"Please fasten your seat belts, we are now landing in Texas." The flight attendant said into the loud speaker.
I jumped awake from her warnings. I quickly buckled my seatbelt in fear of getting in trouble. you know, sense I've never been on a plane before. My breathing settled from the awakening as we landed. "Rather rough..." I mumbled. All of my stuff should be in the baggage claim once I get off, right? Nothing to worry about..... Right?
After everybody got off the plane, I checked my phone. PAX started tomorrow. My hotel reminder went off a while ago, When I was asleep I'm guessing. Praying to lord that my bags are still here, I made my way over to the baggage claim. A greeter welcomed all of us by the groups. "Welcome to Texas-" she'd say over and over. The same tone. It began to get slightly annoying. Yet still, a smile leapt onto my face as I saw my three bags on the conveyer belt. My personal black roll-around with all my clothes in it, a suit case with all my props in it, and a bag with essentials for me and Moon. Oh my god, Moon! I completely forgot about her.
I gathered all my stuff quickly and made my way over to an attendant. "Excuse me sir, would you happen to know where we claim out pets at?" I asked the young man. "Uh, yes, Acutually. It's right over there." He pointed at a building outside of the airport. "Thank you!" I said kindly.
I practically skipped all the way over there with excitement and happiness. I'm actually going to PAX, it's actually happening.
The door made a bell sound as I walked in cautiously. The sound of dogs and cats soon accompanied the bell. "Hello mam', how may I help you?" The worker said in a friendly manor. "Um, I'm here to pick up a dog, Moon?" The woman typed on the computer for a second. It made me worried for a little as she couldn't seem to find my dog. "Oh, yes. Moon, the wolf-malamute. We haven't had one of those here in a long time." She smiled. I was relived when she found moon's name. "I'll be right back." She offered as the nice worker disappeared into a hallway.
I tapped my foot quietly as it took longer than expected. As I was examining the room as sound came from the hallway. A creek of a metal cage maybe? I knew I was right when I heard big steps and clicks of nails against the ground. My dog came loping out of the tiled hallway and into my arms. "Moon!" I said, half scolding half suprised. "So sorry, I couldn't keep her still enough to latch the leash!" The worked sounded rilled up.
"Oh yeah, that's Moon all right. Never keep her in one spot, even if she's sleeping." I informed. She laughed at me slightly as she handed me a leash. "Free leash, it comes with the care service." The worker told me. I nodded as I clipped it onto Moons rather large collar. I waved goodbye as Moon pulled me out of the small shop.
"Moon! Stop. I don't want to get hit by a car..." I scolded once more. She snorted a disagreeing snort and sat down promptly on the ground. "Let me call an Uber or something. I wonder if they'll allow pets in vehicles?"
I pulled out my phone, switched airplane mode off, and looked for a near by Uber a driver. I called on to the airport in which I was at. 15 minutes. A long 15 minutes at that. My luggage was beginning to get heavy and I was getting antsy. Moon was as cool as a cucumber. She made me laugh, barking at bicycles and such. Her big body almost broke the bench we sat upon.
Finally our ride arrived. "Hey, uh, do you allow pets?" I asked kindly. "Yes mam'" The driver confirmed. "Good." I sighed as I ducked into the back seat. Moon followed me in. I set my luggage on the floor beside as Moon took to the seat beside me. "My names Bill, where could I take ya' today?" He asked politely. I pulled the address of the hotel all of us YouTubers are staying at and read it aloud. "Oh, your going to the convention too? I drove two people to the same place today." Bill told. I nodded and zoned out on our way to the hotel.
I am soooooo sorry. This is so short and I have not been active in forever. Well, WE HAVE 50 FOLLOWERS?!?!! 51 to be exact and I am so happy with myself. Even though I probably don't deserve half of you guys...
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