Brake check
Molly drove rather quickly to the first address that Penelope gave Spencer. There were thirteen stores, oddly enough, and Molly played some music on the way there. She started to sing along, and Lady howled a bit as she sang.
"You always do this on a case?" Spencer asked.
"Oh yeah, lady loves this song. It's my favorite song too," she laughed as she hit the high note relatively quickly. Spencer was getting a kick out of it as she was dancing in the car.
"Come on, Spencer, sing a bit; you only live once! Sing a bit. It's therapeutic; I promise," she said as they were almost there.
"Do you like romance songs? Not dating anybody?" He asked as she smirked.
"Hell no, I dont date. I haven't had one for a long time, and I know what your thinking; one nightstands aren't my thing either I just have too many problems. No one wants a broken toy," she said as she looked at the lady in the mirror.
"Plus, I got my dog and friends to keep me busy," she said as spencer was trying to figure out why she was a broken toy.
"Do you mind if I ask why you think people wouldn't want to be in a real relationship with you?" Spencer asked as she turned off the music.
"No, I dont. I will give it to you straight with a microscopic sugar-coating, but you can't tell anyone else. Hotch and Rossi know because there the ones who saved my life, but Rossi was the one who kept in touch even paid for all my college courses so I could be a cop. My father was an Amish man who was very abusive towards my mother, and when I didn't turn out to be a boy, he was even more abusive and killed her but made it looked like she ran off somewhere when I was five. He made me practice reciting the bible every day, and since I was a redhead, he thought that I was a demon from hell, so when I got older, he called me Lucifer. Lucifer is my actual real name, but I had it changed to Molly. Anyway, spencer so he would go into town, take hookers and women that weren't dressed conveniently off the streets, and took them home to murder. I have seen things, Spencer, dark, horrible things, and threw literal hell. Rossi figured out what was going on before my father killed me. My nickname is mad dog because I have risked my life so many times to bring in the creeps I catch alive. I am more afraid if I kill someone,'s self-defense or not, that I will end up just like him or worse. He got away with killing people for nine years, I saw it all, and I can't forget them. My brain won't let me forget, so I had to make a barrier to protect myself when I was little, but if I kill someone, it might fall apart. I have three sleeping disorders, confusional arousals that are super violent, sleepwalking, and night terrors. Im on three different meds for it, but I also have insomnia that I recently started to develop. What I saw was something no human being should have ever gone through. But thanks to what I went through, I can catch killers easier than most people," she said as she parked the car.
Spencer looked at her and sat there for a moment before she looked at him.
"I'm not afraid," he said as she smiled.
"You would be the first. I think you are now in my top five favorite people," she said as she smiled brightly.
"So are we friends now?" Spencer asked as she chuckled.
"Yep, somehow I knew I would like you as soon as you dropped your marker," she said as a light blush went on his face as she got out of the car with lady. Spencer followed, and they entered the shop, and incents filled their noises.
"May I help you?" The shop keeper asked as they looked around.
"Yes, ma'am. My name is Molly Siren, and this is FBI agent Spencer Reid; if you not too busy right now, we need to ask you some questions about a man you may have had in your shop," she asked kindly, and the lady smiled.
"Looks like my tarot cards were right that I would get a surprise today," the lady chuckled as she came over to them.
She had long black hair and a white gown that looked like she was in the middle of a ritual. Her name read Sarah, and she looked a bit concerned.
"Is there anything wrong, Mis Sarah?" Molly asked as she was looking around for something.
"Um, yes, my snake got to lose, and I'm afraid he might bite someone; he is poisonous, I use his venome in some of my magic, and I forgot to lock his cage before leaving for lunch today," she said as molly sighed.
"Okay, I can help you find him, spencer; you can interview her im going snake hunting! Is he a northern copper head or rattlesnake or eastern cottonmouth?" She asked to get the idea of what she was upagenst.
"Copper head, he has been very moody lately for about a month since this guy has been visiting this shop," Sarah said as molly looked at Spencer.
"Could be our guy," she said as she started to look for the snake.
"Lady stays with Spencer and don't hurt the snake," she said as spencer saw her disappear.
"I dont get too many volunteers to look for a poisonous snake; she is a brave one," she said as molly was looking in the back for the snake.
"Can you tell me about the man?" Spencer asked, getting out his notebook.
"I'm yes, about a month ago this man has visited my shop getting the same things for a purification ritual that we use in our culture. He asked me if I was in the same coven he was in, and in really sure why, but maxwell, my snake tried to bite him. He is a very calm snake and loves people, but he, i guess, gave off a negative vibe of some sort. He had short brown hair, green eyes, five foot nine, and drove a 2006 Dodge grand caravan that was white. He was here today getting some more supplies. I would call the police today because he said he wasn't going to come back here for a bit because he was about done with his nine-pointed star. I asked him why he was gathering so much for it, and he said he had to purify the prostitutes before killing them to make it work," she said as Spencer worried.
"He was here ten minutes ago," she said as molly came out of the back and quickly caught the snake as he was heading out the door.
"Molly, he was here ten minutes ago!" Spencer said as she paused.
"Well, we better get moving," she said as she handed Sarah her snake.
"Thank you for finding maxwell before you go take this. I fear for your life as well as the poor girl he must have taken. This should provide you some luck," Sarah said, taking a necklace off the stand and quickly tossing it to Molly.
"Thank you, Sarah, we need all the help we can get!" She said as she took out her phone.
"Rossi, the guy was at the shop we went to first, and he just left ten minutes ago! Remember the last point of the star he has to complete? I think he's heading there, the guy is so getting cocky!" Molly informed as She handed spencer the phone.
He gave the disruption of the car, and the guy Rossi smiled.
"Go get him, guys!" Rossi said as he called the team-up.
"Garcia, I need a linces plat number," hotch said as she smiled.
"Got you covered, so I pulled up the surveillance tapes from across the street and found it. I sent it to your phones, and the guy's name that owns it has the same discretion Morgan gave me. His name is Max find, and his wife became a prostitute after she left him," she said as Rossi called Spencer, and he quickly told the plate to Molly.
"Spencer, hang on to something; he's right behind us! Lady floor!" Molly yelled as the lady quickly went on the floor, and spencer braced himself.
"Break check!" She yelled as she stopped the car suddenly on the highway, and he hit them. The airbags went off as he hit them going 50 miles per hour, but they were fine. Lady got up, and Molly tried to unbuckle her seat belt, but it was jammed. Spencer was able to get out, so Molly took out her pocket knife and cut herself free.
"Lady, stay," molly ordered as they got out, and cars were going past them.
"FBI!" Molly yelled as she pulled out her gun, and the man got out shaking.
"I have to finish what I started!" He yelled as he made a run for it.
"Stop!" Molly yelled as she ran in between passing cars, and he finally stopped getting ready to be hit by one, but molly tackled him and got on top of him as soon a car went over them, barely missing them.
"Molly!" Spencer yelled as he saw the car drove over them. The team saw in horror as the car passed over them then stop. As soon as he realized he ran someone over.
"Im fine, boy wonder!" She called as molly had the guy in cuffs now, and the driver looked shocked.
"Molly!" Rossi yelled, looking relieved.
"Hey, you know im super hard to kill; I can put almost get run over by a car on the things I have done," Molly said as she had cuts all over from the road.
"Your lucky your not dead!" Emily said in shock.
"The witch at the shop gave me this for luck," she said as she took the necklace out of her pocket and threw it to her.
"Looks like it worked," JJ said as hotch was relieved that molly was alive but what she did was dumb, but he understood why she did it. No matter how wrong the person is, life is more challenging to live with than death.
They found the girl alive at his house tied up in the basement, and he was going to purify the spot where he was going to kill her, but of course, he had forgotten the paper to use for the ritual, and that's how he ended up behind Molly and Spencer.
"Spencer, are you alright?" Molly asked as molly sat in the ambulance to get checked out.
"Yeah, I wasn't hurt at all; hotch is going to give you a lecture for being reckless, you know that, right?" Spencer said as she sighed.
"If the profile you made was right and we tied to pull him over, he would try to take as many people as possible with him. I stand by my action. I am just sorry you were in the car with me; normally, it is just me when I have to do stuff like this," she said as they put a band-aid in her.
"Well, I stand by your action to and since you were didn't stop all of a sudden, but instead, in seven seconds, he had minimal damage done to him and the rest of us. You just took more since you saved the guy's life," Spencer said as she chuckled.
"I love it when you talk science to me. I think I got a nickname for you," she smiled as the team walked over to them.
"Pretty boy," she chuckled as he smerked.
"Morgan already gave me that kick name," he said as she looked disappointed.
"Well then, handsome it will be then," she said as he was trying not to blush.
"Molly, good job but he careful next time you totaled one of our cars and nearly got yourself killed," hotch said as she looked at him.
"Sorry, good thing I'm going back then, right?" She asked as she sighed.
"We might need you here; how about instead of being a police officer, you become a member of the FBI," Rossi said as she looked at them, baffled.
"I caught a snake, totaled a car, nearly got the both of us killed, and barely missed getting hit by a car, and you want me to be an FBI agent?" She asked, confused.
"When did you catch a snake?" JJ asked as spencer quickly answered.
"When we were at the magic shop, the owner Sarah lost her pet snake Maxwell that was a copper head, when she went out for lunch. She caught it as soon as he tried to leave the back of the store."
"You are a crazy son of a bitch, Molly," Morgan said as Rossi was impressed.
"Well, I'm crazy, and I would love to be apart of the FBI, but I have one request before I join," she said before thru finished up.
"What's that?" Hotch asked curiously.
"No one reads my file but you and Rossi. If it's all the same with you, I would rather build trust before saying anything about my past," she said as she looked at Spencer.
"Agreed," hotch said as Emily looked confused.
"Why would she ask that?" JJ asked as Morgan was trying to figure it out.
"I dont know, but I did that to try to protect you guys from what my coach did to me. Maybe something like that happened to her," he speculated, and JJ nodded.
"Understandable, she also has trust issues to hence why she has a dog for a partner. We need to give her time, and maybe she will tell us," Emily said.
"I'll tell Pen not to and to promise she won't do it," Morgan said as he quickly called her up.
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