[Starstar is in a dark forest, searching for cats to join ClanStar.]
Starstar: [Loudly] Does anyone want to join ClanStarrrrrrr?
Random Cat: No
Starstar: Please?
Random Cat: No
Starstar: Please?
Random Cat: *Walks away*
Starstar: That was mean... [Loudly] WHO WANTS TO JOIN CLANSTARRRRR?
Random Cat: NO
[Starstar looks back at the random cat, hope filling her eyes]
Starstar: What's your name?
Random Cat: *regretting their choices* No... Bye...
Starstar: See you later, No!
Random Cat/No: ...
[Once again, Starstar begins calling for cats to join ClanStar]
[The bush rustles. Nothing happens.]
Starstar: HIIIIII
[A black cat jumps out, and lands in a battle position. She has a mask of leaves on, hiding her face.]
New Cat: *hisses*
Starstar: Hello! Want to join ClanStar?
New Cat: ...I'm in a hostile battle position, hissing, and you ask me to join your "ClanStar..?" That's a stupid plan, I don't know you, you don't know me, and I am about to kill you...
Starstar: And? I want to be friends!
New Cat: Why..?
Starstar: So I don't die! Plus friends are good!
New Cat: I suppose that's an... Ok excuse... But how do I benefit? Things get done here. Alone.
Starstar: Everything is good with friends! I'm Starstar! What's your name?
New Cat: Hollymask... Now, bye.
[Hollymask starts to walk away. A spider goes between Starstar's paws.]
[Starstar runs after Hollymask and starts shaking her. Hollymask's leaf mask falls off. Every thing pauses.]
Hollymask: ...
Starstar: ...
Hollymask: ...*glares*
Starstar: You're really pretty!
Hollymask: You have no more warnings after this. I suggest you run.
Starstar: Why?
Hollymask: *pounces, hissing, clawing, and generally trying to kill Starstar.*
Starstar: *dies*
Hollymask: Sure, I'll be your friend after I get my mask and you're dead. *Puts mask on again*
———In StarClan———
Creekfang: This is a stupid leader you chose to give lives to...
Creekwish: But, brother, Starstar has good intentions and a great wish!
Creekstream: There are many factors that contribute to a good leader. Good intentions and a great wish are only a few. Loyalty, intelligence, how they treat others, and how they handle situations are only a few other traits a leader should have. Popularity is also something that affects the leadership, as... *keeps talking*
Creekfang: NO, SHUT UP
Creekwish: Is that phrase allowed in StarClan?
Creekstream: There are many controversies about the phrase "shut up." Some argue that there are nicer, more "StarClan-like" ways of getting the message through. Other argue that it's used primarily as a playful joke. In fact...*continues talking*
[Starstar appears after loosing the life.]
Starstar: Hello! I'm so glad to see you guys!
Creekfang: *sighs*
Creekwish: Yes! Guess what! Every time you get a cat to be a friend, you can have another life!
Creekfang: wAIT, WHAT—
Creekstream: That isn't an intelligent idea. Seeing as it is more common to make friends or allies than die, most of the time, Starstar would become almost immortal. If Starstar knows that she is practically immortal...*keeps talking*
Creekfang: SHUT UP— *puts duct tape over Creekstream's muzzle*
Creekstream: *muffled protest*
Creekwish: Bye now!
[Before Starstar can get another word out, she is teleported away.]
Creekfang: Why'd you do that...
Creekwish: I dunno!
Creekfang: yOU NO GOOD—
———In The Living World———
Starstar: *revives* THANK YOU FOR BEING MY FRIEND!
Hollymask: Wait... What... Oh no...
[Starstar is looking at Hollymask with a happy smile.]
Starstar: Let's find more friends!
Hollymask: *sighs*
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