Craig didn't want to talk about anything, fearing that he might begin to cry again. The book he was clutching to his side slipped out of his grip and fell to the floor.
"What's that?" Stan queried. Craig shrugged. "I don't know, I found it in Tweek's old room."
The other Teenage boys gave each other muddled looks. "Why the hell were you at Tweek's house?" Kenny asked.
Craig sighed. "On the way here I saw a moving truck and a for sale sign at Tweek's house. Mrs. Tweak needed help and I found this book in Tweek's room." His eyes wandered to the floor.
Kyle studied the boy. "There's something else.. tell us." His face getting serious.
The raven haired boy didn't want to say what else had happened in his deceased friend's room. "I don't want to talk about it.."
"Come on Craig, tell us!" Clyde whined, getting uncomfortably close to him.
Craig roughly pushed him away. "No! Fuck off! I don't want to fucking talk about it! End of story!"
The ginger haired boy slammed his hand on a nearby wooden dresser. "Craig. Fucking spill."
As much as he didn't want to talk he was going to have to say it some time sooner or later.
He sighed. "I saw... I saw what looked like a poltergeist. The room was glowing red and pentagrams were all over. I couldn't leave the room."
The other teens exchanged looks. Confused and alarmed. Nobody knew how to react.
Silence consumed the room.
"Lemme see that book." Stan said. Craig hesitated but gave him the journal.
Stan opened it and flipped through. Looking for a page to read.
"What does it say?" Kenny asked.
"So far it's just a bunch of boring dreams." He says as he flips to a different page. "This could be interesting."
"I saw him again. He's following me. This is the fourth time this week that I've seen him. I hate it. He's so creepy. Him and his big green eyes, long curly beard and crooked smile."
Craig was starting to wonder if that was his killer. Clyde interrupted. "Is he talking about Robert Carlos?"
Everyone in the room looked at Clyde with a confused expression on their faces. "Who the hell is Robert Carlos?" Kenny asked. 'I guess nobody else heard the radio earlier today..' He thought.
"Before the funeral, I was listening to the radio. They mentioned Tweek so I tuned in a little bit." He started. "Go on." Kyle said.
"They said Tweek's killer was found dead. His name was Robert Carlos."
Craig's hand formed into a tight fist. His knuckles turned a ghostly white. If that man wasn't already dead he'd kill him himself.
"What good is that information?" Kenny asked, being oblivious to the situation. "Dumbass!" Kyle shouted. "Robert could be Tweek's murderer!" Kenny was never really the type to pay attention or understand serious situations.
"Alright but what if the news was wrong?" Stan spoke up. Once again the confused looks appeared on the teen's faces. "I mean, maybe the news is wrong. They got the facts wrong. Clyde did they describe what Robert looked like?" Stan asked.
Clyde shook his head no. "They just said his name." He said.
"See? We have information they don't! We should look this guy up and see if this man is what Tweek described!"
The five boys stood up. Kyle got out his phone and and typed "Robert Carlos" into the search bar. Before he could hit the search button, a sound of thunder filled the room.
Lightning flashed. The phone fell under the desk. "Fuck, I hate storms." Kyle mumbled.
Kyle reached to grab his phone. Suddenly something forced it to fly across the room. "What the hell?!" He yelled.
Something pulled Kyle by his foot. He screamed. The others looked to see what was pulling him. Nothing. Stan and Kenny grabbed Kyle's hand, trying to keep him from getting dragged away to God knows where.
The phone started to ring. The phone landed between Craig and Clyde. The brunette had his knees to his chest. Craig was pretty sure he was crying.
Craig looked at the screen. No caller ID. He did not want to answer it. He looked around nervous as it continued to ring.
A long deep scratch started to form on Kyle's pale face. The storm started to get louder and crazier outside.
"What the hell is going on?" Stan cried as he tugged harder.
Suddenly, whatever was pulling Kyle away stopped. The force of Stan and Kenny pulling made them both fall on their backs.
The phone stopped ringing. A voice mail was left behind. Kyle got up and put a hand up to his cheek. A whimper escaped his throat.
Craig picked up Kyle's phone. "Whoever called left a voice mail.." he said. Kyle sighed. "Let's hear it." The boys circled around Craig as he played the voice mail.
The sounds of screams and cried filled the room. Not just anyone's cries, it was their cries. It sounded distorted. This made Craig uneasy.
After a minute, the crying and screaming stopped. It was shortly replaced with static. "H-..lp.. e.. stop.. -ing... m-my.. j-journa-aal.. f-f-fuck..ing.. h-he..p me.."
The voice mail crashed. A shiver was send down Craig's spine. He couldn't understand a single word the voicemail said, but it still frightened him. ".... What the actual fuck was that?!" Kenny shouted.
Kyle took his phone back and looked back at google. Pictures of Robert Carlos filled the search. He looked nothing like how he was described in Tweek's journal.
"Guys... Robert Carlos isn't the killer..."
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