Chapter Six
Derrick let out a whistle as we headed up the driveway. The castle was truly a castle, the grey stoned walls lit up with strobe lights that danced into the night sky as a beacon for the line of limousines and town cars that slowly inched closer to the entrance. We were ushered inside towards a cloakroom and once we were free of our jackets and after a quick adjustment of our outfits we followed the crowd into the main ballroom. It seemed as if the whole town was here and a few celebrities were recognized amongst the sea of faces.
"This is some party," Mum whispered to me, obviously as impressed as I was. The hall had ivory tapestries draped over the ceiling; grand chandeliers hung low over the dance floor where a waltz was taking place. I had never seen anything like it. An orchestra sat in the circle of the staircase, the music beautiful. As we neared the dance floor a man approached my Mum.
"Puis-je avoir cette danse Madame?" He took her hand and kissed it elegantly. Giggling she threw a quick look towards me and I nodded smiling encouraging her to go.
"Oui Monsieur" and I watched as he led her to join in the dances. More surprisingly, she knew what she was doing. I had never seen her dance like before.
"I can't believe we are here" Andrea gushed, kissing Derrick on the cheek as he wrapped his arm around her waist. They were too cute.
"It's amazing," I agreed. Waiters came past with a tray of champagne and we all took a glass.
"I wonder where our host is?" Andrea mused, looking around the room. I gave a shrug and looked around too, tensing as I recognized a face in the crowd. As we made eye contact he froze, confusion crossing his features.
"What?" Andrea noticed my tense stance and looked around again.
"Nothing. I'm going to go to ladies" I excused myself from the group, moving closer to him. As I was within in reaching range his hand shot out and grabbed my arm, I squealed not expecting it as he pulled me towards him. He was more attractive in person, his light brown hair was shorter than I remembered from my dreams, his brown eyes filled with surprise. He was not as tall as William but he had similar features, the same square jaw and solid build, I could feel how hard his chest was as he held me against him.
"Marcus" I whispered, his eyebrows wrinkled in worry as he heard his name.
"What trickery is this," he snapped, confusion and surprise gone and instead replaced with anger. His grip tightened around my wrist and I flinched trying to break free. He was a were wolf, I couldn't get free from him. I looked at the two men who were with him, all frowning as they looked at me.
"Take her outside," he ordered, letting me go the other two proceeded to gently lead me towards the entrance.
"What's going on?" I asked them as we finally stopped. Rather than go left and the way we came in, we went right and after going down a long corridor we finally entered a small courtyard. The two shuffled about uncomfortable, not willing to answer me. Something inside me was telling me to calm down but I couldn't.
"If you're not going to tell me, let me back inside. My Mum and friends are in there, they are probably getting worried as to where I went!" I was getting annoyed now. They looked at each other worried, a seemingly silent conversation going on between the pair. The door suddenly opened, obviously not expecting it the pair jumped and quickly moved to block me from view from the intruder. Or perhaps my rescuer. I wasn't sure yet. The duo were tense, the tension in the air thick enough to cut in two. My hands sat firmly on my hips, what was going on? A peered around the blonde's side, my eyes going wide as the man who seemed to be George Clooney and Brad Pitts love child stood before us. I had a feeling I was in the company of more were's, 'Are they all this good looking?' I wondered. Catching my gaze a small smile appeared on his face and turning his attention back to my 'guards' his face changed to pure anger.
His glare was intense, and I felt myself looking away, finding the cobblestone paving of the courtyard more interesting at that moment. Seconds later a growl sound was heard and my head snapped up, unsure of what I had actually heard. The duo I decided to call Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dee stepped aside reluctantly and the new guys hand was extended to me. Hesitantly I took it; perhaps he was a rescuer after all.
"Parlez-vous français ou en anglais?" He asked softly, despite speaking French I could tell he was English. Looking up to him, my eyes went a little wider as my heart went a little faster.
"English" I replied, a shy smile appearing. He nodded and motioned to the door,
"Shall we?" I followed after him, looking back to Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dee who looked furious but didn't attempt to stop us. The slightly taller of the two, Tweedle Dee seemed to plead with me not to go but as the feeling to stay with them hit me, it was to late and the door was closed behind me.
Once in the main hall and heading back towards the ballroom Andrea soon found me, "Oh my god – Leonardo Dicaprio is here!" she squealed, her accent to strong and as he words spilled out in a heap I had no chance of understanding.
"English And, English" I said slowly, she nodded taking a deep breath.
"The actor, Leonardo Dicaprio is here!" Wow! "Where?" we looked around like fan girls and spotting him by the bar with some model of a woman we sighed dreamily.
"He does a movie about a sinking boat and you all go gaga over him ever since" Derrick teased as he came behind Andrea and kissed her neck. She blushed and pushed him away, as both of them suddenly realized not only was there a man beside me but he was also holding my hand.
"Not some sinking boat movie, the ultimate sinking boat movie" I replied, rolling my eyes like it was the most obvious thing.
"I agree with your friend, I don't see the appeal" the voice behind me joined in. I jumped slightly, almost forgetting he was there. I quickly dropped his hand and stepped away awkwardly, grabbing a glass of champagne from the waiter who passed us.
"Who is this Beth?" Derrick asked coyly, extending his hand to the mystery rescuer.
"Um...." I didn't know his name and hot mysterious stranger wasn't going to cut it.
"Parker" he shook Derricks hand and smiled at Andrea.
"I'm Derrick and this is my girlfriend Andrea" Derrick explained, pulling her against him a little possessively. She seemed to enjoy it and pecked a quick kiss on his cheek.
"We're going to go dance" Derrick smiled at Parker and gently lead Andrea towards the dance floor. I watched then gulping down the bubbles, not bothering to savor the taste of what must be the most expensive thing I have ever drunk.
"So did you come here on your own?" Parker asked curiously, his eyes hinting something more mischievous. I nodded, taking the final contents of the glass.
"Someone so pretty shouldn't be alone in a place like this" He waved his hand around as he said this. I shrugged, not bothered.
"It's not so bad, it isn't like there is a big wolf out to get me" I put down the empty glass on the tray the waiter extended to me, and deciding I needed to keep some wits about me declined his offer of a refill. My words amused me and I giggled slightly which seemed to amuse him too before he spoke again.
"Looks can be deceiving" came his reply, his tone was deep and threatening yet looking into his brown eyes I couldn't move away as my insides were screaming at me to do.
"Care to dance?" he extended his hand and I took it, noticing how small my hand seemed in his.
"I don't know what I am doing," I mumbled as he pulled me close.
"Just follow my lead" and with that we were twirling around the dance floor.
"That dress is amazing" he complimented, tilting his head so his mouth was by my ear. I shivered at his closeness, trying to ignore the war currently taking place within my conscious. Four songs later a tingling sensation started from within my chest, spreading through my veins. I finally managed to pull away from Parker and looked around, the room suddenly felt to small and I couldn't breath.
"Beth?" I heard Derrick ask from near us, before Andrea was quickly leading me out the room into the entrance. Finding a bench she sat me down as Derrick stood the other side of her. Parker keeping close.
"What's wrong?" she asked, sending Derrick away to get some water. The tingles pulsed with each beat of my heart, I felt dizzy. 'Am I having a heart attack?' I thought warily. Derrick reappeared and I gladly sipped the water. Finally my breathing was starting to get back under control.
"I think it was to much dancing, I felt a bit faint" they both nodded, taking my lie. But Parker didn't seem so certain.
"Why don't we hang out for a little bit, just to make sure you're ok" his concern seemed genuine yet looking up at him he seemed to paying more attention towards the ballroom entrance.
I smiled weakly at him, feeling uncomfortable in his presence now. It seemed the need to put distance between us won out, as now I wanted nothing more to do with him, no matter how charming he was. He didn't seem to notice my discomfort; sitting beside my now tense form he pulled me against his chest. Glancing around looking for an escape I froze, Marcus and Co were staring intently at me, anger evident on all their faces. Although I soon realized it wasn't at me, but at Parker. Finally he picked up on my mood and looked up to where the trio stood. His chest seemed to vibrate as a rumble emerged, like a growl. Unaffected Marcus moved closer, the other two spreading out behind him. Parkers grip tightened into my waist, as he kept his eyes on them. Derrick glanced around confused but noticing the slight scowl on my face from Parkers hold he wasted no time in separating us.
"Beth, why don't you and Andrea go freshen up in the ladies, no offense your makeup looks a little off" he tried to joke but as he used Andreas name and not Andy I knew he was serious. Andrea didn't notice any of it and helped me up, Parker reluctant to let go. Standing with me he spun me around to face him.
"I'll be waiting here for you," it sounded like more of a threat than a promise and I nodded, not expecting his lips to crash against mine. It was hard and urgent, surprised I tried to pull back and reluctantly he allowed me. Breathless I practically fell into Andrea and with Derricks help, they ushered me to the bathrooms. She tensed as we passed Marcus, not daring to look at him as we passed. Then again with the anger rolling of him, neither did I.
"Wow that was hot" Andrea exclaimed as we reached the hall, obviously mistaking that for passion and not possession. I knew he had done it for Marcus's benefit but what confused me the most was why. Why was Marcus interested in me? Why did Parker have the need to piss him off? Derrick stood guard at the door as we both entered the bathroom.
"Wow" Andrea gushed; a lush pale pink carpet matched a darker shade of pink on the walls. Thee grand gold framed mirrors loomed over the sinks, a large circular ivory lounge filled the center of the room with a gold chandelier sparkling above it. Through a door to the left were the actual toilets.
"This is so grand" she exclaimed, moving to a mirror Andrea redid her lipstick soon noticing how I was merely standing there blankly, not even noticing the luxuriousness of the power room, frowned.
"What is going on Beth?" I shook my head slightly, as if that would clear away all the questions racing through my mind.
"Sorry, still a little dizzy" I lied, quickly moving to touch up my makeup and reapply my own lipstick.
"Feel better now?" she asked, placing a gentle hand of my shoulder and rubbing my bare arm. I nodded.
"Nothing a bit of rouge wont fix right?" she laughed and we left the room back to Derrick.
Once in the hall, Derrick seemed hesitant to head back the way we came so with no one around to tell us otherwise we went right instead of left. The walls were the same grey stone as the outside, pictures of noble looking people hung in wooden frames and we all looked at them in awe. The odd door had us curious but all were locked and finally the hall emptied into a sitting room. Bookcases lined the walls and deep red sofas, slightly more modern that what you would expect in a castle were placed around the room. We all went in our own direction admiring what we had found.
I stood before the bookcase, the blank old leather spines catching my attention. The book on the bottom shelf at the end was titled slightly and it seemed a book was missing. I hesitantly lifted it out, a faint stain of red showing on the beige cover. Schneewittchen was in small type, letter pressed into the cover. 'Is this german?' I wondered, putting it back and pulling out the green dyed book, Rumpelstilzchen.
"Rumpelstiltskin," I muttered.
These must be fairytales, I realized. Opening the book similar sketching's and unrecognizable words filled the pages. Going back to front page, surprisingly the dedication was also in English like Red Riding Hood. 'Patience is a virtue. I will get what you promised me my Queen' I shivered at the words, trying to think of Rumpelstiltskin's story. There was something about having to guess his name but apart from that my memory was blank but I knew his intentions were far from innocent.
"Guests are to stay within the ball room and visiting areas," the voice caused us all to jump, startled. Tweedle Dee stood in the doorway, running his hand through his blonde hair frustrated. Seeing me he stopped before looking suspiciously at Andrea and Derrick.
"Sorry, we got lost leaving the ladies," Andrea smiled brightly and the pair started to head towards the doorway.
I quickly put the book back, going to follow. "Miss, maybe it would be better if you and your friends stay here?"
It was more of a question, as if his next move would be dependent on my answer. Still not sure what was going on, being around other people felt to be a better idea. Maybe even going home.
"Um, no it's okay. We are intruding," I quickly moved beside Derrick and Tweedle Dee moved from the door way nodding.
"May I escort you back to the ballroom?" He raised his elbow, motioning for me to link my arm in his. I felt like I could trust him and nodded, he smiled gently and we headed back to the main area. Any time I looked up to him, he was looking right back, as if walking with me was some kind of privilege. His chest was puffed out, slightly proud and he walked confidently beside me.
"I'm Beth" I spoke up as we past the ladies powder room, knowing we were nearly back in the main hall.
"Eric," he answered.
I smiled at his answer and looked back in front of us. Behind me I could hear Derrick and Andrea whispering and although I couldn't hear their words, I knew I was going to have to sit through their interrogation on all the hotties that suddenly seemed so interested in me. Sighing I was thankful to enter the main hall, Eric not yet willing to give up his hold on me. But I didn't mind, he felt familiar like an older brother or cousin and I felt safe with him. At the realization a voice inside me gloated, the same one from the courtyard that told me I could trust him and Tweedle Dum.
This night was getting weirder and weirder.
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