Chapter Twenty One
Once we landed at Heathrow and had our luggage I wasted no time in finding a taxi. It was nearly ten thirty and while our grandparents were not early to bed people I decided to wait until morning going them. Half an hour later we pulled up outside the only hotel I found a vacancy, booking it on my phone on the drive there. Being so close to Christmas most places were full and we had no choice but to go with the Premier Suite. I wasn't complaining, I had missed this kind of luxury. The concierge led us to our room, and as he turned the lights on for us James followed him like a lost puppy, amazed at the room. He had never been some where like this before. Once alone we raided the mini bar and set ourselves up on the cloud like king size bed watching TV.
"Will Mum join us soon?" James asked sleepily. It was just past twelve and we should be asleep. I nodded, guilt niggling at me as I wasn't entirely sure of that answer. She would know where we went and why I took James but if she would actually come here was another matter. As he yawned I turned the TV off, picking up the junk food wrappers and dumping them in the bin. I looked out the window of the room at the city around us. It was good to be back in a place I knew. At the airport I had grabbed a new sim for my phone and I quickly sent a text to Andrea letting her know we had made it ok and in doing so gave her my new number. I sent another few of my friends who I had kept in contact wit a message I was back and emailed Jocelyn who would be leaving today after year exchange trip in Australia. The timing of my best friends return had been perfect. But for now I crawled into bed with James and with us both exhausted it didn't take long.
After gorging ourselves on the 'complimentary' buffet breakfast we checked out and since I had left my grandfather a voicemail that we were coming soon, I was not surprised to see the sleek black Mercedes waiting for us. Driving past the red double decker buses James had his face glued to the window, looking out in awe. We past our old house and I asked the driver to slow down. The white row of identical buildings with black iron fencing hadn't changed much, the bushes seemed a little over grown but otherwise it was still home. James looked at me blankly and I realized he didn't remember this place. He had been nearly four when Dad died and Mum had moved us out. I thought there would be something. Instead he asked how much longer till we got to our grandparents. Sighing I asked the driver to continue. I had spent fifteen years of my life there, it was sad to leave, even now.
About fifteen minutes later we had circled the park and now I looked eagerly out of the window as we headed into Mayfair. The familiar sights made me smile and as we stopped outside the old building, the red brick and white windows blending in with the rest of the street. Turning to James he seemed to realize we had arrived too. The driver got out and opened our doors; leaving him to get our luggage I lead James to the front door. I didn't need to knock as Russell their assistant, opened the door.
"Hey Russ!" I greeted, giving him a quick hug. He looked surprised to see me so maybe my grandparents had kept it quiet. "This is James" Russell smiled and gave a slight bow to my brother causing him to laugh at the formality. Russell had only been hired a couple of years ago and hadn't met him before.
"Miss Lowell, it is jolly good to see you home! Hello there James" He greeted, he signaled to the driver behind us and we entered the lobby. Everything was as I had left it only with the additions of Christmas decorations. The grand bouquet of flowers that sat in the middle of the room was changed every second day and they had always filled the room with a pleasant floral aroma. Russell took our jackets from us to put away.
"They are up on the room deck Miss Lowell" Russell informed me, referring to my grandparents. I looked at him amused.
"I've only been gone for not even year. You know to call me Beth!" I scolded. He laughed and nodded
"Well if you've been carrying on all over Europe I was not sure if some class had instilled itself in you" he mocked, more casual now. I never could never get used to the life my Dads family was accustomed too and made sure they didn't treat me as they were instructed.
"Come on Jay" I took his head and lead him to the elevator. On the fourth floor we got out and went up the stairwell, which led to a small sun room. Opening the full-length glass door we entered the deck. Grandmother's easel was set up over looking Hyde Park and I had a quick look at the treetop drawing as their voices were heard above us. I let go of James's hand as he dashed up the stairs to the roof top garden, following closely behind. The familiar Jacuzzi sat in the corner with the sleek stainless steel bar beside it. An assortment of ferns lined the side of the space hiding some of the brick and roofs of the buildings around us. Grandmother was sitting under a large umbrella, a pot of tea on the small wrought iron table beside her. James ran over to our Grandfather who had already got up to meet him half way, grabbing him into a big hug as they collided.
"It was such a beautiful day, it would be a waste of the winter sun if we stayed cooped up inside" Grandmother got up to greet me and her familiar smell of roses and spearmint came over me. I had missed her smell.
"Hello Grandmother" I hugged her tightly before doing the same to my grandfather. I didn't realize how much I had really missed them. Neither had changed, her honey colored hair still had a sprinkling of grey through it, kept in its neat shoulder length bob. Her trademark pearls sat proudly on her neck and she had on a pale blue cashmere sweater over white trousers. Grandfather had on a red jumper over beige pants and despite nearing seventy they hardly looked over fifty.
"Something about you has changed" Grandfather wondered as he let go from our hug. I smiled nervously, not afraid to tell them.
"Let's just say I take after my father" The pair looked at each other before realizing what I was talking about.
"Oh that is wonderful!" Grandmother clapped her hands together and Grandfather went to her side, as the pair seemed relieved. A quick look at James and I shook my head, we had no reason to believe he would be and Mum had seemed to believe he would be a normal human kid. Or could that be another one of her lies. I frowned thinking of her but as Russell appeared with more cups for tea I let it go. I was home, James was here and that's all that mattered. 'No its not' her voice was back in my head and I knew she was referring to William. Ignoring it I went and sat down beside James as he started telling them about all the fun things he'd seen and done lately.
We had just finished dinner and retired to the lower sitting room when the doorbell rang. James was busy showing Grandfather something on his iPad when Russell entered with man behind him.
"Mr Helmsley for you" he introduced. I looked up from the photo album Grandmother was showing me of their summer trip to Dubai to see a familiar looking figure. He had short brown hair and green eyes that as he looked me seemed to light up. He was quite tall at about six foot two yet lacked the bulk William had. 'Stop comparing to William' I scolded myself, as I couldn't place where I knew the name.
"Ah Dylan, what a pleasant surprise. How can we help you?" My Grandmother greeted, signaling for him to take a seat on the sofa opposite us. He smiled as he sat down. The skinny boy from next-door came to mind but the change from that to the man in front of me was quite drastic. Maybe they were related but the name had me stumped. It couldn't be Dylan.
"Mrs Lowell, I just returned from business and Mother mentioned she had seen Elizabeth this morning so I just had to come and see for myself" he winked at me as Grandmother looked away, my mouth opening slightly. Noticing my reaction he laughed.
"What? No hello Bethy?" He teased. It was him! He must've had his final growth spurt recently as this was not the boy from next door I remembered.
"Well you seem like a such an adult now, would it please his lordship if I was to bid him a greeting?" I mocked; looking over the suit he swore he would never grow up to wear.
"Someone learnt some manners," he snapped back. I put down the album and got up as he mimicked my actions.
"It's good to see you Dilly" I gave him a hug and stepping back my Grandmother looked between us curiously as I sensed a feeling of hope come off her. That was weird.
"You sure have grown up! How old were you when I left for the states, fifteen? When I came back last I heard you were in Germany so I missed seeing you then. You're looking.... well" He finished amused. That had been a nearly a year and a half ago on a trip I made with Jocelyn before she left for Australia.
"Well you're not that the skinny little nineteen year old nerd I remember that lived next door" I teased, poking my tongue out. We had grown up together, even before I moved in with my grandparents I practically lived here anyway. The four-year age gap didn't mean much and as we went to the same school we were good friends. He helped me with chemistry and French and me being me, would defend him if anyone ever tried to bully him. Even if they had been twice my size and that would make them only tease him more. Apparently the school bullies thought it was funny that a little girl was sticking up for him. It also explains why I failed French.
"James dear, don't you think it is time for bed?" Grandmother asked, obviously trying to leave us alone. James looked at Dylan warily as they passed and I promised to come up and finish tucking him in soon.
"So what have you been up to? Apart from wearing a suit and helping Daddy with his business" We sat beside each other on the sofa casually chatting and catching up as the household seemed to make them selves invisible and left us alone. An hour later I went and checked on James and headed back down the stairs, Dylan was waiting for me at the bottom.
"Well I'm home for Christmas so I'm sure I'll be seeing you soon" He seemed hopeful at the idea and I nodded; glad I had been able to see him.
"Something seems different about you though. What ever it is I like it" He flirted shamelessly. 'Wolf' the voice growled and I decided to ask my grandparents about it later, she had never pointed any others out to me before and wasn't even sure if it was something you tell. I rolled my eyes and pushed him towards the door. He mocked being hurt and as I opened the door we were both laughing.
"I'll see you later" I gave him another hug as suddenly I was looking at Andrea. Love and happiness flowed through me at the connection with her and kissing her forehead I said goodbye. I watched as she walked away, realizing I was back in France.
"Bethy?" Dylan asked, waving his hand in front of my face. I blinked a few times and a tiny smile appeared.
"Sorry, I am really tired. I'll talk to you later" He nodded concerned but still headed out the door, which I quickly shut. He is Dylan. Andrea's Dylan. Turning from the door my Grandmother was behind me, grinning like she had won the lottery.
"What?" I sighed knowing she was up to something. It was the same kind of look she got when she was planning my Dads surprise birthday party or when she had plotted her take over on the board at their country club. Now it was directed at me and I didn't like it.
"Nothing dear. You and Dylan used to be close didn't you, how is he now?" she asked and it then it clicked. She was hinting about mates. Anger filled me thinking about him and I couldn't help the scowl that showed on my face. She frowned, obviously not liking my reaction.
"He has a mate Grandmother, and he rejected her. Goodnight" I couldn't help but snap at her. Instantly regretting it, I gave her a small kiss on the cheek and took the stairs up to my room, still fuming over my latest discovery while she stood stuck to the spot in shock.
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