Chapter #15
"What?" John asked completely confused.
This man wasn't the man he met at Red's house, this man couldn't be Red's father. John already met the man. He was a tall thick necked man with ugly brown hair. And dull brown eyes.
"You heard me, I'm Red John Baker. But call me Reddison, it would be confusing if I went by my old nickname, which is now my son's." Reddison said as he sat with a flop on one of my chairs as I tried to ignore the pain in my chest and figure this man out.
"I've already meant his father though...." John said still utterly confused.
"You've met his adopted father. My sister was blossom and she had Rose, who married Mike. I trusted them to take care of him while I was....unable to." Reddison told John looking a bit sad and uncomfortable for a moment before going back.
John frowned. "Unable?" He asked.
Reddison sighed. He might as well tell. John wasn't trusting his word as it was, but....again, the older man sighed. "I had lost his mother, about a week after he was born. The pain of me being part werewolf, nearly killed me. I can't imagine what it would be like if I was a pureblood werewolf. But I lost him, his mother being human and all, was attacked because of those who wished me harm. And I'm here to stop that before my son is put in the same fate as his mother. I will explain it better when Red is safe and back home. But have you tried mediation yet?"
John shook his head. "No, what does that have to do with anything?"
"You didn't read my book?" Reddison looked appalled at that fact.
John blushed a bit. "No, but Red did." He answered.
Before Reddison could should the boy, well in his eyes. John doubled over in pain gasping for breath. Hearing Red's scream in his ears, faintly, but there.
"He's in pain isn't he?" Reddison asked a fire burning in his eyes.
John nodded unable to talk as the thought of throwing up crossed his mind.
His mate, his Red, was in trouble, in pain. And all he could do was sit and growl.
His phone then rang and he quickly answered.
"John?" Asked the voice of Jamie.
"Jamie. Have you found anything?" John asked quickly his other hand coming to lay on his chest to try and keep the pain to a minimum. But he really couldn't.
Jamie sighed. "Yes, and no. I have about three places. At best. But I'm still unsure. His magic is strong."
John gritted his teeth together. "Where?" He asked eyes glowing with a fire much like Reddison's but deeper and brighter.
"There's the abandoned castle, his manor. And a cabin in the woods." Jamie replied instantly.
John was quite for a moment his eyes having shut with pain till something flashed before his eyes that made him growl. Red tied to a bed crying and in pain as Adam rubbed at his inner thighs, but it was gone before he could see any more. "The manor. He's at his manor." I said, trusting my gut.
"Right, Me, Charming and Cinder shall be heading there soon, we'll bring some if the best guards. I made the mistake of Telling Cinder and he's been upset for hours now, trying his best as well." Jamie said with a slight chuckle. "Also tell Reddison to be careful for me will you?"
John nodded before speaking. "I will. Thank you Jamie."
"Of course. See you there." With that they hung up.
John looked to Reddison. "We're going to Adam's Manor, Jamie says to be careful to you." He said as he stood ignoring the pain and walking out the door to his mob.
"He's always so dramatic. I'm not going to get hurt." Reddison said waving his hand in dismissal.
John just gave him a glance as he came to the ball room where his mob was running around with guns and such. "Alright!" He yelled stopping everyone as he came in with a glare. Not directed at them, but just a glare on his face with how pissed off he was. "We're going to the assholes Manor where Red is being held. From what I could tell. I will be tearing the guy limb by limb. Let's go...." John said barely informant. Before changing into his wolf and howling.
Red's POV Trigger warning again, sexually triggering and what not.
"No! No!" I yelled trying to kick him but he helped me pretty tightly.
He was laughing as I cried on the bed, as his hands groped and touched what wasn't his.
"I think I will do what I said I would." He said as he lifted my dress to put his hand on my lower stomach. He smiled at me evilly as I glared up at him through tears.
Then suddenly I was screaming bloody murder as pain erupted from two places, one where his hand was, and two, his finger going inside me.
I hated this, I wanted John.
Suddenly the pain stopped as I heard him growl at a man that walked in keeping his gaze to the ground.
"What!?" Adam barked, his hand that was below came up to hide me from the man's veiw.
"John is here." The man said.
Adams eyes widened as he suddenly broke the chains on me and brought me off the bed. "We gotta leave then." He said as he dragged me out.
"Let me go!!" I screamed as I kicked and pushed, doing everything I can to get him away.
He growled and bit my neck making me scream in pain. I whimpered as he let go. "Now shush." He said as he brought me to a car. He put me in it with him in the back seat, the guy from before driving now.
"Just let me go!" I yelled, even if at first at hoy me into this mess. But John was here, and the pain was only starting.
"Shut up and let me finish." He said as he got on top of me again, lifting the dress once more to put his hand where it had been.
It burned! Slowly from my skin. Sinking into my body. I screamed louder in the car making them both wince.
It made the driver swerve luckily and soon we were crashing.
"Ah you bitch!" Adam yelled as he dragged me out of the car by my hair and I winced struggling get out of his grip.
And I did.
So I ran.
I ran fast and hard. Not daring to look back, my hood, which was still on me luckily, was whipping behind me with how fast I was going. I didn't think I could run this fast!
I heard growl and bark from behind and I saw a almost complete replica of the same wolf that killed my grandmother behind me and getting close.
Keeping a sob in my chest at the moment, I kept running on the road with no shoes to help my feet.
I screamed as I was tackled by the black wolf and I tried to fight it off.
It growled at me as I pushed at it. I whined and looked away, ready o be eaten alive.
Before Adam could take a bite out of me, familiar white fur slammed into black with a snarl.
"John!" I yelled worriedly as I scrambled up to see them rolling around bite and pulling out fur and making each other bleed.
No! John was losing!
"John!" I screamed as Adam bit down on his neck. I didn't know what to do. I grabbed a stick that was pretty big and went over and started whacking the black one, Adam, as hard as I could.
I heard a snap of bone and cried out as I felt the snap in myself as well. I screamed in anger and pain as I pushed the black wolf as much as I could, and was glad when I was successful but now, it was targeted on me.
But before it could even get me, John got up. With pain as I could feel it and went to fighting again.
Finally John was able to bite down harshly on Adams neck. Breaking it.
John turned to me and we stared. That is till we both wobbled, one bleeding, the other feeling their pain.
"John...." I cried out as he fell, and that's when everything for me went black as well.
John's POV
I groaned as I looked around the room, my eyes fuzzy and unable to focus for a moment. I winced as I tried to get up.
The room I was in was a hospital room, I was hooked up to a bunch of machines, and a blood drip.
Why am I here again?
A flash of Red fearful green eyes staring into me reminded me why.
"Red...." I grunted out as I pulled the needles and such off me. Making the machines go crazy and nurses rush in to fine me standing and heading for the door.
"Woah! Wait! Your still healing!" Yelled one of the nurses as he tried to carefully send me back to the bed.
"No, I need to find Red." I grunted, voice harsh from being unused and the need for water.
"Red?" A female nurse asked this time. "Your partner?"
I nodded. "Yes, now where I'd he?" I asked no room for anymore of this nonsense.
"He'd in the next room over-hey wait!" Yelled the nurse as I walked past her and to the room closest to me and walked in to see Red safe and sound, with the same things on him. Except no blood bag. He looked healthy as ever.
Reddison, his father sleeping in one of the chairs.
I sighed as I walked over and took my mates hand in my own and nearly cried at it being him, and not some dream.
Gods know I love him.
I kissed his forehead. "Red....wake up." I told him softly.
The only acknowledgment he gave me was a fluttering of his eyelashes, before slowly opening those beautiful bright green eyes.
Heeey, another chapter done and out. Yaaayy! And we're also getting close to the end.
Like close.
I'm also thinking of making this an Mpreg story, what do you guys think?
I mean. I did imply it, and I might just did it, cause I am the best Author-Sempai. Lol probably not, but hey, I updated on time.
I'll see you guys next week bye!
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