♥Three Days Left!♥
♥There's three days left until the deadline!
♥Follow the instructions on the submissions page to submit your entry!
♥So far I've only had one entry submitted to me despite several people entering. If nobody else submits anything they'll automatically get first place without any competition.
♥I decided the EXACT deadline is September 10, 2020, at 12:00 PM PST {Pacific Standard Time}. That means if you post at 12:01 PM in my timezone or later on the day of the deadline that I won't accept your entry.
♥If I get a clump of entries close to the deadline then it may take up to 26 hours past the deadline for me to post the winners instead of posting them 5-10 hours after the deadline like my original plan.
♥On September 9 I will be unavailable for an unknown amount of time.
♥Today is September 7, so... HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHUICHI!!!
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