July 22nd, 1899
Waking up that morning was one of the best mornings Danny and Mary-Beth ever had. Not only did they wake up without any arguments unfolding, but they also woke up at their own time, in their own room without anybody there to discourage them and force them to labour themselves before they could get breakfast in.
This time, Danny and Mary-Beth had much less to worry about.
"What time is it?" Mary-Beth groaned as she stretched and relaxed.
Danny checked the clock in their room, which only read that it was not even twenty past six.
"Early. I'm feeling hungry so I'm gonna go grab us some breakfast, okay?"
The brunette hummed and repositioned herself on her front while Danny changed before he exited the room to fetch some breakfast.
At the bottom of the stairs was a group of four men; one had a cello held up by a strap hung over his shoulder while another played a banjo, and the two in between were singing and slapping a hollow tambourine on his thigh with the other holding a guitar in his hands.
'Well I pray, everyday:
That the good Lord will keep me safe.
And I try to hide, all this fear built in my spine;
Killing men today so I can see your pretty face;
Until I arrive in your arms.'
While the musicians played an interesting piece, Danny approached the bartender and ordered some oatmeal for himself.
As he waited for his food, he noticed how the saloon was already occupied with at least a dozen patrons there to have an early start to their day by drinking, eating, playing poker or fucking women of leisure.
'I know know what you're doing,
Fighting in this silly war.
You're not a Yankee, love,
Nor a grey-back confederate
Trying to keep the slaves abooooaarrrd.
'You are just a simple man.
Trying to do these things the best you can.
Now it's time to come on home.
I've got a baby in the oven that needs a dad before she gets ooooolld.
'Well I pray, everyday:
That the good Lord will keep me safe.
And I try to hide, all this fear built in my spine;
Killing men today so I can see your pretty face;
Until I arrive in your arms.'
'Well I don't know what I'm doing,
Fighting in this stupid war!
I'm not a Yankee or a grey-back anymore!
I've killed so many men just to kill so many more!
Just want to see my baby before I die, in this shit stooooorrrm!
'Well I pray, everyday:
That the good Lord will keep me safe.
And I try to hide, all this fear built in my spine;
Killing men today so I can see your pretty face;
Until I arrive in your arms.'
'Well I pray, everyday:
That the good Lord will keep me safe.
And I try to hide, all this fear built in my spine;
Killing men today so I can see your pretty face;
Until I arrive in your arms.'
Danny missed the bartender calling out to him to tell him that his food was ready as Danny was too captured by the talent performed by the musicians. Once he realised his food was ready, Danny ate where he was as he watched the men perform another one of their songs.
'Oh, glorious Father, where have you been?
I've been fighting for all of my sins.
Mindless games and weary dreams,
This madness comes from within.
'Oh, why did you leave me here to see the day
The soldiers took my Rose away?
They beat and battered, tore and shattered;
My innocence was lost this way.
'They saayyyy the Devil had their souls:
The night they took away my Rose.
The fire, it burns so damn cold;
At the Massacre of El Kuroke.
'When I was just a little boy,
I dreamed of playing with flowers and toys
But now I only see death
When a boy's lover is ripped away, he pulls out his guns to play
Until everyone is dead!
'They saayyyy the Devil had their souls:
The night they took away my Rose.
The fire, it burns so damn cold;
At the Massacre of El Kuroke,
At the Massacre of El Kuroke.
'Well that's the way it had to be, I grew up at the count of three;
I have no reason to repent.
They say a man isn't born to kill;
He learns it as a trade and becomes a thrill
That's what they did to me then,
'Well that's the way it had to be, I grew up at the count of three;
I have no reason to repent.
They say a man isn't born to kill;
He learns it as a trade and becomes a thrill
That's what they did to me theeeeeen!
'They saayyyy the Devil had their souls:
The night they took away my Rose.
The fire, it burns so damn cold;
At the Massacre of El
At the Massacre of El
At the Massacre of Eeeeeeellllllll Kuroke...'
At the conclusion of the song, the audience erupted in applause and whistles as the band gave their bows before they took a break to have drinks. By that time, Danny had long finished his breakfast before he rushed upstairs to return to his soon-to-be-wife.
When he returned upstairs to their room, Mary-Beth was already clothed in a brown buttoned shirt and a yellow dress. As soon as he stepped into the room, Mary-Beth stood with her back to him while she fixed her hair behind her back in a messy ponytail. She was looking over her shoulder when Danny pressed his body against hers.
"What took you so long? I was starting to miss you. And what's all that ruckus I heard downstairs?" Mary-Beth purred softly, ignoring the trauma inflicted when she thought back to Molly's brutal murder as Danny had his arms wrapped around her waist.
"Fellas downstairs are putting on a show. Some good music. I had some oatmeal, so I won't have anything to eat for a while. Hungry yet?" Danny breathed into her ear as he caressed her stomach.
"Can we stop by the market along the way?"
"Shoar. C'mon. We'd better get going then before we miss our boat outta here."
Removing himself from her body, Danny fetched their luggage and escorted his fiancé out of their room and downstairs into the saloon, then out the front doors.
Saint Denis was bustling as it was normally, with folks riding around in carriages and on horseback through the streets, street urchins harassing folk - regardless whether they were rich or poor - for cigarettes. Cops were stationed at every corner with a shift change every two hours. And musicians played fanfare inside parks while beggars sat on the sidewalk with their hats upside-down on the ground, asking for small donations.
Danny and Mary-Beth walked hand in hand through the streets and a bit on the road whenever there were people blocking their path. They proceeded to make their way to the market at the docks where Mary-Beth did some shopping for some snacks for them to bring. Meanwhile, Danny was inside the general store, browsing through the catalogue. He also made some small purchases for himself; adding to the fee he was to pay for all of their goods.
For himself, Danny purchased some crackers, apples, candy, cigarettes, a bottle of hair tonic and a bottle of gin.
Mary-Beth, however, afforded many fruits and vegetables and even some revolver ammunition for Danny, if ever the need arose.
Once they both concluded their shopping, it was dawning on eight in the morning. Punctually, the young couple made their way to the ferry that was to take them to Australia. They showed their tickets to the guards before they were permitted to board.
The ferry was packed with passengers who were dressed as the high society sort, many of whom made Danny and Mary-Beth recall their time at the mayor's party, as well as characters who reminded them of Molly O'Shea as one of the people who were the upper class sort. They made their way to the upper deck, where they got a slightly better view of Saint Denis.
It wasn't until they finally set sail that Danny said to his fiancé how lucky they were, but also sad to have to leave their lives as outlaws behind.
"We did it, Mary-Beth. We made it. We survived," said an emotionally sentimental Danny Matthews. "Now we just need to figure out what we'll do and how we'll move forward from this."
Mary-Beth's hand planted on top of his which gripped the railing tightly.
"We'll manage - we always do. Look, I know it's tough, but we have to think about ourselves now." Mary-Beth replied tonelessly.
Danny hummed and gestured for them to head inside while the ferry sailed out of Saint Denis.
Danny hummed and gestured for them to head inside while the ferry sailed out of Saint Denis, where they would embark on a new chapter in their lives, putting the past behind them at last.
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