Chapter Eighteen: "Truth & Lies"
Jack calmed himself, panting a little heavily from his struggle. The man holding his arms, gripped him tighter, calling out excitedly. "My Vicky found him, Geralf!" The other Hunters started to argue as they pointed around the room at each other, snapping out. 'It may have been your dog, but I kept him from running away!' 'YOU! I was the one who grabbed him! You just latched on like a leech after!' Jack ignored their squabbling, his eyes locked on Geralf. Geralf took a single step into the room, causing the Hunters to fall silent. Walking slowly toward him, Geralf asked Jack in a cool tone. "Where's the wolf?" Refusing to look anywhere except Geralf's eyes, he told him firmly. "How should I know? He ran out into the woods after we escaped." Geralf put a finger under his chin, tilting his head up more. Staring him down, Geralf very calmly stated out. "I don't believe you." Glancing at the man holding him, Geralf stated out sternly. "Did you check the cellar for the wolf?" Jack tensed, while the man answered honestly. "No. We didn't want little red to escape." Geralf grabbed Jack's arm in his firm grim, pulling him closer a bit roughly, before telling the man bitterly. "Go and check." The man nodded, gesturing for a few others to follow him.
While they opened the trapdoor to slip in, Geralf pulled Jack off to the side. Looking from the trapdoor to Geralf, Jack asked him curiously. "I thought you wanted me. What do you want with him?" Geralf didn't answer nor look at him. The Hunters ventured below, and Jack heard them knocking stuff around. He waited for the moment they would find him with a heavy heart. He had hoped that Mark might save him if he'd managed to get away. As much as he didn't wanted to trust him... He wanted to believe that whether Mark was lying or not, that he'd at least steal him away to keep them from using his blood or worse. The men returned to the stairs of the trapdoor, shrugging out. "No sign of the wolf." Jack blinked with a blank look on his face. How was that possible? Were they blind? Geralf looked closely at Jack's face, clearly reading him like an open book. Peering at Geralf timidly from the corner of his eyes, Jack tried not to look suspicious. Geralf's eyes darted to the men, asking gruffly. "Are you sure? Did you check everywhere?" One of the Hunters nodded, answering briskly. "Yes. There is no other way out. The only thing down here are casks of moonshine, and they are sealed shut and heavy with alcohol. We checked."
Hefting a deep sigh, Geralf muttered out under his breath. "Oh well. I guess I will have to test my hopes on another wolf. Shame." Dragging Jack from the tack room, Geralf announced to the others. "Get the patrols ready for their shift. Send some men out to set up a few traps! Once word gets out, another wolf is bound to come snooping about. We'll test it on them." Jack tried to twist his arm free, but Geralf practically had him by the bone, causing his fingers to dig painfully into his bicep. Walking him out of the barn and toward the small jail building, Jack snapped out. "Where are you taking me?!" Unlocking the large iron door, Geralf started to pull him inside as told him calmly. "We're going to set you up someplace where I can keep a close eye on you. Right by my makeshift office so that we can have a little chat." The mayor quickly rushed over as he saw them, calling out in a worried tone. "Geralf! Where are you taking that boy?!" Geralf rolled his eyes, turning only slightly to say over his shoulder defensively. "I'm detaining a witch." The mayor scoffed, blurting out. "That's not a witch. I've known that boy his whole life. His pastries are good, but they aren't THAT good."
Jack shot the mayor an offended glare but said nothing. Geralf gave the mayor a shrug, blurting out in a condescending tone. "Forgive me... but considering the state that Lupine is in. I wouldn't trust you to find a castle in an open field. Let me do my job and I'll be out of your way in less time than you think." Jack grabbed the doorframe, desperately pleading out to the mayor. "Please! Don't let him do this! I'm not what he says!" Geralf wrapped an arm around his head, clapping his large hand over his mouth as he pulled him up against his side. Scoffing loudly, Geralf told the mayor with annoyance. "They all say that. But I have witnesses that saw him helping werewolves escape. And if I'm right... he may even control them." Jack tried to shake his head, but Geralf held his head firmly to his side. The mayor shifted on his feet uneasily, mumbling out. "There were witnesses...?" Geralf nodded, then added in casually. "They could be lying... but that will be for ME to sort out. Hence, why I'm bringing him here. To interrogate." Jack let out a distressed whine behind Geralf's hand. The mayor looked away toward the center of town, uttering out. "His family are not going to like this." Geralf shrugged, telling him firmly. "I'm trying to keep everyone safe. If he is innocent. Then they have nothing to fear."
The mayor nodded, looking more confident now as he said. "Ya. You're right. But still. I feel like there should be witnesses as you interrogate the boy. It would ease us all." Geralf's face took on a stony expression, before he almost sneered out. "Very well. You can bring a witness that is neutral to the matter. Not his kin." Jack kicked the door, trying to keep it open as Geralf attempted to close it. Geralf hefted Jack off the ground, pulling him by force into the building as he told the mayor. "Go get your witness. I'll put the boy in one of the cells for safe keeping." Jack muffled out a scream, while Geralf walked him down to the last of the three iron barred jail cells. Shoving him in, Jack stumbled and fell across the cold stone floor. Rolling back up, Jack ran toward the door, but Geralf slammed it on him and locked the heavy bolt in place. While heading back to close and lock the building's iron door, Geralf told him casually. "I think we got off on the wrong foot. Not your fault. I'm not good with introductions. I make horrible first impressions. But... I want you to think about this, before these boneheads show up. Because once they do. I'll do what I have too."
After locking up the door, he headed back to sit at a small desk in the corner, adding dryly. "You either want to help me with this werewolf plague. Or you don't. If you do. I'll let you out and we can start over. I'll train you to become a hunter just like you want, and I'll help you search the woods for your Granny. You don't. Then I'll convince them you're a witch and you'll help me anyway because I'll cage you up and treat you like a side-show attraction. My secret weapon to hunting werewolves." Jack stepped back from the bars of the cell, grumbling out. "I know what you want from me. Just like I know that you're hunting my Granny for her bounty. So, why would I help you?" Geralf leaned back in a chair, telling him bluntly. "That's not my problem. Yes or no. That's all I want to hear from you and time is short." Jack shrugged, trying to get more out of him as he asked a bit desperately. "What do you get out of this? What happens when you cure all the werewolves, huh? You'll be out of a job! And what if it doesn't even work! You will have wasted your time!" Geralf propped his head on his hand, lazily watching him. Jack started to turn away, when Geralf told him very softly. "The plan was always to kill them all. I'm doing just that. I'm restoring balance and making things right."
Jack shook his head, pacing the little cell a little, before he stopped and asked Geralf very gently as something came to mind. "Geralf... Who was in the picture within your carriage?" Geralf lifted his chin, commenting under his breath. "So, it was you. The barn rat." Jack moved up to the cell, asking him in a hopeful light voice. "When you say make things right... Is it because someone killed him?" Geralf's eyes darted to the door with unease. When his eyes returned to his, he exhaled out softly. "Ya. You can say that. You could say that the bitch he was two-timing me for killed him. When she learned about me... because the thing about werewolves is... they're liars. They befriend you. They make you feel special. You give them everything... and then they take EVERYTHING from you. They make you a sinner. They confuse your body and corrupt the soul. I'm told there is only one cure... and it could help us both. But we have rid the world of their sickness. And the only way to do that... Is if you help me. Moonchild." Jack stood very still. He wanted to believe he was wrong, but Mark had done things similar. Was Mark truly on his side? Or was he still using him?
Reaching up to rub his collarbone nervously, Jack turned his eyes to the floor and tried to think things over. Yet, all he was feeling was doubt and uncertainty. He turned to walk to the back of his cell, when Geralf got up and asked him curiously. "I understand why you don't trust me. I'm sure what you think you feel for that wolf is real... but it's not. They do something to you. They make you want them. And that female he was with. She hunts for children like you. She can't let you live. None of them can. So, instead of fighting... Let's work together and maybe we'll both get what we want." Jack slowly turned to face him, asking a little shakily. "If I do this... Will you leave my Granny out of it?" Geralf moved up to the cell doors, telling him without flinching. "You help us... and I'll forget she's a witch. Hell... I'll remove the bounty on her. But you have to join us if you want out." Jack opened his mouth to answer, when a knock came at the door. Jack's attention went to the door, but Geralf only stared him down as he said firmly. "Times up. Yes or no?" Glancing from the door to Geralf, Jack tensed as his heart raced and mind swirled with indecision.
Geralf started to walk toward the door, prompting Jack to blurt out in slight panic. "Yes!" Geralf stopped, looking over his shoulder at him. Grabbing the bars, Jack told him much calmer. "I'll do it. I'll help you." Geralf gave him a small smirk, then opened the door to let the mayor and the sheriff inside. As they entered, Geralf told them coolly. "You're just in time. I was about to test him to see if he's a witch." Geralf briefly locked eyes with Jack, then moved to the desk to pick something up discreetly. Moving up to the bars, he snapped his fingers and asked Jack casually. "Give me your hand." Hesitantly, Jack slipped his hand through the bars. Geralf grabbed his wrist in a firm but nice grip. Lifting a sewing needle, Geralf told the others lightly. "Witches don't bleed. So, if I prick his skin and he doesn't bleed then he's a witch." Geralf traced a finger along Jack's soft skin, adding in a soft voice. "The tricky part is finding the perfect spot." Jack swallowed, feeling a little sick. He didn't like the idea of being stuck with any sharp object. Geralf traced his finger along his palm to the tip of his index finger and shifted the needle between his fingers to position it.
Jack narrowed his eyes on the needle, realizing the trick behind this. The needle was double pointed, but one end was dulled, and the other was sharp. Geralf brought the sharp point to his skin and with one last look into his eyes... he jabbed him with it. Jerking, Jack winced and grunted in pain. Geralf pulled the needle back and the men inched closer to look at his finger. Jack held his breath but exhaled when his finger started to bead with blood. Setting the needle down, Geralf released Jack's wrist and told everyone coolly. "Looks like you were right, Mayor. He's not a witch." The mayor exhaled with just as much relief, uttering out. "Oh, thank goodness. I did not want to have to explain this to his parents. So, what now? Will you release him?" Geralf nodded, telling the mayor flatly. "Of course. I have no more use for him." True to his word, Geralf unlocked the cell and slowly opened the door. The Sheriff shifted uneasily, asking curiously. "What of these witnesses? What they saw? Could this be a trick?" Geralf leaned on the open cell door, informing him calmly. "It could be. But I'm pretty confident. Witches don't feel pain. And he did. As for the whole helping werewolves thing... turns out he was just trying to help us, but he's untrained... So, I'll fix that. I just hope this time. He listens."
Jack inhaled deeply, bringing his finger to his lips to suck on his injured finger. Patting Jack's back, Geralf told them swiftly. "Not to be rude, but I have things to do. So, with this matter over. Will you excuse us?" The mayor nodded, telling Jack hopefully. "Make sure you talk to your parents. And soon. They are driving me crazy." Jack nodded to him, watching them leave and wondering if he could go with them. He didn't really want to be left alone with Geralf. Geralf waited until they left, then told Jack simply. "Follow me. Let's see if we test your blood." Jack reluctantly followed Geralf out and toward the medic he had. Sitting in a chair, the medic took some blood from him and Geralf gave him orders to keep it safe until they captured a werewolf to test it on. Jack expected to be released, but Geralf grabbed the collar of his cloak and led him through the snow to the training yard. He hadn't been kidding when he said that he wasn't going to let him out of his sight. While Geralf trained him to shoot a bow, Jack mulled over how he wanted to play this. He was tired of being used and tricked and wondered if he could turn the tables on them. Paying close attention to what Geralf was telling him, he tried to learn quickly.
The faster he learned to defend himself, the faster he could start taking control of his life. Firing a few arrows, he started to hit the target... but his shot was all over it. Even when his arms burned from practicing, he kept going and discreetly listening to Geralf talk to the others about moon cycles, schedules, and traps. When he took a break, Jack flipped a dagger in his hand with a deep sigh. He wasn't sure he was this 'Moonchild' they kept calling him. All he knew was that he had to trend careful and trust himself. Geralf turned away to look at a map and Jack whirred around to throw a dagger into the open center of the target. That's when he heard a man tell Geralf softly. "Look. This is what I wanted to show you. It's a Hunter's Moon. Whatever you want to do. We need to do it quickly before this happens." Jack flipped another dagger in his hand to grab the blade and threw it across the yard to the target. The blade slashed his palm upon release, his blood turning the steel a bright blue as it flipped through the air and impaled into the target. The target pulsed with the blue light, before fading back to normal. Jack gasped, clutching his hand to his chest. That had never happened before.
Quickly looking around, he hoped no one had seen that. Glancing down at his cut palm, he watched his blood leak from the wound. His blood looked so normal... but it was strange to think that it wasn't. To Be Continued...
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