Emily's sleep was disturbed by the blaring alarm clock on her nightstand. Not even opening her eyes, she let out a powerful scream until the noise went away. Peeking at the clock, she noticed the reason why it fell silent was because it shattered to pieces.
She almost forgot how powerful her voice was.
Yawning, she stretched her arms—which were sore from shooting bad guys with arrows the day before—and climbed out of bed. She staggered to the window on the other side of the room and pulled back the dark blue curtains. The rooms Atlas had her and the others staying in were located on the upper level of the mountain, giving them a decent view of outside instead of sedimentary rock. The sun had yet to rise, the lingering fragments of the night clinging onto the clouds.
A scowled surfaced on Emily's lips.
She previously thought Director Shaw let them off the hook; she couldn't have been more wrong. In fact, she realized this was their punishment.
Trudging over to the full body-length mirror on her closet door, she rubbed her eyes before frowning at herself. Her short, black hair was slightly matted down, and the purple tips were not even purple anymore. She'd been at The Acropolis, training to help take down Kismet, for about a month now—two weeks had passed since the botched mission in Canada—and the Atlas headquarters was short on quality hairdressers.
Her dark eyes had equally dark circles underneath them, due to her having to get up at the crack of dawn every day for the past couple of weeks. She noticed her skin was paler than usual. She looked like a zombie.
The only real upside to the rigorous training sessions she was forced to endure was the change in her body. Her arms, legs, and abdomen were more toned than ever before. Though, she wasn't sure if the agonizing muscle fatigue was worth it.
She ventured into her bathroom and turned on the shower. She hissed when the cold water her clammy skin. Her body shivering and her teeth chattering, she set the water stream to her preferred temperature: scorching hot.
After standing in the shower for a while, the burning water awakening her nerves, she cut it off and dried herself off. Moments later, she changed into some dark training gear and headed out to meet her friends in the training room.
Of course, Chase was the first one there. He was always the first one there.
Ever since they started training, he showed up extra early to get his own sessions in. If the place was open twenty-four-hours, he probably would've slept in there. Emily shook her head at him as she entered The Gym.
The Gym was Atlas' main training ground. It was located on the floor just above the hangar and was the second largest sector in the entire compound. Multiple rooms made up the training ground, including the shooting range, a rock-climbing station, a simulation center, and an armory. That wasn't all, of course.
Emily's enjoyed the shooting range. If her supersonic voice was going to make her throat feel like someone poured lighter fluid inside of it and dropped a flaming matchstick with it, she was going to have to sharpen her archery skills. While she could've used a gun, as there were plenty of them, she preferred the feeling of a bow and arrow in her hands.
Ahead of her, Chase stood in front of the rock wall that occupied almost the entire back portion of the main room. He rubbed his chin as he stared at the challenge. Judging by the sweat glistening from his tanned skin, he'd already given it a couple of goes.
Emily cleared her throat as she walked up to him.
''Oh,'' he said, barely giving her a second look. ''Hey, Emily.''
''Nice to see you too, Goldilocks.'' She took up the space next to him. The rock wall varied in height; in some places, it reached upwards of thirty feet while others were significantly smaller. Knowing Chase, he probably attempted the taller ones. ''Hope you didn't tire yourself out before training.''
He snorted. ''Of course not. I'm in peak shape. I've got stamina for days.''
She shrugged. ''That's what they all say.''
''Yeah, yeah.''
Minutes later, Andre and Stella arrived.
''Where are Theo and Oscar?'' Stella asked while tying her brown hair into a high ponytail.
Andre shrugged while yawning.
Stella shook her head. ''They're always late.''
While the group of four waited for the other two to show up, Stella took it upon herself to start stretching. She reached for her toes and Emily couldn't help but stare. To her side, she noticed Chase was doing the same. No matter how much Emily may have despised the girl, she couldn't seem to tear her eyes away from her perfect frame.
The girl wore a yellow sports bra and tight yoga pants that accentuated all her curves. Her golden skin even seemed like it was glowing. She was seriously beautiful. Emily couldn't help but stare. Stella noticed and flashed her a smile. She cast her eyes to the floor, her cheeks burning like a wildfire.
''Good morning, Emi.''
Emily scowled. She hadn't heard that nickname since middle school. Stella used to call her it all the time. That stopped after their falling out. The nickname had once been a welcome one. But 'Emi' didn't exist anymore. Emily murdered her and dumped the body into the void.
''You don't get to call me that anymore.''
''I just thought—'' She frowned. ''Sorry.''
She hated how Stella made her feel. The girl caused too many emotions and Emily never was any good at those. Sometimes her heart would flutter when she saw her and other times all she wanted to do was punch her in the face. It was all very confusing.
She vowed to never forgive her for what she did. Even if it hadn't been on purpose, it still ruined her. She could still hear the snide comments and insults that her classmates would whisper to each other when they thought she wasn't listening. She squeezed her eyes shut, trying to force them back out.
Emily couldn't even remember why she'd been friends with Stella in the first place. The two of them had always been opposites, even before she altered her personality. Perhaps that was why they'd gotten along so well.
That is until they didn't.
Despite the betrayal and deep-rooted hurt she felt, Emily couldn't seem to shake her feelings for Stella. It didn't matter how hard she tried; they just wouldn't go away.
The amicable sound of heavy combat boots thundering against the glossy floor of The Gym behind her pulled her out of her thoughts. She threw her head back in exasperation upon realizing who it was. He was the harbinger of exhaustion, agony, and grueling physical labor.
He was her worst nightmare.
And his name was Agent Ashley Strong.
Everyone immediately stood at attention and faced the man as he entered the training room. Emily was the only one who paid little attention to his entrance. While he certainly was frightening and would probably make her run laps for disrespecting him, she was too tired to care.
''One...two...three...four.'' Agent Strong tilted his head at the group. ''Where're the other two?''
No one said anything. Though, Emily was willing to bet the two boys were still in their rooms. If they were lucky, the might've been rushing to The Gym at that very second. Judging by the clock on the wall across from her, they had two minutes before they were officially late.
And Agent Strong hated tardiness.
He was an intimidating man. Bulging muscles pressed against the tight shirt he wore. Tinted aviator glasses covered his beady eyes and his hair was cut closely atop his head in the style of a buzzcut. He stood at around Andre's height, which was about six foot six. An assortment of scars and tattoos decorated his arms and thick neck.
''I'll ask y'all again. Where are the other two?'' His brows furrowed as he frowned at the four of them.
''They're on their way,'' Stella answered. ''I hope....''
Emily saw Chase lean over to Andre, a grin etched into his chiseled features
''Bet you five bucks they show up late,'' he whispered.
Andre shook the blond's hand. Emily shook her head at them both and folded her arms across chest. Her foot tapped across the floor as she waited impatiently.
If they were late, the rest of them would suffer as result. If that happened, she was going to kill Oscar and Theo herself.
''They've got about thirty seconds ta' get here before we start,'' Agent Strong said. He tapped the timer on the stopwatch hanging from his neck. Emily could hear the faint beeping emitting from the small device.
Right on cue, a streak of silver and black zipped into the room and stopped at Agent Strong's side. The streak materialized in the form of a grinning Theo. Moments later, Oscar sprinted into The Gym, his black hair matted against his sweaty forehead. He joined the group and placed his hands on the back of his head, wheezing for air.
Agent Strong grabbed Theo by the scruff of his neck, causing the smile to melt off the boy's face. ''You're late, kid.''
Theo pointed a trembling finger at the stopwatch hanging from the agent's neck. ''Actually, s-sir, we're early by a-about five seconds.'' He offered the man a sheepish smile as he tried to escape from the vise-like grip around his neck.
Emily stifled a laugh as she watched his futile attempts to escape.
''You callin' me a liar, kid?'' Agent Strong interrogated. She couldn't see his eyes, but she knew he was staring right into Theo's soul.
''No what?''
''N-No, sir!'' Theo yelled while saluting the man. Chase, Oscar, and Andre laughed and immediately stopped after Agent Strong shot them a pointed look.
He released Theo, who then joined the group in their line in front of the agent.
When she was first introduced to their training instructor, she learned he was once a part of Atlas' most prolific squadron. Over the years, the members either retired or remained with Atlas and took on other jobs. Agent Strong was one of those who assumed another position; he opted to train new recruits and bleed them into the system.
Unfortunately for them, the guy was a hard-ass who took his job way too seriously.
''So, what're we doing today, sir?'' Chase asked. He stood up straight with his hands clasped behind his back. He looked like an army cadet. Emily scoffed.
''I'm glad ya' asked,'' Agent Strong said. Emily didn't like the way he said that. ''I think y'all are gonna like this one,'' he continued, motioning towards the simulation arena—also known as the Battlefield—on the other side of the Gym. ''It's one of my...personal favorites.''
Emily gulped. This can't be good.
Agent Strong lied.
She most definitely didn't like ''this one''.
The way Emily was cursing would've put a seasoned sailor to shame. She grimaced as she ducked behind a burning car, a cobalt blast of energy soaring above her head. Of course, it wasn't real, but it sure felt like it.
The Battlefield was primarily used to test the agents in various environments; from misty jungles to snowy tundras. The entire room was fitted with panels that were able to project images and take on realistic environments; the walls and floors were also dynamic. The technicians in the control room could convert the place into basically whatever they wanted. For this exercise, Agent Strong had instructed them to turn the simulation room into a war-torn city being ravaged by TITANs—state-of-the-art robots used for advanced training procedures—that were currently taking on the appearance of alien-looking androids.
They were programmed with hundreds of fighting styles, fitted with various blaster-type weapons, and were also highly intelligent. Though, that didn't seem to mean anything to the two tanks of the group of young Primes.
The two boys were working together as they hammered away at two robots. With Chase's amplified strength and incredibly durable skin, along with Andre's ability to copy the composition of any solid material, the two of them were getting the job done.
''TITANs one and seven have been eliminated. Eight TITANs remaining,'' P.A.I's robotic yet feminine voice announced.
Emily peered over the burning car she hid behind and aimed a purple-tipped arrow at one of the ten TITANs scattered around the fabricated city. She focused on the blue circle on its chest and released the air.
The arrow screamed with a high pitch whistle as it hurtled towards its target, the vibrations visible around the black shaft. The arrowhead found its mark and the TITANs. toppled to the ground in an explosion of sound and sparks.
''TITAN two has been eliminated. Seven TITANs remaining.''
A grin inched its way onto Emily's mouth as she admired her handiwork. Turning her head to the side, she saw Oscar cowering behind a different damaged vehicle. Every couple seconds, he'd attempt to throw his fire at one of the robots but each time he tried, he'd stop himself.
TITANs were advancing towards his position and Emily rolled her eyes in annoyance.
She ran over to him and slid across the ground, trying not to be seen by the robot stomping in their direction. Even though this entire thing was just a simulation, she still didn't want to lose.
He yelped when she appeared next to him.
''Calm down,'' she hissed.
''Sorry,'' he muttered. ''I don't why I can't do it. I know they're not real but....'' He sighed, the fire in his palms dying.
Emily slapped him across the face. Startled, he stared at her while rubbing his reddened check.
''Ay cabrón. What's your deal, chica?"
She stuck a black-painted finger in his face. ''You need to get your shit together. I don't care if you're afraid of fire or whatever it is. Stop being a pussy and kill some robots.''
Oscar stuttered for a moment before nodding. ''You're right.'' He took a deep breath. ''I got this.''
He stood up from their hiding spot and held his hands out. Emily's eyes widened as she watched him, the TITAN turning to look at him as well. The quiet whirring sounds coming from the robot grew closer. While she wanted him to be brave, she didn't want him to be stupid.
''What are you doing?!''
She narrowed her stare at him when he didn't reply.
Oscar's brown irises were consumed by bright light until they resembled miniature suns. Fire coiled around his forearms as he held his arms out towards the robot. Before the machine could even move out the way, it was assaulted with a blazing stream of fire. Emily watched as Oscar amped up the temperature, the orange flames turning a bright azure. His eyes did the same.
It was truly an awesome sight.
The TITAN cried out, the sound akin a car engine dying, and dropped to the ground, the white-painted metal bubbling like boiling tar.
''Woah,'' Emily said, staring at Oscar. The blue light in eyes shifted back down to orange and then changed to his normal dark brown.
''Woah is right.''
The boy gawked at his own hands, suggesting that even he was surprised at what he just did to that poor robot.
''TITAN five has been eliminated. Six TITANs remaining,'' P.A.I said. Emily thought 'eliminated' was quite the understatement; eradicated was much more fitting. Moments later, the artificial intelligence system announced that TITANs six and eight had been defeated as well, leaving four left for them to fight.
Spinning on her heel, she spotted a robot with a two on its back. It fired blue energy blasts at Stella, who shielded herself from the attacks with a wall of tangible light. Her beautiful features were strained as the robot continued pelting her with attacks.
As much as she enjoyed seeing Stella struggle, as it didn't happen often, something deep inside her black heart compelled her to shoot an explosive arrow into the TITANs head. Wires and small microchips protruded from where its head once was. Sparks flew and it dropped to its knees while P.A.I's announcement of the number of enemies rang throughout the battlefield.
''Thank you!'' she heard Stella say, a relieved smile on her face. Even though she was sweating profusely, she still looked gorgeous to Emily.
Emily nodded curtly at the girl and turned away from her, feeling her own cheeks turning red. Stop it.
Suddenly the ruined city that they were all standing in began to shift back into the standard white panels that made up the simulation room. The fabricated buildings and vehicles faded from view within seconds. Emily saw Agent Strong rushing over to the entrance to the room from inside the control panel.
She arched an eyebrow at the man as he burst into The Battlefield. His sunglasses were raised. That alone was enough to put her on high alert. He never had his shades raised. She was pretty sure the agent slept with the things on.
A rush of air brushed Emily's side. Beside her, Theo pulled out his inhaler took a puff. He blew a strand of his stringy hair out of his face and turned towards her. His eyes darted around an air hockey puck, though, that wasn't exactly out of the ordinary.
''What's going on?''
Chase jogged over to them, his blond eyebrows raise, a speculative look on his chiseled features. ''What's wrong, sir''
Agent Strong gave them a stern look. ''We need to get to the hangar. Now.''
Oscar, Andre, and Stella soon joined the rest of the group.
''Why do we need to go to the lobby?'' Stella asked.
Agent Strong put his finger up as he tried to catch his breath. Emily rolled her eyes at him. She knew he was getting up there in age but the sprint from the control room to the door wasn't even that far.
He finally caught his wind and put his sunglasses back over his beady eyes. ''It's Apex. He's here.''
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