One Meeting
Haven insisted on going and Lois wasn't getting left out. She was protecting her dad. That's what she said with her hands on her hips. Creed loved his little girl. "Are you sure?"
"Yes. I want to go." Lois sighed. "If Dad will let me."
"I hope so." Creed was all for it. They had to ask haven though.
"Don't even think about it, Lois!" Haven was against it.
"But Dad! I'm adorable and I haven't seen Creed in two days. I miss him." Lois batted her eyelashes.
Haven knew he would give in to Lois and Creed. "It's up to Creed."
Creed sighed. "Really?"
"Yes. You're the dad." Lois smiled.
Creed laughed and kissed Haven's cheek. "I would love for you to join us. It's going to be boring, Lois. I could think of ten things I would rather do and one is going to the dentist!"
"I can take my tablet and play. I just miss you and hate being left out." Lois sighed. She was sure she would lose.
She smiled as she sat in the backseat with her Uncle Killian.
"I see you got your way." Killian smiled.
Lois nodded. "When are you going to find a woman?"
Killian just laughed and wiped tears. He wasn't ready for that and he was not answering that question. "Shut up!" He looked out the window and heard Creed laugh. He bumped the seat and glared at the eyes in the mirror. How did he tell this little girl that he was into guys? Not everyone in the world was straight.
Creed was quiet as they pulled into the parking lot. They had to park in the field. He got there twenty minutes early and everyone from Big Rock was already there. He got out and took a breath. He thought about getting back in and driving away.
"Come on, you coward!" Killian grabbed him by the arm and pulled him toward the big red building. Lois asked for a ride and hopped on Creed's back. Haven took his hand. "Lois, do you have your tablet?" Killian smiled. He had it.
Lois gasped. "I forgot it!"
"I didn't." He held it up. "Welcome."
"Thanks, Uncle Killian." She rolled her eyes.
"You are awfully snarky for six." Creed smiled.
"Almost seven. She has a birthday coming up. Next month." Haven smiled. "June twenty-eight."
"Well, I think she should get coal for a present." Creed teased.
"Hey, that's for Christmas!" Lois smiled.
Creed smiled and took a breath. They were at the door. Killian opened it and pulled Creed inside. "Pussy!"
Creed laughed and agreed.
They walked in and they could hear a pin drop, it was silent. Creed looked around for crucifixes and holy water. He was ready to run.
Drew Camp walked up. "Creed. Glad you made it." He smiled as he looked up at Killian. Their eyes met and Drew was mush.
Killian almost melted. He was in love with Drew. Creed nodded. "Almost didn't. There are a lot of people!" He was looking around at the people in the room.
"I know. I think everyone showed up! It's great. We're here for protection." He looked from Creed to Killian. Drew smiled his killer smile.
Killian smiled like an idiot. "I'm Killian. I don't believe we have met, officially." He stuck out his hand.
Drew smiled. "Hello." He shook Killian's hand. Killian was hot. Drew knew he would never stand a chance. He was a short man and he just turned twenty-one. He was very new on the force and was stuck at the desk. Killian was beautiful. Tall and gorgeous. He was older and mmm. Drew blushed again.
Killian let go of Drew's hand. "Good to meet you." His heart was hammering.
Creed heard both of them. There was a serious attraction here. "Hey, how about you come over for dinner tomorrow night." Creed smiled. "Get to know us. We can't have too many friends." He knew Killian glared. Haven stared.
Drew blushed again. "Oh! I uh..."
"If you say no, I'll just come to get you." Creed smiled. "I don't mean that in a threatening way. Please, I'm making some fancy lamb thing. I'm experimenting. Come. Six o'clock. Tomorrow night." He smiled his innocent 'I'm not up to anything' smile.
That was the line Killian used on Haven to get him to come for dinner and then he bailed. Haven smiled at Creed. Killian liked Drew. Interesting.
Drew nodded. "Okay."
Creed nodded. "Good. Where are we supposed to go?" He looked around.
"Uh, this way." Drew forgot what he was supposed to be doing. He got sidetracked looking at Killian. He led them to a desk on the stage and they sat. He stood by the wall. They were on a stage sitting at a table, facing the town.
"What in hell, Creed!" Killian was freaking out. He really liked Drew Camp.
Creed chuckled. "You would call it being hospitable and I would call it payback!"
Haven covered his mouth and giggled.
"Oh, you think this is funny!" Killian turned to glare at Haven.
Haven just nodded and wiped tears. Killian liked a boy. Haven smiled at his brother and Killian shook his head but Haven saw a small smile.
During the whole meeting, Killian's eyes kept wandering to Drew and the younger man would blush. Killian didn't realize that meant Drew was staring at him. Killian hardly dated before the vampires. He was very inexperienced.
Creed took a breath. He had a bigger issue than flirting. He was worried that he was being interrogated by the town. Sheriff Kyle Spencer sat at another table. Creed noticed there were microphones. Shit.
Kyle smiled at Creed. "Glad everyone could make it. It looks like the whole town is here. Hello." He watched the people.
"Creed, they all came a little early to watch the video that you saw already. We wanted to catch everyone up. Now, we are all on the same page." He watched Creed nod. Lois moved from her chair to Creed's lap. He appreciated the comfort.
"Okay." Creed had no idea what to do.
"I just felt that everyone had the right to the information and it cuts down on ugly rumors. I'm opening the floor for questions. If that's okay." Kyle watched Creed.
"Uh, sure." Creed wasn't sure if questions were a good idea but he didn't know what to say either. He wanted this over with.
"Everyone that wanted to ask a question took a number. Please pay attention. We are starting with number one. There are eighty-seven questions. Sorry." He felt bad for Creed.
The first woman stood up and walked to the mic. "Hi. How did happen? Can anyone be turned and are you here to make an army? I know that was more than one but I was freaking out!" She blushed and sat down.
Creed smiled. "It's fine. No. I have no intentions of making an army! I can't turn people, so don't ask. This was an accident. I was trying to save myself from a vampire and I didn't know they were real until I was being bitten. It sucked and I would never do that to another person. In case there is a question out there. This is Haven and his daughter, Lois. I have no intention of turning either of them."
"We are engaged and intend to get married though!" Haven smiled and kissed Creed's cheek.
"Does that answer your question?" Creed watched the woman. She nodded.
"Second question. Did you know the ones that attacked us?" A man was at the mic.
"No. I didn't. I was hoping they would move on. I never wanted to see another vampire. I regret that I waited so long. I do apologize for that. I was being a pussy, as my brother put it." Creed glared at Killian.
"So, Killian, you're not a vampire?" A teenage boy was at the mic.
"No. Creed saved me. I'm very human." He smiled and looked at Drew on accident. He turned his eyes to the table and cursed his brother.
There were several questions about being turned and silly ones about coffins. Creed laughed.
"I want to say yes just to make everyone happy but no. Coffins are a myth. I don't prefer the sun and avoid it if I can. I sleep in a very comfortable bed with my fiance." He touched Haven's hand.
"How is the sex!" A young man asked and everyone laughed.
"Sorry. We are not discussing my sex life!" Creed shook his head and laughed. Haven blushed and wanted to crawl in a hole.
"I like to stay private about things. If it weren't for the crazy murdering vampires, I would still be fixing up my house and staying out of sight. Sorry." He looked over at Lois. She was engaged in her tablet. She moved to her chair while he answered questions.
"Is it true that virgin blood tastes better?" A teenage boy asked.
Creed laughed. "I don't know! I don't drink human blood. Ever. I strictly hunt animals and I try not to be a dick about it. I don't kill animals with babies or ones that are pregnant. No people, virgin or otherwise but I can't see how that would make a difference. Adrenaline would though... make the blood smell sweeter, if that makes you happy." He watched the nerdy kid.
"Thanks! It does actually! I'm a huge fan of vampire movies and books. I'm glad they are real! Can I get your autograph?" He was serious.
Creed stared. "Really? No! I'm nothing special but thanks." He just wanted to be regular and this kid was freaking him out. He was the kind of kid that would try to steal his DNA to make a vampire in his basement. He didn't need encouragement.
"Any more questions?" Creed watched everyone.
"Can we see it?" Someone in the front row just asked.
Creed shook his head. "No. I'm not here to demonstrate."
Kyle smiled. "I would love to see it again! They can handle it, Creed." He knew Creed was nervous.
"Fine." Creed sounded mad. He was the vampire and several people screamed. "I didn't want to." He shrugged. "This is me and you have to deal with it." He was human again. "I will try my best not to scare anyone. It's not like I walked around being a vampire. I don't want this!" He sighed. "I'm sorry."
"The last question, I think." This was an older gentleman. Creed was nervous about what this question could be. "You stated in the video of the cave that we were your people, could you explain that?"
Creed sighed again. "Well." He rubbed his face. "Vampires are very territorial, apparently and I didn't know that. I'm learning along the way. There is no manual for this." He wished there was a manual or just a tutor or something.
"We don't like to hang out together and before you ask, the vampire in town that set the church on fire, he made the others. I think they live together because they were all made by the same vampire. I think. I had no loyalty toward them. This is my territory and I feel very protective of it and that includes all of you. I will protect you, it's not a choice. I have to."
Sheriff Spencer smiled. "Cool! I hope that helps relieve everyone's fear and doubt. If you have any other questions, leave them at the station. Thanks for coming today. I think that is all for now. Give Creed a break." He stood up and walked to Creed.
Creed stood. "Thanks, Kyle." He shook his hand. "I'll be home if you need anything." He needed to hide in a dark room. These bright lights were harsh on his eyes. He stepped outside and there was the sun. "Well, shit!"
An old woman walked up and smiled. "I just want to say thanks for saving us. Here. Take this." She handed him her umbrella.
"That's kind of you, Ma'am." Creed took the black umbrella.
"Agnes Gaines." She smiled and walked off.
"Thanks, Agnes Gaines." He opened the umbrella and they walked to the car. He couldn't wait to be home
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