Chapter Twenty-Two: "Getting To Know You"
Jack watched Mark walk back into the kitchen, removing the bloody spoon from the bowl to set aside in the sink. Removing another wooden spoon from a wall rack, he set to work stirring. Biting his lip, Jack cleared his throat and asked him timidly. "Where did you learn to stitch people up?" Mark flashed him a brief smile over his shoulder, before answering honestly. "I work with a lot of sharp tools. I've had my accidents. Instead of rushing to the doctor all the time... I just learned how to deal with it myself. I wanted to be more self-reliant. I didn't want... my secret getting out." Taking a seat at the small kitchen table, Jack mumbled out to his back. "I'm sorry about what I said... It's not your fault that I'm... different." Mark stopped stirring the dough to let it sit, then grabbed a dish towel. Walking up to him, Mark tapped the dish towel under Jack's chin to get him to look up at him. When their eyes met, Mark told him warmly. "You don't have to apologize to me. Some of it was my fault. The rest of it... I've gone through it. So, I know how it feels." Handing off the towel to him, Mark leaned closer to whisper into his ear. "Between us. Don't resist being different. It just hurts more. Find a neutral ground to stand in." Sitting up, Mark patted his shoulder and told him nicely. "Put snow in the towel and ice your hand. It will help stop the bleeding."
Getting to his feet, Jack started to walk away, but stopped to state over his shoulder a bit teasingly. "You never told me that you can cook." Mark checked on the soup, chuckling out without looking at him. "Depends on what you call cooking. I can cook on an open flame... but that's about it. And I wouldn't get too excited... You don't know if what I'm making is edible." Jack snorted, starting to smile but it faded at the thought of his food being awful. Slipping outside, he made his way down the porch to collect large pieces of ice into the towel from the frozen rain barrel. While collecting the pieces as quickly as he could to get back before he froze, he noticed Geralf's guard was sitting in a neighbor's rocking chair, and pretending that he wasn't watching him. Waving to the man, Jack headed back inside. After being outside, the rich smell of food from inside hit him hard. It smelled so good and welcoming. Pressing the towel to his palm, he leaned back against the front door and just watched Mark work. He was kneading the dough on the counter gently to keep the berries from being crushed. It brought a smile to Jack's face because he could tell Mark was straining to keep from beating the dough with the power that he clearly wanted to put into it.
Mark must have heard his tiny whisper of a giggle, because he suddenly told him in a deep tone. "I can hear you laughing over there. What's so funny?" Pushing off the door, Jack locked it and made his way over to him. Reaching out with his good hand to touch Mark's wrist, he stopped him. Keeping his voice level and amused, he told him with a smile. "You're too tense. Loosen up or you'll make the dough too thick. You want it light and fluffy." Mark rolled his eyes, grumbling out lightly. "This is me being loose." Jack chuckled, swatting Mark's tense bicep as he shot back. "Ya? Well, you're not loose enough. You're making bread. Not manhandling blocks of wood." Mark chuckled, blushing out with a shrug as he turned his hands over and admitted guiltily. "I am used to handling things that need a firmer grip." Jack bit his lower lip hard trying not to make this sexual but his mind kept drifting. Standing so close to Mark was messing with his vulnerable emotions. Placing his hand on Mark's palm, Jack felt the rough callouses on his hand with his fingertips. Mark's fingers spread and moved away from his fingers to let him explore his palm, before very slowly curling them like he wanted to touch him.
Yet, his fingers barely touched his. Stepping a bit closer to Mark's side, he whispered to him a little teasingly. "You don't seem so rough when you're touching me." Mark turned his head to look at him over his shoulder, his long dark bangs shrouding his soft brown eyes from clear view. Mark's breathing was eerily calm, making Jack's heart race in his ribs. Jack's whole body froze up like a deer facing down a predator. He couldn't think and he couldn't move. Mark's lips curled into a tiny smile, before he leaned closer to Jack's face as he asked him in a deep teasing voice of his own. "Are you suggesting that I handle the dough as if I'm handling you?" Jack's cheeks burned with a blush that went all the way to the tips of his ears as he leaned back from Mark. He hadn't meant it to sound like that, but now that Mark pointed it out, he was starting to panic. Gulping, Jack parted his lips to try and correct him, but his mind was blank for what he had really meant by it. He had no excuses. Mark grinned devilishly, his lips drawing closer to his as he purred out so beautifully. "What's wrong? Cat got your tongue, Jack?" Jack leaned so far back, that he stumbled over a chair when he tried to step back.
Mark gripped his hand that still rested in his to keep him from falling, then straightened up with a light chuckle. Releasing his hand once Jack had found his footing, Mark told him more casually. "I'll try it your way." Jack eased behind the chair, gripping it for support. He felt so lightheaded, and every nerve of his body was standing up like goosebumps under his skin. He felt like Mark simply breathing on his skin would make him pass out. Mark glanced at him briefly, then asked him a little worried. "Did I make you uncomfortable?" Jack shook his head, but his heart was still racing laps and his body was shaking from his tense nerves. Flipping a hand towel over his shoulder, Mark coolly told him. "You have a bad habit of bringing the wolf to the surface. I'm sorry if upsets you. I'm trying to reign it in. You just... make it difficult." Jack took a deep breath, forcing himself to calm down as he crept back over to him. Removing a bread pan from the shelf, he shyly told Mark how to put it in the cast iron oven. While Mark was busy putting the bread into the oven, Jack quickly tasted the soup discreetly to make sure it was edible. He acted so fast that he splashed some of it onto his hand but managed to get a taste. It wasn't too bad, but he felt he could make it a tad better.
Closing the oven and straightening up, Mark locked eyes with him and asked curiously. "Well? What do you think?" Jack shrugged, trying to play innocent as he moved his hand away from the spoon on the counter. Mark reached out to grab his wrist, bringing his hand up to his lips. Jack's heart skipped as Mark's lips moved over his skin to taste the spilled soup. The action alone proved Jack's guilt, but the way Mark handled it was unintentionally sensual. Moving his lips off his skin, Mark didn't look at him as he grumbled out to himself. "It's missing something." Mark headed back to the cookbook, leaving Jack on shaky legs. Forcing himself to swallow, Jack's eyes drifted to the little bottle of herbs that Mark had missed. Mark flipped through the pages of his mother's cookbook, before stopping to rub his eyes like they were bothering him. Sighing heavily, Mark growled out to himself. "Fuck it. I'll improvise." Jack tensed, watching Mark snatch a little bottle of basil. Popping the cork off, Mark moved up to the pot, but Jack snatched his wrist to stop him. Shaking his head, he informed Mark curtly. "No. Not that." Mark narrowed his eyes on him, telling him nicely. "It's fine. It will work." Jack shook his head, telling him in a rush. "No. Use the salt and pepper."
Mark held up his finger and picked up the spoon to collect some of the red tomato broth. Removing some basil, Mark sprinkled it on the spoonful. Then tapping Jack's chin lightly with his fingertips to coax him closer to the spoon, Mark told him coolly. "Trust me. Try it." Jack leaned in to try it, blushing as Mark watched him and said calmly. "I use wild basil on the meat that I cook. Gives the meat a bit more of a zing. Especially beef. Plus, with the tomato in the soup it will balance out the sweet better." Jack swallowed, staring at Mark with wide eyes. He was right and that scared him. How did HE know that, and he didn't? Mark smirked at his face, chuckling out as he added it into the soup. "Surprised?" Jack leaned his hips back on the counter, saying utterly perplexed. "Yes. I mean... I just... I'm at a loss." Mark stepped back from the pot, shrugging out. "I didn't want to be a carpenter. My stepdad wanted that. I wanted to be a cook. Grilling game meats all day." Turning away with a grim expression, Mark mumbled out. "You can see who won that fight in the end." Gesturing for Jack to sit at the table, Mark cleaned up a few things before joining him and adding sadly. "Hunting in the woods and cooking over a campfire is probably my second biggest secret."
Sighing heavily, Mark propped his head up on his hand and shrugged out. "Although, resources out there are limited. But there are plenty of basil plants out there. Or were before I started using it on everything." Jack laughed, adjusting the towel of ice on his hand. For the first time, Jack had a real conversation with someone about something he enjoyed. They shared little stories about their best and worst attempts. Shared a few secrets and tricks they stumbled upon by accident. Jack almost felt his spark for cooking return. It was so weird how he'd been around Mark for so long but knew hardly anything about this side to him. Just like the wolf he hid within; this side too had been hidden so deep beneath the surface. When the food was done, Jack helped Mark set the table and bring over the food. They even managed to eat some in the dim light casted by the candles and fireplace. Jack finished his soup faster than he'd ever done in his life, prompting a laugh from Mark. When Mark tried the berry bread, he moaned and told him around a mouthful. "Wow. I wasn't expecting it to be so good. The berries really do add touch of sweetness that melts in your mouth."
Blushing, Jack thanked him, before adding a bit daringly. "It would go better with a rich wine. But I'm not allowed to make that apart of this set up." Mark nodded in understanding but told him a little excitedly. "Same. I'd love to taste one of your... unrestricted dinners." Jack rolled his eyes, hiding his blushing cheeks behind his glass as he sipped from it. After sipping from his own glass, Jack felt his emotions stir within him. He was having such a good time and didn't want to ruin it... but he wanted more. Not a lot... just a little. Gulping down his fears, he avoided Mark's eyes when he asked a little timid and yet hopeful. "Mark...? Can I ask you something without you getting the wrong impression?" Mark slipped a piece of bread into his mouth, his eyebrow raising with interest. Nodding to him, Mark tenderly replied. "Sure. What's on your mind?" Jack opened his mouth to answer, but nothing came out. He was terrified to ask, only to have his request rejected. Wring the soaked dish towel that no longer had ice, Jack gathered his courage and got up. Mark leaned back in his chair with a confused look, but Jack couldn't focus on that. Setting the dish towel down, he inched closer to Mark.
Mark pushed his chair out away from the table but didn't get up. Jack's hands shook, but he curled his fingers into fists to stop them. Avoiding Mark's eyes, he forced himself to mumble out before Mark got the wrong impression. "Can I... Will you let me... kiss you?" Mark adjusted in his chair to sit up better, calmly asking in return. "Are you sure you want to do that?" Jack shakily leaned forward to rest his hands on the arms of the chair, finally meeting Mark's eyes when he told him honestly. "It doesn't mean that I forgive you... but I want a kiss from you. Not the man you pretend to be... or the wolf that teases me. But the man you are right now. You stole my first kiss... and I feel like you owe me this." Mark smirked, taking a quick sip from his drink, before relaxing and telling him in a voice so genuine. "If that's how you feel. I won't stop you." Jack's heart skipped, but he tried to keep himself calm as he eased in slowly toward Mark's lips. Mark closed his eyes, staying very still to let Jack decide if he could go through with it. Jack brought his lips close enough to feel Mark's body heat, but he hesitated. His heart felt like it was going to explode in his chest, and it was distracting him.
He started to think that he couldn't do it, until Mark's finger touched the underside of his jaw and he whispered over his lips in a low whisper. "Give me another chance, Jack. Please...?" Lifting his good hand to put it on Mark's chest, he leaned in to press his lips to his. He could feel Mark's heart beating fast and it calmed him to know that Mark was just as affected by him. His lips tenderly moved over Mark's a little hesitate as he gave him brief kisses that allowed him to breathe between them. It was so hard to breathe because his racing heart was making him feel like he was running the laps that his heart was making. Mark enjoyed every little kiss and didn't pressure him for more. He just lingered and waited to see how much Jack wanted from him. Easing back from one of the little kisses, Jack breathlessly found the words to whisper back with a small smile. "I'll think about it." A little smile pulled at Mark's lips, when he replied in a deep buttery voice. "I can be good..." His words brought a little smile to Jack's lips, when he whispered back. "Actions speak louder than words. Don't tell me... Show me." Jack then pressed his lips against Mark's in a longer kiss that held a hopeful passion of what they could be.
Mark slid to the edge of the chair, his arms easing around Jack's back to pull him closer. Jack cupped Mark's face, carefully straddling his legs in order to sit down and enjoy the kiss better. Mark's hands rubbed Jack's back, bringing Jack closer and closer to him. When the arms of the chair proved to be a problem, Mark broke the kiss and got up, hefting Jack up into his arms like he weighed very little. Carrying him to the little rug before the fireplace, Mark sat down in a way that kept Jack sitting on his lap. Shaking his head, Jack played with Mark's open flannel shirt, whispering to him shyly. "Mark... This is just a kiss..." Mark cupped his face, whispering over his lips in return in a voice so heartwarmingly sweet. "I was just uncomfortable. Please, don't stop." Jack kissed him a bit hesitantly but was comforted by the fact that Mark's hands went to his hips and stayed there. So, he kissed him with a renewed passion. The warmth and soft crackling from the fireplace helped relax Jack enough that when Mark helped him improve his kissing, he didn't overthink it. It even hid his blush when Mark complemented him in a deep breathless voice. "There you go... Just like that..."
Wrapping his arms around Mark's neck, he kissed him just the way Mark had coached him to. He had no idea how wild kissing was. It was a rush that he felt like he could enjoy forever. He almost felt like he could fly if he kissed Mark enough. Pressing himself up against Mark's chest, Jack's hands slipped into Mark's long hair to tilt his head back enough that he could capture Mark's lips in a kiss that was suddenly very needy. He almost felt like he was losing control of himself as his body moved over him like Mark had something more to give. Mark's hands gripped his hips tighter, trying to stop him from rocking on him. Breaking the kiss with great internal struggle, Mark's voice took on a strange husky growl when he told him in warning. "Ok. Whoa. Pace yourself, Jack. Fuck..." Jack stopped, his voice breaking as he whined out in a heartbroken voice. "What? Why? What did I do?" Mark let out a nervous chuckle, starting to tell him as calmly as he could. "Nothing. You're just starting to give me mixed signals and my body is-" Mark suddenly stopped talking, his attention going to the front door, before he rushed out in a panic. "Oh shit!"
Mark shoved Jack off himself a bit roughly, before jumping over a table and up onto the ladder to go up to the loft. Jack was going to yell at him, but the door handle began to jiggle. Jack's heart practically leapt out of his chest as his dad called out. "Jack?! Unlock the door." To Be Continued...
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