Telling the Fans
About three days after I sent that email back to YouTube I got a bubbled U.P.S package. I was really excited when I picked it up. I was also surprised that no one stole it. See, our mailboxes are not locked what so ever. Yes they have our names and apartment number and a lock hole but we are not aloud to put locks on them. Apparently the lot owners had two many issues with locks having to be professionally removed because the occupant of the box. Another reason is that I live with a whole floor of video game geeks. Not like 'moneymaker' geeks more like 'the guy in high school that would never leave you alone' geeks. But the day that I saw that U.P.S truck I got all jumpy.
I opened up the package to see a randomly tossed necklace, an all access pass, my flight ticket, a PAX2016 badge and a panel pass. A small book of instructions included. The book said that I could use my all access pass to get into any publicly restricted place and use it as a free pass to any panels that week. I dumped everything out onto my dinning table and found two things that I didn't recognize: a PAX keychain and a slip of paper. It had a number on it, a hotel name and bold letters saying "week pass". An address was listed under the Hotel Name. I guess this was my ticket to a free place to sleep. I picked up the keychain and jingled it. To my surprise Floof came running into the room and sadly looked away in disappointment. I guess she thought it was a new toy. Moon was running all around the house in excitement, as Moon got to come with me and Floof was to be left at Vanessa's house. Sense today's the 13th and I have 12 days left until my flight, I guess I should call her soon just to make sure she doesn't have any plans.
I grabbed my phone off the counter and dialed up her number.
V=Vanessa A=Anna
V- Hello?
A- Hey Van.
V- Hey! How are you? Haven't talked in a little while.
A- Good, good. I wanted to ask you if you have the week of the 25-31 off?
V- Well, I have work and a date with Hunter on the 26th but what do you need?
A- I'm kind of going to PAX South and I need someone to catsit for me.
A- uh, yea...
V- You didn't invite me?
A- I got personally invited by YouTube. They even are paying for everything!
V- Good, your finally gettin' up on that list of awesome YouTubers. Anyways, I can just tell Hunter to come over to my place instead of going out on the 26th. Other than that I just have work 9-5 on the 28th and 29th. I think I can take her.
A- yes! Thank you so much!
V- Ah, no problem. Hey if your not busy with stuff do you want to go out sometime? Maybe catch up?
A- Duh! I can prerecord for tomorrow and record for my daily upload all today and we can go out tomorrow?
V- Yeah! How about at 4pm? I get off early tomorrow, 6-1. I hate getting up early but you know. Plus I have to get a little time to myself, if ya know what I mean.
I laughed
A- Okay. Where do you want to go? Shopping, food~
V- We can go to the Mall and eat at the food court?
A- uh, sure. Just don't eat the KFC there, last time I did it got me sick... Three times... In a row.
She chuckled a little.
V- Alright see you there Ann.
We both hung up and I smiled. I also saw Floof striding up the stairs, so I ran to catch her. I held up her small build in a lion king position. "YOU SHALL BE BANISHED TO THE VANESSA!" I yelled. Floof's eyes got wide and she stiffened causing me to laugh. I fell to the floor as Moon came racing up the stairs and tackled Floof. Which happened to be on top of me. I laughed as Moon and Floof fought overtop of me.
"Lah, yuck!" I sat up and spit animal hair out of my mouth. "Lah!" I tried to wipe it out of my mouth but just got more in it. I stood up and shoving Floof off of me I ran into you bedroom and into it's bathroom. I swished the hair out with water. I sighed and felt some tingling in my face causing the most beautiful face I could possibly make. I sneezed loudly and heard Moon bark along with it. I shook my head and walked out of the bathroom to a special little corner of my room. Black soundproof foam covered where the walls connected, my desk horizontal to the connection. It had a light blue PC and a white and blue keyboard. Beside it were a cute sculpture of a cartoon version of Moon and a cartoon sculpture of Irene Icecube. Irene has two versions, the Icecube version and her human version. The human version has light blue hair, blue eyes, a blue skirt and a white sweater. She also wears white, fluffy winter boots. It was a very well made her human version. On the right wall, I had my two play buttons. I would have three if they had came out with the Bronze Button before 2012: when I hit 100 subs. I had just recently hit 10,000,000 subs in January 2016. On the left wall I had a bookshelf full of PC, Xbox and PlayStation games. A few good books as well. I sat down in my Neon Blue and Black swivel chair and started up my PC. 'I guess I could play Ark Survival Evolved' I thought. 'Or look what's on my Steam Que. No, I'm going to look at what my fans want me to do.' I argued with myself. I opened up YouTube to my newest video and began to scroll through comments. A few hate comments were spotted but I just ignored them. I finally came past two or three recommendations. "Sims? You haven't done those in a long time.", "I want to see more Ark Survival!" And "I want to see some horror games plz." I decided to look on my Steam Queue for some Horror games. I went past a few then I came upon "the forest" but it didn't look that interesting. I went on a few more to find "Resident Evil 6." It looked really cool, the graphics were amazing. They were so amazing it was kind of gross at some points. I scrolled down a slight bit to see the price. "40 dollars!" I yelled. Moon came racing into my room but then calmed when she saw that I wasn't harmed in anyway. I sighed and clicked 'download'. I now had about 60 dollars in my Steam account. I really needed to buy a new gift card.
It took about 20 minutes for Resident Evil to load up. I opened my game recorder (go check out LolioGameRecorder) and waited for it to load up. After seeing up my facecam camera and getting everything ready I began to record,
"Hello guys! Gals! And everything in between, My name is PolarIce_ and today I have taken in some recommendations. So I found these-" I waved my hands all over the place planning on editing in some of the comments, "Sims, I will do that soon. I promise! Ark is on my Xbox One which had currently gone... phsyco~" I planned on zooming in on my face when I said phsyco. "So! Indie Horror Games it is!" I yelled loudly. I showed the Resident Evil 6 screen. "So I have never played any of these Evil of the Resident before-" I joked, "so expect me to be so confuzzled. Oh, NEWS FLASH! I am going to PAX South! This year! In twelve days!" I yelled excitedly. "Let's get this party started." I clicked the play button.
-many scares and screams later-
"Well icecubes, I am going to stop this right here. I truly had an amazing time playing this game. If you want to see more, SMASH THAT LIKE BUTTON LIKE ITS A BUG! But please, don't break your screen... Please. I would love to see your beautiful face later, Bye!" I ended the video. "Editing this going to be a bitch!" I yelled once more and tried to think of things for tomorrow's video. I began editing and kept my mind on things to record. Once I was done I decide to screw over my life and play surgeon simulator. I opened up the game and recorded.
-many, many more yells of pain and rage later-
"Alrighty Icecubes, I am glad that is over. Bob has too many issues that some other uncertified doctor can solve. I hope I can see more beautiful faces in the next video, also give it a like if you enjoy my rage. BYE!" I sighed and fell back into my chair. That game made me want to pull my hair out. I began editing that video as well.
After I was done editing the rage filled video I looked over to my alarm clock across the room. 7:32 it read it big red letters. I started at 4:00pm. Wow, I think that's my longest this month. I usually record once a day but the longest that I have ever done was a 12 hour live stream. It was just about sundown time. Time for dinner and to let Moon outside. I saved the videos and turned off my computer. I sluggishly walked out of my room and down the stairs. Moon was awaiting at the back door already so I naturally let her out first. I grabbed a small handful of dog food and a biscuit for her to snack on. After setting those down in her bowl and washing my hands I tried to decide what I wanted for dinner. Pizza sounded real nice. Now, am I to lazy to bake one? Yes, yes I am. I walked over to where I left my phone. To my surprise it wasn't on the table. I poked about and finally looked down. Yep, "FLOOF STRIKES AGAIN!" I yelled as I picked my phone up off the ground. I dialed up Donato's Pizza and asked for, "One medium pizza, half cheese half sausage." I gave them my address and apartment number. I was given a wait time of 20 minutes. After I hung up I didn't know what to do.
Hey! Sorry I just realized how close "PolarIce" is to "Polaris" I swear I did not mean that my any means. And does this longer chapter make up for the last shorter one? ;)
- Smol
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