Chapter Thirteen: "Bounty Hunter"
Geralf raised an eyebrow as he stared down Jack with curiosity on his face. Jack didn't regret what he had said. As scared as he was, he didn't think that he could live with whatever Geralf would make him do. Geralf gave him a little shrug, pulling his hand back through the cage as he told him softly. "In order to hunt monsters. One must become one. I think I will give you a little time to think about my offer. I'm sure it will become more appealing the closer you get to your demise. In fact... Since you care for this creature so much. You can watch him go first." Jack rushed up to the bars, telling Geralf hopefully. "Wait! You don't have to do this." Geralf got up to his full height, chuckling out. "Change your mind already?" Jack shook his head, telling him seriously. "Geralf, Mark isn't the monster you think he is. Just talk to him!" Geralf rolled his eyes, sneering out. "You can't talk to them. They speak nothing but lies. They an unnatural spawn from hell. I'll not have him infecting my men with his toxic words or his infectious bite. I'm sure whatever spell he put you under will wear off with his death." Jack curled his fingers around the bars, telling him a bit icily. "You think killing him will fix the lust you feel for men? Has it worked yet? Kill him and I'll tell EVERYONE who a hypocrite you are."
Geralf glanced around, then crouched down to retort with a wicked grin. "No one will believe you. And anyone that did... would share in your fate. So, think about that before you start spreading lies about me. I am a respectable man with titles. You are... just a lowly commoner with soft hands. However... Take my offer and I could raise your station to one far better than this one." Jack slowly leaned back from the bars, telling him in a low guarded tone. "I can see why my dad left... He found himself hunting the wrong monsters." Geralf chuckled, then leaned in closer to whisper to him. "Your pa left us because after killing his father and brother... he just couldn't stomach the job. Face it. Your daddy is a washed up drunk who can't live with what he's done. And your Granny has a bounty on her head that I came to collect." Jack's jaw dropped and his voice was barely a whisper when the word slipped out in disbelief. "What...?" Geralf winked at him, telling him coolly. "You heard me. Your Granny is in hiding... and before I killed him... a little devil told me that he was looking for you. So, I hope by putting you on trial. It might bring the old goat out into the open."
Geralf leaned a bit closer to the cage, adding with dark humor to his voice. "And when she does... I'm going to gun her down. Cut her open and fill her gut full of stones, before sewing her up and dumping her in the nearest lake. Minus a head. I'll need that for the bounty. After all, a witch can't drown... but she can be weighted down. And without her head... she'll never find peace in the afterlife. A fitting end, because I do so hate sending witches back to their master in hell." Jack glared at Geralf. He was too overwhelmed by the imagery of it and more terrified than he'd ever felt to say anything in response to it. Geralf rubbed his bandaged wrist where Mark had stabbed him, then pulled on a pair of winter gloves as he said openly. "I had hoped that your little pet would lead me to where the old hag was... but as you can see by the state of him. He refused. So, I have no use for him. Except to maybe convince you both to change your minds by... extending the torment he'll endure. I'm sure that a beast like him can handle it... but we'll see. I've never tried to prolong the anguish before. I get bored so easily when I'm not... stimulated."
Turning on his heel, Geralf made his way toward the barn door, adding over his shoulder smugly. "Better go see how the setup is coming along. Shouldn't be much longer now." The moment Geralf slipped out the door, Jack turned too face Mark. Mark had been waiting for him to leave too. Grabbing the cage ceiling, Mark slipped his legs through the square shaped bars and pulled himself up level with the ceiling. Jack clutched the bars, watching what Mark was doing. Mark looped his shacked wrists into the cage to claw at the leather muzzle. Finding the buckle, he unbuckled it and practically spit it to the floor. Then keeping his legs braced, Mark leaned back to put weight on his shackled wrists as he tried to pry them free. Wincing from how Mark hissed in pain, he asked him anxiously. "Did you know that...? About my family?" Mark grunted, trying to focus but strained out. "No... but it does... explain a lot." Jack looked over his cage, saying mostly to himself. "How are we going to get out of here?" Mark twisted his wrists and whined a little but managed to say. "I'm working on it..." Jack patted himself over for anything that he could try to pick a lock with, when Mark yelped and fell from the ceiling of his cage.
Jumping a little in surprise, Jack grabbed the bars and asked him in a worried voice. "Mark? Are you ok?" Groaning, Mark rolled onto his back and chuckled a little stiffly. Jack relaxed, shaking his head. While Mark uttered out between slow movements. "I'm ok. Just... got the wind knocked out of me. But... I'm free... somewhat." Rolling his eyes, Jack reached through the bars of his cage. His fingers barely able to touch Mark's cage. Upon seeing his hand reach out, Mark stiffly sat up to stick his hand out. His warm hand sliding over Jack's hand and wrist to hold him. Jack grabbed Mark's warm arm, staring at the burns and bruises on his skin. His wrists were even bleeding now from his actions to free himself. Putting his head on the bars, Jack mumbled out sadly to him. "Mark... you shouldn't have done that to yourself. You're bleeding..." Mark's grip on his arm tightened, before replying as he looked at him with fragile eyes. "I had too. Don't worry about me. Are you alright? You were out for a while and... I didn't know what they'd done to you..." Jack's eyes drifted to the discarded blanket that had been over his cage, then squeezed Mark's arm comfortingly and told him sweetly. "I'm fine. Just a little cold..."
Mark looked over the cage, then told him seriously. "Let's get you out of there." Jack held Mark's arm for as long as he could before Mark pulled his arm back to inspect the cage. Shifting uncomfortably, Jack rubbed his legs. The bars of the cage were very uncomfortable to sit on for too long. They were starting to hurt him. Mark moved to the door of his cage, rattling it a bit, before he grabbed the ceiling and hefted himself up to kick at a spot by the metal lock on the door. Stomping his foot hard against it, Jack watched the metal lock struggle to handle the aggression Mark was putting into it. Pausing to breathe, Mark cursed. The lock was stronger than he'd hoped. Thinking quick, Jack reached through the bars as far as he could and told Mark hopefully. "Do you think getting closer to me would help?" Mark panted a little, not understanding at first. As he got it though, he mumbled out. "That... could actually work. Pull your arm back." Jack pulled his arm back; unsure what Mark had planned. Turning in the cage, Mark braced his feet on the cage side and the floor. Taking a deep breath, Mark braced himself and rocked the cage by shifting his weight to carefully roll the metal cage closer. Mark was able to shift the cage slowly, only causing it to make a soft bang at the end as the cage settled against Jack's. Jack blinked, mumbling out with a grin. "Impressive."
Mark huffed, chuckling out. "If you say so." Jack watched Mark lower himself down in the cage, blushing as he took in just how strong Mark was to do that on his own. Resting a bit, Mark asked him curiously. "Can you get your hand in alright?" Jack didn't hesitate. He reached through with his long arms and touched Mark's cheek with his cold fingers. Mark closed his eyes at his touch, gulping loudly like he craved his gentle touch but was trying to keep himself under control. Touching a nasty bruise on his cheek, Mark flinched a little but didn't turn away from his touch. Instead, he reached up and took his wrist. To press his hand to his warm face. Jack's hand absorbed his heat and Jack wondered if his cold hand felt good to numb the pain. Turning his head a little, Mark kissed Jack's wrist gently. Prompting a small breathless inhale from Jack. Mark's soft lips felt so good against the tender skin of his wrist. Inhaling his scent deeply, Mark's exhale came out a bit shuttered as a single tear ran down his cheek. Jack's heart went out to him. It had skipped his mind how scared of humans Mark was... but seeing him like this. So desperate for a kind touch made him realize how human he was. He was so strong... and yet he could be hurt just as easily as any human.
Mark's eyes slowly opened to reveal bright glossy yellow wolf eyes. There were many emotions behind his eyes that Jack was mesmerized by them. Biting his lip, Jack asked him sweetly. "Think you can do it now? He'll be back soon." Mark nodded, releasing Jack's wrist. Jack pulled his arm back, trying to get his racing heart under control. Mark turned back to the door and grabbed the ceiling again. This time, he had to aim a bit differently since the cage was shifted on its side. Tensing up, Mark growled and slammed both feet against the door, shattering the lock off of it. Which allowed Mark to rush out of the cage. Jack called out to him as two Hunters rushed in at the harsh clanging sounds the cage made. The two Hunters skidded to a stop, watching Mark stand up outside the cage with a deep ferocious snarl. One of the Hunters told the other seriously. "Go! Tell Geralf!" The Hunter whirled around to open the door but jerked back when a pitchfork impaled the barn door shut. Both Hunters cursed in surprise, while Mark kicked a tin bucket up into his hands and flung it at the first Hunter that reached for his gun. The bucket knocked the guy off his feet and Mark rushed over to the other. The other Hunter raised his hands with silver gauntlets, telling Mark defensively. "Try me, Wolf!"
Mark growled at him, then punched one of the gauntlets so hard that it was forced back into the guy's face, breaking his nose. Mark's knuckles hissed from the contact, but he ignored it to pouch the Hunter out cold. Jack clung to the bars of his cage, feeling helpless as the other Hunter brushed the bucket away and withdrew his pistol to aim at Mark from the ground. Jack yelled his name just as the gun went off. The bullet struck Mark in the chest, causing a sharp yelp to leave him as he went down inside a stall and out of sight. Jack rattled his cage, yelling out. "Leave him alone!" The Hunter ignored Jack, creeping toward the stall with his weapon at the ready. Peeking inside, he glanced around, before the stall door swung out to slam the Hunters gun hand in the door. Mark slammed the Hunters hand over and over, until the Hunter released the gun and pulled his broken hand back. Mark then picked up the gun, his hand sizzling as he touched the silver inlay. Staring into the Hunter's eyes, he pulled the trigger and shot him between the eyes. As the hunter's body hit the floor, Mark rushed toward Jack's cage and bashed the lock off with the pistol.
Unable to hold it anymore, he dropped the pistol with a whine. Jack gasped, watching the pistol take some skin with it. Mark's hands shook and he clutched his chest like he was still in pain. Jack reached for his chest to see if he could see the bullet, when the barn door started to rattle as someone called out. "Thomas? Ed? What's going on?! Open the door!" Mark looked to Jack, telling him seriously. "Go." Jack grabbed his wrist, yanking him into a ran for the back barn door. Opening the door, Jack then pulled Mark toward the tack room. The tack room was filled with horse saddles and stuff for grooming them, but Jack guided him to the far back. Mark gestured to the open back door, but Jack shushed him and revealed a trapdoor under a rug. Mark winced as he climbed down, and Jack followed after him. Holding the rug a certain way so that it would lay flat when he closed the trapdoor behind them. Just as he got the trapdoor closed, the Hunters burst into the barn from both sides. Jack backed up in the small space, listening as the Hunters shouted out. "The prisoners! They've escaped!" "Where? Did you see them leave?!" "No, but this door was open." "Quick! Maybe they ran out on foot!"
Mark slowly sat down on the dirt floor, panting heavily as he clutched his chest. Guiding Mark to sit on a mattress, he found a little candle and a small knife. Risking a little light, he held the candle over Mark's chest and saw the silver bullet burning its way deeper into him. Giving Mark a worried look, he looked over the knife anxiously. Mark nodded to him, yanking his own belt off to bite the leather. Exhaling all his breath to steady himself, he heated the knife in the flame and then brought the knife to the wound, pushing it in to try digging the bullet out. Mark's hands gripped the sides of the mattress in a death grip, tears filling his eyes as he did his best to suppress any screams of pain. Getting the round bullet onto the blade, he carefully worked it back up to the surface and snatched it. Setting it aside, he reheated the blade until it was a bright red. Mark shifted on the mattress, turning to look away as Jack held him down and pressed the knife to his wound to stop the bleeding. Mark's flesh sizzled and his legs shot up off the mattress. Strained whines leaving his throat. Removing the knife, Jack put a bandage on it and blew out the candle.
Jack felt Mark shaking from the after effect of the pain and put a hand on his. When Mark didn't stop shaking, Jack slowly crawled over him to lay down beside him. Mark removed his belt from his mouth, turning his head to rest it on Jack's shoulder. Stroking his hair, Jack whispered to him. "We should be safe here for a bit. Get some rest. I'll keep watch this time." Mark snuggled against him, and Jack smiled. Very few people knew about the moonshine cellar beneath the barn. It was warm down here and had a few days worth of supplies. Enough to let Mark recover if no one came crawling in here. He doubted they would with the Hunters stationed here though. It was technically illegal to brew and sell alcohol that the King didn't get any taxes from. So, this place was as safe as they could get right now. The only reason he even knew about it was because he'd seen his dad buy some, and had made a deal or two of his own to make things in the bakery for people to enjoy legally out in the open. He just hoped that he made the right decision. To Be Continued...
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