Craig sat in the car, a pouty expression plastered on his face. In all honest opinions he didn't want to go to therapy. He watched the water slowly drip down the window.
"Craig stop being so glum. It's only a half hour session." Laura said. "Who knows it may help you."
As much as he wanted to argue and tell her therapy won't help him he stayed silent and continued to watch the rain drops on the window.
While the teen was looking through the window something caught his attention. He saw a figure that looked slightly shorter than him. It had a red sweater on and messy grey hair.
Craig blinked. He couldn't see it anymore. Whatever it was it made a certain question pop into his head. Was that Tweek Tweak?
'No it couldn't be.' Craig thought. 'Tweek is dead! There's no way that he could still be alive. Impossible!'
The car pulled up at their destination. "I'll be here to pick you up exactly at ten- thirty." Laura said. "Okay.." He said as he got out of the car.
He watched his mom drove away. The raven haired boy walked in and sat down in a black leather chair. He wasn't the only one in the lobby.
In fact he saw familiar face. He had blonde hair and a blue jacket. Butters.
The blonde boy look depressed and panicked. Craig scooted over to him. "You're in therapy?" He asked. Butters slightly jumped at the sudden voice.
"O-O hey... Yeah.. This is my last session." He said. The raven haired boy was confused. He didn't look like he needed one last therapy session. He looked extremely messed up.
Silence consumed the room. The two boys had nothing to say to each other. "So.." Butters said making small talk and breaking the silence. "How are you?"
"Bad. Not a surprise though." Crag mumbled the last part. "You?"
"stressed as all hell. All this shit with the deaths and panicking just... Ugh!" He sighed. "I can't wait to move out of this cursed town.."
Craig raised an eyebrow. "You're moving?" Craig asked confusement in his voice. Butters nodded his head. "Well yeah. This place is cursed. Everyone here is dying."
Craig was still confused. The only person who passed was Tweek. "Did somebody else's die?"
Butters nodded his head. "Yeah it was-"
Before Butters could finish what he was saying a tall thin lady called him into her office. "I gotta go.. Bye.." He said as he stumbled into her office. Craig was all alone now.
Silence consumed the room again. It made Craig freaked out. It seemed like every time he was alone or it was quiet something bizarre happens.
Craig started to tap his foot and fiddle with his fingers. He looked around nervously and hoped he wouldn't see anything.
He looked to the right. Nothing was there except for some leather chairs and a table with magazines scattered all over it. He sighed in relief to know that nothing was there.
Sure nothing was on his right, but something may be to his left.
Craig looked over to his left, his heart skipped a beat when he saw what was fairly close to him.
The thing he saw earlier was sitting cross crossed with it's back facing Craig. It was sobbing. Craig covered his ears but the crying got louder and louder.
Craig rubbed his eyes and looked back to his left. Whatever it was remained in it's place. His eyes sprung open when he saw the blood spray everywhere. No weapon in sight.
The thing turned around and faced Craig. He got a slight glimpse at its appearance. No eyes, pained expression, blood covered sweater.
Before Craig could get anymore details the thing disappeared.
The teen was done. He pulled his knees to his chest and cried. He let all the emotions he had out. He couldn't stop. His emotional and mental health was slowly falling apart.
A door to his left opened. "Craig Tucker?" A woman's voice asked. He looked up and wiped his pink puffy eyes. "That's me." He whimpered as he got up and walked into her office.
He examined the room. The walls were white and grey. The only furniture in the room were two leather chairs and a desk.
"Take a seat." She smiled. The teen sat down and sniffled. "Would you like a tissue?" She asked. Craig slightly nodded his head.
As she grabs a tissue out of the box she spoke. "My name is Dr. Lauren. And I want you to know I won't judge you for your problems. I'm here to help you."
Craig responded with a simple nod as he took the tissues from her hand. He blew his nose and threw the used tissue away.
"Your mom was telling me on the phone that you lost your friend." She said. "I don't want to talk about it."
Dr. Lauren took out her clipboard and pen. "I know you're heavily remorseful about your friend's demise. I want to help-"
Craig cut her off. "You can't help me!" He shouted. "Nobody can help me!"
"Please try to calm down.. I'm here to help you. Just talk to me. I won't judge you." She said as she started to write on her clipboard.
Craig was still being intractable. "No! I'm not saying shit! You can't make me!" He snapped. "Talking about my problems isn't gonna fix anything!"
Dr. Lauren was trying to stay calm and make the teen open up about his issues. "Please. Sometimes talking about your troubles solves everything. Maybe if you talk about it you'll feel better." She smiled.
The raven haired boy slammed his fist down on the table, almost cracking it. The waterworks started. "Listen to me! There's no helping me!" He howled. "Tweek is dead! Talking about it won't magically bring him back to life so stop trying to fix me!"
Before Dr. Lauren could say anything, Craig stormed out of her office and exited the building.
Craig leaned against the wall and began to shed more tears. His mental and emotional health was shattering into pieces. He wished Tweek was okay. Most importantly, he wanted that deranged bastard of a man to suffer.
He despised that man that put Tweek to rest. Tweek didn't deserve such a monstrous death. That crazed son of a bitch deserved a terrible disastrous downfall. He deserved pain.
As much as Craig wanted to kill his murderer, he couldn't.
The teen waited another half hour for his mom. She showed up late. "Sorry I'm late, get in."
Craig sighed and got into the car. "Did it go well?" Laura asked. "Fine!" Craig said faking a smile. "I think I'm all better." He beamed, hoping it'd get him out of therapy. His mom saw past his fake happiness.
"Craig stop trying to get out of going. You're going again next week." She said sternly.
"Fuck!" He groaned. "I know when my children fake their happiness." She said.
Craig remained silent for the rest of the car ride home. Questions ran through his mind.
Who was Butters talking about?
What is that spirit like figure?
Was that figure like thing Tweek?
Craig knew the last question was ridiculous. Tweek wouldn't haunt him.
When Craig got home, he his back up in room. This time he didn't mope on the bed. Instead, he hopped onto the computer.
He logged in and opened up an internet browser and began to type. The letters lagged and took forever to be entered into the search bar. 'Old ass computer' Craig though.
Once "How to know you're being haunted." Was typed in the search bar, he clicked the search button.
Something popped up on the computer screen that caused Craig to fall right out of his chair. Loud screams came from the computer's speakers.
Images of murder, suicide, torture, deranged faces, and gore flashed on the screen. The scenes getting worst and worst as it goes on. The screams got louder. Soon the screams turned into sobs.
Craig's eyes were glued on the screen. He couldn't look away. Each image and small clip burned into his mind.
Thomas barged into the room. "What the hell is going on in here?!" He shouted. Craig pointed to the computer screen. He looked over to see the white screen pulling up search results.
"You're scared of a search result?" He questioned. "No dad I saw-"
His dad cut him off. "You're losing your mind boy." He said as he unplugged the computer. "No more for the rest of the night."
Craig sighed as his dad left the room. "I think that's a sign.." He mumbled as he laid down on his bed. "Back to my normal routine."
Hours go by. Craig was asleep. He hasn't slept in a long time. Only problem, it wasn't peaceful. He was tossing and turning. Small grunts and mumbles escaped his lips.
He was woken up by the sound of his phone ringing. The raven haired boy grabbed his phone and answered it. "What do you want?" He grumbled.
"Dude, where are you?" Stan asked. "How the fuck did you get my number?" Craig whisper screamed.
"Doesn't matter. Get your ass over here." He hung up. Craig threw on his chullo hat and snuck out.
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