On The Run
My eyes shot back to Jace, who was still white as a sheet. We both slowly turned towards the bush that was making so much racket, another tall, lanky silhouette appears from the bush and out into the clearing.
As figure came out into the light, I took a good look at his face.
"Hello Michael." He had turned to greet me. "How are you doing?" His monotone voice hit me, this was indeed Vincent.
I remained silent, stunned at the man who I thought was dead, who I thought received the bitter end. Vinny hasn't changed at all, his dark brown eyes had glared into mine, the roman tattoos along his shoulder now traveled up to the crook of his neck, he still had peach fuzz that rested above his pale lips, his short black hair that had whipped about was now in a buzz cut. His nose had remained crooked from the day Jace and I had left everything behind.
Jace stepped forward. "Is there a reason why you're here?"
Vinny tilted his head, his smile slowly disappearing. "Is this how you greet an old friend? The one who had took the hit every time you two would fuck up?" The calmness of his voice was slowly dissipating.
"Listen," I cleared my throat. "We're sorry for what happened to you."
"You're sorry?" Vinny repeated with a skeptical chortle. His eyebrows raised and his hands balled up into fists. "I'm sorry but those are just empty words."
Vinny clicked his tongue. "You broke the number one rule with the Bronze Lions association."
"You know how the saying goes 'there's always a price, always a catch' you didn't forget did you?" Vinny reminded us, Jace swallowed the lump in his throat, he felt as guilty as I did. We didn't do it to run away, we did it to make a life worth living.
We just didn't know the consequences that had came with it.
Jace slowly backs away. "Lets go over to Kit's and talk." Jace suggested. "We can explain."
"Explain what?" Vinny chuckled, reaching deep inside his trenchcoat to reveal his phone, along with a wire.
I needed to speak and fast. "Vinny, I get that you're pissed man-"
Vinny cut me off. "It's too late to reason with me Michael, they're coming and when they do...you'll pay your debt."
Suddenly I started to see the lights throughout the forest and judging by Jace's terrified look, he did too.
Without thinking, Jace and I started to bolt towards the car, Vinny's cynical laughter growing louder from behind us, as we stepped inside, Jace's eyes widened.
Vinny had held up a pistol, his aim pointed directly at the car engine. I quickly shifted the car back, causing Jace to jerk forward. The car made a loud screech as I turned it around, speeding it through the forest.
The sounds of gunshots ripped through the air, Jace hollers as he lowered himself down in the seat, some of the bullets ricocheted off the car.
I dodged every tree with a violent steer, my hands latched onto the wheel as the engine roared even louder.
This continued until we finally rolled on the streets, I could hear the wheel squeak once more as I sped down the road.
"I think we lost them." Jace panted as he peered behind the passenger's seat.
"Jace..." I mumbled calmly while focusing on the road. "How the hell did he find us?"
My hands had started to cramp, I slowly relaxed my fingers. The adrenaline in my system was now gone.
"It all happened so fast..." Jace said, his voice barely louder than a whisper, "He went over to the hospital and found me there." He explained.
Jace had put every cent in keeping his mother in the hospital since she had alzheimers, that was his only family, in which I understand why Jace was so tense.
"Did he..." My voice trailed off, waiting for an answer.
Jace drew in a deep breath. "No, he didn't see Ma. He caught me on the way out, I had no other choice but to lead him away...I can't risk him finding out about her."
"Jesus-shit." I cursed underneath my breath.
There was a long silence between us.
"We shouldn't have left..." Jace muttered which caused me to face him.
I raised an eyebrow. "And then what? You know what would've happened, she would've fucking died."
Jace snuck a spiteful glare. "It wasn't our problem! We were supposed to follow protocol!" He argued back.
"Did you know what kind of predicament she was in? She was fucking pregnant!" My voice had slowly raised, Jace blew in frustration.
"Of course I knew dude! But she dug her own grave then! She knew the fucking risks!" Jace snapped, forking his fingers through his now matted hair, his face turning red by the second.
I let out a sharp exhale. "What if she didn't? What if that was your mother?" I asked, a pang of guilt hits me as Jace turned to me, his eyes wide.
"Jace, I-"
I tried to apologize but he cuts me off. "Don't bring my fucking mum into this!" Jace argued, his voice wavering a little.
"You of all people should know how painful it is to lose your mom!" Jace continues, my chest throbbed.
The car suddenly jolts upwards a little, making a loud noise. Jace collided with the dashboard, I quickly press on the brakes, making the car come to a sudden stop, Jace quickly recovered and gripped the sides of the seat to avoid getting thrown off of it.
As I stop the car I turn to Jace. "Are you okay?"
Jace nods. "Yeah, we probably hit a deer or something, let me go see how much your baby took damage." He said as he exited the car.
I drew in a deep breath.
Seriously Kit? I chose the worst time to start an argument with Jace, and on top of that...I mentioned his mom.
Jace suddenly appeared into the headlights, his red frustrated face now blanketed with paleness and pure fear. He took one look at me and paused.
"Kit....we hit someone."
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