Chapter #11
Sorry it's so late, as in like 8, almost 9pm where I'm at, anyways I hope you all enjoy!
I closed my eyes, only to have them go back up again. I didn't want to see the images.
I didn't want to see all the death.
I sighed as I looked over to a sleeping John. I haven't told him that my dreams have gotten worse. I don't need to worry him anymore then I already have.
I got up and out of bed and walked out to the sunroom. I snuggled into the couch, grabbing the book that was beside said couch, the same book I've been reading.
I started to read it all over again, just to keep my self awake.
Without realising it I fell asleep, the one thing I was trying not to do.
"Red!!" I looked behind me to see John.
"No! Wait!" I yelled holding my hands out in a show for him to stop.
"Red!" He yelled again sounding desperate as he kept going till he was in front of me and turned us around, and blood spurted from behind him as he yelled in pain eyes going wide as he stared at me.
"Nooooo!! John!" I screamed as we fell to the ground till he was laying on his side and me on my back. I scrambled up and shook him. "John! John!" I screamed and screamed.
Everything faded to black, the floor sloshed as I stood, I looked down only to try and run away from the blood I was knee deep in.
"It's all your fault.... All your fault little Red, little red, hahahaha!!"
I gasped awake, my heart racing as I looked around, and found my self still in the sunroom, not knee deep in blood and not shaking a dead John.
I started crying then, I couldn't help it, I wanted dit all to end, why am I having these all of a sudden? Why can't I just have some sleep!?
"Red?" I heard my brothers voice from the door way.
I didn't answer, I could only hiccup and sob. Holding my face as I tried to wipe away tears.
I soon felt the comforting arms of my brother's wrapping himself around me as I cried.
"Hey, hey, what's wrong?" He asked softly as he brought me to him softly.
"I..." I couldn't speak, I was to choked up.
"Shhh, it's okay, I'm here. It's okay." He said soothing me as he brushed my hair softly from my face.
I breathed in deeply as I tried to calm myself. "Malcolm...." I said after I was able to talk, even if I had a slight wobble to my voice.
"Yes Red?" He said pausing in his petting of my hair.
I wiped off my tears and looked up at him after laying my head on his shoulder. "They're getting worse. Whatevers coming, it's coming soon." I told him trying to hold back more tears.
He was quiet as he looked at me, our same colored eyes staring intensely at each other. "I won't let anything happen to you, never again."
I smiled slightly and let my eyes close, but not to go to sleep, only to rest my burning eyes.
"I'm coming little Red."
I could only whimper softly at the voice and snuggled deeper into my older brother.
I just wanted some peace.
"Your looking worse there Red." Goldie said as he sat beside me outside his smaller then mine, mansion. We were enjoying the sun. Slightly anyways.
We were at a table with tea and pastries I had made. A umbrella thing above us to help keep most of the sun away, while we enjoyed the lazy warmth of it.
"Am I?" I asked chuckling nervously as I shakily grabbed my cup and drank from it.
Goldie seemed to frown. "Why aren't any of you telling me what's going on? Huh? Please just tell me!" He said taking my hand after I set my cup down. "Please." He begged as he started to tear up. "Every time you've come over, your tired and look like you could fall over any second and your getting skinnier and paler,...just please, Red, tell me what's going on!"
I couldn't help but tear up then, "You'll just worry."
"I already am!" Goldie said as he wiped a tear that came down his rosy cheeks.
I looked down and played with his hand in mine. I then looked away and towards the grass lawn and sparkling pool. "I....I have been having nightmares whenever I go to sleep, and it started after me and John mated. And what we've learned so far is that I'm in trouble. I can't sleep, I'm so tired, I'm not as hungry anymore. And it's just getting worse...." I said softly still staring off.
"Red...." He said, looking at me I'm sure. "You know, I recently have been talking with Cinder after him and Charming came to talk to my mates. He's really close to her godmother, a fairy. She could help maybe?"
I looked to him. "I don't know Goldie....we've tried everything." I said tiredly slumping back into my chair.
"Have you tried magic?" He said raising one of his golden brows at me.
I shook my head. "No...I guess we could try." I told him as he jumped up dislodging our hands.
"Great! I'll be right back!" He yelled as he ran off towards the house.
I shook my head laughing to myself.
Little Red, little Red
"Shut up...." I said weakly as the voice started speaking again.
I looked down to NY hands as the laughter countinued in my head.
"Alright! Cinder is coming over with his godmother. You'll like her, she's pretty cool." Goldie said as he came up. "Hey you okay?" He asks.
I looked up and nodded. "Fine." I said giving a smile.
Goldie stared at me for a moment before sighing and sat down and we countinued idle chatter as we waited for Cinder to arrive.
I haven't seen him since the night where he came to my house asking for some thread, but I told him Rapunzel would probably have some, and I gave him some pastries. Then he was off, and I never really saw him, only till I found out that the Royal carriage that came past and towards his house that one day, was the last of Cinder.
Cinder was always kind and shy, but strong willed and forgave anyone. I lived cooking with him, when he wasn't cleaning after his stupid step sisters and evil stepmother, which I'm glad to say that they've moved out of country.
"Goldie!!" I heard a familiar voice say out with happy merth. "Red!!" Yelled the ever growing figure.
And I found it to be the slightly wavy blonde haired male, in brown pants, and a blue shirt, his sky blue eyes twinkling as they ran over gracefully.
I smiled. "Hello Cinder." I said as I went to get up, but I almost fell instead. Goldie caught me and set me back down with a worried face.
"Oh my, you really are sick looking, worse then I've ever seen, my mother looked better then you." Cinder said as he fluttered around me, putting a pale hand on my forehead.
I smiled. "It's nice to see you again Cinder. You never invited me to your wedding by the way." I said giving a giggle as I sighed and sat relaxing.
Cinder gave a sad smile. "It was rushed a bit, and the Royal advisors advised against me having my friends, my true family come, saying you guys would ruin the Royal rep. Charming tried to argue against it, but....the King before my own now, agreed with them. I'm sorry, I would have come and visited but the way to the village is dangerous for royals apparently." Cinder explained as he sat beside me.
"It's fine. As long as your happy now." I told him as a blinked away my tiredness.
Cinder smiled happily this time. "I am now that I have another friend from the past here. Snow, Rapunzel, Auran, Bell, Arielle, Andre, and Elza are all to far away."
"I don't think we're here for just chatter my dear." Said a soft male voice, and I looked behind me to see a tall lanky, but graceful and beautiful man, light blue robes, holding a long thin white stick. Or wand, as it had little lights coming off before fading away.
"Godmother." Cinder smiled as Goldie stared at the male as well.
"Wait, I thought you were a female!?" Goldie asked as he looked wide eyed at The god mother of Cinders.
"I'm genderfluid dear, I change it to how I feel that day, today I feel male. Also, Cinder call me Jamie, okay dear?" Jamie the fairy godmother said as he smiled at us all.
"Ooohhh...." Goldie said as he blushed and looked away.
"Yes, Go-Jamie. Are we going to look at Red then?" Cinder asked as he glanced at me.
"Yes." Jamie said.
I looked confusedly at Cinder as she took out a thin, long stick as well, this time it was blue and she too had sparks coming off it. "Wait, how??" I asked.
Cinder looked at me and then his wand. "Oh, right, I found I'm half Fairy, my mother was fairy, my father human. Jamie here was my Mother's best friend, that is why he's my godmother. I've been learning magic, I'm pretty professional about it so far. But I'm here to help him if he so needs it. He's better after all."
I nodded. "That makes more sense, you could always talk to animals after all."
Cinder just blushed and looked away.
"Well, Red, let's get started shall we?" Jamie's asked me and I nodded. Then next thing I knew I was asleep again.
I could feel the blood around my knees again, and I looked around seeing nothing but the shining red liquid and darkness.
I heard the evil laughter again and the sloshing of footsteps again, and I turned to see a figure clad in black, and masquerade like mask on his face. His gold eyes staring straight at me.
"Hello little Red. I see you've got some fairies on your side....but that won't stop me, not from what I wish to do to you and John." Said the man.
I glared. "Who are you!?"
The man chuckled. "Feisty. I like that. To bad I don't really want that from you. Just the head of John's...." He says lifting up the decapitated head of my mates.
"Ahh! No!" I screamed as I stared at the man.
"I have a deal to make with you. While I hold off the spell of that stupid wrench of a fairy." The man said throwing the head of John away. "You become mine willingly, and I get to torture you, which will in turn torture John. Maybe have some of my own special time with you. If you don't agree. John is dead."
I glared at the man, not caring I was crying. "Go to hell...."
"Been there....loved it. Now, I'll give you some more time to think about that, and give you a break from all the nightmares for now as well. But be ready. I'm coming little Red."
I gasped awake crying, panting as I breathed, trying to calm my heart.
"Red, Red, oh love, your okay. Thanks the gods." Job. Said as he held me to him, and all I could do was just cry into him.
I don't know what to do...
Heeeyyy!! I hope you all enjoyed. And I hope your all ready for the next chap next week, I'm sure some of you are all hating me for not giving more on this mystery guy and such, but you'll just have to wait!
Anyways, see you guys next week!
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