Chapter Three
"Beth?" Andrea giggled as Derrick brushed forest debris off his jacket; no guessing what they had been up to.
"Hey you two," I winked at Andrea as she blushed and Derrick coughed to clear his throat and hopefully the awkwardness now felt around us.
"Shall we go back?" He offered, looking guilty. We nodded and headed back down the path. Entering the clearing the group had settled slightly, all gathered around the fire.
"Lets tell ghost stories!" One of the girls who looked similar to Andrea called out, her French accent not as strong. I couldn't help but wonder if they were related and as if hearing me she waved over to us.
"Beth, Derrick this is my sister Elise," Andrea introduced as, taking a seat between Elise and Derrick. Going to the right of Derrick I sat beside him as Andrea continued to talk. "Elise just came back from Australia on an exchange program for six months"
Her pride was obvious as she spoke of her sister and the redheads quickly started to speak in their native tongue to one another. A few minutes later a pretty blonde girl finished her ghost story, I was glad she too wore red so at least if anything happened I wouldn't be the only one to be under attack.
A guy got up this time and started history, he spoke in French and it seemed Derrick and I were the only ones unable to understand so we made up a game of naught and crosses in the sand between our feet.
"Tu crois aux fantômes?" The guy jumped at the girl beside him causing her to scream.
What ever his story was everyone was mesmerized by it and I decided to get Andrea to retell it later. After the laughter died down the guy who had been all over the blonde in red stood up.
"Once upon a time, in a village on the other side of the ocean," He had a thick English accent and it was nice hearing something familiar, "there was a WERE WOLF" he yelled for emphasize. The girls around him giggled and the blonde looked at him lovingly.
"There was a beautiful virgin in this village," he winked at the blonde. "And the were wolf wanted to make her his. Every day the girl would go into the forest to collect flowers in her red coat and the wolf would watch her. Finally he couldn't stop himself and attacked the girl but thankfully one of the villagers hunters was there to stop him from hurting her and shot him twice with two magic bullets!" He clutched his chest as if he had been shot, falling to his knees.
"Thinking she had set him up he cursed her and her village. The girl was thankful to the hunter whom saved her life, married him and went on to have a bunch of babies. The werewolf didn't forget and now on every full moon," He waited as the girls instinctively looked to the sky and gasped seeing the full moon. "He comes back to the village-" He stalked around the circle dramatically and I found myself being sucked in like all the others.
"Looking for the girl in the red coat that betrayed him to have. His-" he stopped behind the blonde, grabbing her by the shoulders roughly as he yelled, "REVENGE!!!"
She screamed and every one started laughing. Catching Andreas gaze I rolled my eyes at the show and she laughed more. Someone on the other side of the fire got up and started talking, but really my mind was left thinking on the wolfs revenge.
Was this really the case?
Marshmallows were being passed around as it neared midnight, and again goose bumps broke out over my skin. All night I had the feeling that something was going to happen and had ignored it. Now it was getting stronger and I had to resist the urge to head into the forest and go to whatever it was. As I watched the white ball of goodness turn black and the blue flame appear over it, the group went silent. The ghostly howl of a wolf interrupted the party and no one said anything as we all looked at each other nervously.
"Is this a joke?" The blonde finally piped up, looking around fearfully. I dropped my stick and marshmallow, standing up and looking around. Closer now another howl rang out that set tingles through my blood.
He was coming.
Instinctively the group huddled in closer together, all looking around the darkness. Nothing came. After a few minutes some nervously laughed, yet it was obvious we were all unsettled.
"Time to call it a night." Derrick stretched, yawning as he did so. We nodded and after saying goodbye to Elise the three of us left.
Once in the car I sighed relieved it was over. "I really thought the wolf was going to come." Andrea admitted, laughing nervously as we hit the main road.
"Its just a story." Derrick smiled at her in a comforting manner and took her hand in his. Smiling I leant back on the headrest, falling asleep.
Hidden away within the castle walls, the wolf within was suddenly restless. The compound was too small, and it was the knowledge of having the wolf return that got me out of bed.
He had deserted me a century before.
I could feel his power; it was greater than before. What was happening?
Tired as I always I walked outside, the damp ground was a nice feeling under my feet. The wind blew against me and I staggered slightly, weak from giving up. I had been begging for death since my wolf left me, but nothing ever came. He would never have allowed it and now the wolf wouldn't let me even if I tried. Especially not now, not now that he had come back and was fighting for freedom from the human skin.
There was something on the breeze; something that I knew was the reason my wolf was awake again.
'Mate' he called.
Before I could stop him or try to understand, he had taken over. Shifting was as painful as the first time, it had been much too long though the instincts never actually left.
We ran through the fields to the forest.
A hint of smoke was on the air and the pull was he was following was coming from there. I couldn't stop his howl of joy as he ran, entering the forest he called again.
Slowing voices were heard, the fire being put out. Her scent was everywhere.
The wolf inhaled deeply; savoring what he thought was lost. Bitterness towards the witch grew as her face came to mind, a memory that had been kept hidden until it had been to late.
Stalking ahead, the humans broke up, creeping around to the main path. The wolf kept out of sight. The connection was weaker now, and growing disheartened the flash of red got him going again.
Not thinking he charged out to block their paths. Finding the woman dressed in red, he focused on her. She had harsh blonde hair, brown eyes and her fear was thick in the air. Screaming she quickly ripped off her jacket, throwing it to the ground as if it was on fire. The group joined her screaming and ran back the way they had come, leaving the coat on the dirt.
He walked towards it curiously, his nose quivering as he smelt it.
Smoke, something sharp like vinegar and the yeasty aroma of beer lingered on the clothing. He sneezed, trying to rid the stench from his nose. Turning from the fabric he felt broken all over again, a whine escaping him at the prospect of being alone once more looked likely.
Then why had he come back?
What was it that called him out?
Heading back towards home, the scent reappeared. His tail wagged as he sprinted up the path, reaching the cars that were lined up in the meadow.
The scent disappeared. Again his howl filled the night, only it was filled with wanting, with hope, calling her to come back to him.
"Beth?" Andrea's voice called to me; groggily I opened my eyes. Looking around I was in Derrick's car.
"Oh my god!" I exclaimed, sitting up quickly and nearly choking myself on the seatbelt as it constricted against me.
"You ok? You're home now sleeping beauty," Derrick teased yet he looked back at me worried. The dream came to me in a rush; he had been there.
"Call Elise, make sure she is ok." I told Andrea, climbing out of the car, "Thanks, I'll see you later" I quickly ran inside, soon hearing the car leave.
"Hi Baby," Mum greeted me; she sat at the dining table with her laptop in front of her. "How was your night?" She looked up at me smiling. It was obvious she was a little drunk and noticing the glass of wine beside her I guessed I was right.
"It was good. Hey Mum, you know when you get your 'visions' or what ever, do you get them when you sleep?" The question seemed to surprise her; I had never asked her about any of this stuff before.
"Sometimes or when I touch something. It's not always vision but a smell or a sound or something too. Why baby?" I had her interest now and so, needing someone to talk to her I told her about the book, the dreams and then what happened tonight as I imagined being the wolf running to the bonfire.
She didn't say much and just allowed me to pour it all out. My phone beeped from my pocket and pulling it out it was from Andrea.
'Elise said a wolf attacked Emma, the blonde in red. All ok. Guess we left at the right time xx'
I locked my phone and put it on the table frowning. I knew he didn't attack her, he was only looking for someone, remembering how in my dream he had been following a scent.
'He was looking for us!' Another voice said as if there was someone else right beside me.
"Did you just say something?" I looked around shivering as my Mum stared at me blankly.
"No dear, I think you're definitely having visions but why, I don't know. It could be nothing. Write down your dreams and see if that helps ok?" I nodded as she got up, kissing me on the top of my head. "Now go to bed, it's nearly two in the morning and James will have us all up early." She smiled softly at me yet looking into her eyes I sensed something else.
Fear? Anxiety? Before I ask anything else she headed up stairs to her room. Giving up I did the same.
The next morning I left the weirdness behind, getting out the shower I went and dressed. From downstairs I could hear voices and not bothering with my hair left it down and wet, headed to where the voices were coming from.
"J'espère que vous et votre fille va assister au bal." Entering the lounge Mr Cassel shook hands with Mum. She had an invitation of some kind in her hand and nodded eagerly.
"Il semble amusant, merci monsieur Cassel!" Spying me on the stairs he frowned briefly, but quickly smiled.
"Bonjour mademoiselle." He greeted as Mum turned to smile at me.
"Bonjour monsieur." I replied, nodding slightly. I headed in the kitchen, finding some bread and got out the toaster for breakfast.
As the door closed Mum practically ran into the room. We often got mistaken for sisters not mother and daughter, and the way she now came in made it hard for even me to believe she was past 40 and not 30.
"There is to be a ball at his lordships castle," she announced holding the invitation in front of her face, her English accent being enunciated. "All the fairest maidens in the land are to attend at his request."
I laughed and as she put the invite on the fridge she frowned. Clearly laughing wasn't the reaction she expected.
"What?" I asked confused, laughing as James came down, looking quite ill. He never slept in and so the fact he had just gotten up meant he had to be sick.
"Oh my baby boy, are you ok?" Mum scooped him up and he shook his head, coughing shortly afterwards. "Lets get you some medicine and then back to bed ok?" He nodded, clinging to Mums leg as she fussed about the kitchen for him.
As she took James back upstairs I grabbed the invite sitting down at the table. Mum was right, there was to be a ball. It was to take place at some manor near here in two weeks.
Picking up my phone I already had a couple of messages from Andrea about it and something inside of me was more excited than I decided I should be.
'Dress shopping. Pick you up in 10'
Groaning I quickly changed into something more suitable for shopping and I had just grabbed my scarf when Andrea's car horn was heard outside.
"If you see something I might like, let me know. Don't be scared to use your credit card." Mum called from James's room. I hadn't even told her yet and figured it was her intuition thing again.
"Sure Mum," I called back and headed outside.
Once in the car Andrea didn't stop. Her English was mixed with French and in the end I just nodded, clueless to what she was going on about. We drove for about fourty minutes when the ocean came into sight.
"Nice will have better shopping than home. I can't believe he is having a ball." Finally she said something I understood.
"Who is this guy anyway?" I felt like I knew the answer, but needed more.
"Well there are plenty of rumors on who he is. Some say he is a Lord, maybe a Baron or related to the British Royals some how. Either way he is ridiculously rich, keeps to him self and from time to time stays at his grounds in our county where the most lavish balls are held. You must be eighteen or older so this is my first one too. There are hardly no photos of him and my parents said he hasn't aged in all three of the ones they've been able to attend so he must have sons or something to take his place." I nodded as she babbled on.
"But what's his name?" even on the invite if didn't have it, "Um.... William something something Canis I think. Google him later!" She laughed. Finding parking bay she held her hand out for a high five. Laughing I slapping her hand.
"Can't believe we got a spot here." Getting out the car, I had one more question.
"But why does he have these things?" She went quiet, thinking.
"No idea. Apparently in the old days balls like this were done to help find the rich guys a bride or if the villagers bought in a good sum of money it was a treat for them from their employer. Lots of history behind how it all started, now I think just for fun?" Nodding I followed her as we headed towards the designer boutiques.
"How about these mademoiselle?" The sales clerk showed us another rack of gowns. I shook my head and Andrea gasped.
"Celui ci!" The green dress was pulled from pole and disappeared into the change room.
The assistant nodded approvingly at the one-shouldered creation that clung to every curve on Andrea's slim body.
"Wow!" I stammered, she looked gorgeous. Twirling the mirror the slit in the front that went mid thigh caught her attention.
"Its not to revealing?" She wondered, her hands running lightly over the bodice.
"Not at all, you look amazing." And she really did with her pale complexion and fiery hair. She looked like a goddess.
"I take it." The sales assistant helped her change and then headed to the register.
"I'm starving," I complained as we left, and Andrea pointed down the road.
"Best ratatouille e v e r!" She exclaimed practically floating down the street, still on the high from her dress. Soon after what was some of the most amazing food I've ever consumed we were in yet another store. I was starting to loose my patience, there just wasn't anything I wanted.
Andrea sat muttering something in French as she flicked through a magazine in the change room. As I walked out she put it down and looked at the black gown I had on. She looked thoughtful for a moment before giving her verdict.
"I like it but it's not you," I nodded. Mum came to mind and I sneakily took a pic of the Giambattista Valli design and texted it through. It had a high neck and bow to the side, a band under the bust and it flowed gently over my lower body. Seconds later Mum messaged back a yes. Leaving the store I was feeling disheartened, Mum and Andrea had dresses but nothing seemed right for me.
"One more store and then we'll head back, you have two weeks to find something Beth. Don't worry." Andrea linked her arm in mine as we headed towards the water, sensing my mood.
"I know, you found yours so quickly though." I had admit, I was jealous of how easy it had been for her. I glanced up briefly and halted.
There it was.
"Come on then." Andrea laughed, dragging me inside. The assistant helped zip the dress up and pulled back the curtain. The fabric was gentle on my skin and I looked down admiring the way it fitted over me.
"I can not describe how magnifique this is!" Andrea gushed, coming over and holding out my arms to look the dress over, admiring the Elie Saab design. It was white and fully embellished so the whole thing caught the light of the change room and I adjusted the one-shouldered sleeve slightly over my arm.
It was amazing.
Better than that, it was perfect.
Before we left we stopped at a jeweler and I picked out a pair of emerald studs for Mum that would second as her birthday present next week. We shopped at a few shoe stores for the final touches and by the time we went home we had everything we needed
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