Car Rentals
"So, no one has a car." I clarified. Mark shook his head slowly. "I don't even have a license" Jack laughed. "Hmm." I stood there thinking for a second. An idea hit me. I ran into the bedroom and opened my personal bag, hopefully quickly enough for the guys to not see my personal clothing... I grabbed my phone and shot back into the living room.
"Okay, Google: Where is the nearest car rental." I tried to say as clearly as possible. "The nearest car rental service is here" It showed a map and a red dot. "Ta-da!" I turned to Jack and Mark. "So we walk there?" Mark asked. Jack face palmed himself and laughed. "Yep, you could use some physical activity." I giggled. "Excuse me, I rock-climb." He remarked in the Warfstache tone. "Alrighty, I'll grab my room key and you two go grab whatever you want to record with." I instructed. "Yes, ma'm" Jack saluted before leading Mark out of my Hotel Room. I laughed before searching for were I left the room key at. I took slow steps, re-tracing my steps. "Ah!" I surprised myself when I saw the white key card on the end table.
I grabbed that and shoved it in my back pocket with my phone. I just thought that my phone would be a good enough recorder for now. I walked out the door and made sure it was locked. "Yup." I whispered to myself. I turned to see Jack coming out of his room. He nodded to me then looked over to Marks room. He didn't come out for a few minutes. So Jack and me just chatted about what we would do while we were in the hotel that the fans stay in. "Maybe we could do an improv type thing? Where we play a game with a few fans and record it?" I asked. "Hmm, I was thinking on taking their options on future games and challenges?" Jack added in. "Ooh! We can make up new challenges and try to make it a thing! Like, several other people will catch on to it and sort of a domino effect will go on!" Jack nodded frequently as I was going on with my rambling about potential things to do. I paused for a second, taking in note that Jacks eyes began to wonder. "Hey... You know you guys don't have to do this with me if you don't want to." I said quietly. I guess I never really took into note what they might be thinking or disliking. His blue eyes shot back over to me. "What? No, lass! I'm actually really enjoying this! I mean, hell if I know what Mark's thinking... But, I like not being the only super energetic one!" Jack smiled widely.
"Kay, I'm set. You guys ready?" We both turned to see Mark making sure his door was locked. "Yup! Off to Neverland!" I pointed upward as I was walking. I heard Mark laugh and Jack's thumping feet, try to catch up to me.
We reached outside fairly quickly and just as quickly was getting taken pictures of. Every now and then I would catch someone pull out a phone and slyly sneak a photo of Mark, Jack and me. After we walked around a few blocks, a large group of girls recognized Mark and Jack. It went from one pointing to all 7 running and asking for autographs. I wasn't mad about it, if anything I felt yearning. Not to be one of the girls, but to be the one giving autographs. I would love for one day people sequel when they see me. It just felt amazing to know that a person I know has the privilege. Mark and Jack both took there time, taking photos and signing stuff for the girls. I smiled at the joy of the girls, one of them almost in tears. "Thanks Mark!" One of them yelled as they walked away. Jack chuckled as they both turned back my way. "First one of the day." Mark said, smiling. "Yeah, it'll be fun to have about ten times that many people." I giggled sarcastically. "Yeah." Jack sounded like he took my words seriously.
We found a Starbucks within sight of the car rental. I made the suggestion to enter. "Sure." Mark's low voice shredded. We all three walked in and waited in line. I peered at the menu looking for anything new. I remembered a colorful drink that went viral through the last few weeks. "Uh, do you have the Unicorn Frappe still?" I asked. "Yep." The worker said shortly. "I'll have one of those." I about pulled out a few bills from my back pocket before Mark interrupted "I'll pay for all of us." He smirked at me. "Oh, okay." I politely agreed. Mark and Jack put in there orders saying there names. I laughed when Jack got his coffee, as that they spelled Sean as Shawn and I also realized that they spelled Mark, Marc. I giggled and pointed it out. I grabbed my sparkly frappe and looked at my name. "Anna." Jack said looking down at me. "Huh?" I said looking up. "They spelled your name right." He replied, looking back at his cup. I giggled and nodded. He smiled and locked eyes with me. For a few seconds I felt warm, his blue eyes looked dark and almost green, matching his hair but in a darker hue. I smiled and broke a small tension. I walked quickly over to Mark who had already began to walk out the door. "What is that?" He asked, gesturing to my drink. "It's a Unicorn Frappe." I said taking a sip. It tastes like mango and blue berry. "Taste good?" He asked. I nodded quickly like a young kid. Jack caught up to us as we crossed a street to the car rental. "Alrighty, I guess we ask them what cars are available?" I shrugged as we approached a small building. As I opened the door two people sat behind a desk that took up most of the room. "Hello." A girl greeted. "Hi, uh. We need to rent a car please." Mark said. "Okay. What's your time and price range?" She asked as me and Jack sat down on a near by chair to let Mark deal with the papers. Sean and me cheated for a few minutes, every now and then stopping and just keeping eye contact. I don't know why, but eye contact with Jack didn't make me nervous or feel pressured at all. Just comfort. I guess we were looking at each other for a while as Mark stopped us with "Oh, common you two, time to get our car." We both jerked up out of our seats and began to follow Mark out the door. We followed him up to a Black Chevy Impala. "Twelve dollars for all of today." The said unlocking it with a pair of keys. "That's all? I would have thought it would be a lot more." Sean said climbing into the passenger seat. I sat down in the seat behind Mark, who naturally wanted to drive sense he's the one who payed. "Don't crash Mark, you break it you buy it." I giggled. "Yeah, yeah, yeah." He said looking around to back up. I look out the window and begin to wonder how fun it's going to be to spend the whole day with my idols!
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