"Guys... Robert Carlos wasn't the killer..."
Those six words repeated in Craig's head. Tweek's killer was still alive. He wanted that bastard of a man dead.
"So.. it's still a mystery as to who killed Tweek?" Kenny sighed. Kyle nodded his head. "I guess so.."
Craig felt anger and sadness build up in his body. His hands went into a fist, his teeth clenched, tears formed in his eyes and his blood boiled. "That sick bastard should be found and punished!" He cried.
Kyle sighed. "We can't do anything Craig! Like I said. Tweek. Is. Dead."
"I know Tweek is dead but his killer doesn't deserve to live!" Craig shouted. Tears started to roll down his cheeks. Kyle rolled his eyes.
"What do you want me to do? Find this mentally ill asshole, who we don't even know, and kill him? Would that make you fucking happy?!" He spat.
Craig didn't say anything. Kyle was right. They couldn't do anything.
"... I guess you're right.." Craig mumbled. "I'm gonna go home.. Bye.." and with that, Craig grabbed Tweek's sleeping journal and started to walk home.
The rain was pouring. His jacket and chullo hat got soaked. The raven haired boy had a hard time seeing. Partly because of the tears in his eyes but also because the lack of light.
The only source of light was from the street lights and from passing cars.
Craig was hurting. He felt empty. All he does anymore is mope and cry. He wanted to just see Tweek. He kissed that twitchy little blonde. He'd do anything to see him again.
His tears dropped into nearby puddles. The streetlights started to flicker. The broken teen stood there. He didn't cry. He just stood in one spot. His mind went completely blank.
After what seemed like hours, Craig started to walk again. His mind still blank. He eventually got home.
Craig walked in through the front door. The living room was dark. He could barely see. He quickly went upstairs to lock himself in his room for the rest of the night.
The teen turned on the light and nearly jumped out of his skin. His sister, Tricia sat on his bed. "Where were you?" She asked.
"Jesus Tricia! You scared the shit outta me!" Craig screamed. Hopefully he didn't wake up his parents.
"I didn't ask about your current emotions. I asked where were you?" She said sternly. Craig sighed. "Stan's house."
The twelve year old girl titled her head. "Why were you at Stan's house so late?"
Craig didn't want to talk about it. That was now normal for him. He never wanted to talk about anything. He just liked to keep to himself,
She scooted closer to her brother. "Craig please tell me." She whispered. "I won't tell mom or dad you snuck out if you tell me."
The raven haired boy rolled his eyes. "I don't care if you tell mom and dad I'm not telling you shit!" He spat. His face remained emotionless.
Tricia knew he was hiding his emotions. She knows her brother like nobody else. She knew all of his secrets. Including his fears and weaknesses. Nobody knows any of those.
"Is it about Tweek?" She asked. Craig's face immediately became despairing. "I know you're heavily damaged by his death.."
Craig's fist tightened. "Okay.. it had something to do with Tweek's passing. That's all I want to say."
Tricia nodded her head. "Okay. That's all I wanted to know. Now you should get some sleep you have school tomorrow."
"So do you little brat. Night." Craig said as Tricia left his room.
Craig laid down and stared at the ceiling. He doesn't sleep much anymore. The nightmares keep him awake.
The nightmare was always the same. It was Tweek being killed. His screams and begs for mercy send shivers down his spine. The dream always ended the same. It always ends with Craig committing suicide.
Eventually morning came around. The teen still remained sleepless. It's not like it mattered anyways.
Craig sluggishly got up and changed into some clean clothes. White T- shirt, black jeans, blue jacket and his unforgettable chullo hat.
"Craig! Tricia! Breakfast!" His mom shouted from downstairs. Craig sighed and walked downstairs. He examined the dining room.
His father sat at the end of the table. Cup of coffee in his left hand, news paper in the other. His mom sat in the chair to his left. Tricia sat on his right, eating a dry piece of toast.
The teen sat down in the only seat available. A bowl of cereal was placed in front of him. He looked in the bowl and nearly gagged.
Instead of milk, the cereal floated in blood. Red, thick, blood. Craig was horrified.
"Craig eat your cereal."
He blinked. He couldn't see the blood anymore. Just plain white milk. Craig lost his appetite. "I'm just gonna skip breakfast...." he mumbled.
Craig's dad looked at him shocked. "Wow. Mr. Anti- social actually said something." This made Craig sigh. "I have to be to school early anyways..." He lied. Craig just wanted to get out of there.
The raven haired teen slipped on his shoes and ran to school. Clyde saw him and tried to catch up to him. "Craig! Wait up!" He shouted.
He caught up to the taller boy. "Fuck off Clyde I'm not in the talking mood.." he mumbled. "Jokes on you, you're talking right now."
Craig rolled his eyes and ran faster. He knew Clyde couldn't catch up to him.
Once he made it to school, he made his way to his locker. Cartman and Butters stood next to his locker. God he despised them. Mostly Cartman.
Cartman was talking shit to Butters. Of course that blonde boy, being the follower he is, agreed with everything that fat ass had to say.
"Have you heard about that weird Twith kid?" Cartman said. Butters nodded his head. "You mean Tweek?" The blonde asked, taking a sip of whatever was in his water bottle.
"Tweek Twitch same thing." He rolled his eyes. "Anyways he died not too long ago. He had it coming."
Normally Craig would ignore whatever bullshit Cartman had to say but this pissed him off.
"What did you say?" Craig asked, his face expression becoming angry. "The boy had it coming I wouldn't blame his murderer for killing him. He was annoying as hell." The heavier teen laughed.
His hand formed into a fist again. Anger ran through his blood. "How dare you say such horrible things you fat fuck!" He screamed. Butters and a couple of other kids stared. Some were chanting the word "fight" over and over again.
"I speak my mind. And I'm pretty sure some people agree with me, like Butters. Don't you agree?" He asked, beating his eyes.
Butters didn't want to be dragged into this. He morally wasn't the type to join into drama. He did think what Cartman was saying was going too far and wasn't true, but if he didn't agree he would risk losing his only "friend" he nodded his head in agreement.
"You both are sick fucks! What the hell is wrong with you?!" Craig yelled. Cartman smirked. "People asked the same about Tweek but he died before he could answer."
Those words sent Craig over the edge. He threw punches and kicks at the overweight teen. Grunts escaped his lips.
Craig was kicking Cartman's ass into the principal came around. "Craig Tucker! My office! NOW!" She screamed. "For fucks sake!" He sighed and walked to the office.
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