone needed him. If they escaped, there was no telling if they could be captured again. It was up to him now. He had no one to help him. No support. He was alone.
The director made a huge mistake trusting Apex. It was always a possibility he'd turn on him. And that's exactly what he did. Chase had to admit, the guy was a great actor. If he wasn't a wanted fugitive, he could've had a future in Broadway. Apex had shown his true colors. Now it was Chase's turn.
He wasn't going to hold anything back; he couldn't afford to. Plus, he'd been anticipating a rematch since their battle at the Nexxus Industries lab. Apex and Lycan might've been strong, but so was he. If he tried hard enough, he could stop them.
Closing his fist, he activated his holo-shield. The low hum of the projection filled his ears as he hobbled forward. ''You're not going anywhere.''
Apex laughed. ''What makes you think that?'' He gestured at the boy's injured leg. ''You don't seem to be in the best shape to stop us.'' The hulking man beside him laughed.
''He is veak.''
''I'd stand down if I were you.''
Chase blew a piece of loose, golden hair out of his face and continued towards them.
''Fine, kid,'' Apex grumbled. ''Your funeral.''
He stuck his arms out again. More coils of energy traveled up his toned arms. Just as the Prime released it, Chase launched his shield at him. It caught the man in the chest, causing his energy blast to strike the ceiling.
Charred fragments of metal and rock trickled down from the newly-formed hole. Chase's eyes widened. Even with his durable skin, he realized he'd have to be careful. Who knew what that stuff could do to him?
Apex growled, picking up the blue disk next to his feet. He brought it down upon his knee, shattering it. ''You will die here.''
''We'll see.'' Chase squeezed his palm again to summon another shield. He froze. His wrist device blinked red, indicating it needed to be charged. You've gotta be kidding me. He instinctively reached for his back. Then he remembered. His sword wasn't there.
In short, he was weaponless. But, so was Apex. It was going to be about as even as a fight that it could be.
Rolling his shoulders, he charged at his enemy. In a blink of an eye, Apex vanished from thin air, leaving behind a cloud of black and red. He looked around, trying to determine find his landing spot. The man reemerged on the other side of the room, leaning against the wall with a smirk on his face.
The shapeshifting mercenary grinned, revealing his craggy teeth. They looked like small knives, determined to shred him to pieces.
Chase was too hurt to move nimbly. Lycan's huge mass collided into him at the speed of a freighter train, knocking all the wind out his struggling lungs. A roar filled his ears as the man began shifting into his wolf-hybrid form. He could hear bones moving and cracking as thick fur sprouted all over the Prime's skin.
Chase lifted his head from the ground only to have it forced back down. A heavy paw pressed against his neck, stopping air. He reached up, desperately trying to hit at the man. It was no use. He was too weak.
Lycan used his free hand to deliver punch after punch to Chase's face. Even though his skin couldn't break, he felt every blow. Blood filled his mouth. He yelled in pain. He cried out for help. But none would come. He was alone.
''Maybe you aren't as strong as I thought,'' Apex said.
Chase screamed as he felt nails scratch his face. For the first time in what felt like years, he felt his skin tear. A river of crimson trailed down his face like haphazard stripes, marring his sight and setting his face alight with pain.
The attacks didn't let up. The back of his head connected with the steel floor repeatedly. If Lycan kept this up, he'd surely die. Just like Apex said.
He tried summoning the strength he called upon when he fought the wolfman the first time again. Nothing came. No words of wisdom from his father, no sudden burst of energy. Nothing. He was powerless.
Through swollen eyes, he looked up at the fist coming down to hit him again. Turning to side a bit to brace himself, he waited for the impact. It didn't come, though. Through the slits he called eyelids, he saw Apex holding back his comrade's paw.
''Vhat are you doing?''
''As much as I've enjoyed watching this,'' Apex said, ''we've got to go. Agents are on their way down here now. We still have business to take care off.''
Lycan growled. ''Don't tell me you're getting soft. I heard vhat happened earlier.''
The corner of Apex's mouth twitched. ''Of course not.'' He dropped the man's hand and stomped towards the exit. ''C'mon. Let's get a move on. We've got to make a stop before finishing the rest of our business here.''
Before leaving, he snatched up a keycard from one of the fallen guards. Chase had almost forgot about them.
They'd given their lives to protect him and Director Shaw. He felt tears forming behind his puffy eyelids. Groaning, he weakly raising his arm, as if that would stop the two renegade Primes from escaping. The door to The Grid closed.
A sob rose from the base of his throat but refused to come out. His chest felt like a literal ton of metal was flattening it. Guilt and disappointment crushed him like the unforgiving vacuum of space. The scorched air passed over his reddened skin.
He failed.
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