Tonight I'm sitting in the ridiculously loud School of Rock nightclub with Adam and Gabe. I told them I needed to get out of the condo, which is why we're here. They don't know the decision I've made or the lengths I will go to make sure it happens. I'm hoping our social outing will be a good way to loosen them up before making my intentions known.
I've always been a peaceful person, but the man who raised me believed it was our right to defend ourselves against anyone wishing to do us harm.
At present, I'm considering something entirely premeditated. The thought that I'm willing to consider something like this is both disturbing and thrilling. I'm learning new things about myself that I'm not entirely comfortable knowing. I'm more nervous and unsure of how to convince Adam and Gabe to help me.
It shouldn't be such a leap for either of them to get on board with my objective, since Adam has been trying to kill Zac for several lifetimes and Gabe was born to hunt and kill vampires. How will they feel when I tell them I'm going after Zac with or without their help?
As far as I'm concerned, Zac has it coming. His reign of torture and death is coming to an end. He backed me into a corner when he went after Dayna. There's no other option as far as I can see.
Murder is a peculiar thought to ponder. It requires reaching deep into our darkest corners of the mind, places we pretend don't exist.
At least I know Dayna is safe. Jacob is guarding her, and he seems rather capable. I made his brief acquaintance this morning because I demanded to see Dayna with my own eyes. She remembers nothing, and so far is unaware that she is being guarded by an attractive vampire named Jacob. The thought makes me shiver.
Dayna would love Jacob. He looks like a beautiful, fun-loving surfer, but with more sophistication and polish. With sandy-blond hair down to his broad shoulders, an athlete's body, brilliant blue eyes, and an easy smile, Dayna would melt in his hands.
I know my friend, and Jacob has her name written all over him. But Jacob's a vampire, so I warned him to keep his hands off Dayna or I'd stake him myself. Adam, Gabe, and Jacob had a chuckle at my expense over my empty threat. It appears that staking is another false myth that should be corrected.
I'm considering writing a book titled: Vampire Survival Guide.
The club is loud and happening. Tension starts to ease from my shoulders simply being around a lively crowd. It was a good idea to get out. My body has been humming with energy from Adam's blood, and maybe Gabe's as well. I feel so alive, and want to be doing something. My hormones are off the charts, so I didn't think it was a good idea to be locked up with these two testosterone machines any longer than necessary. The pheromones in the air could be cut with a knife.
It's fun being out with them. Women openly stare, and several have tried to hit on them. No one is asking me to dance because both men are giving off the guy signal for "she's not available."
Gabe has been busy fending off overly friendly college girls that openly want to seduce him. He places a hand on my back whenever one of these party-girls approach. I can't hear their conversations over the music, but they all shoot me a look before moving away. It's all highly entertaining for me, and so much more fun than dying.
All my senses are heightened. I'm more aware of the music, and my vision is so sharp and clear that details I never noticed before stand out sharply in my mind. I'm caught up in the details of various streaks of color in someone's hair when the light hits it or the many different shades of color that make up another person's eyes. I could look a little crazy when people notice me staring too long.
It must be the company I'm keeping tonight, because even if guys are not approaching me, they sure are looking me over.
I'm smiling at everyone because this is too much fun.
Music is blaring, and a strong base is thumping. I feel it through the floor, vibrating along my body. Even though I may not like to get drunk, I do love to dance. While Gabe is fending off yet another college student, I grab Adam's hand and pull him toward the dance floor. I look back at him with a smile. He's not smiling, but he's not resisting either. If they won't let anyone dance with me, they'll have to be my partners.
It would feel unnatural not to be dancing right now. This rhythm is calling to me. Besides, I wasn't supposed to be alive today. This thought alone makes me want to celebrate each precious moment.
My hips and shoulders start moving of their own accord before we reach the floor. I'm pleasantly surprised that Adam seems to know how to move. His movements are seductive but not vulgar like some guys' attempts to dance. It's like they're trying to prove something.
Still, I find dancing with Adam seductive and heady. Moving my arms above my head and closing my eyes, I move to the rhythmic beat. I love this feeling of freedom and being alive.
I feel strong hands on my waist and open my eyes as Adam moves closer. Our rhythms match as we move together, never dropping eye contact. The DJ blends into another song, and I begin to pull away from Adam. Instead of letting me go, he pulls me back to him. We are no longer moving as bodies continue to thrash and grind around us.
His eyes hold a question as they look into mine. I think I know what he's asking but I don't know how to answer. I'm not even sure that what I'm feeling is me or his blood running through my veins. It's a slippery slope I'm walking, not being able to trust my own feelings—especially when it feels this right.
When I try to pull away again, he resists, and when I look up in question he surprises me by lowering his lips to mine.
Just like that, the club, the dancers and the world disappears.
There is only this moment, his lips on mine, our bodies melting together, his hands moving around my back to pull me even closer. My arms encircle his neck, and my fingers find their way into his thick, soft hair. The feel of it makes me think of silken sheets.
I'm drowning in a sea of sensation, and I can't get enough. His hand is in my hair, and his lips are demanding. I can't help but return his desire with my own. Fire blazes through my body, threatening to consume us both.
Someone bumps and jostle us from behind, breaking the spell and pulling me back to reality.
It's evident that my response to his kiss surprised us both by the look on his face. Slowly, we pull back enough for the world to come crashing into existence. Music, lights, and people fill my awareness now. We look at each other, and I can see that look in his eyes again. I've surprised him. That makes two of us. I have no answer. I'm as shocked as he is.
My body wants to go back to that moment so badly, but having a moment to think, I have to admit that I still don't know if this is me or the blood. This time when I pull out of Adam's arms, he reluctantly lets me go.
I'm flushed from dancing, and embarrassed by my physical response to Adam's kiss. I turn, rushing off the dance floor, and collide with a large broad chest that feels like hitting a wall. When I raise my head to apologize, Jacob's handsome face smiles down at me.
I'm so flustered that he's here and not guarding Dayna that all I can do is stare with my mouth gaping open. Jacob steadies me with one hand, and before I can ask what the hell he's doing here, Dayna comes from behind him and screams my name while giving me a big hug. I still can't form words to speak as I notice she's holding Jacob's hand as she beams at me.
I sense that Adam has come up behind me, even though we aren't touching one another.
"Sam, I'm so thrilled to see you here. Let me introduce you to Jacob," Dayna says, yelling over the music. She's wearing Gabe's magical pendant. I agreed to let Jacob compel her to not take it off. It's some comfort seeing her wearing it. Flashes of her unconscious form lying on the floor of that abandoned apartment will forever haunt me.
Jacob smiles at me and I nod at him. Leaning closer, Dayna says in my ear, "Isn't he adorable? I met him today at the grocery! We hit it off so well." Dayna is glowing in her enthusiasm. "And are you going to introduce me to your friend?" She gives me a knowing smile and wink as she motions with her eyes to Adam standing behind me.
I'm still dumbfounded at this turn of events when Adam reaches past me and takes Dayna's hand, pressing it to his lips. He has a hand on my shoulder with all that it implies. Dayna smiles and bats her eyes at Adam's chivalry before giving me her look of approval.
Jacob and Adam nod at one another, and Dayna picks up on it right away.
"You two know each other?" she asks excitedly. Before they have time to answer she adds, "That is such a coincidence, and so convenient, because Sam and I are best friends! Let's find a table." She leads the rest of us through the tight crowd, and I glare at Jacob.
"What do you think you're doing with her? You're supposed to guard her, not date her," I hiss in his ear.
"I quite like your friend. She's full of life, and intoxicating to be around. I didn't compel her, if that's what you're thinking," Jacob says with a warm smile on his open, friendly face.
Damn! Why does he have to be so nice? I trust a nice vampire even less than the pushy mean one named Adam. It would be easier to be angry with Jacob if he were more like Adam. They are nothing alike, and I wonder about their relationship. I assumed they were friends, but maybe not.
Dayna ends up leading us to where Gabe is holding a beer while a pretty little coed is talking in his ear. Dayna hasn't spotted him yet, but he's watching me with an accusatory look.
He must have felt that kiss, and now he's warming up to the coed for show, I think. I'm guessing that feeling the kiss was worse than seeing it. His jealousy is a physical presence in my head. I feel some hate for Adam, as well.
Understanding all the facets of this blood-sharing thing is going to be crucial to my sanity. I'm extremely uncomfortable not being able to trust my own feelings, especially after that kiss on the dance floor. This is a complicated situation made even more muddy by blood connection.
Getting to know a guy is hard enough without all the extra supernatural crap thrown in. Is normal gone for good? Did I kiss it good-bye when I snapped that fateful photo in the parking garage two weeks ago?
I'm listening to Dayna trying to talk over the music about how fun this is, and how we've never had anything like a double-date before. I'm about to ask her about Robert when someone takes my arm, pulling me toward the dance floor.
Dayna's eyes are enormous as she recognizes Gabe claiming me for a dance. I give her a weak smile, and shrug my shoulders before I can no longer see her through the crowd of people. Adam is glaring at the back of Gabe's head as we go by. I make sure to avert my eyes before he can turn that look on me.
I watch Gabe's back as we move through the crowd. This feels odd, and yet exciting at the same time. Two weeks ago I was dying to spend time with him. He's still more than interesting. Even though we've spent so much time together, Gabe is still a mystery to me. There's no denying the physical attraction I have for him. Tonight he's not wearing glasses, which is a whole new level of attraction I wasn't even aware of.
We reach the dance floor and blend into the other bodies dancing to the beat. Gabe has some moves as well. His movements are more free and fun but it suits him. At first he looks a bit angry, but dancing must have the same effect on him as it does on me. Shortly through the first song, we are both smiling and loving the beat. I let him know that I need to go to the little girls' room at the end of a song, and I'm surprised when he follows me to the restrooms. It's a little quieter in the hallway. Of course there is a line for the women's restroom while the men file in and out in a quick and efficient manner. Ugh!
"You don't have to wait with me," I say when he leans against the wall next to me.
"I don't mind and I'd rather not leave you alone," Gabe says, watching me. He reaches up and moves a few strands of my hair behind my ear. It's a gentle gesture, but I sense his desire even as I feel him trying to keep it in check. We share a look of understanding and frustration.
"I'm sorry that I got mad about what was in the vial. I know you were trying to help, and I'm pretty sure that you're the only reason I'm alive right now, but you can see how the effect is making everything awkward between us," I say.
He nods his head in understanding.
"Do you have feelings for the vamp...I mean Adam?" he asks, looking defeated before I answer.
"I don't know what I feel for anyone right now. I don't know what is real or enhanced from the blood sharing," I say. "I don't know how to answer that anymore."
"Do you have, or could you have feelings for me?" he asks, looking much younger than his true years. I reach up and touch his cheek.
"I don't know how to answer that either. I've had a crush on you for six months. Does that count?" I ask, as I start to let my hand drop.
Gabe captures my hand before it falls and places a soft kiss on my palm. I shiver from the intimate touch and he gives me a wide smile.
"That'll do for now," he says releasing my hand.
He leans his back to the wall and runs his hands through his hair and I do the same.
Oh, boy.
Once we make our way back to the group, I explain to Dayna that Gabe and Adam know each other. I think even Dayna can see that these two aren't friends. Despite the tensions between Adam and Gabe, the evening turns out to be fun with lots of dancing, laughing, and good conversation. Adam kept some distance between us, but still seemed to enjoy himself. Women flock to him like bees to honey. Even the men look him over—wondering what he has. It's hard to tell but I'm learning to read the subtle difference in his stormy expressions.
Before we leave the club, I give Jacob the rules for escorting my friend home. He's not allowed to seduce her or the other way around, because she isn't aware of what he is. He only smiles at me. Hopefully, he's taking me seriously.
Together, we all leave the nightclub and walk a couple blocks to the parking garage. Jacob is flirting with Dayna and whispering things to her that make her smile, while I walk in between my two bodyguards, eight paces behind.
Turning the corner, we spot several police cars and a growing crowd of spectators gathering at the entrance to the parking garage. The street is blocked at either end by squad cars, familiar yellow tape sectioning off the garage. We all stop abruptly.
Dayna turns to me in concern. "I wonder what happened," she says.
Adam and Jacob share a look, before Jacob leads Dayna closer to us.
"What are we doing?" she asks innocently.
Jacob looks into her eyes and says, "Nothing is wrong, and you will stay here with Sam until I return. You don't notice anything unusual. You're having a great time with your friends." And with that he's gone in a flash.
There is no getting used to the way vampires can move. It throws my equilibrium off every time. Adam and Gabe look tense and alert. I'm blasted by wariness from all sides. Adam's feelings seem to manifest themselves physically, while Gabe's emotions mix with mine. Between the three of us, I can taste the tension on the air.
After only a couple of minutes Jacob returns as quickly as he left. His look is grim. "He's been at it again. This was for our benefit. He left a mutilated body near the entrance to the parking garage. Her name is Sandra Drake. Do you know her?" Jacob asks me. I shake my head. I don't recognize the name.
Next to me Gabe goes hard as stone and I'm smothered with feeling of anger and sadness.
"She was a graduate student who worked in my department," Gabe says, looking toward the crime scene.
The anger shows on his face, but it's his sadness that breaks my heart. He's sickened that she died this way because of her indirect relation to him. I'm picturing the young woman that greeted me in Gabe's department earlier in the week. I wonder if it was her. In my mind, I've already put her face on the victim. Her face will haunt me for years to come.
Adam is on the phone ordering an Uber for us, and it isn't long before it arrives.
We drop Dayna and Jacob off first. Before Jacob can leave the car I grab his arm. He looks back at me, and we share an unspoken conversation.
Don't let anything happen to her.
Not on my watch. His face is confident and sure.
It's a quiet ride home while we all entertain our own dark thoughts. I feel badly for Gabe.
We are squeezed into the middle row of an SUV. Once we arrive at my building, Adam tips the driver and we walk silently toward the entrance. The night is dark like our moods.
It's time to jump-start my plan to defeat Zac, the monster. I don't see any reason to wait another day to take it up with them. I'm pretty sure Gabe is ready for some vengeance, but will he be willing to let me be involved in the plan?
"I want to kill Zac, and I want you both to help me," I say into the silence. Both men stop in their tracks and stare at me. Neither respond. I take the moment of silence to pitch my brilliant idea.
"I think we can lure him out by using me as bait," I say.
Strong emotions slam into me, and the temperature seems to drop a few degrees.
It's going to be a long night and a tough sell.
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