Summer Swimming
-------|Izuku POV|--------
"We'll be careful, Dad." Shinso calmed their over reacting father for the sixtieth time that day.
"If Izuku gets uncomfortable you need to bring him back, ok?" Aizawa pushed, nervous out of his mind.
"Yeah, Yeah, we know." Shinso blew a raspberry.
The reason for today's Dadzawa mode is because Iida sent out an invite to everyone in the class to go to the school pool. Shinso wanted to go, Izuku also, but he more or less wanted to watch, still slightly uncomfortable showing all his scars. The main reason for him going was unknown, though Izuku knew exactly what he was looking for--a shirtless Todoroki...
But they didn't need to know that.
{ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° ) }
"Izuku, are you sure you want to go?" Aizawa asked again, in response he got an gleeful nod from Izuku. He sighed, seeing how excited Izuku was **snort**, he couldn't possibly hold them back, "I guess," They cheered, well, Izuku jumped up and down excitedly while Shinso cheered, "But! I will be picking you up at 6:00 sharp!" It was two hours till, so they had plenty of time to have fun.
They drove to UA, it worked out because both Aizawa and Hizashi had some papers to grade, they could do it in the teachers lounge. Quirks were also aloud, (un)fortunately Aizawa made sure to let everyone know Kaminari's quirk was prohibited in the water. When they arrived Shinso was already in his swimsuit while Izuku wore his normal cloths and sunglasses, though Aizawa had him bring an extra swimsuit in his bag just in case he wanted to go into the water. He also made him pack water, sunscreen, extra cloths, snacks, a first aid kit, gummy bears, and some more things... just in case.
And then made Shinso carry it.
"Oh hey! Everyone came!" Iida exclaimed with his arm motions, almost taking out Kaminari who was staring at Shinso with slight drool. Mina came up and nudged him, whispering something that made him break out in blush and yelling loud denials. Hmmmmmmmm... Wonder what she could have said?
Izuku went and sat down on a pool bench, looking around to search for a certain half and half. Iida said everyone was here, so he must be here somewhere. Izuku noticed a cooler of drinks and a pizza on the side of the pool, he wonders who brought those... probably Iida... or Momo. Then Izuku saw him, making sure to keep him reactions in check. He wasn't facing Izuku's way, but his body was... DAAAAAAAMN. Those toned abs tho. And holly mother of Jesus, an eight pack. Izuku had to look away before he got a bloody nose.
He felt the tips of his ears grow hot, but he made sure to contain his composure on the out side to the best of his abilities. Izuku was in the midst of internal gay panic and didn't notice Todoroki starting to walk over to him, so when he looked over to respond to the person that taped his shoulder and got a view of those beautiful abs right up in his face he-
Izuku.exe has stopped working.
"Deku, are you not getting in?" Todoroki obliviously asked, unaware on how frozen he is. Shinso actually noticed and walked over to them, waving his hand in front of Izuku's face.
"You broke him." Was the only thing he said before he walked away.
"I what?"
He sent one glance at Izuku before chasing after Shinso, that's when the reboot started. But there was still a couple seconds before he was back up and running. Automatically his self control dissolved and his face became bright red in a second, he quickly buried his face into his knees and silently squealed.
Little did Izuku know Mina recorded the whole interaction... and then made a chat of everyone in the class besides Izuku and Todorkoi to send it out to. She labeled the name 'TodoDeku' and started giggling as all the phone's had notifications at the same time. Everyone paused, then saw Mina laughing and continued having fun in the water knowing it couldn't have been that important.
It was all fun and games, ball, water fights that resulted in Kaminari on Shinso's shoulder's (both of then blushing madly) and Kirishima on Bakugo's shoulder's (also both of them blushing madly) getting serious and resulted in sending tsunamis to each other. Though, Izuku soon fell bored of just watching, he didn't know how to swim either. He suddenly got an idea.
Izuku walked to the edge of the pool, flagging down his brother. Both him and Kaminari came over, "You ok Deku?"
Izuku giggled slightly on how cute they were together, "You should do a race!" It was an excited whisper, they both grinned and agreed quickly and called everyone together telling them of Izuku's idea; everyone also cheered in agreement. Ground rules were: quirks allowed, you have to be completely submerged under water at least once (Bakugo, Todoroki), and Tsu's score didn't count--her basically being a frog and all. Everyone quickly got excited and eventually placed bets much against Iida's liking, Izuku's bet won... being Todoroki.
After some more time Izuku was bored again. He hadn't actually ever been in a pool or a body of water in general besides a bathtub, so he was curious to know what it felt like to swim around.
Izuku grabbed his bag, fishing out the swimsuit and quietly left the area to change. Todoroki noticed and told Shinso who nodded with a smile, glad his brother is opening up a bit, but at the same time doesn't fail to notice that Todoroki automatically saw him leave; was he staring? At the cinnamon roll Deku, his BROTHER? If Dad knew this, Todorkoi would probably be smacked, but Shinso let it slide. He was pretty sure Izuku had a crush on the Canadian Flag anyway.
Izuku decided to not wear his shirt, and you might not think it but he actually has a six pack. His time with the villains wasn't fun in the slightest, but they actually trained him at one point. It was harsh, but he picked up a more easy going training at UA afterwards so he still had muscle. Maybe you're surprised because of such a small, adorable thing having abs, but he has his secrets too. His scars were still disturbing to say the least... he normally goes into a bathroom stall to change in the boys locker room for hero training so no one really sees them but he's warmed up to the class enough that he trusts them to not have too much judgement. Not even Shinso has seen him without his shirt on... so this will slightly be the "big reveal." And not one that he necessarily wanted either, still he started walking back to the pool area.
When Izuku walked back into the commotion it stopped briefly. Everyone's eyes were on him, making him slightly feel uncomfortable. He offered a small, uncomfortable wave.
"Oh my goodness..." Mina gasped running over to Izuku. Were his scars really that ugly? "YOU HAVE A SIX PACK???" Wait what.
She started hopping around shouting nonsense about a bunny secretly being hella muscular. Izuku personally thinks she was the bunny from all her jumping around. "I DON'T THINK EVEN HALF THE CLASS HAS A SIX PACK AND HERE THE SOFTEST PERSON IN THE WORLD IS RIPPED?"
Everything from there picked up again. Shinso forced Izuku to only walk around in the shallow end, luckily no one commented on his scars.
'Wait! Todoroki will see them, he'll think I'm gross-' Suddenly dread washed over Izuku at these thoughts, he looked up and around only to see Todo swimming towards him with a slight blush on his cheeks.
"So you did get in the water." Was his first remark, his voice was light and happy. No disgust in it which aslo made Izuku happy.
"Yeah, but I don't know how to swim." Izuku found himself quietly responding. Todo looked surprised that he spoke, even Izuku was surprised. He didn't mean to talk.
"You have a six pack and don't know how to swim?" Todo laughed slightly, it was like music to Izuku's ears. "I'll teach you if you want."
That's how time passed, Mina getting several "TodoDeku pictures," as she calls them. Todoroki and Izuku were both glad he got in, they had so much fun that they failed to notice an overprotective brother glaring at Todo every second he got.
"You ok, dude?" Kaminari asked, looking at Shinso sideways. Oh god that was adorable- wait, gay thoughts fuck off.
"Yeah I'm fine, sorry." From then on Shinso made sure to pay attention to his b--Uh, friend. Bakugo and Kirishima challenged Todoroki and Izuku to a water fight, they accepted with glee. Though, he did get startled when Todo suddenly picked him up, causing Shinso to literally growl. Kaminari followed his gaze and saw the TodoDeku happening, realizing why he was upset and let out an "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..."
Soon it was six, though both of the Aizawa boys didn't notice. Aizawa came to collect his problem children only to see how happy they were; all the ships- **cough** students chose someone to pair up with, the stronger were carrying the other on their shoulders and they were all fighting and laughing crazily. Aizawa saw how much happiness Izuku was radiating, which was more than all the times he's seen since Izuku bumped into his life, and Shinso also grinning ear to ear. Though his dad side saw who their pairs were with and went "Hell no."
Recollecting himself, Aizawa decided to let them be, returning to the staff room to complain to his husband.
"Zachi~~" Aizawa said as he slumped onto the table, "Our boys are growing too fast." Hizashi was surprised he was complaining about this.
"Who are you and what happened?" Hizashi laughed, looking down at Aizawa with a smile.
"I'm 90% sure that I have two boy's to kill." Was the response he got, which frankly answered nothing. Then something clicked.
"Omg, do they like people." Hizashi gasped, "ARE OUR BOYS GAY TOO?" He started squealing like a fangirl.
"Zachi shut up." Aizawa groaned.
"But Shouta! Our boys are obviously in love if you noticed something."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Nemuri (Midnight) literally had to tell you that you liked me in high school."
"Wait how do you know that."
"I have my ways."
{1752 words}
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