The war starts
When they came downstairs, Shoto was being far more protective of Izuku, practically glaring at everyone as the bean sat in his lap.
And everyone noticed.
Besides Izuku.
Though when Izuku got up to use the bathroom, Shindo followed after claiming he had to go too.
Shoto's anger wasn't at all transparent.
When Izuku and Shindo came back, the bean was giggling at Shindo, or maybe something he said. Though when they got to the table, Izuku didn't sit with Shoto this time.
The halfie ended up leaving in the middle of dinner after eating nothing as he got frustrated this Shindo dude could so easily replace him...
But not a minute after he got to his dorm the door opened to reveal Momo who was frowning to him.
"That dude getting you jealous?" She tried to make a joke but it didn't go over to well as Shoto gritted his teeth and looked away. "..hey." She said a bit softer. "Just let Izuku socialize, okay? He's still yours. Don't worry Todoroki."
"I know!" He snapped, then quieted. "But.. you didn't see what he did earlier before we came down for dinner... he blamed me for getting mad at him and "threatening his life" when Izuku woke up from his nap... and then he hugged Izuku and tried rubbing up against him- I just.. I already hate that dude.."
Momo frowned a little more. "..well hang around them and make sure he doesn't do anything. I don't think Izuku is going to fall for him for anything. He's set in stone for you."
" just kinda scared me how mad I can get.. like... well I felt blood lust for a few seconds when he was holding Izuku.. it was weird."
"Don't go killing anyone."
"That's not what I'm getting at!" He pouted a little. " was just out of character? Normally I don't get this mad, do I? I let Izuku talk to others and all that.. and I'm normally more level headed.."
Momo rested a hand on his shoulder. "Just go back downstairs and drag Izuku away, kay? If Shindo says anything I'll sic 'em."
Shoto chuckled and grinned wearily at her before standing with a nod. "Okay.."
When they went down stairs however, the two weren't in the main room or kitchen.
"..hey guys? Anyone see Izuku?" Momo asked.
"Yeah! He's with that new kid outside." Denki grinned at them before Shinso pulled him around the corner for.. something.
The gay best friends went outside to see what was up, which was just Izuku and Shindo staring at the sky, though Izuku looked a bit uncomfortable.
"Izuku?" The bean perked you and grinned when he saw Shoto and stood to run to him, nuzzling into his chest as his arms wrapped around his torso.
"Shocchan! Where'd you go during dinner? You stormed off.. are you okay?" He fussed, the halfie hugging him, walking him inside but not before giving the new and unwanted guest a nasty look.
"I'm fine Izu, as loving as you are~" Though that murderous emotion came crawling back to the back of his mind uncomfortably. He didn't know why considering Izuku was safe in his arms..
They got up to Izuku's dorm room, Izuku laying in the halfie's lap.
A look of unease crossed his face after a second or two. "I feel weird again.." he mumbled softly before he squirmed a little
" too if I'm being honest.. you're not the only one."
Izuku looked at him with wide, worried eyes, though Shoto kissed his forehead. "But I'm fine. I just need you to be okay too, okay bunny?"
Izuku blushed innocently at the nickname and nodded with hesitance, but gave a smile.
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