Chapter Seven
"Ladies and Gentleman, if I could have your attention please." The conductor addressed the room, as the music silenced so did everyone, all eyes turning to the stage. Eric paused our entry into the ballroom as he listened.
"Maybe it would be time for you to go home?" He suggested hopefully. Confused but knowing I had had enough of this craziness I nodded.
"I guess you're right" I answered, Derrick and Andrea looked us confused and as Andrea went to speak the conductors voice sounded out again.
"Sir would like to say a few words" he explained to his now captivated audience, clapping as the crowd soon joined in as a greeting to the host of the night who was now taking the stage. The tingly sensation started in my chest again and before I knew what I was doing, I moved over to the ballroom entrance. The dark haired man climbed up the stairs, waving to his guests as he had the microphone handed to him.
"William" I gasped, not realizing I had said his name until I saw the look Eric was sending me. How did I not put two and two together? How many Williams did I know of?
"Thank you all for coming this evening. I like to keep the tradition of a winter ball as my ancestors have done of the years as thanks to the people of the county. As you can see times have changed but I do enjoy having these events and keeping in touch with the locals. I hope you will enjoy yourselves tonight" He nodded and raised his glass and more clapping erupted from the crowd. The whole time he was on stage he seemed distracted, his eyes scanning over the faces as if seeking someone. Finally looking up he made eye contact, relief at seeing me filling his features as a smirk appeared before he noticed Parker had returned and was now standing beside me. If looks could kill, he would be dead. The atmosphere around me changed then. I moved from Parker before he could grab me, heading to where Derrick and Andrea seemed completely clueless as to what was going on. They weren't the only ones.
"I'm going. I have a headache. Please tell Mum" I quickly stammered, heading to the coat check Eric already held my coat as I felt Parker behind me, Tweedle Dum was beside him.
"Parker" he called, I didn't stop as I grabbed my coat, tying it quickly around me as the doorman opened the door. As he closed it, I knew I wasn't being followed anymore and quickly spied my escape. A line of taxis waited in the cold night, the heat from their exhaust rising into the darkness in a perfect line from the queue. The driver was quick flick off his taxi light on the roof as the valet opened the door. Safe inside the driver pulled out, the crunch of the gravel heard over the hum of his engine as he followed the curve of the driveway around the large fountain that stood in all its glory at the entrance. Heading down the straight towards freedom I dared turned back to find a figure standing in the front door, the light inside around him making it to hard to see him, that and I was to far away. But I knew who it was. William. As if he could see me, I quickly turned, pulling up the hood on my jacket as if that would hide me from view, feeling cold despite the heat from the front of the car that had filled the whole space.
"So how was your night," the driver asked innocently as we cruised down the highway back towards town and home.
"Ah it was nice. Boring really" I lied, my head running through the evening in fast forward trying to piece everything together. The driver nodded as if understanding and thankfully he kept quiet the rest of the way. Finally home I paid his fee and headed inside.
"Wow, you look lovely Beth" Lucy greeted, getting up from the sofa. It was only eleven thirty and uncertain on what time we would be home, Mum arranged for her to stay the night. The TV was on low from the front room and James would be sound asleep by now.
"Thanks Lucy. How was James?" I put my coat in the closet in the entry and kicked off my heels.
"Fine, he is an angel," I laughed; my brother was anything but, at least when it was my turn to look after him.
"I'm sorry, I don't want to be rude, I'm not feeling great so I'll see you in the morning?" Thankfully she just smiled and nodded, heading back to the fold out sofa bed in the lounge.
I had a quick shower, washing the makeup off and putting on my pjs. I headed into James room to check on him before I headed to bed. I pulled the blanket a little higher around him, his small form appearing smaller on the double bed.
"Eli, can you stay with me? I was having a bad sleep" his sleepy voice called out to me as I went to leave.
"Sure champ" I smiled and headed into the cold side of the bed, cringing slightly as the warmth of the shower began to disappear. He rolled over to face me and I pulled the covers up to our chins, allowing the warmth from him to spread over me. He put his hand out and my larger one wrapped around it. When he was three he developed a fear of the boogey man and would come into bed with me most nights. He would then demand to hold my hand so if the boogey man or any monster tried to take him during the night, I would know.
"Goodnight Eli" he whispered; sleep taking hold of him once more.
"Goodnight Jay" I leant over and gently kissed his forehead, making a small smile appear on his innocent face.
When I woke up the dawn was just starting to crack the horizon. Looking at the clock on James's wall it was just past six thirty. The creak of the floorboards by the stairs heard as Mums light footsteps crept to her room. I threw my head back onto the pillow, not willing to wake up yet or face my Mum after a walk of morning shame. At least one of us had a good night. I rolled over slightly and James crawled against me. I dropped an arm over him and hugged him.
"I don't want to wake up" he grumbled.
"Me either. Go back to sleep" I had to stop the laugh that wanted to come out as his snores started again. It was Sunday. It was a cold November day. We didn't have to get up if we didn't want too and after last night, I wasn't sure if I'd ever want to get up.
But we did. Around ten I stood in front of the stove watching the creamy batter bubble and flipped it over. James got out plates and strawberry jam as the last pancake finished cooking. We sat at the table, talking about cartoons and it felt like no time had passed between us. I hadn't been spending as much time with him as I would have liked, especially since the whole reason I left our grandparents was to spend more time with my family. Lucy had long been gone, so it was just us until Mum got up. I sent him to shower and dress while I did the dishes and then finally started to pull the pins out from my hair. The hairspray had left it dry and it stuck out awkwardly as it was freed. I gently ran my hands through in an attempt to break through the tangle mess as a knock came from the front door. Not thinking I wandered over, opening it, my eyes took a moment to adjust the sun outside as my mind finally reacted to the figure standing there.
"Good morning Beth" Parker greeted, looking over my slightly disheveled appearance and pajamas. My heart instantly started to race, looking around there was no car in sight but in the light cover of snow that fell unseasonably early last night, large paw prints gave me a clue as to how he got here. His confidence was obvious and I found myself lost for words as his dark eyes had me captivated.
"Not a morning person?" he teased, to my horror he proceeded to walk in. I quickly tried to think of everything I knew about werewolves. They don't like silver right? Could they enter without invitation? I had garlic in the kitchen.... 'no that's vampires' I told myself. Reluctantly I closed the door to stop the cold coming in.
"Ah, no. Not a morning person" I mumbled, why was he here? He nodded as if understanding.
"I came to see how you were this morning, you left in a hurry last night and I was worried you were ill" his concern seemed genuine but I couldn't shake the feeling he needed to leave.
"I'm fine. I think I just drank too much. I actually have some errands to run today, so if you wouldn't mind?" I went back to the door giving him a hint to leave and as my hand touched the doorknob his own was quickly covering it. "Are you scared of me?" he whispered, the closeness of his body to mine made me uneasy, his words sending goose bumps over my skin. Yes. Something inside me refused to accept the fear and gave me the confidence to reply.
"No Parker," I lied, looking up to stare him in the eyes hoping he bought it. He smirked, clearly amused.
"I'll see you Beth" and turned to leave, pausing he looked back at me mischievously.
"Do you like tulips?" he asked. Being one of the strangest questions I'd been asked in the morning I shook my head.
"They're nice but not my favorite" I replied unsure. He nodded and continued on his way, his musky masculine scent lingering behind him. I breathed out deeply, turning into the kitchen and looking out the window, my hands quickly covered my mouth as a scream threatened to erupt. The large black wolf with grey underbelly and legs stared back at me, a smile seeming to form on his muzzle before he turned and ran towards the forest.
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