Chapter Twenty Six
I kept to the shadows able to keep a good distance thanks to my wolf cooperating. Following him across town he went into one of the older more regal buildings of the city. A few people who walked past looked at me strangely and I avoided their gaze. What ever this place was it felt important, like I needed to go in too. No signs were outside giving away what was inside and all around people walked past as if they were unaffected by the pull I seemed to be fighting against. I got a little closer, hiding behind one of the pillars when Jocelyn's laugh caught my attention.
Peering out from behind my hiding place she was meeting with a few other people that looked around our age. My wolf was itching the go to them and Jocelyn looked around as if looking for something. Shrugging she followed the group inside. 'So much for being out of town' I thought bitterly. A few other people appeared all heading inside and I when I got up the courage to join in my wolf went into defense mode. Before I could react a gloved hand covered my mouth, another around my waist pulling me down the alley that ran alongside the building. I didn't need to be told who it was.
Dread filled my stomach as I struggled to free myself, memories of my dream filling my mind only instead of Penelope on the dirt it was me. Fighting him was no use so I relaxed, going dead weight. He easily shifted me in his arms and I groaned as my plan backfired. I tensed as I felt his breath hit my cheek, turning me to face him he pressed me against the wall and I was completely at his mercy.
"Well what do we have here?" he purred, his finger tracing the outline of my face. I turned my head away to show my disgust as my heart started hammering away inside my chest. I wasn't sure if disgust with the right word, perhaps it was more like fear.
"You know, sticking to the shadows dressed all in black is kind of hot," he teased. I looked back to him glaring, wondering what would happen if I screamed.
"I wouldn't scream if I was you, little James is all tucked in bed and Mummy dearest has had a bit of wine. I would hate to have to pay them a visit" he had my full attention now.
"What do you want Parker?" I snapped, inside my wolf was furious at the threat placed on her family and it showed in my words. He smirked, releasing me slightly from against the damp cold wall but not enough to try and slip away or use my knee as a weapon.
"You little she wolf" His lips were on mine greedily, and I hesitated from responding. The murmur of voices passing enough to keep my mind focused from slipping in to what he wanted. Didn't they see us down here? If they did it was unlikely anyone would stop to help anyway. At my lack of enthusiasm he growled stepping back, glaring at me. Oddly what ever it was in me that was on his team picked up then and I closed my eyes fighting the urge to throw myself at him. It seemed the longer I was seperated from William, the more control it was having. What the hell is wrong with me?
"Do you want to know what is going on in there?" he finally said. Opening my eyes I was met with his, gulping I nodded not sure where this was going. He nodded down the alley as if directing me to follow and started walking. 'Run' my wolf urged, standing in place I wasn't sure whether to risk fleeing or follow. The ache in my chest started then, the tingles now like a stabbing. Intense but not painful. Parker looked back to where I was stuck; rolling his eyes he seemed to sense my turmoil.
"I know a spot you can see in from the outside. My brother is in there you know – he'll sense you as soon as you go in" Strangely his tone was gentler, yet the venom on brother wasn't unnoticed. Instead of running my wolf had me take a few steps after him to go in. It felt to awkward, leaving him like that to suddenly turning up with what ever was going on in there. 'Go in' she urged as if she knew something more than I did. The closer to William she was the stronger she was becaming and it took me a couple of more steps towards Parker. William was behind the wall. Did he feel me too?
"I can't," I whispered, and then I ran. My wolf disappeared the second we left the street, tears filled my eyes as my steps echoed on the pavement. By the time the familiar manicured gardens and red bricked building came into sight I was gasping for breath, my legs like jelly threatening to collapse underneath me and my eyes stung from the cold breeze that had fought me the whole way. Standing at the gate to the door I finally stopped, or fell against the stairs. Sobs I didn't understand shook my body as I scolded myself for following Eric, for not following Parker and for not seeing William. For the second time that night I wondered what was wrong with me. Why did I do these things? At that moment in time I had no one to turn to and begging my body to get up and I practically crawled up the stairs. Russell opened the door concerned but assured him I had foolishly decided to go for another run and took the small elevator to my room rather than the stairs. I stripped off and got into the tub, allowing the warm water and lavender scented bubbles to soothe my aching body and mind.
Once the bubbles had disappeared and the water had lost its warmth I finally got out and dried off, slipping on my silk robe I headed to the comfort of my bed. I was brushing my hair over my head as I walked out the door, snapping my head up my hair flicked back over my head into place as I realized I wasn't alone.
"What the hell do you think you're doing here?" I demanded, all my emotions turning to rage. I noticed the door to the small balcony was open and glared at him further.
"You ran?" Parker said simply, more of a question than anything. I closed the door to stop the cold coming in and shrugged. Again that part of me that wanted to be near him flared up and I fussed with the curtain to prevent that from happening.
"I can walk and talk too. What are you doing in here?" I asked again. His trademark smirk appeared as he adjusted the leather jacket he had on. The black t-shirt under it hung over his dark denim jeans and with black boots he looked every part the bad guy, a ridiculously good-looking bad guy. I bit my lip as my eyes took him in appreciatively and as he realized I was checking him out his smirk turned to a grin.
"You ran from him. Not me" he said a little slower, cautious steps moving him closer to where I stood beside the closed window. Oh crap.
"You threatened my family, I couldn't run from you," I said smartly, he laughed stopping before me as he ran his hand through his hair roughly.
"No, I said don't scream not to not run. You know I love a chase," He stated, clearly flirting. Again my dream came to back to me as he told Penelope to run. He had been chasing her before I got there. My nerves got the better of me and I felt weak standing before him now. He was a killer. He could easily do the same to me yet despite his threats, his games, i just knew he couldn't hurt me like that like.
"I'm not leading you on Parker or playing your games. Despite what you may think about tonight I..." I what? I love William. At the admittance my wolf still didn't stir which surprised me, any mention of him usually had her front and centre in my mind.
"Yes Elizabeth?" In my space out he was in front of me now, his hand tilting my chin up to look up at him.
"I'm not afraid of you" I stumbled; his eyes became intense as he stared into my own and I couldn't look away.
"I don't want you to be afraid of me," he stated casually as if this whole thing had been a big misunderstanding. "But you should be"
The threat in his voice made my blood run cold as goose bumps broke out over my skin. He gently kissed my forehead and moved to the window.
"Why?" I whispered. He stopped, turning to look back me confused. "Why should I be afraid of you?" I knew he was trouble, I knew he could kill. That was what he did. Despite all he had done so far, what did I really have to fear? What would he have done that night he broke in or if I hadn't left the ball what would have happened then? He claimed to be the big bad wolf but would he be that to me? Penelope came to mind but again, but I'm not her. In my dream I defeated him. I killed him. So who is really the big bad wolf?
"Goodnight Elizabeth" he finally finished, walking onto the balcony he jumped off it and I stood watching as he ran off into the night. Going back inside, I didn't bother locking the door.
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