Chapter #6
I threw a shoe, I have no clue where I got it, at John. Because he was telling me I was legally taken, my parents signed some ledger or something.
A huge bribe to do so.
I was pissed.
I...I was hurt.
"Come on Red, calm-" John had started but was cut off as he ducked as I threw a stiletto, again, no idea how I got it.
"Shut up!" I cried throwing the second heel. "Your basically telling me my parents sold me to you! How else am I supposed to react!?" I screamed.
He sighed, but his eyes went wide as I kept throwing random shoes at him. "Come on baby."
"Don't call me that!!" I screamed.
"You can visit them every once in awhile, and I'll have Straif send you a copy of it as proof." He said still trying to be calm.
I put my arms to my sides, my lips trembling cause I could detect the lie in his words.
"Oh baby, don't cry." He said moving towards me.
"What?" He asks in disbelief.
A sob got caught in my throat. "Go, please leave me alone I don't want to see you."
A whine came from himself as he took a step forward, and I took two steps back. " me if you need anything."
I didn't answer as he turned, and left the large room, leaving me there to think over everything I was just told.
Once the door shut with a soft click did I start crying.
You would too if the family you love gave you away like you were nothing.
I was indeed sent the forms and it only made my ever growing depression grow even quicker. I read over it, seeing that all my father's debts would be payed and they were being given quite the amount of money. The only person who didn't sign older brother.
Though, they didn't need his signature. Just my parents.
My heart felt like it was being torn in limbo as the pain never seemed to leave. I wanted it gone. I wanted to be back with my grandma cooking pies and tarts.
But....granmas gone, I'm not wanted at home, and I'm confused about the man I met when this all went down and made some of these things happen himself.
I hugged the large fluffy pillow closer to me, not wanting to ever let go, and never leave this bed. Yes, it is indeed better then what mine was, but I'd still like my old bed that creaked when I got in or out, the small room that made me feel safe and warm. I loved the simple fact that our house was small, we lived above our bakery, and that I'd deliver goodies.
I already miss it all.
Of course I would, I've been here for weeks now. Ignoring John outside the door, as I had locked it, apparently, he doesn't have a key and I rejoiced in that. But I haven't been eating either, nor sleeping. I shower, im one to keep up hygiene even if I just want to stay where I've been in and out of, the bed.
Again, John was whining, literally, at the door like a kicked puppy, he has been for as long as he could, until he had to eat, wash, and work. He sleeps outside the doors, which worries me and brings me guilt, but not enough to forgive him really.
I feel so alone.
"Red, please...." He spoke up, his voice sounding on the brink of breaking. "I'm sorry. I really am, I just really didn't want to wait anymore. Getting into the land of Wilds is hard and dangerous it's why it's such a rare trip. It took my own mother alot of convincing for me to be able to go with my father...I'm sorry Red, I didn't expect them to sign it unless I used force, they hesitated only for a second for signing. Your brother literally threw a kitchen knife at my face, looking livid..." He chuckled as I'm sure the memory of my brothers favorite knife came at his face, it made me listen in to him more. "He exploded at your parents after I left, and I'm sure he left the house to go off somewhere but, he didn't look so good, I think he was sick. But, from what some of my people say, he's ran away from home and is looking for you."
I sat up a bit, a small hope in my chest blossoming, giving my torn heart a bit of a break from the ever increasing pain. "Is he really?" I asked softly but loud enough that I'm sure he could hear.
I heard him startle, and I swear it sounded like a puppy wagging their tail against something as he seemed to shift behind the door. "Yes, if you want I can give him an offer to work here so you two could see each other as often as you want." Always eager to please.
With a thought I grabbed the pillow I was hugging and sat in front of the door trying to stare through it, but I knew that wouldn't happen. "Yes, I'd very much like that."
"Of course! I'll get right on that!" He said, as I heard him texting on a phone before putting it away. "Are you hungry at all, well you have been locked up in there for weeks you want anything?" Still eager to please, is that because I'm this mate thing he was talking about?
To be honest, it sounds nice.
"Maybe afterwards." I said shifting so my back was on the door and my eyes looking out at the skies that the windows showed. Fluffy white clouds lazing around.
"Afterwards?" He asked, hopeful I'm guessing by the tone.
I nod but, realize he can't really see me. "Yes, after you tell me more about you, and I myself. That and I want to set some rules and I want my freedom. I want to be able to go places if I wish, if that's alright." I said, voice quiet.
It was quiet for a moment. "Well, free as in, no one follows you to make sure your safe? Or as in being able to leave the house?"
"Both?" I asked hopefully. I'd like to explore Enchantment, maybe go see the fairy godmothers museum of crafts, says in the books she herself is there and casts spells on some lucky few.
"Maybe, as long as in around, I don't want people to hurt you." He said sounding distant there for a second.
"Soo, favorite dessert?" I asked.
With that, We talked for ages, till the skies turned dark, till I fell asleep listening to John drone on about gun safety rules, why does he need to know about that anyway?
I woke with a start as there was yelling and skittering of steps all across the hall and I could tell John was one of the ones yelling.
"Where is he you sick bastard!?!?" Yelled a familiar voice, one I haven't heard in what feels weeks.
"Would you stop yelling and follow without punching me this time!?" Yelled John sounding like he was bout to go hug something to calm himself, at least thats what he told me about himself when he's upset.
"Where is he!?" My brother Malcolm yells again, sounding as if he was struggling, panting.
"He's in my room, don't get that idea, he's locked himself in there and won't let anyone in, he won't eat, and he wants you to be around or he'll never come out, or at least I think so." They were right outside the door.
I quickly got up and unlocked the door, swinging it open with one hand as the other held the pillow. In front of me were John, a couple of guards holding a pretty rugged Malcolm.
My eyes filled with tears as I hugged my older brother, the guards letting him go.
"Get something for them to eat please." John said, this time the tone of his voice happy and relieved.
I was cuddling Malcolm after eating a great 5 course meal.
John looking a bit uncomfortable and jealous across from us. "So....Malcolm, with the contract signed Red can not be in your care," Malcolm started to speak before John interrupted him. "But....if you will work here, then you can be as close to Red as you want."
Malcolm sat there for a second before he looked down at me then back to John. "Will I get layed as well?"
John hesitated. "Uh, sure. Which position would you like though, cook? Guard? Receptionist?" He asks putting his hands together.
"Cook. Though I can wield a knife pretty well." Malcolm says smirking evilly at John
John pales. "Yes, I seem to have had experience from a situation we were in."
I got up making the two look at me after their intense stare competition. "We should head to bed, it's late." I said.
Malcolm nodded as he stood. "I guess, I'll go find this Straif guy. Be careful Red, also, don't think I didn't know you took my red shirt." With that he was gone leaving me feeling sheepish and John relieved.
"I guess I'll go set up my cot out-" I stopped John before he could leave. "Yes Red?"
" can stay." I said blushing like a mad man.
John looked on at me shocked. Then he pulled me in a hug kissing my cheek making me giggle.
With that, we got situated. It was clearly awkward and we couldn't sleep with the tense air. But, I decided to man up and snuggle into him and he wrapped his arms around me.
And that's how we finally feel asleep, rest fully.
Hello! I'm not sure if this is my first little note or not, but anyway, just a bit of news to share.
I will start updating this weekly, every Wednesday till this ends.
Thanks for reading and voting!
See you guys next chapter!
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