One Sunday
It was Sunday and Creed was dodging the sun trying to set up Halloween decorations. Killian walked out with a cup of coffee. "Think it will be cool?" Creed smiled and looked at his work.
"We can turn it all on tonight and see. I think it will be awesome. I'm excited about the fog machine." Killian smiled just watching his brother. It was chilly out and Creed was in a t-shirt. "I think we need a new furnace."
"Well, that's great. Get that taken care of tomorrow. I will have to ask Haven who to talk to." Creed sighed. Haven was on his mind all the time.
"Sure." Killian smiled.
Creed stood and froze. "A car is coming." He walked into the house.
Killian sat on the porch and watched the familiar black sedan pull up. Haven got out and Lois was running up the steps. "Lois."
"Killian, is Creed here?" Lois missed him and she was already through the front door. Creed came from the kitchen with two mugs of hot chocolate.
"Hey, I missed you on Friday!" Creed smiled and handed her a hot chocolate.
"Guess what!" Lois was excited and sipped her hot chocolate. "I lost my first tooth!" She smiled and showed him.
Creed bent down and looked intently. "Was it clean? Well brushed?"
"Yes! I brush my teeth twice a day! I love to brush my teeth!" She sounded proud.
Creed laughed. "That is weird. You want to hear something very weird?" Lois nodded. "I do too!" He smiled at her expression. "Come on." He walked out and handed Haven a mug. "Hot chocolate." His fingers touched Haven's fingers and he almost melted. He felt tingles spread through his body.
"I should leave you guys with your hot chocolate." Killian stood to leave.
"No! You should stay!" Creed glared at his brother.
Killian smiled. "No. I shouldn't. I have papers to grade!" He walked into the house and closed the den. He turned that room into his office. He spent a lot of time in there.
"I hate him. Do you want to come inside?" Creed sighed.
"I do. It's freezing out here!" Lois was shivering.
Creed nodded. "It may not be warmer inside. We need a new furnace. Let's go and start a fire." He walked into the living room and had a fire started in no time. The room was heating up quickly. "Let me know if you get too cold. So, how much is a first tooth worth these days?" He looked at Lois.
"Five dollars!" Lois smiled.
Creed gasped. "Five dollars! Holy shit! How about adult teeth? Think I could get more!" He smiled.
"No! The tooth fairy is just for children! You have to keep your teeth." Lois glared and sat. She sipped her hot chocolate and giggled at Creed, he was funny. He wasn't funny to try to impress her or her dad, he was just funny. She can always tell the difference.
"Thanks for the hot chocolate, Creed. This is nice. Sorry to just drop by but I don't have your phone number and Lois wanted to see you. I wasn't trying to intrude." Haven was worried about freaking him out.
"You're fine. You can't intrude, Haven. Really. I was just thinking about Lois. I finished putting up the decorations and we are going to test them when it gets dark out and I don't have a phone." He cleared his throat.
Haven stared. What in the hell did that woman do to him? "Oh! I don't think I know anyone that doesn't have a phone!" He pulled out his cell phone. No service. "No Wifi?"
"Nope. No computer. No TV." Creed looked at his hands.
"No TV! What do you do all day?" Lois didn't know what she would do without her TV.
Creed shook his head. "I stay busy. I work on this house. I don't have time for TV."
"What about the news?" Haven stared.
"I don't care about the news. Sorry." He knew he came off as harsh. "If I want to know about the weather, I go outside. I keep my life simple." He cleared his throat. This was breaking simple and burning it and maybe stomping on the ashes.
"I see." Haven looked Creed in his eyes and bit his lip. He was curious what that woman did to Creed. He cut himself off from everything. What could have caused that? The damage spread to Killian as well. He was just as injured. "What...?" Haven wanted to ask but stopped himself.
"It's fine if you want to go. I can always see Lois in town. At parades." Creed smiled a sad smile. There was a lot of sadness.
Haven nodded. He knew Creed was giving him a way to leave without hurting him. "Not happening." He crossed his arms over his chest. "I could never abandon my friends. Even the weird ones." He smiled at Creed's shocked face.
Creed nodded with a small smile. "Sure. Just holler when I get too weird."
Lois giggled. "I love weird!" She smiled and had chocolate on her upper lip. Creed smiled and gave her a napkin.
"You came to the right house then!" Creed smiled at Lois. He loved her and he never wanted them to know. He could never be himself. He ran his hand through his hair and looked at the fire. He should be kicking them out and scaring them.
"This is nice!" Lois yawned. She set her cup down and climbed on Creed's lap. He looked surprised. She watched the fire and curled up.
Haven watched Lois and smiled. "I wish I had thought of that!" He blushed and covered his mouth.
Creed looked shocked and turned a little pale. He had no idea what to say. He hadn't talked to people in five years and now a little girl was curled up in his lap and a man just flirted a little. Shit! He was tempted to yell for Killian and run away. He just sat and watched the fire. They just sat in a comfortable silence.
Haven sighed. "Sorry. I think she fell asleep." He smiled at Creed.
Creed looked down. "Oh!" He stood up and laid her on the couch. He covered her in a blanket and she snuggled in. He kissed her hair.
"So, do I get a tour?" Haven always wanted to see this house.
Creed smiled. "Sure. Really?"
"Yes. I have always wanted to see the inside of this house since I was little." Haven smiled.
"Come on." he led the way around the house because Haven asked. He didn't want to say no to him. "The kitchen, which you saw, and the den that Killian turned into his office." He just pointed at the door. "We actually have a wine cellar!"
"I don't think I want to see that!" Haven was scared of cellars.
"Okay. Uh, there is a powder room here. If you ever need it." He pointed to a small bathroom beside the stairs. "Upstairs are the bedrooms." He cleared his throat. Get this over with. "Come on." He sighed.
Haven followed. "This is a gorgeous staircase!" He was looking everywhere.
"I know." Creed led Haven to a hall and down to the end. "My room."
"You picked the very last one in the creepy hallway?" Haven stared.
"I did. Yes. I told you I'm weird and a little creepy." Creed smiled and opened his door. Haven gasped and walked in. It was gorgeous here. There were coals in the fireplace. He watched Creed add a log. "You like it?"
"It is crazy! I see why you picked it." Haven looked around the gorgeous room. "It's perfect!"
It was gold and white. The curtains and bedspread matched. The ceiling was painted by hand, most likely. It had pretty designs that were gold and white. The crown molding was gold also. The bed was tucked in an alcove and it was a four poster with matching curtains that covered the bed. There were three chairs facing the fireplace. One was a loveseat.
"This is the best room I have ever been in!" Haven whispered.
"I know. I love it here." Creed sat. He wasn't sure what to do so he sat down.
Haven opened a curtain and the sun was out. Creed stood and moved to a shadow and Haven noticed. "I'm not fond of the sun." He was burned a little but it was healing. Haven wouldn't see that.
"Sorry." Haven watched Creed. He was strange and he liked him anyway. What was wrong with him? And he was ignoring the whole dodge the sun thing.
"No, it's fine. I love the view." Creed smiled at Haven as he turned to look out the window. It faced the woods.
"It's gorgeous here. How did you guys find this place!" Haven had to ask.
"Well, we were looking for something different. Something out of the way that no one cared about. Killian found it and we bought it. I was nervous because I hadn't seen it yet but I'm happy with it. It suits us. Spooky and creepy." Creed smiled.
"I don't think you are either one, Creed." Haven turned to look at him. "What's on the third floor?"
"Oh, just more rooms. There are four up there and a ballroom at the back of the house! I haven't even started on them yet. Want to see?" He knew he did.
"Yes!" Haven smiled and followed Creed up the next flight of stairs. Each room was different. Different styles and colors. They were amazing. There were three bathrooms there. "It's a mess up here."
"I know. I will get to this sooner or later! It's not important yet. This is all heated with radiators and fireplaces. We had to have them inspected before we could move in. We just got them cleaned out and now we need a new furnace. Know of anyone that won't screw us?"
Creed smiled and walked back downstairs and down a hall behind the kitchen. He opened some double doors with stained glass. This was a gorgeous room. Huge. Furniture was covered in sheets and the floor would need some attention.
"I know of someone. I can send him over in the morning." Haven smiled. He was happy to help Creed.
Creed smiled at Haven. "Perfect."
"They have been in the business for a long time. His name is Harold. Harold Duncan. He won't cheat you." Haven smiled.
"My uncle. He is great!" Haven smiled as he promised.
"So, you own that auto body shop?" Creed figured Haven owned it since it was called Duncan's.
Haven cleared his throat. Most guys didn't like a successful independent partner. "I am..." He paused and took a breath. "Is that a problem?" He was about to get defensive.
Creed laughed. "No! Why would that be a problem?" He stared at Haven like he lost his mind.
"Most men, in my experience, are threatened by successful people." Haven watched him.
"Threatened? Men are idiots! Trust me, you don't threaten me at all, Haven. You couldn't scare me with entrepreneurship. I promise to try not to scare you." Creed sighed and looked around. "This is going to take a lot of work!" He walked out and Haven followed the change of subject, happily. Creed closed the doors. "I think it's great that you are successful. It's not easy to do and you are a single dad. That is two tough jobs." He smiled.
"Your mom raised you right!" Haven smiled and stopped. He saw sadness. "Sorry!"
"I'm fine. You're right. She was awesome!" Creed cleared his throat and walked down the hall to the kitchen. He filled a plastic cup with water and drank it. He needed to hunt later. He was getting thirsty.
Lois woke up to her dad laughing. Creed smiled shyly. "I'm being honest. I hated school. Killian was a rockstar at school and I was a jock."
"Well, I can't picture that now." Haven smiled. "Well, you do have that sexy soccer player build or baseball." He blushed. Creed was tall with nice muscles. He looked like a soccer player.
"Good guess. I played soccer. It was my life and I figured I would go pro and play in the Olympics one day. That was the dream." Creed stopped. He watched the fire. "I was never without a soccer ball."
Lois sat up. "What stopped you? From your dream?" She watched him.
Creed stood up. "Life. People." One person. Fucking Megan. He regretted that night. He wished all the time that he could go back and change that one choice. Don't bring her home. He was a horny dumbass. "Life had other plans for me. The choices we make, change us." He sighed.
Killian was listening. He knew Creed punished himself. "No matter the changes, you are still a jackass, deep down!" He smiled and lightened the mood as he walked in.
Creed smiled. "True!" He felt relieved that Killian was there.
"I needed a break, sorry if I'm intruding." Killian crossed his arms.
Haven caught all of that. Killian knew what happened and he was protecting Creed. He saw it. They were a team. They saved each other and they were close.
"Not at all. We should go soon. I have to get Lois ready for school in the morning." Haven turned to Lois. "And you need a bath."
"Okay! So, I will see you on Halloween?" Lois hoped so.
"Yes. My house is ready to scare you!" Creed smiled at the little girl that already stole his heart.
"Good. I'll let you know if it's creepy enough!" Lois smiled as she hugged Creed. "Thanks for the hot chocolate and the nap!"
"Anytime, Sweetheart." Creed hugged her back and closed his eyes. "Sweet dreams, Lois." He kissed her cheek.
"Sweet dreams to you too!" Lois kissed his cheek and rushed to Killian to thank him and get a kiss. He was so cute.
Haven smiled. "Well, thanks for the tour." He stared at Creed from across the room. Creed nodded and watched the blonde.
"Are they going to kiss?" Lois asked but not quietly.
"They should!" Killian smiled as Creed glared at his brother.
"Shut up!" Creed glared at his brother. The old him would have taken that as a challenge but not now. He turned to Haven. "Let me walk you out."
Haven nodded and left the living room. He was embarrassed. He was on the porch alone with Creed. Killian was talking to Lois to give them privacy. Lois was smart and caught on.
"Sorry about Killian." Creed had to say something.
Haven shook his head. "It's fine. Thanks, for...everything. I love talking to you." He looked at Creed. "Should we?"
Creed stared. "What?" He was clueless.
Creed laughed. "Sorry. I don't think that's a good idea, Haven. It's not that I don't like you or don't want to. There was a time when I would have already dragged you to my room but I'm not who I was, Haven. I am really fucked up. I enjoy that we can just be friends." He hated it. He wanted to kiss this man.
"I know." Haven nodded. "I understand. I'm a single dad so I get it. I enjoy spending time with you, Creed." Haven smiled and conceded to being friends. It was better than nothing at all.
"Me too, Haven. I have never spent this much time with another person." He paused with a shrug. He wanted to tell him everything about who he was. "I was kind of an ass. I slept with them and dumped them. Maybe I deserved it!" He was talking to himself and cursed. Killian was behind him.
"No, you didn't." Killian was sure of that. "He punishes himself. I'm guessing he hasn't told you anything."
Haven shook his head. "No. We're not talking about our past. We are just friends."
"Shameful. Really?" Killian sighed. His brother needed a push. "Dinner here tomorrow night." He watched Haven.
"Oh, I don't know." Haven didn't want to push Creed.
"Come on. It's just dinner and Creed can cook!" He smiled.
"You cook?"
"Yes. I cook." Creed smiled at Haven and glared at Killian.
"I insist, come over around six. Please?" Killian saw Haven's hesitation. "I will just go get you if you don't come." He warned.
Haven smiled. "Sure, I'll bring dessert."
Creed's mind was in the gutter and he started laughing and Haven blushed. "Sorry!" He covered his face. The terrible thought that Haven was his dessert popped into his brain without permission and he didn't hate it. Killian knew that Creed really liked Haven more than anyone he just slept with.
"I'll see you tomorrow night." Haven smiled and walked to the car. He almost forgot Lois and cursed.
Creed whipped around to Killian. "How could you?" He glared and his eyes were glowing blue.
"What? You need a date. When was the last time you went on a date? Five years, Creed! That's a long time!" Killian sighed.
"I know you hate this but it's life. You have to get back in it. Fuck Megan. Don't give her so much power. Live and love. This life is brutal, Creed, you deserve love." Killian sighed and walked to his den and closed the door behind him.
"So do you!" Creed yelled. He knew that Killian heard that. He hadn't dated since then either. They were both fucked up
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