Chapter 10
My fake name was said to be the Alpha's mate. I was still looking at the Alpha, but I looked down at the table staring at the dark red table cloth.
The girl next to me rolled her eyes and leaned back in her seat.
"What type of ugly name is Rebella?" She muttered to herself
I stopped looking at the table cloth and looked back up at the Alpha who was staring straight at me. His eyes were begging for me to come. I gulped and looked back down at the cloth.
What if someone recognizes me that I am Red? I thought to myself
Another girl whose table was closer to mines got up and straighted her dress and started walking up the stairs. Every step she took she was waving to the crowd and blowing kisses. Then the Alpha looked down and shook his head and said into the mic
"Sorry miss you aren't Rebella."
The women frowned and snapped back
"But she isn't going to come up. So just have me"
The Alpha rolled her eyes and the girl growled silently and went back to her seat. Someone then yelled
"You're making a scene!"
Sean chuckled a bit then took the mic and he said
"Rebella please come up don't be scared."
I gulped and got out of my seat and started walking towards the Alpha up the stairs and next to him. I looked down at the crowd. A lot of girls were whisperings things about me or just left because they were upset that they didn't win the Alpha's heart. Mostly the room was filled with the Ares Pack members.
Mason then scooted closer to me and looked up and me and smiled. He then mouthed "Are you alright?" I did a quick nod and continued smiling and looking at the crowd. Sean was saying something until he pointed the mic at me. I looked confused and he repeated the question again
"Would you like to say something?"
I quickly shook my head and he nodded and continued talking. I only heard the last words of his which were
"This is Alpha Mason's mate and our Luna, Rebella!" The crowd was clapping wildly.
He then stopped talking and started walking down the stairs and Mason too was walking down the stairs. I just followed them both. I started walking towards the exit and eyes widen when I saw Kyle in the house leaning on the wall.
"Kyle what the hell? How did you get in here?" I asked walking towards him
Kyle shrugged "I have my ways. I heard my little sister is the Alpha's mate."
I raised an eyebrow when he said sister, but stopped when I saw Mason next to me smiling. His tie was untied and his hands were in his Jacket Pockets. When Kyle saw him and smiled and extended his hand out.
"Hey I'm Jacob Marniez." Then he added in "Rebella is my little sister."
Mason slowly nodded and took his hand and introduced himself then let go.
Mason looked at the both of us and asked
"Would you like to stay at your place one more day or like to stay at mine right now"
I was about to Answer, but Kyle answered for me
"She would like to stay here. I brought her stuff." Kyle said with a smile
My eyes widen and I wanted to shake my head No. I didn't want to stay here over night I wanted to have one last night with Kyle. I looked at Mason and smiled
"Can I have a quick chat with my brother in private."
He nodded and went over to his mother. I looked at Kyle
"What the hell is with the sister and you want me to stay at this guys house!" I whispered in an angry tone
"Rebella, the sooner you are with him the sooner you could kîll him and we can all have fun after that. Also if I said something else he might believe that we are dating and stuff."
I nodded and rolled my eyes and sighed
"Jacob, I honestly don't think I am ready for this job. Like what if I fall in love with him."
Kyle rolled his eyes
"Rebella, I know you aren't and this mission involves a lot of acting and you are pretty good with it."
I nodded and Kyle went to get my bags. I walked over to the Alpha and his mother.
"I even looked at her and I was like yes she is going to be your mate." I heard the mother said.
The Alpha's mother looked at me and smiled
"Hello, sweetheart. I am so glad you were the one because everyone else looked like a fake Bitch that I would start a fight with."
The Alpha's eyes widen and muttered
"Mom, some of them are still here" he mumbled
She rolled her eyes and gave her drink to Mason and went back in the ballroom. Mason sighed and looked at the drink then looked behind me and I turned around. It was Kyle caring my bags and he looked like he was struggling with it too. It is not my fault I brought like half my weapon set for this one mission. He dropped the suitcase by me and smiled
"Well little sis I hope you have a lot of fun and enjoy time with your mate."
I smiled and rolled my eyes. He was actually good at acting as my older brother that is actually scaring me. His official talents are killing werewolves and acting. Wow.
Mason looked at both of us then asked
"Don't you want to say goodbye to your parents?"
"Oh they're dead ever since then Jacob has been raising me." I replied with a weak smile.
Mason nodded and took my bag which made me grab it too.
"Oh I am fine thank you."
I then hugged Kyle and whispered in his ear that I was going to text him everything and keep him updated. He nodded and then left just Mason and I.
I woke up and looked around. I wasn't no longer at the hotel room with Kyle, but my own room in Mason's house. It was a bit of an argument for me to get my own room, but with my skills on persuading people it worked.
I got up and placed my feet on the cold wooden floor and shivered a bit. I sniffed the air and it trigger my stomach to growl. Something was cooking downstairs and it smelled delious.
I then walked over to the Bathroom and got myself ready for the day. When I was all done I looked at myself and smiled and muttered
"Day 1 of the mission."
I walked out the bathroom and started digging through my overly packed with close, weapons, and other crap. I grab the first thing I saw which were denim jeans and a plain white short sleeves T-shirt. I quickly changed into it and went outside my room into a long Hallway.
I shut my door behind me and then started walking down the hallway. I finally made it to the staircase and started walking down. The closer and closer I got to the kitchen the better I smelt the delicious cooking and someone yelling.
I slowly walked into the kitchen and saw Mason's mother yelling into the phone. She looked up at me and then yelled
"I have to go, bye!"
She hung up the phone and smiled at me "Good morning, Bella."
I smiled back and muttered a Good morning to her. I saw that she was cooking a whole meal. She was baking Bacon, Eggs, Sausage, and Pancakes.
I looked around and nodded
"It smells good."
She smiled "Don't tell me, Mason made the Pancakes and stuff I just am making the scramble eggs."
"Awesome!" I replied looking around "So do you know where Mason is?"
"He is in his office doing Alpha work"
She then gave me a plate that was full of food
"Do you mind giving this to him? Everytime I call him he never comes."
I wanted to put down the plate and say "He can bring his lazy ass over here", but her smile was persuading and I also needed to get closer to the Alpha.
" Yea sure where is the office?"
She explained the directions to me and I followed them until I met french doors which I hesitantly knocked on.
"Come in" Mason said with an authority voice.
I slowly walked in and smiled
"Good morning Mason."
I put his plate down on his desk. He looked up at me and smiled
"Good morning beautiful and you didn't have too."
I pulled down my shirt so I was revealing more cleavage. I was trying to make him come closer to me for me to stab him with the knife I have in my pocket.
He didn't come closer her just stayed right in his chair and continued doing his paper work. I sighed and was Thinking about anything that could get his attention until a wonderful idea slipped out my mouth.
"Alright, How about we play a game so we get to know eachother more."
Hey guys! I am so sorry for the wait and how boring and long this chapter it. I sorta ran out of ideas and stuff so once again I'm sorry.
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