2 years ago
"Good morning Brenda, Are you leaving? "
"Yes, Ms. Miller, look how beautiful the day is. I'm going to take the opportunity to paint the landscape in Central Park. Who knows, maybe even sell some paintings."
"Good luck, dear. You have a lot of talent."
"Thank you, Ms. Miller."
"I'll see you later!"
I wave at her and go on my way. Ms. Miller is a sweetheart. She is the landlady of the building where I live, a modest place that rents rooms only for girls. I share a room with my friend Briana. We studied together, but we took different courses. She studied fashion and I studied fine arts. We are both recent graduates and we left our respective states. I am from Wisconsin and she from Arkansas. We came to New York to study and get a place in the sun. We are young and we are chasing our dreams.
We're not from wealthy families, so we have to earn our money. I go most mornings to Central Park and display my paintings there while I paint. I love doing that. Some people passing by sometimes stop to look at my work; some buy my paintings; and others just help with something. Since that money isn't enough to support me in an expensive city like New York, I work at a cafe at night, serving tables. I have a dream of becoming a famous painter and seeing my paintings displayed in an art gallery. dreamy sigh.
This morning was special. The sun was shining, warming my face. I arrived at the place I always like to stay. I set up my easel. I put the canvas in white. I'm going to paint the trees that are changing color with the arrival of autumn. I put some ready-made paintings on display to sell. I take a deep breath. The scent of nature invades my nostrils. I find it incredible that in the middle of that stone jungle that is New York City, there is a place as beautiful as Central Park. I put on a wide-brimmed hat to protect myself from the sun and started painting. I mix the colors and transfer the beauty of nature to the canvas.
Some passers-by stop to look at my paintings; others congratulate me on my work; and still others simply observe me painting.So far, none have been sold. I'm distracted painting and a gust of wind makes my hat fly off my head. I turn quickly to see where the wind took it and I freeze. He's in the hands of a man, tall. I couldn't see his face as the sun was dazzling my vision. I put my hand on my forehead to block the sun and narrowed my eyes so I could see him better. The man was coming towards me, walking as slowly as a cat, elegantly dressed. I could already see his proud bearing. As he got closer, I started to see him better. My eyes widened. In front of me was the most beautiful man I've ever seen in my life. My heart starts pounding. I look like a fool looking at him.
"It's yours," he asks in a strong, beautiful voice, holding out his hat to me.
"Yes-mm!" I reply, stuttering. I take the hat and thank him in a barely audible voice.
"Thank you!" I immediately turn to my painting. I realize he's still standing there. He moves and I think he's leaving, but I'm wrong. He gets close to my paintings and analyzes them. I'm so nervous. I've never been so shy around a man, but this wasn't just any man. He was a Greek God straight out of some magazine cover. I glanced at him out of the corner of my eye and noticed that he had bent down to get a better look at the screens. His black hair glistening in the sunlight, he turned to me and I quickly looked away.
"Beautiful, are they for sale?"
"Yes!" I responded quickly.
He smirked and held out his hand to me, introducing himself.
"Sebastian Parker." I stared at the large outstretched hand and swallowed hard. I ran my hand through my clothes to clean it, extended it and greeted him. "Brenda Armani."
His hand squeezed mine tight. An electric current went through my whole body. I've never felt it in my life. "It's a pleasure, Miss Armani. I conclude that you are Miss."
"Yes!" He couldn't form any sentences, only monosyllabic fenders. He let go of my hand and I immediately put it in the pocket of the jumpsuit I was wearing.
"I will buy the paintings."
Which one did you choose, sir?
"All?" I asked in surprise.
"Okay! " I was so nervous and surprised at the same time. My paintings are not bad, but they are common landscape paintings. The most that a person who buys them wants is to put them on some wall at home. That man looked like he wouldn't even have an ordinary house to hang them. Maybe he has a wife who likes this kind of painting, she concludes dejectedly. Of course, such a man would not be single.
I came out of my daydreams and took over the business woman. Whether the man wanted to take all the paintings to his wife or not, he would sell them. "Do you accept checks?" He asked.
He took the checkbook and put the amount I had told him. He handed it to me and I took it and put it in my pocket. I didn't even check if the amount was correct.
"I'll send someone to pick them up later. I work nearby."
"Of course, I'm here until two in the afternoon.
"Okay!" He looked at me with mesmerizing black eyes. He wasn't smiling, but his magnetism was so strong that my legs went limp. He turned and walked away. I kept looking in the direction he was going until I lost sight of him. Wow! I have never felt anything like this. I took the check out of my pocket and looked. His signature was firm and in perfect handwriting. The check was from the Financial American Bank, the largest bank in the United States, which is good, as there is a branch close by. I shrugged. I've already secured my money for the week.
I collected the paintings I had sold so that no one else would be interested and continued painting. After a while, I stopped and checked the hours. It was almost two o'clock and no one had come to pick up the paintings. My stomach was growling with hunger. I decided to wait a little longer. I waited until two o'clock and no one showed up. I looked around, there was no sign that anyone was coming to pick up the paintings. I was sad. I think he didn't like it. He just gave me the check out of pity. I decided not to cash it. If he didn't take the painting, I would have no reason to receive payment.
I gathered everything and put it in the wheeled suitcase I use to carry things. I go to a cafeteria and buy a snack. I eat it right there. When I'm done, I take a last look around to see if I can see the man who bought the paintings, but there's no sign of him. I decide to go back tomorrow to see if he shows up.
The next morning, I went back to the same place again. I don't know why, but that morning I decided to dress up a little better. Instead of the usual overalls, I put on a dress. My friend was even surprised.
"Won't you wear that awful jumpsuit today?"
"It's not an awful jumpsuit, it's comfortable to paint, but today I decided not to wear it, that's all."
"Hmm! That smells like a man. Tell me, you met someone, right? " I laughed. I hadn't exactly met someone, but I had a hope of seeing that man again. "No! That's not it.
"Of course it is, you just don't want to tell me."
"When I find someone, I'll tell you, no worry."
I had already arrived at the place. I assembled my things. The paintings I had sold the day before were in the suitcase wrapped in paper, and I brought some more to try to sell them. I started my day again. The hours passed and I ended up finishing the painting that I had started the day before. I looked at it with a smile and I was satisfied. It was beautiful.
"It was good."
I was startled when I heard that voice. It was him. I turned to look at him. He was behind me, watching the painting.
"Are you here to pick up your paintings, Mr. Parker?""Sebastian," he requested, but I would never do so because that man appeared haughty and intimidating.
I got up from the stool I was sitting on and nervously went to my suitcase to get the paintings.
"Didn't cash the check yesterday."
"I didn't think I should, Mr. Parker, since I hadn't taken the paintings."
"Are you that honest, Brenda?" I got goosebumps when I heard him say my name. It seemed like he savored every letter. I thought it wasn't right. I turned to go towards the suitcase, but I didn't even come close. He held me in his arms; his strong hands immobilized me.
"Lunch with me?" I shivered from head to toe at that request. My God! He was inviting me to lunch with him. My body got hot, my heart raced. I looked at him. He had his ebony eyes focused on me. I swallowed hard.
"I-I don't know, huh!"
"Just say yes." I analyzed it carefully. I was nervous, afraid, apprehensive. Why not? He just wants to have lunch. Maybe he feels pity for me. He must think I'm a poor thing.
"All right, we can go to a pizzeria nearby."
"I thought of something less popular.
"If you don't like pizza, we can go somewhere else." No!I like it. Today I will let you choose.
I looked at him without understanding. It seemed that he intended to ask me out more often. I shrugged. Maybe it's just my overactive imagination. I started to gather things and took his paintings, asking if he would take them. He made a sign with his hand and immediately a tall, strong man in a black suit approached. I was looking at him a little scared.
"Take this package to the office." He ordered The man immediately did as he was told. I just watched. This was probably the man he said would come the day before. I finished packing my things and said,
"We can go." I started walking and he walked beside me. I was nervous. He was so wonderful. Soon we arrived at the pizzeria. Thank God I had chosen the place. The place he would choose probably wouldn't be so simple and me dressed in a simple dress and that suitcase wouldn't look good.
We entered the pizzeria and sat at a table. Soon a waitress came to take our orders. We chose the pizza and the waitress walked away.
"Tell me a little about yourself, Brenda."
I don't have much to say. I've just graduated in fine arts. I left home to try to earn a living here in New York .
"What do you like to do in your spare time?"
"Not much. I'm the homebody type. I prefer the book company."
Hmm! So I assume you don't have a boyfriend. "
I blushed, totally embarrassed. I wasn't going to talk about my love life to him, mainly because there wasn't one and never had. I wouldn't show him how inexperienced I am in this matter.
"Uh, actually I don't have a boyfriend at the moment, but I've had a few."
"Hmm!" He said that with an air of mockery. I was so embarrassed. He seemed like an experienced and insightful man.
Our pizza arrived on paper plates. He stared at the plate as if he was facing something disgusting. I was embarrassed. I took the pizza with my hands and started to eat. He called the waitress again and requested silverware. When the girl returned, he picked up the silverware, raised it to eye level, and looked closely at it.
"They are dirty." He called the waitress, who came quickly.
"This cutlery is filthy; please bring others."The woman took the cutlery and took it inside and then brought others. He did the same thing, looking at them carefully. I was looking at it with my mouth open.
So he took a napkin and began cleaning the fork, cleaning it until it was shiny, and then doing the same with the knife.
"It's not good, but it's gotten better than it was. I hate stains on dishes. Get used to it, Brenda."
I looked at him uncomprehendingly. Why would I have to get used to that? I wondered. I smiled gracefully and didn't say anything.
He started eating the pizza, and I decided to ask him a few questions.
"What do you work for, Mr. Parker?"
"In a bank."
"Are you a manager or something?"
"Let's say, yes, so." I realized he didn't want to talk much about him, so I kept quiet. We continued to eat, and when we were done, he paid the bill. We went out to the street and I decided to say goodbye to him there. I don't think we would have more to talk about.
"Thank you so much, Mr. Parker, for the invitation. It was very kind." He took my hands. I was looking at him a little scared and excited at the same time.
"Call me Sebastian. See you tomorrow. Let's have dinner somewhere better than this. "
My heart was racing; he was asking me out again. I didn't know whether to accept or run.
"I... I..."
I couldn't complete the reasoning. He put a finger in my mouth, silencing me.
"Shhh! Do not say anything. Tomorrow I'll stop by his house at eight o'clocky his house at eight o'clock. Be ready. " He turned and left. I was completely speechless. He had simply said to be ready. He didn't ask if I accepted.
I started walking among the people, and I was thinking about what had happened. Then I remembered something important; he didn't get my address and, besides, I worked at the cafe at that time, so surely he was just kidding. I breathed a sigh of relief and, at the same time, a little disappointment. I followed my path. At night, I went to the cafe to serve tables.
I lean back in my chair with a glass of whiskey in my hand. I think about her, my eyes narrow. She's so much more than I imagined. She's perfect, beautiful. When I look at my cell phone, my security is already there. At the cafe where she works, they send her pictures of everything she is doing. I look at her picture. She is smiling at a customer as she serves him. I frown. This will be the first thing she will have to change. I turned to the side. On the table there was another photo in a frame, also of a young woman. I took the frame and looked at the photo carefully. My eyes gleamed with hatred. I looked back at Brenda's photo and closed it.
The next day,
I decided to stay home this morning. I didn't go to Central Park. I decided to organize the room. Coincidentally or not, my boss gave me the day off at the cafe tonight. I thought it was strange since he never did it and I hadn't asked. I thought it would be appropriate to meet at night because I knew there would be no meeting during the day, so I decided to stay at home all day.My friend was gone. She started working at a fashion house. I'm hoping she grows up and soon gets her place in the sun.
The day passed peacefully, but my thoughts focused only on the meeting at night. I had butterflies in my stomach. I know I won't go, but I feel something strange, a presentiment that something will happen.
My friend arrived around seven in the evening. I was watching TV in my pajamas.
"How was work?" I asked.
"Exciting. I love the fashion world."
That's great! "
"Is it sad?" She asked me
"No, today was a boring day."
"I'm going to take a shower."
As the minutes passed, my friend went out to buy Chinese food. When the clock struck eight, I was apprehensive, with butterflies in my stomach. At that exact moment, the doorbell rang. I was startled. I got up and tiptoed to look into the peephole. I was stunned. It was him. I turned to a full-length mirror that stood in the foyer and checked my appearance. I looked awful in my pajamas and messy hair. I quickly fixed my hair and smoothed out my pajamas, took a deep breath, and opened the door. When I saw him in front of me, I almost fell. My legs were so soft. He was beautiful, all in black, tall, dark, with perfectly arranged hair. My God! What a man!
"I see you're not ready."
"I..." I thought you wouldn't come. I hadn't given you my address...." I stopped talking. He was looking at me seriously with his penetrating gaze.
He didn't give me a chance to say anything at all; he turned and walked down the stairs. I was shocked for a few seconds, but I decided to get dressed. I ran, opened the closet, and didn't have anything to wear that reached his height. At that moment, my friend arrived, already pronouncing.
"Did anyone win the lottery around here?" There's a black Ferrari parked down there.
"Ferrari?" I was apprehensive. He said he worked in a bank. Did he earn that much money to own a Ferrari? I turned to my friend. She had already got it.
Do you have a date with the Ferrari guy?
"Bitch! You didn't say anything to me, you're dating a millionaire.
"I don't know if he's a millionaire, but the car might not be his."
It doesn't matter; what are you doing in those pajamas? Let's change clothes soon. "
I don't have anything appropriate to wear.
"Bitch, you have me. I'm a dressmaker, and you're going to look beautiful." "Come with me!"
My friend quickly got me a beautiful dress, combed my hair and did natural (not exaggerated) makeup. To finish, she lent me one of her sandals. Luckily, we wore the same size.
"It's perfect; now go, and best wishes."
I went down the stairs. When he saw me, he got out of the car and looked at his wristwatch.
"You're ten minutes late. You'll have to learn that I hate being late."
"Sorry!" I said awkwardly. He opened the passenger side door and I got in. He took the wheel and soon we were in traffic. I had no idea where he was taking me. After some time, we arrived at a place. It looked like a restaurant, but there were no other people there. The waiter led us to a table on a high balcony where the city lights glowed beautifully. It was a beautiful view. The table was set for two and everything was extremely organized, so I thought about the pizzeria we went to. If he's used to eating like this, he must have thought the pizzeria was a pigsty. No wonder he cleaned the cutlery.
He moved the chair for me to sit in, then sat in his, looked at me and said:
"You look presentable." I thought it was strange the way he praised me, or maybe it's not a compliment. Anyway, I decided to thank him.
"Thanks!" He looked intently at the table. I realized he was sizing up every object that was on the table. When he finished the analysis, he signaled to the waiter, who promptly approached.
"You can take that cup, bring another one."
"SureSir, I apologize!"
The man immediately took the cup off the table and left. I looked at him with my eyes wide. He seemed to have a problem with the dishes; they all didn't seem to be clean for him. I shrugged. Maybe he's just a little eccentric.
The waiter came back with another glass and showed it to him. He looked closely and nodded. The man placed the glass, so slowly and millimetrically, in the right place. When he finished, he stood there waiting for his approval. He looked around, reached out, and gently pushed the glass against the table.
"Now it's perfect."
He turned to the waiter and ordered.
"Go talk to the manager."
The man left immediately. I was looking at it without understanding what had happened. Soon after, another waiter came to serve us. I was thoughtful about it. Did the other waiter get fired? I asked myself.
He ordered and didn't ask me what I liked. I didn't care. Thank God I eat everything and I don't have allergies. While we waited for the food, he asked several questions about me and my family. I told him a few things, and when I went to talk about my brother, I got a lump in my throat.
"I had a brother. He died in a car accident a year ago, along with his girlfriend.
"Hmm!" I didn't say anything. It was still painful to talk about it. My brother was so young and full of life.
The rest of dinner went well. After we were done, he took me home, left me at the door, and left. From that day on, we went out every day. He was very kind. Despite having some weird quirks, nothing else showed that he wouldn't be a good person. We had an almost platonic relationship. We only had a few kisses. He always respected me.
At the time, I had no reaction. I didn't know what to say. It was all so fast. I didn't even know who he was exactly. I was aware that he wasn't a poor guy. He probably had a very good position in the bank where he works. For that reason, I was apprehensive. I didn't want him to think that I was interested in his money.
"This is too hasty. We met you two weeks ago."
It's enough for me.
"I don't know, Sebastian...
"Just say yes."
I took a deep breath and looked at the ring he gave me. It was so beautiful, it looked expensive. I smiled. I was already in love, of that I had no doubt, so I said the only thing she should say.
"Yes, I do!"
"Very well, hold out your hand."
I held it out and he slipped the ring on. It is perfect. He hugged me and kissed me on the mouth. When he released me, he communicated as if it were the most normal thing in the world.
The wedding is set for two weeks from now.
"What?" he asked in surprise.
"That's what I said."
"But Sebastian, it's too fast. I have to talk to my mother."
"We'll go there tomorrow and notify her."
"She's in Wisconsin."
"I know, that's what a plane is for."
I was worried about how things were going. Sebastian took care of the situation. It was all his team that prepared it. I started to realize that he was not an ordinary person, that he was not just a bank employee, but he never said what he really said. did. Two days before the wedding, I was very nervous about how it all turned out, but what I was most worried about was not knowing who I was really marrying, so I decided to search for his name on the internet. As soon as I typed the first letters, Google already indicated it to those who were looking to know. I clicked on the name and my picture appeared along with it, and the caption read: The billionaire owner of the Financial American Bank and countless companies is engaged to be married to a young woman named Brenda Armani.
I was in shock. The photo showed a moment that we were leaving a show, but I hadn't seen any photographers there. I looked at other pictures and they all showed the two of us together and just talked about our wedding. I searched a little more and found a photo of him with a girl. She was beautiful. I read the caption: Sebastian Parker and his sister Sabrina Parker. I was surprised. He never said he had a sister. In fact, he never talked about his family. I read a few more things about him and went to sleep. The next day I would question him about all that.
The next day, I confronted him, and he told me a little about his family. I also found out that his sister had died in a car accident. I don't know if it was a coincidence, but she died at the same time as my brother and from the same thing, a car accident. The fact that he's a billionaire bothered me, but he said he didn't say anything because he didn't think it was relevant. I ended up accepting it and the next day we were married, and really that day, I knew that I was marrying a very important man. There were many photographers and TV people to cover the wedding.
That was the story of how I met him until the wedding. Throughout my story, I will tell you how our life was from the honeymoon until today.
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