Chapter Sixteen
The next week went by with speed that is common at this time of year. Each night William would come to sleep beside me, neither of us able to settle being apart. All day, all I wanted was to be with him more and more. To kill time and to avoid Mum, I ended up picking up a few hours a day in the bookshop with Andrea to help with the Christmas rush. It was on the Friday as we finished, something was off with her. Earlier in the day Marcus and Finn had come into the shop, and upon their arrival she took her lunch break and disappeared for over an hour. As she rushed out Marcus had looked at her curiously and Finn had paid no attention at all. It was me they had come to see and I was surprised at how friendly even Marcus was being now. I was positive Finn still hadn't told him anything. Maybe we really did just get off on the wrong foot? His reasons were kind of valid so I couldn't blame him really.
Heading towards my car I was glad I picked her up this morning. It was interrogation time. Once inside and the car started, I pulled onto the main road and locked the doors. She looked at me cautiously but soon kept her eyes straight ahead only turning up the radio slightly as if that kill the awkwardness that growing between us. Before it got any worse, I spoke up.
"Ok, spill" I demanded. Apparently she was deaf now and she didn't even flinch at my words, nodding her head slightly to whatever song was on in French.
"We can do this the easy way, which is you telling me on the way home what is going on or the hard way and I might just drop by my friend Marcus's place" She spun around glaring, opening and then closing her mouth. I knew that would get a reaction out of her, now to find out why. I looked at her waiting, turning the stereo completely off so silence filled the car. Finally she sighed.
"I can't tell you," she mumbled, looking down at her hands that she folded into her lap. As she dropped her head her red hair covered her face but I could feel her fear. I thought back to when I asked if she and Derrick believed in werewolves and her reaction to his laughing. Was she one of them too? It made sense if she was scared of Marcus; he was intimidating to be around.
"Are you a werewolf?" I put it out there and made a left turn instead of right, making the drive to her place longer. She looked at me instantly, confused.
"No!" she snapped, well I guess I was wrong about that, before I could respond she spoke again, her sadder tone telling me all I needed.
"But..... I was meant to be a mate of one" it was hardly a whisper and looking over to her, tears ran down her cheeks. I pulled over, not trusting myself to drive at her revelation.
"What happened?" I asked gently, my curiosity brimming, as I felt a little guilty for snooping in such an obvious manner. Had he died? Her reaction to Marcus had me wondering, was it him? She was silent for a few minutes, finally answering me.
"He came a couple of years ago when I was seventeen for one of those balls. He stopped in town with Marcus and when we saw each other, I can't explain it. It was like he was a flame and I was the moth and I couldn't stay away. It was like I just knew he was for me, like when time stops and your eyes meet and you just know he is the one. The feeling I thought was mutual. It was absurd really but I loved him" It all sounded like what I had felt with William yet she didn't mention the tingles. In the movies they did, they talked of sparks and magical moments and all that lovey stuff but did I love him? I had learnt to ignore the feelings my wolf was feeding me, our nights together had given us time to talk about everything and I felt I knew him so much deeper than I could imagine. The beginning of something was there but I felt scared to call it love.
"We were together for two weeks, inseparable and then he said I was too young to be in his world, too innocent and human. He told me what he was but I didn't care. Yet he said he didn't want me and left. I've never seen him since" She started to cry more freely then, the pain still fresh. She had Derrick now but it would never be what she could have had. From all I had learnt about the 'mate' thing, to reject one would be horrible. How did hers do it?
"So yes, I do believe in werewolves as you asked before" she finished, wiping her eyes she took a few deep breaths to calm herself.
"Why don't you like Marcus?" I had to know. Instantly her eyes lost their sadness, anger filling them instead. He seemed to have that effect on people.
"Oh the mighty Alpha!" she snapped, I instantly tensed at the term being applied to Marcus. It wasn't his.
"Dylan and I were always together so of course we saw a bit of him. He wasn't part of the pack in this area and had to make his presence and actions were known. Upon Dylan rejecting me, those I thought I could call friends turned their back. Marcus had the nerve to tell me it was for the best, that being human would end badly with their kind. I should forget about it all and if I told anyone he would be sure to kill me. Secrecy has kept them alive for so long so for others to know of their existence and not just from movies or legends" As she said those words she seemed to realize that in telling me, she had did just that.
"I won't let Marcus hurt you And," I promised. I meant it.
"You're one of them too?" although a question I knew it was more of a statement. Could I tell her? She had already told me so much about her I felt I owed it to her. So I nodded.
"I am. But no one knows it yet. Apparently when I turn 21 I will be, my father was. Please don't tell anyone" She reached across to hug me, promising she wouldn't. Telling someone felt good, but I needed to know more about what I was going to be and sadly, I don't think Andrea had that knowledge. We finally let each other go, and I dropped her home, even she seemed in a better mood, as if a weight had been lifted off her shoulders.
Once I got back Mum and James were in the process of making pizza for dinner and missing some normality to life, joined in. After we had cleaned up, Mum put on a Christmas movie while I made some popcorn but the anxiety I was feeling inside, as the time William and I spent apart was getting worse. The conflicting emotions of my brain and the wolf were getting on my nerves. Majority of the time we were ok and I had learnt to ignore her but when she was really wanting something I fought to keep my control. Maybe Marcus was right; humans were not made for the wolf world. What would happen once I was able to shift? Would she take over completely? Would I still be me? Half paying attention I laughed when it was expected, Tim Allen's Santa Claus a classic in our household. All week Mum and I had been walking around on eggshells with each other, and as the movie ended she quickly put James to bed and presuming she would then too, I was about to message William that it was ok for him to come over. I froze as she came back down; looking sheepish she avoided looking me in the eye.
"What's going on with us Beth?" she asked hesitantly, moving back into the lounge room. I shrugged, not sure what to say. Well I knew what I wanted to but not wanting to kick off with accusations of being a witch. Having been on the other end of that, I didn't like it and she wouldn't appreciate it either.
"All week you've hardly spoke to me and don't think I didn't notice those bruises or how quickly they disappeared" she had her Mum tone on now, there was no escaping her wrath. But for now I wasn't in a sharing mood.
"Why is Margaret able to come back? She died and I didn't think ghosts had magic apart from walking through walls and going Boo! You told me she didn't pass on her magic, what have you been keeping from me?" She hadn't expected this and her face paled. She sat down on the opposite end of the sofa looking guilty.
"Your father was a werewolf. We won't know for a few years if you take after my family or his. I was blissfully unaware of all the supernatural things in the whole until I met him. Your grandmother in her youth met a coven that Margaret had taken refuge in for her final years. Knowing she was a descendant of her own kin she took it as a sign that her magic needed to be kept alive to keep her family safe. Leaving us unprotected and unaware would put us in greater danger. Passing the magic over killed her body but not her spirit. She had tried for years to age and die but never could. This released her and she is able to pass between this world and the next. She is more guardian angel than anything" Mum spoke fondly of Margaret and it hurt to hear her talk about the witch like that. I also thought back to that night I had caught her talking to Margaret. She had claimed she didn't know 'what monster' my father was. Despite how it seemed she was telling me a truth, I doubted it.
"When your father told me about what he was, about mates, my mother made him the potion that would allow him to be human. She didn't tell us how much it would hurt him, for one of their kind not having their wolf it makes them weak. He was a strong man, he never over came it completely but for one of us humans you would never have guessed how he had changed. He was just normal. The fact he did this angered his Alpha and when they learnt of his children and they wanted you all dead as punishment for betraying the pack. As I was a witch they frowned upon our union. As much as your father loved me, killing his wolf broke the mate ties. He lived for you kids and as the threat was learnt he ended up sacrificing himself so you could live. Thankfully when he handed himself over willingly the Alpha kept his deal and left you and James alone" Tears ran down her cheeks, and I reached out and took her hand. She smiled slightly but the grief at having lost my Dad was still there for all us and knowing he did it save James and I made it worse. I didn't doubt her this time.
"Margaret helped me with a protection spell, incase the Alpha ever went back on his word. Wolves are loyal so its unlikely but we didnt want to take that chance. She had a vision in which you became a wolf too so what ever it is about them that allows them to find their own kind is hidden in you. As James was born after your father took the potion, the gene never passed onto him and only the women can be witches. My boy is a blessed little human" She said it proudly and I wondered what she thought of me then. But at least I knew the reason why none of them had learnt my secret yet. Yet.
"Thank you for finally telling me the truth. I just wish you had done it before" She nodded understanding.
"I'm sorry darling. The longer we didn't have to tell you the safer I thought you would be. Wolves are dangerous, when you told me of your dreams I had no idea what they could mean for you. But he was never Penelope's mate was he, he is yours" I looked at her then, surprised she knew about William as she had managed to act so clueless before. I nodded, not willing to share too much about it with her anymore. Finally she went to bed and I was left thinking about my Dad, his old pack and things a year ago I never would have guessed existed.
It was around midnight when the pins and needles started in my chest, my wolf back from the peace she allowed me after what I had been told sunk in. Listening to make sure everyone was asleep I crept to the front door and let him in. His arms were around me before I could step back to give him room to move, his head nuzzled against my neck he breathed me in as I enjoyed the security his embrace promised.
"I've missed you today" he whispered, finally releasing me enough to close the door. I looked over each inch of his face, the love and sincerity all over his face. He was back against me, his hands around my waist he lifted me and instinctively my legs wrapped around his, my arms around his neck he supported me against him and finally his soft warm lips were caressing mine. Teasingly he bit my lower lip gently causing a light moan to escape from the back of my throat and before I could process anything else the soft of my bed was felt against my back as he lowered me down. In perfect timing Andrea came to mind and I felt my wolf growl inside at the chance of an interruption. Ignoring her, I freed myself from him taking in some much needed air.
"What's wrong?" he asked worried, quickly looking me over incase he had hurt me. How can I say anything without getting her into trouble?
"Do you love me?" the words came out unexpectedly and in a hurry I wasn't sure if that was what I even said. His eyes darkened and his gaze locked on to mine.
"With every beat of my heart, I love you." That was all I needed to hear. At this point in time I didn't know if it was the wolf or I in control but I kissed him like I never had before. We both felt something was different now and tonight sleeping together wouldn't be enough. It wasn't just passion or lust. It was need. Our breathing was short and fast he was quick to slip my sweater off while I undid the buttons on his shirt as he knelt between me and done with the buttons and I grabbed at his belt, our lips not parting as our kisses became harder, more desperate. Finally our clothes were left around the bed, the contact of his skin against mine was burning as if hot touching cold. The tingles sent a thrill through me I didn't know possible, all the sensations new to me. He pulled the blanket over us as my legs were around his waist once more, while he carefully adjusted his weight on top of me. Every inch of my body was pulsating with desire for what was mine and the way his body was responding he felt it too.
"Are you sure?" he asked cautiously, kissing down my neck until he reached my chest. Instinctively my back arched allowing him full access that only added to my pleasure and from the moan that came from him, his too. Gulping I was unable to form words so I merely nodded.
"I don't know how I will be able to control myself, you don't know what might happen if.........." he started. Every part of me was impatient for what was to come and I took his head within my hands, bringing it to my face. I kissed him once, pulling back.
"I love you too" And I did. I knew it now, any doubt I had was gone.
My admittance was all he needed and finally there was not an area left of our bodies untouched by one another. As a moan of pure pleasure escaped me between gasping breaths, his head was back against my neck and at the touch my head rolled to the side slightly, my hands became entwined in his hair. His short releases of air causing shivers to run along my spine as I felt my wolf prepare, for what, I was to lost in a world of ecstasy to care. He kissed my neck at its base, slightly on my shoulder, again and again and I felt my body tense in anticipation for what was about to happen. . . .
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