Chapter Twelve
The sun was warm and the aroma of pine from the nearby forest filtered through the village. Carrying her basket the girl was feeling quite warm and decided to stop to take of her red coat. With spring taking over the winter cold was weakening and soon she would have no use of her beloved coat. Folding it gently she removed the freshly picked flowers and laid the coat in the bottom. Shaking the last of the dirt from the stems she laid on top and carried on home.
"Penny" Lucas called, running over to her from where he was altering the sign out the front of his father's butcher shop.
"Hello Lucas" she smiled at him as he approached.
"What have you been doing in the woods today?" he asked curiously, looking into her basket the flowers were obvious yet the opportunity to talk to her was not going to be passed.
"Picking flowers, here" she pulled out a yellow tulip which he gratefully took.
"I shall treasure it always" he joked. She playfully hit his arm causing him to laugh as she walked away. He quickly ran to catch up to her when Matthew, his distant cousin appeared. Lucas didn't really trust Matthew, he bore no resemblance to any one of his family and the way he looked at Penelope fueled a jealously he didn't know was possible to feel.
"Why Cousin, I hope you are not bothering the lady. Penelope you look more beautiful each time I see you" he greeted the pair, smoothly shifting between the couple as he extended his hand to carry her basket. Grateful to lose the burden she passed it to him smiling sweetly. Lucas scowled at himself, disappointed for not doing that first yet Penelope was usually so independent he would expect a slap for offering to help her as Matthew had. He dropped back and watched the pair, Matthew shamelessly flirting with her as her cheeks went pinker with each of his compliments. Her laugh was a feminine giggle, a sound she had never made for him. Finally at her home she offered Matthew a tulip to which he also took.
"Although not as beautiful as you, I shall think of you whenever I see such a fine specimen of a tulip" Penelope was practically swooning as he took her hand, kissing her knuckles lightly. Putting the basket by her front door he nodded goodbye to both and left them alone.
"Why do you look like that?" she asked Lucas once she was able to breathe again. She wasn't sure why Matthew was able to have that effect on her and honestly she didn't like it. Everything about him told her to stay away and considering she had just learnt about werewolves and was not afraid of them, that must mean something!
"Like what?" Lucas asked, slightly embarrassed she had caught his jealously. The look she gave him made it obvious and he sighed.
"I'm sorry, I just don't like him. I know he is meant to be my cousin but I think you should stay away from him, something is not right" There he said it. Penelope had her arms around him before he could register what was happening.
"Silly Lucas. Your cousin is certainly charming but do not worry, that as far as my interests go" She moved back to the door and picked up her basket. It was true. Her interests were very much consumed with the man she went into the woods to see and his large black wolf. Just thinking of him made her cheeks flush pink, her heart started to beat that little faster. Seeing her lost in thought Lucus realized he may still have a chance, she had never paid anyone in town any kind of romantic interest and if she was not interesting in Matthew, then it must be him! A grin broke out on his face.
"I am very glad to hear that Penny. I must return back to the shop but I will see you soon" Penelope waved him goodbye and was about to turn inside, when she noticed Matthew walking towards the woods. Few people went into the forest alone and usually only did so if they had a purpose. This fact pleased Penelope as it meant she would never be caught with her wolf. So what was he doing? Dropping the basket she quickly hurried after him, hiding behind the buildings incase he would look back and see her. They were nearly at the river when he stopped walking and looked around. She ducked behind a tree and waited until his footsteps were heard again. Looking around the tree she threw her hands up to her mouth to stifle the gasp as in the blink of an eye Matthew had transformed into a large black and grey wolf. The creature looked around, sniffing the area. To her relief the wind was blowing to her, not him and finally it trotted away. As soon as she was sure he was gone she ran back home and didn't look back.
Yawning I went to stretch but the weight over my body prevented the movement. A groan beside me had my eyes open in an instant and seeing William I calmed down.
'Wait, what?' I thought, last night coming back to me I shifted slightly to free myself from his hold.
"Go back to sleep" he complained, pulling me against him. I gave in and rested my head in the crook of his shoulder, my eyes scanning over his well-defined chest. The silver scar above his heart had me captivated. Looking closer I saw another on his opposite shoulder. Hesitantly I lightly ran my finger over it, surprised it was quite soft compared the hardness of the rest of him.
"Magic bullets. Hurt like hell" he mumbled. I snatched my hand away, feeling guilty at being caught touching him.
"Is that why you are left with a scar?" My understanding was his kind healed instantly and no bullets would kill them.
"It is. Do you not want to know how or why I have them" He finally opened his eyes, the blueness slightly hazy as he fought to wake up.
"I know how" My voice got croaky as tears threatened to appear, the ache in my chest growing as I saw him lying in the snow.
This got his attention. "What?" His eyes instantly landed on the red leather book by my bed. Nodding he had seemed to answer his own question.
"Where did you find this?" He reached over and picked it up from the bed side table.
"In the bookshop where Andrea works" A lone tear ran down my cheek and I quickly wiped it away hoping he didn't see it.
"That is interesting" he went quiet, lost in thought.
"Eliiiiiizzzaaaaabeeeeeeth!!!" James called out, his footsteps thudding quickly from his door to mine. William was gone in a second, the faint click of the wardrobe door giving away his location. James burst through the door and ran over to the bed. 'I'm practically naked' I realized and held the sleeping bag closer against me, praying he didn't try to get in bed.
"Why are you sleeping in the camping bag?" He asked curiously, looking at the padded purple bag.
"I was super cold last night. Is Mum home yet?" This distracted him and he quickly ran down the hall yelling for Mum. Guess he was going to be loud today. Breathing out with relief, I spied my black hoodie and clutching the sleeping bag hobbled over to where it laid on the floor. Carefully I slipped it on over my head as Williams chuckle interrupted me.
"Not funny" I snapped, turning to face him he held up my sweat pants. I snatched them from his hand and awkwardly put them on under the sleeping bag. Dressed I looked at him smugly. But that was gone as he stood in a in his black boxer shorts. And nothing else.
"Mums not here!!" James yelled, running back to my room. I quickly left my room, closing the door behind me and stopped him in the hallway. HIs previous good mood gone and I sensed him starting to panic.
"Do you think that man from last night got her?" He quickly through himself against me and seconds later he was crying.
"No, no James. She is with Philip remembering. Eric and Freddy will make sure she is ok like they did for us" I soothed him, liking the sound of Freddy. Next time I see him, I would ask him how he likes my pet name I've given him. I smiled at the thought as the floor creaked from within my room. James went stiff.
"Eli, I think someone is in your room," he whispered, gripping onto me tighter. So much for werewolf agility. There was a thud and Williams cursed.
"Run!" James screamed and grabbing my hand tried to take me to the stairs. 'Oh great' I thought, taking hold of his arm I stopped him.
"It's ok. It's my... friend. William. He came this morning to make sure that man wasn't here again" I lied. James looked at me doubtfully.
"I didn't see him when I was in there" he frowned, crossing his arms over his chest. If he told Mum about last night and then about a man in my room this morning, I may be eighteen but I'd be grounded till New Year. In twenty years time. William chose that moment to come out, James ducking behind me.
"Hi James, I'm William" He crouched down and held out his hand for James to shake. Hesitantly James went over to him, eyeing his suspiciously. Finally taking James hand he shook it, a smile creeping over his face.
"Oow!" William faked, rubbing his hand as he pulled it from James's grip.
"You're a strong boy aren't you?" he mocked being in pain and stepped back from James who laughed.
"You're faking it" he accused, looking back to me he shook his head, "I didn't really hurt him Eli" I laughed at his serious face.
"I'm not faking James. Do you like pancakes?" He asked, James attention back to him he nodded.
"Think you can beat me to the kitchen?" he teased; James nodded again and turned to run down the stairs.
"You cook?" I asked as we followed James. He smiled putting on his full charm.
"I can do many things" he winked, I instantly blushed at what he was implying and he then proceeded to jump the length of the staircase, landing with more agility than he had shown while getting dressed. Looking back up at me smiling he went into the kitchen.
I was about to go in when I noticed a piece of paper on the floor in front of the front door. Heading over to it I picked it up, opening it, I pulled out the white card that was inside. Are you afraid of the big bad wolf?
"Eli? Pancakes are ready!" James's voice made me jump, snapping out of the trance I found myself in. I quickly put it back in the envelope and as I walked into the kitchen slipped into the bin. William and James were talking about snowboarding and I focused on the pancakes, my appetite gone, I hardly touched them.
"You're Mum will be home shortly. James wont mention anything" William pulled me against him and I melted against him, it felt so right. Eric's explanation of soul mates coming to mind I knew what he meant. He titled my head up to look at him, his blue eyes bright with happiness I hadn't seen before. As his lips met mine my arms wrapped around his neck, eagerly reacting to his touch.
"Eeeeeeww!!!!!" James yelled coming by the front door. I buried my head against his chest as he laughed.
"I'll see you later James" William opened the door, as I still stood attached to him.
"I'll come back tonight," he whispered in my ear. Nodding I reluctantly let go and walked him out the door.
Not risking further contact, as it would only lead to other things, he left. Walking down the path to the street. He smiled before he started at a jog away from the house. Sighing happily yet already feeling an ache in the pit of my stomach at this departure I turned around to go inside. James was in front of the TV and I decided to go shower. Coming down the stairs I roughly rubbed the towel over my wet hair as Mum walked in. In her hands a small wicker basket.
"What's with the basket? Picnic breakfast" I wiggled my eyebrows suggestively as I headed over to her.
"I shouldn't be getting..." she wiggled her eyebrows back at me, "from my daughter. This was outside when I got here" She walked into the kitchen with her curious to see what was in there, the checkered cloth covering the contents. She sat the basket on the counter and we both waited as she pulled back the cloth. We both gasped, Mum because it was quite a beautiful surprise, me because the basket was filled with red tulips with a single yellow one sitting on the top.
"Oh how lovely, tulips are my favourite and you just can't get these here this time of year" Mum gushed, quickly getting a vase to set them up in. "There isn't a card though" she wondered and went about arranging them while I just stared.
There was a card. They were from the big bad wolf.
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